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List of treaties
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This list of treaties contains known historic agreements, pacts, peaces, and
major contracts between states, armies, governments, and tribal groups.

1 Before AD 1200
2 12001299
3 13001399
4 14001499
The oldest known
surviving peace treaty in
the world, the RamsesHattusili Treaty preserved
at the Temple of Amun in

5 15001599
6 16001699
7 17001799
8 18001899
9 19001999
10 2000current
11 Pending
12 Footnotes

Before AD 1200


(Lagash and
c. 2100
Umma of

Border agreement between the rulers of the city-states of Lagash and Umma in
Mesopotamia, inscribed on a stone block, setting a proscribed boundary between
their two states.[1]

EgyptianHittite Treaty between the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II and the Hittite monarch Hattusili
1283 BC peace treaty
III after the Battle of Kadesh.[2][3]
c. 493 Foedus

Ends the war between the Roman Republic and the Latin League.

c. 450
Peace of Callias Ends the Persian Wars.
445 BC

Thirty Years'

Ends the First Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta.

421 BC Peace of Nicias Athens and Sparta end the first phase of the Peloponnesian War.
387 BC

Peace of

Sets the boundaries of Greek and Persian territory.

Treaty of



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241 BC Lutatius

Ends the First Punic War.

226 BC Ebro Treaty

Establishes the Ebro River in Iberia as the boundary line between the Roman
Republic and Carthage.

215 BC Carthaginian

Establishes an anti-Roman alliance between Philip V of Macedon and Hannibal of


205 BC

Treaty of

Ends the First Macedonian War.

196 BC

Treaty of

Ends the Second Macedonian War.

188 BC

Treaty of

Between the Roman Republic and Antiochus III (the Great), ruler of the Seleucid

161 BC

Establishes friendship between Judas Maccabeus and the Roman Republic.

85 BC

Treaty of

Ends the First Mithridatic War.


Peace of

Between the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire and the Sassanian Persian


The Eternal

Between the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire and the Sassanian Persian


The Fifty-Year

Between the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire and the Sassanian Persian


Treaty of

Between Frankish rulers Guntram and Brunhilda; Guntram adopts Brunhilda's son
Childebert II.


Treaty of

Between Muslims and the Quraish.


Ili River Treaty

Between Eastern Turks and the Western Turks (Onok).


The Bakt

Between Nubia and Egypt.


Treaty of

Establishes a dhimmi over the Christian inhabitants of Orihuela.


Officially ends the Battle of Anchialus and establishes the borders between
Bulgarian Treaty
Byzantium and the Bulgarian Empire.
of 716


Pax Nicephori

Peace between Charlemagne and the Byzantine Empire; recognizes Venice as

Byzantine territory.


Treaty of

Sets the southern boundary of Denmark at the Eider River.


Ends prolonged series of conflicts between the Bulgarian Empire and the
Bulgarian Treaty
Byzantine Empire in Bulgarian favour.
of 815



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Pactum Sicardi Peace between the Duchy of Naples and the Principality of Salerno under Sicard.


Treaty of

Partitions the Carolingian Empire.


Treaty of

Further partitions the Carolingian Empire.



Treaty of Alfred
Between Alfred of Wessex and Guthrum, the Viking ruler of East Anglia.
and Guthrum
Regulates the status of the colony of Rus' merchants in Constantinople.
Treaty (907)
Between the Byzantine Empire and Kievan Rus'.
Treaty (911)
Treaty of SaintCharles the Simple grants Normandy to Rollo.


Treaty of Bonn West Francia and East Francia both recognize each other.


Between the Byzantine Empire and Kievan Rus'.
Treaty (945)


Peace of

Between Holy Roman Emperor Henry II and Duke Bolesaw I the Brave of



Establishes relations between the Northern Song and Liao Dynasties.


Peace of

Between Holy Roman Emperor Henry II and Duke Bolesaw I the Brave of


Peace of

Between Holy Roman Emperor Henry II and Duke Bolesaw I the Brave of


Peace of

Between Holy Roman Emperor Conrad II and Duke Mieszko II of Poland.


Peace of

Between Holy Roman Emperor Conrad II and Duke Mieszko II of Poland.


Treaty of Melfi Pope Nicholas II recognizes Norman influence in southern Italy.


Treaty of


Byzantium grants trade concessions to Venice in return for military aid against the
Venetian Treaty
of 1082


Treaty of Caen


Treaty of Alton Robert Curthose recognizes Henry I as King of England.


Treaty of Devol The Principality of Antioch becomes a nominal vassal of the Byzantine Empire.



Pope Gregory VII establishes an alliance with Robert Guiscard and recognizes his

Ends rivalry between William II of England and Duke Robert Curthose of


Between Pope Callixtus II and Holy Roman Emperor Henry V, Holy Roman




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The crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem allies with Venice.


Treaty of

Roger II of Sicily recognised as king by the legitimate Pope Innocent II.


Treaty of

Ends conflicts between the Jin Dynasty and Southern Song Dynasty.


Treaty of

Recognises Portuguese independence from the Kingdom of Len.


Treaty of

Recognises the conquests of the Crown of Aragon south of the Jcar and
recognises future conquests in Murcia.

Treaty of

Officially ends The Anarchy between Empress Matilda and her cousin Stephen of

Treaty of

Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor, and Pope Eugene III agree to defend Italy
against Manuel I Comnenus.


Treaty of

Peace between the Papacy and the Kingdom of Sicily.


Treaty of
Between Sancho III of Castile and Ferdinand II of Len.
Sahagn (1158)


Treaty of
Between Alfonso VIII of Castile and Alfonso II of Aragon.
Sahagn (1170)


Treaty of
Between King Henry II of England and the last High King of Ireland, Rory
Windsor (1175) O'Connor during Norman expansion in Ireland.


