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Live Play Oral Review

Liuel Tibebe
Leo Webber
Green Group Q3-Q4
Liuel: Choir Boy, is an interesting story about young African American students at
a prep school who are trying to accept the individual personalities of themselves and
their peers. This play challenges bullying and homophobia as well as the struggle for
one to be accepted by others.
Leo: The main character Pherris Young is clearly gay, and almost everyone in the
play treats him differently from the other students because of that. He is trying to
overcome the barriers of his sexuality and fit in at an all boys school, as head of the
Liuel: In the play the actors body language and facial expressions was a large
factor in showing emotional subtext. Pherris, played by Jelani Alladin, often uses his
body language and his tone of voice well to show his emotion.
Leo: His facial expressions were also used very well in showing emotional
subtext. The other actors also give good performances, particularly Anthony, Pherris
roommate, played by Jaysen Wright.
Liuel: The production design and costumes are impressive. All of the scenes take
place with the same back-drop, which looks nice, but is slightly distracting as the scenes
are meant to take place in different locations.
Leo: The backdrop works well for certain scenes, like the shower scenes or the
scenes in Pherris and Anthony's room, but doesn't work well for scenes in other
locations. The costumes are basic prep-school attire, which obviously works well for the
play, but isnt anything amazing.The main appeal of the play is arguably the music.
Liuel: All of the songs are sung very well by the actors, particularly in one scene,
where the headmaster of the school, who had not yet sung during the play, showed off
his tremendous voice in a surprising scene. The songs also work well with the tone of
the play, as they are soulful and often moving.

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