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Since ancient times human kind relied mostly on animals to ensure survival and

make a living. Further in man`s evolution some animals such as dogs or cats
became trustworthy companions or guardians wich would be the first to take a bullet
for you.
Despite theese facts some people tend to show extreme cruelty to animals making
them fight suchs as dog or ruster fights, or hunt them down to the very last one of
their species for thei own benefit or desire to have precious trofees. On the other
hand cruelty towards animals is shown indirectly by poluating the air, water and soil
by dumping all kinds of toxins
I think we, the humans as the most inteligent species on Earth should find solutions
to overcome the animal massacre that is happening theese days because we are not
alone on this planet and we should look after our "necuvantatori" neighbours. Wee
need animals, they are a part of Earths life.
As measure to stop cruelty against animals people should build shelter for stray
animals and punnish harder the ones who make animals fight or illegaly hunt them..
Also, they should make international programs to stop the mass poluation. Another
measure that should be took is to higher the security on national parks so that the
wild life would`nt be threatened by humans and thrive
If only theese things would be realised our planet would be a way much better place
to live. We should make up a better living alongside our animal neighbours

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