Treaty of

Peace between the Papacy, the Lombard League, the Kingdom of Sicily, and the
Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick Barbarossa.


Treaty of

Defines the zones of conquest in Andalusia between Aragon and Castile.


Peace of

Peace between the Lombard League and the Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick
Barbarossa. Reaffirms the Peace of Venice.


Treaty of Jaffa

Ends the Third Crusade.





Treaty of Le

John of England and Philip II of France make peace. Marriage between Blanche of
Castile and Louis VIII of France.

1204 Partitio terrarum Agreement between the participants of the Fourth Crusade on the division of the
imperii Romaniae Byzantine Empire. Establishment of the Latin Empire
1209 Treaty of Speyer

Golden Bull of

Otto IV renounces the Concordat of Worms.

Determines the rights and duties of the Bohemian monarchs.



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1214 Treaty of

Establishes peace between the Nicaean Empire and the Latin Empire.

1215 Magna Carta

Between King John of England and his barons.

1217 Treaty of Lambeth Between Louis VIII of France and Henry III of England.
Treaty with the
1220 Princes of the

Between Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II and German bishops.


Golden Charter of
Establishes Bern as an independent state.


NicaeanVenetian Grants Venetians freedom of trade and duty-free imports throughout the Nicaean
Treaty of 1219
Empire in exchange for non-support for the Latin Empire.


Golden Bull of

Andrew II of Hungary grants Hungarian nobles the power to disobey the king
when he acted contrary to the law.

Treaty of Melun

Forces the counts of Flanders to swear fealty to the French crown.

1226 Golden Bull of


Resolves disputes over Chemno Land.

Treaty of Paris

Officially ends the Albigensian Crusade.

Treaty of San

Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II restores Sicily to Pope Gregory IX.



Treaty of Ceprano Establishes lines of reconciliation between Pope Gregory IX and Holy Roman
Emperor Frederick II.
Treaty of

Konrad I of Masovia grants Chemno Land to the Prussians and the Order of


Golden Bull of

Recognizes Kulmerland (Chemno Land) as subject to the Pope's authority and not
as a fief belonging to anyone.


Treaty of

The Margraviate of Brandenburg gains most of the territory and the right of
succession for Pomerania-Demmin.

1237 Treaty of York


A feudal agreement between Henry III of England and Alexander III of Scotland.

Treaty of

Establishes the borders of the Kingdom of Valencia.

Treaty of Jtiva

Permits the Moors of Spain to hold on to the Castle of Jtiva for two years before
relinquishing it to King James I of Aragon.

1245 Al-Azraq Treaty

Between the King James I of Aragon and the Muslim commander Mohammad
Abu Abdallah Ben Hudzail al Sahuir.

Treaty of

Establishes peace between the pagan Prussian clans and the Teutonic Knights.

Treaty of Ldse

Prevents mutual hostility between the Kingdom of Sweden and the Kingdom of
Norway from escalating into war.



Treaty of Landin

Succession of Pomerania-Demmin: The Margraviate of Brandenburg's rights are



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dropped in favour of Pomerania-Stettin

Treaty of Corbeil Establishes a border between France and the Crown of Aragon.
1258 Provisions of

Between King Henry III, of England and his Barons. Established a permanent
baronial council / Parliament.

1259 Treaty of Paris[15] Between Louis IX of France and Henry III of England.

Treaty of

A trade and defense pact between the Nicaean Empire and the Republic of

1262 Old Covenant

Between the major chieftains of Iceland and Haakon IV of Norway. The signing
brought about the union of Iceland with Norway

1265 Treaty of Pipton

Established alliance between Prince Llywelyn ap Gruffudd of Wales and Simon de

Montford during the Second Barons' War.


Dictum of

Ends hostilities between the supporters of Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester
and Henry III of England; comes into effect in 1267.

Treaty of Perth

Terms of sovereignty over the Western Isles, the Isle of Man, and the Northern
Isles agreed between Norway and Scotland.

Treaty of Badajoz

King Alfonso X and King Afonso III agree to use the Guadiana River as the
boundary line separating Castile and Portugal.

1267 Treaty of

Henry III of England acknowledges Llywelyn ap Gruffudd's title as the 'Prince of


Treaty of Viterbo Grants Charles I of Anjou claims to the defunct Latin Empire.

Peace of

Ends war between Bohemia and Hungary.


Treaty of

Between King Edward I of England and Llewelyn the Last of Wales.

1281 Treaty of Orvieto

Between Charles I of Sicily, the Republic of Venice, and Philip of Courtenay;

attempts to recover the Latin Empire.

Treaty of

Duke Rudolph II of Austria surrenders power to his older brother Albert I of


Rostock Peace

Between 8 Hanseatic towns in the Baltic region, the dukes of Saxony and
Pomerania, the prince of Rgen, the lords of Schwerin and Dannenberg and the
nobility of Rostock.


Attempts to end competing claims between the House of Balliol and the House of
Treaty of Birgham
Bruce for the Scottish throne; never comes into effect.


Treaty of

Ends the Aragonese Crusade.

Auld Alliance

Scotland and France forge the first treaty of mutual self-defense against England.

Treaty of Anagni

Reaffirms the Treaty of Tarascon, but fails to diplomatically settle the Sicilian





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Peace of

1303 Treaty of Paris


Treaty of

Ends the War of the Sicilian Vespers.
Restores Gascony to England from France during the Hundred Years' War.
Brought peace to Castile and Aragon and divided up the Kingdom of Murcia between

Treaty of Athis- France acquires the cities of Lille, Douai, and Bthune and Flanders retains its
1305 sur-Orge
Treaty of Elche Modifies the Treaty of Torrellas and grants Cartagena to Castile.

