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Canada is a big place. The west coast of Canada was not reached overland
by European explorers until 1793, almost 400 years after they first found
Newfoundland. Who were these men who journeyed so far? Why did they go on the
journey? You will be doing a brief biography on an explorer of Canada by answering
the following questions. Choose an explorer and answer the questions using the
computer provided (this will be uploaded to your website). Use the internet and the
textbook pgs 86-113.

Alexander Mackenzie
Simon Fraser
David Thompson

Lewis and Clark

James Cook
George Vancouver

1. Who? Who was your explorer? Give a brief personal history.

Simon Fraser. He was a Scottish fur trader and explorer. He was

employed by the Montreal-based North West Company. He
explored the Fraser River in 1808 and established permanent
settlements after 1812.
2. What? What were the Hudsons Bay Company and the Northwest Company?
Give a short history of the two companies.

The Hudsons Bay and Northwest Company are both 2 old

companies in Canada. The Hudsons bay Company was
incorporated by English Royal Charter in 1670 as the Governor
and Company of Adventurers of England trading into Hudsons
Bay. It granted trade rights over all of Ruperts Land. It is one
of the longest lasting company in the world. The Northwest
Company was a fur trading business headquartered in Montreal
from 1779 to 1821.


Where? Where did this explorer explore? Give an explanation of the route taken
and show the route on the map provided.

Simon Fraser explored Fraser River in BC.

4. When? When did the explorer explore?

He explore the Fraser River in 1808

5. Why? Why did the explorer end up in western Canada? What was the purpose
of the trip?

Fraser wanted to extensive the companys activities to the land

west of the Rocky Mountain and established the trading relation
with Indian.
6. How? How was the explorer able to make it to the west coast? What technology
was used? An explanation of the technology is required.
The explorer used sextant.


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