Treaty of Soldin The Teutonic Order purchases from Margrave Waldemar of Brandenburg-Stendal the
rights to Pomerelia and Danzig (Gdask).


Treaty of

Treaty of
1323 Nteborg


Ascanians surrender the territories of Schlawe-Stolp to the Pomeranians.

Sets the boundary between Sweden and Novgorod Republic.

Treaty of Paris

Count Louis of Flanders relinquishes Flemish claims over Zeeland.

Treaty of

Renews the Auld Alliance between France and Scotland.

Treaty of

End decades of border skirmishes at the border of Norway and Novgorod Republic.

Treaty of
1328 Edinburgh

Between Edward III of England and the Scots.

Treaty of Pavia
1329 (1329)
Between Louis IV, Holy Roman Emperor and his nephews.

Declaration of

German princes elect German kings without the consent of the Papacy.


Truce of

Between the English and French crowns during the Hundred Years' War.


Treaty of Kalisz
Between King Casimir III the Great of Poland and the Teutonic Knights.

Treaty of
1354 (1354)


Settles border disputes between the duchies of Mecklenburg and Pomerania.

Treaty of

First peace between Charles II of Navarre and John II of France.

Treaty of

Second peace between Charles II of Navarre and John II of France.

Treaty of Paris

Recognizes the annexation of the Barony of Gex by the county of Savoy.



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1358 Treaty of Zadar The Republic of Venice loses influence over territories in Dalmatia.
Treaty of
1359 London

Treaty of

Cedes western France to England; repudiated by the Estates-General in Paris.

Ends the first phase of the Hundred Years' War.

Treaty of
1370 Stralsund

Ends the war between the Hanseatic League and Denmark.

Treaty of
1371 VincennesEdinburgh

Renewal of the Auld Alliance between the Kingdoms of France and Scotland.

Anglo1373 Portuguese
Treaty of 1373

Treaty of alliance between King Edward III of England and King Ferdinand I and
Queen Eleanor of Portugal; it is the oldest treaty still in force.

Treaty of
1379 Neuberg

Divides Habsburg lands between Dukes Albert III and Leopold III.


Treaty of

Treaty of

Jogaila signs a secret peace treaty with the Teutonic Knights against Kstutis.
Jogaila promises to convert the Grand Duchy of Lithuania to Christianity, cede
Samogitia, and establish a four-year alliance with the Teutonic Knights; never comes
into effect.


Union of


Treaty of
Renews the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance.
Windsor (1386)

Treaty of
1390 Knigsberg

Establishes a dynastic union between Poland and Lithuania.

Establishes alliance between Vytautas the Great and the Teutonic Order.


Treaty of

Establishes the Kalmar Union; becomes null and void in 1523.


Treaty of

Vytautas the Great cedes Samogitia to the Teutonic Knights.





Pact of Vilnius
Reaffirms the Union of Krewo and grants autonomy to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
and Radom


First Peace of
Ends the PolishLithuanianTeutonic War.



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1412 Treaty of

of Caspe

1412 Treaty of 1412


Union of

Between Wadysaw II of Poland and Sigismund of Luxemburg, king of Hungary.

Between the crowns of Aragon and Castile, ensuring the access of the royal House of
Trastmara to the Aragonese crown, thus eventually uniting Spain.
Signed by the Swiss Confederation and Frederick IV, Duke of Austria, broken after 2
years by the Swiss.
Reaffirms the Union of Krewo and the Pact of Vilnius and Radom; permits Lithuania to
have a separate Grand Duke and parliament.

Maritime trade rights to Republic of Venice
maritime treaty

Treaty of

Treaty of

Attempt to pass the French throne to England.

The Teutonic Knights relinquish Nieszawa to Poland and all claims to Samogitia and
northern Lithuania to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Poland renounces claims to
Pomerelia, Culmerland, and the Michelauer Land east of Culmerland.


Edict of

Outlaws Hussitism in the Kingdom of Poland.


Treaty of

Ends hostilities between England and Flanders.

Treaty of
1431 Medina del
Peace between Portugal and Castile; ratified in Almeirim in 1432.
Campo (1431)
Union of
1432 Grodno

Truce of

1435 Treaty of
Arras (1435)
Peace of
Treaty of
1441 Copenhagen

Reinforces the PolishLithuanian union.

Mitigates hostilities in the PolishTeutonic War (143135) between the Kingdom of
Poland and the Teutonic Order in czyca.
Reconciles a longstanding feud between King Charles VII of France and Philip, Duke
of Burgundy.
Ends the PolishTeutonic War (143135).

Christopher of Bavaria crushed a great peasant rebellion in Northern Jutland; Baltic Sea
is opened to Dutch traders.


Treaty of

Between the Joseon dynasty and S Clan (lord of Tsushima Island); controls Japanese
piracy and legitimizes trade between Tsushima Island and a Korean port.


Peace of

Between the Kingdom of Hungary and the Ottoman Empire.

Treaty of



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1454 Lodi[28]

Peace between Milan, Florence and Venice.

Treaty of Clln State of the Teutonic Order pawns Neumark to Electorate of Brandenburg

Treaty of

State of the Teutonic Order sells Neumark to Electorate of Brandenburg


Treaty of

Establishes peace between Vasili II and the people of Novgorod.

1460 Treaty of Ribe Defines status of Schleswig and Holstein.

Treaty of
1462 Westminster

Divides Scotland between King Edward IV of England and the Earl of Douglas.


Treaty of York
Aligns James III of Scotland with Yorkist England


Treaty of

Officially ends the Guerre folle (Mad War).

Second Peace
of Thorn
Ends the Thirteen Years' War between Poland and the Teutonic Knights.
1466 (1466)
Treaty of
Duchy of Pomerania becomes a nominal fief of the Electorate of Brandenburg.
Soldin (1466) Implementation failed, war ensued.
Treaty of
1468 Pronne

Between Duke Charles I of Burgundy and King Louis XI of France.


Treaty of


Treaty of
Ends the Anglo-Hanseatic War between England and the Hanseatic League led by
Utrecht (1474) Lbeck and Danzig.


Treaty of


Treaty of Brno Divides Bohemian territories between Ladislaus II of Bohemia and Hungary and
Matthias Corvinus.

1479 Peace of

Declares Albert III, Elector of Brandenburg, ruler of PomeraniaStettin.

Louis XI pays Edward IV to stay in England and not pursue his claim to the French

Ratifies the Treaty of Brno (1478).

Treaty of
Between the Kingdom of Castile and Portugal; ends the Castilian Civil War begun in
Treaty of
Constantinople Officially ends the fifteen-year war between Venice and the Ottoman Empire.
1482 Treaty of

Edward IV of England undertook to place the Duke of Albany on his brother's throne
of Scotland.

Treaty of



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Arras (1482)

Between King Louis XI of France and the governments of the Low Countries.

Treaty of

Count Eberhard V reunites the divided county of Wrttemberg and declares it



Treaty of

Ends the War of Ferrara (14821484) between Ercole d'Este I and Pope Sixtus IV
along with his Venetian allies.


Treaty of

Divides Saxony between Ernest, Elector of Saxony and Albert, Duke of Saxony.


Treaty of

Duke Francis I of Brittany becomes a vassal of King Charles VIII of France.

1489 Treaty of
Medina del
Primarily a marriage contract between Arthur Tudor and Catherine of Aragon.
Campo (1489)
Treaty of

Between Maximilian of Austria and the envoys of King Charles VIII of France.

Treaty of

Establishes an alliance between Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I and King Henry VII
of England.

Treaty of

Henry VII of England grants Lord Daubeney of Brittany 6000 English troops.

1490 Treaty of

Between King Henry VII of England, and Queen Isabella I of Castile and King
Ferdinand II of Aragon, by Ambassador in London, Dr Rodrigo Gonzalez de la Puebla;
for the marriage of Catherine of Aragon to Arthur, Prince of Wales

1491 Peace of

Defines the future succession of the Austrian and Hungarian kingdoms.


Treaty of

Relinquishes the sovereignty of the Moorish Kingdom of Granada to Spain.

Peace of

Ends war between England and France.

1493 Treaty of

France cedes Roussillon and Cerdagne to Spain in return for Spanish neutrality during
its war with Italy.

Treaty of

France cedes the Duchy of Burgundy, the County of Artois, Picardy and the Low
Countries to the House of Habsburg.

Treaty of

preliminary end to the Brandenburg-Pomeranian conflict


Treaty of

Divides the world between Spain and Portugal.



Resolves some trade wars between England and the Netherlands.



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1497 Treaty of

Treaty of
Basel (1499)

Seven year peace between England and Scotland under the arbitration of Ferdinand
and Isabella of Spain.
Concludes the Swabian War fought between the Swabian League and the Old Swiss




1500 Treaty of Granada

King Ferdinand II of Aragon agrees to support French claims over the

Kingdom of Naples.

1501 Treaty of Trente

Austria recognises all French conquests in northern Italy.


Treaty of Perpetual

1504 Treaty of Blois

Treaty of Lyons

Ends hostilities between England and Scotland; void in 1513.

Temporarily halts the Italian Wars.
Louis XII of France cedes Naples to Ferdinand II of Aragon.

1511 Treaty of Westminster

Treaty of alliance between Henry VIII of England and Ferdinand II of Aragon

against France.

1516 Peace of Noyon

Divides Italy between France and Spain.

1517 Treaty of Rouen

Attempts to renew the Auld Alliance.

1518 Treaty of London

Establishes a non-aggression pact between France, England, Holy Roman

Empire, the Papacy, Spain, Burgundy and the Netherlands.

1522 Treaty of Windsor

Between Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and Henry VIII of England; its
main clause was the invasion of France.

1524 Treaty of Malm

Ends the Swedish War of Liberation.

1526 Treaty of Hampton


Establishes peace between France and England.

Treaty of Madrid

Temporarily ends French interests in Italy.

Alliance treaty between Ending effective Savoy dynasty rule over Geneva. Geneva became part of the
Geneva, Berne and
Swiss confederation The treaty was concluded on February 20 and ratified on
March 12, 1526
Treaty of Berwick

Three year peace agreement between Scotland and England.

1527 Treaty of Westminster

Treaty of alliance between King Henry VIII of England and King Francis I of
France against King Charles V of Spain.

1528 Treaty of Gorinchem

Between Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and Duke Charles of Guelders.


Treaty of Barcelona

Francis I, returns the Franche-Comt and promises to return the Duchy of


Treaty of Cambrai

Also known as the Paix des Dames (Ladies' Peace).

Treaty of Saragossa

Specifies the anti-meridian line of demarcation between Spanish and

Portuguese imperial territories.

Treaty of Grimnitz

House of Hohenzollern and House of Pomerania agree on legal status and



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succession in the Duchy of Pomerania


Treaty of

Ends hostilities between the Ottoman Empire and the Archduchy of Austria.

1534 Treaty of Bassein

Sultan Bahadur of Gujarat cedes the Mumbai Islands and other territories to
the Portuguese Empire.

1537 Treaty of Novgorod

Russo-Swedish truce


Treaty of

Recognizes John Zpolya as the king of Hungary while Ferdinand I, Holy

Roman Emperor retains the western parts of the Hungarian Kingdom.


First Treaty of

Between DenmarkNorway and Sweden.

1543 Treaty of
Treaty of Venlo
1544 Treaty of Speyer



Duke Wilhelm of Jlich-Cleves-Berg cedes the territory of Guelders and the

county of Zutphen to Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.
Establishes peace between Denmark and the Holy Roman Empire.

Treaty of Crpy

Holy Roman Emperor Charles V relinquishes his claim to the Duchy of

Burgundy and Francis I of France surrenders his claim to the Kingdom of

Treaty of

Declares Archduke Ferdinand of Austria king of Hungary and Transylvania.

Peace of Passau

Holy Roman Emperor Charles V guarantees Lutheran religious freedoms to


Treaty of Chambord

Maurice of Saxony cedes Toul, Verdun, and Metz to Henry II of France.

Peace of Augsburg

Between Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and the forces of the Schmalkaldic

Treaty of Amasya

Ends the war between Ottoman Turkey and Safavid Persia.

1556 Treaty of Vaucelles


Contains two agreements that attempts to unite the Kingdom of England with
the Kingdom of Scotland.

King Henry I of France cedes Franche-Comt to King Philip II of Spain.

Treaty of Novgorod

Russia and Sweden, ended the Russo-Swedish War (15541557)

Treaty of Pozvol

Livonia and Poland-Lithuania, triggered the Livonian War

Peace of Cateau
1559 Cambrsis
Treaty of Vilna

Ends the Italian Wars.

Livonian War: LivonianPolishLithuanian alliance

1560 Treaty of Edinburgh

England, Scotland, France: concludes Siege of Leith, attempts to end Auld


1561 Treaty of Vilna

Livonian War: Livonian Order subordinated to Poland-Lithuania

1562 Edict of SaintGermain[38]

Recognizes the existence of French Protestants and guarantees them freedom

of conscience and private worship.

Treaty of Hampton
1562 Treaty of Mozhaysk

Establishes military and economic ties between Queen Elizabeth I of England

and Huguenot leader Louis I de Bourbon.
Livonian War, Russo-Danish mutual assurance of their claims in Livonia


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1563 Edict of Amboise

Ends the first phase of the French Wars of Religion.

1564 Treaty of Dorpat

Livonian War, Russo-Swedish mutual assurance of their claims in Livonia

1568 Peace of

Ends the second phase of the French Wars of Religion; confirms the Edict of
Amboise; expires in August 1568.

Treaty of Roskilde

peace between Lbeck, DenmarkNorway and Sweden during the Northern

Seven Years' War, not ratified

1569 Union of Lublin

Unites the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania into a single
state, the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth.

1570 Treaty of Stettin

Ends the Northern Seven Years' War.

Peace of SaintGermain-en-Laye

Ends the third phase of the French Wars of Religion.

1572 Treaty of Blois

Queen Elizabeth I of England and Catherine de' Medici of France establish an

alliance against Spain.

1573 Edict of Boulogne

Ends the fourth phase of the French Wars of Religion; gives Huguenots the right
to worship in La Rochelle, Montauban, and Nmes.





Edict of Beaulieu[40]

Ends the fifth phase of the French Wars of Religion; Henry III of France gives
the Huguenots the right of public worship.

Pacification of Ghent

Alliance of the provinces of the Netherlands against the Spanish.

Treaty of Bergerac[41]

Ends the sixth phase of the French Wars of Religion; Huguenots can practice
their faith only in the suburbs of one town in each judicial district.

Edict of 1577[42]

Provides for the removal of Spanish troops from the Netherlands; upholds
Pacification of Ghent.

Union of Atrecht

The southern states of the Spanish Netherlands express loyalty to the King of

Union of Utrecht

Unifies the northern states of the Netherlands.

Treaty of Fleix[43]

Ends the seventh phase of the French Wars of Religion; recognizes previous
treaties granting religious privileges to the Huguenots.

Treaty of Plessis-lesTours

Franois, Duke of Anjou becomes sovereign of the Dutch Republic.

1582 Peace of Jam Zapolski Ends the Livonian War between Poland and Muscovy.
1583 Treaty of Plussa

A truce between Russia and Sweden; ends the Livonian War (15581583).

1584 Treaty of Joinville

Forms a Catholic alliance between the French Catholic League and Habsburg
Spain against Protestant forces such as Elizabeth I of England.


Treaty of Nemours

Revokes previous concessions made to the Huguenots; instigates the War of

the Three Henries.

Treaty of Nonsuch

England assists Dutch in the Eighty Years' War.

1586 Treaty of Berwick

Agreement of amity between Queen Elizabeth I of England and King James VI

of Scotland.

1590 Treaty of Ferhat Paa

Ends the war between Ottoman Turkey and Safavid Persia. Turkish control on
Caucasus region.



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1595 Treaty of Teusina[44]

Ends the RussoSwedish War (15901595).

1598 Peace of Vervins

The Spanish withdraw from French territory.

Henry IV of France grants French Protestants (or Huguenots) substantial rights
in a nation still considered essentially Catholic.

Edict of Nantes





Treaty of Lyon


Treaty of London,
Ends hostilities between England and Spain.

1606 Peace of

Henry IV of France acquires Bugey, Valromey, Gex, and Bresse.

Ends the Long War between the Ottoman Turkey and the Habsburg Monarchy.

Treaty of Vienna

Restores all constitutional and religious rights/privileges to the Hungarians in both

Transylvania and Royal Hungary.

1608 Treaty of Lieben

Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II surrenders Hungary, Austrian territories near the
Danube River, and Moravia to his brother Matthias.


Treaty of Antwerp
Spain and the Netherlands agree to a 12-year truce.


Treaty of

Establishes a military alliance between Charles Emmanuel I and Henry IV of France

against the Spanish in Italy.

Treaty of Nasuh
1612 Pasha

Treaty between Ottoman Turkey and Safavid Persia Revision of 1590 treaty. Persia
regained some of its loses in 1590.

1613 Treaty of Knred Ends the Kalmar War between Denmark and Sweden.
Two Row

Treaty between the Iroquois and representatives of the Dutch government.

1614 Treaty of Xanten

Ends the War of the Jlich Succession.

1615 Peace of Asti

Duke Charles Emmanuel I of Savoy relinquishes claims on Monferrato.

Peace of Tyrnau

Recognizes Gbor Bethlen as the Prince of Transylvania.

Treaty of Serav

Ratifies the treaty of 1612 between Ottoman Turkey and Safavid Persia

1616 Treaty of Loudun

Ends hostilities between Queen Marie de' Medici and rebellious French princes led
by Henry II, the third Prince of Cond.

1617 Treaty of Pavia

Savoy cedes Monferrato to Mantua.


Treaty of

Ends the Ingrian War between Sweden and Muscovy.

Truce of

Ends the PolishMuscovite War (160518); expires in 1632.



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1619 Treaty of

Ends civil war in France between supporters of Queen Marie de' Medici and her
son, King Louis XIII of France.

Duke Maximilian of Bavaria allows Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II to use his
Treaty of Munich
forces in exchange for territories in the Electorate of the Palatinate.

Treaty of Ulm

1621 Peace of

The Protestant Union ceases its support of Frederick V of Bohemia.

Ends the war between Prince Gabriel Bethlen of Transylvania and Emperor
Ferdinand II of the Holy Roman Empire.

Treaty of Madrid Restores Valtelline to the Grisons and grants Protestants in the region religious
Treaty of Khotyn Between Ottoman Turkey and PolishLithuanian Commonwealth.
Treaty of the
Hague (1621)

A failed treaty of alliance between Denmark and the Dutch Republic

Treaty of Bremen A failed treaty of commerce between Denmark and the Dutch Republic

Treaty of

Between King Louis XIII of France and Duke Henry II of Rohan; confirms the
Edict of Nantes.


Treaty of Paris

France, Savoy, and Venice agree to have Spanish forces leave Valtelline.


Treaty of The
Hague (1625)

England and the Netherlands agree to economically support Christian IV of

Denmark during the Thirty Years' War.

1626 Peace of

Ends the revolt against the Habsburgs.

Treaty of Monzn France and Spain share equal rights in their control of Valtelline.

Capitulation of

Duchy of Pomerania occupied by Albrecht von Wallenstein's imperial army

1628 Treaty of Munich

Recognizes Duke Maximilian of Bavaria as a prince-elector; grants Maximilian

control of the Upper Palatinate and the right bank of the Rhine River for thirty years.

1629 Edict of

Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II attempts to reinforce the territorial and religious
settlements made after the Peace of Augsburg.

Treaty of Lbeck Denmark withdraws from the Thirty Years' War.

Truce of

Ends hostilities between Sweden and the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth.

Peace of Alais[54]

Between the Huguenots and King Louis XIII of France; confirms the basic
principles of the Edict of Nantes with additional clauses.

1630 Peace of
Treaty of Stettin

Temporarily halts the War of the Mantuan Succession.

The Duchy of Pomerania allies with and is occupied by the Swedish Empire



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Treaty of Madrid Ends English involvement in the Dutch Revolt.

1631 Treaty of
Treaty of

France and Sweden establish an alliance against the Holy Roman Empire.
Ends the War of the Mantuan Succession.

Treaty of Munich
France and Bavaria establish a secret "Catholic" alliance.
1632 Treaty of SaintGermain-en-Laye England returns New France (Quebec) to France.


Treaty of Ahmet

Short lived peace treaty, ends hostalities between the Ottoman Turkey and the
Safavid Persia

Treaty of

Ends the Smolensk War between Poland and Muscovy.

1635 Peace of Prague


Between the Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand II, and most of the Protestant states
of the Holy Roman Empire.

Treaty of

The Swedish Empire concedes territories to the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth.

1636 Treaty of Wismar Establishes alliance between Sweden and France against the Habsburgs.


Treaty of
Hamburg (1638)

Confirms Treaty of Wismar; France pays Sweden 1,000,000 livres.

Treaty of Hartford Cedes Pequot Indian lands to Connecticut River towns and outlaws Pequot
settlement and the use of the Pequot language.

1639 Treaty of Berwick

Ends the First Bishops' War between Charles I of England and the Scots.
Treaty of

Ends the war between Safavid Persia and the Ottoman Turkey. The borderline
drawn by the treaty is still effective today.

Treaty of Asurar

Establishes the boundary between the Mughals and the Ahom kingdom.

1640 Treaty of Ripon

Between Charles I of England and the Scots in the aftermath of the Second Bishops'


Treaty of Axim

Regulates the jurisdiction of the Netherlands and the Dutch West India Company in
the town and polity of Axim.


Solemn League
and Covenant

Between the Scottish Covenanters and the leaders of the English Parliamentarians.

Second Treaty of
1645 Brmsebro
Ends the Torstenson War between Sweden and DenmarkNorway.

Truce of Ulm

Forces Duke Maximilian of Bavaria to renounce his alliance with Holy Roman



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1648 Peace of

Emperor Ferdinand II.

Ends the Thirty Years' War and the Eighty Years' War, and establishes the principle
of the sovereignty of nations in use today.

Treaty of

Divides the island of Saint Martin between France and the Netherlands.

Peace of Rueil

Ends the opening episodes of the Fronde, France's civil war.

Treaty of Zboriv

Places three provinces of Ukraine under the control of the Cossacks.

Treaty of Breda

Between Charles II of England and the Scottish Covenanters during the Wars of the
Three Kingdoms.

Treaty of Hartford

Establishes boundary lines between New Amsterdam and English settlers in



Treaty of Bila

Establishes peace between the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth and the Ukrainian

Cossacks after the Battle of Berestechko.


Treaty of Stettin

The Swedish Empire and Brandenburg partition Pomerania.



1654 Treaty of
Treaty of
1655 Treaty of

Between Muscovy and Cossack Hetmanate.

Ends the First Anglo-Dutch War.
Second Northern War Grand Duchy of Lithuania becomes Swedish protectorate

Union of

Second Northern War LithuanianSwedish union

Treaty of Rinsk

Second Northern War anti-Swedish alliance of Brandenburg-Prussia and Royal

Prussian estates

1656 Treaty of

Second Northern War Duchy of Prussia and Ermland become Swedish fiefs.

Treaty of

Second Northern War alliance between Brandenburg-Prussia and Sweden

Treaty of Elbing

Second Northern War Dutch-Swedish settlement of conflicts over Danzig


Treaty of Labiau

Second Northern War Hohenzollerns become full souvereigns in Prussia and


Truce of Vilna

Second Northern War / Russo-Polish War Russo-Polish truce and alliance against

Treaty of Vienna

Second Northern War: 1st HabsburgPolish alliance against Sweden

Treaty of Radnot

It envisaged a partition of the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth; Transylvania enters



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the Second Northern War on the Swedish side

Treaty of Butre
1657 Treaty of Vienna

Between the Gold Coast (West Africa) state of Ahanta and the States General and
the Dutch West India Company, establishing a Dutch protectorate over Butre and
Upper Ahanta.
Second Northern War: 2nd HabsburgPolish alliance against Sweden

Treaty of Wehlau

Second Northern War: Poland accepts Hohenzollerns as full souvereigns in Prussia,

anti-Swedish alliance.

Treaty of

Second Northern War Wehlau confirmed and amended

Treaty of Paris

Establishes military alliance between England and France against Spain.

Treaty of Raalte

Willem II no longer is viceroy of Overijssel.

1658 Treaty of Hadiach Between Poland and Cossack Hetmanate.

Treaty of

An accord that preceded the Treaty of Roskilde between Charles X Gustav of

Sweden and King Frederick III of Denmark.

Treaty of Roskilde

Second Northern War: DenmarkNorway cedes territory ("Skneland") to


Treaty of Valiesar

Second Northern War: Sweden temporarily cedes territory to Russia, cession of


1659 Treaty of the

Concert of The
Hague (1659)
1660 Treaty of

Ends war between France and Spain.

Second Northern War Anglo-Franco-Dutch agreement regarding peace between
Denmark and Swede
Second Northern War peace between Denmark and Sweden, restores Trondheim
to Norway and Bornholm to Denmark.

Treaty of Oliva[65] Second Northern War peace between Sweden, Brandenburg-Prussia and Poland.
1661 Treaty of

Second Northern War peace between Sweden and Russia.

Treaty of Den

The Dutch Empire recognizes Portuguese imperial sovereignty over Recife in Brazil.


Treaty of

Duke Charles IV gives to Louis XIV the throne to the Duchy of Lorraine.


Treaty of

Between the Ahoms and the Mughal forces.

1664 Peace of Vasvr

Between the Austrian Habsburg Monarchy and the Ottoman Turkey after the Battle
of Saint Gotthard; lasted until 1683.

Treaty of



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1665 Purandar
1667 Treaty of Breda

Between Rajput Jai Singh and Shivaji Maharaj.

Ends the Second Anglo-Dutch War.

Treaty of

Ends the war between Muscovy and Poland-Lithuania.

Treaty of Bongaja

Sultan Hasanuddin of Makassar recognizes the influence of the Dutch East India
Company (VOC) in Indonesian territories.

1668 First Triple


Alliance between England, the United Provinces and Sweden.

Treaty of Aix-laChapelle (1668)

Ends the War of Devolution between Louis XIV of France and Habsburg Spain.

Treaty of Lisbon

Spain recognizes Portuguese sovereignty after the Portuguese Restoration War;

Portugal cedes Ceuta to Spain.

1670 Secret Treaty of


France helps England to rejoin the Roman Catholic Church and England assists
France militarily against the Dutch Republic.

Treaty of Madrid
Between England and Spain.
Treaty of

An alliance and commercial treaty between Britain and Denmark-Norway,

establishing terms of contraband and permitting Danish settlement of the Virgin

1672 Treaty of Buczacz

Between the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth and Ottoman Turkey. Podolia under

Turkish control.

Treaty of
1674 Westminster

Ends the Third Anglo-Dutch War.


First international agreement banning the use of chemical weapons (i.e. poisoned
Agreement (1675) bullets); signed between France and the Holy Roman Empire.


Treaty of

Between Ottoman Turkey and PolishLithuanian Commonwealth Ratifies 1672


1677 Treaty of 1677[68] Native American tribes in Virginia swear fealty to the British Empire.
1678 Treaties of
Treaty of Casco

Ends the Franco-Dutch War.

Ends war between the eastern Native Americans and the English settlers of
Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Treaty of Saint1679 Germain-en-Laye Swedish Pomerania and Bremen-Verden restored to Sweden after the Scanian War
Treaty of

Concludes the Russo-Turkish War (16761681); establishes a 20-year truce

whereby the Dnieper River would separate the Ottoman Empire from Russian



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1684 Truce of Ratisbon Ends War of Reunions between France and Spain

Eternal Peace
Treaty of 1686

Ends war between Muscovy and Poland.


Treaty of

Ends war between the Russian Empire and the Qing Dynasty of China.

1691 Treaty of Limerick Ends the Williamite War in Ireland.

1697 Treaty of Ryswick Ends the War of the Grand Alliance.

Treaty of Den
Haag (1698)[69]

1699 Treaty of

Attempts to resolve the issue of who would inherit the Spanish throne.
Ends the war between the alliance consisting of Austria, Venice and Polish
Lithuanian Commonwealth on one side and the Ottoman Turkey on the other side.

Treaty of
Denmark, Russia, Saxony, and the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth divide
Preobrazhenskoye Swedish territories.




Treaty of London[71]

An attempt to restore the Pragmatic Sanction following the death of

Duke Joseph Ferdinand of Bavaria.

Treaty of Constantinople

Establishes peace between Russia and the Ottoman Empire.

Peace of Travendal

Temporary peace between the Swedish Empire and Denmark

Norway during the Great Northern War.

Great Peace of Montreal

Establishes peace between New France and the 39 First Nations of

North America.

Treaty of The Hague (1701)

England, Austria, the United Provinces, and the Holy Roman Empire
establish a defensive alliance against France.



1703 Methuen Treaty

Between Portugal and the Kingdom of England.

1704 Treaty of Ilbersheim

Removes Bavaria from the War of the Spanish Succession.

Treaty of Narva

Great Northern War: SaxonPolishLithuanianRussian alliance.

1705 Treaty of Warsaw

Great Northern War: PolishLithuanianSwedish alliance.

1705 Treaty of Genoa

War of the Spanish Succession: EnglishCatalan alliance.

1706 Treaty of Altranstdt

Great Northern War peace between Augustus the Strong, king of

Poland and elector of Saxony, and Charles XII of Sweden.
Augustus resigns as king.


Treaty of Union

Unites the Kingdoms of England and Scotland to create the

Kingdom of Great Britain.

Treaty of Altranstdt (1707)

Emperor Joseph I guarantees to Charles XII religious tolerance and

liberty of conscience for Silesian Protestants.

1709 Treaty of Thorn (1709)

Great Northern War: SaxonPolishLithuanian-Russian alliance.



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Treaty of Copenhagen (1709)

1710 Capitulation of Estonia and
Treaty of Hanover (1710)
1711 Treaty of Szatmr[72]
Treaty of Pruth
1713 Treaty of Utrecht


Great Northern War: Russo-Danish alliance

Great Northern War: Estonian and Livonian estates and towns
surrender to Russia.
Great Northern War: HanoveranianRussian alliance.
Ends the Kuruc Rebellion led by Francis II Rkczi.
Between Ottoman Turkey and Russia Russia loses some territories
and grants a free passage for Charles XII of Sweden.
Ends the War of the Spanish Succession.

Treaty of Portsmouth

Ends Queen Anne's War hostilities between the Abenakis and the
Province of Massachusetts Bay.

Treaty of Schwedt

Great Northern War: Russo-Prussian alliance

Treaty of Baden

Ends hostilities between France and the Holy Roman Empire and
also ends the War of the Spanish Succession.

Treaty of Rastatt

Ends the War of the Spanish Succession; hostilities between Louis

XIV of France and Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI cease.

1715 Treaty of Stettin (1715)

Great Northern War: HanoveranianBritishPrussian alliance

Treaty of Berlin (1715)

Great Northern War: HanoveranianBritishDanishNorwegian


Treaty of Greifswald

Great Northern War: HanoveranianBritishRussian alliance

1717 Second Triple Alliance

Alliance between Kingdom of Great Britain, the United Provinces

and France.

1718 Treaty of Passarowitz[73]

Ends the war between Austria and the Ottoman Empire.


Treaty of Den Haag[74]

Spain abandons her claims in Italy after the War of the Quadruple

Treaty of Frederiksborg

Ends Great Northern War between Sweden and Denmark


Treaty of Stockholm

Ends the Great Northern War between Sweden, Hanover and


1721 Treaty of Nystad

Ends the Great Northern War between Sweden and Russia.

Treaty of Hanover

Establishes a military alliance between Great Britain, France,

Prussia, Sweden, the Netherlands and Denmark against Spain.

Treaty of Vienna

Ends Austrian claims to the Spanish throne; Austria helps Spain to

reacquire Gibraltar from the British.


1727 Treaty of Kyakhta

Redefines boundaries between Russia and China.

1729 Treaty of Seville (1729)

Britain maintains control over Port Mahon and Gibraltar.

1731 Treaty of Vienna (1731)

Verifies the Quadruple Alliance between the Holy Roman Empire,

Britain, the Dutch Empire, and Spain.


Lwenwolde's Treaty[75]

Establishes a joint policy between Austria, the Russian Empire, and

Prussia pertaining to the succession of the Polish throne.



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Treaty of Rasht

Ends Russian claims over Persian territories.

Treaty of Turin (1733)

Secret treaty between France and the Duke of Savoy for military
alliance prior to War of the Polish Succession.

Treaty of the Escorial

First of the Bourbon Family Compacts between France and Spain,

agreeing to mutual defense and military alliance in the conquest of
Italian territories held by the Habsburgs.

1736 Treaty of Constantinople (1736)

Ends hostilities between the Ottoman Empire and Safavid Persia

1738 Treaty of Vienna (1738)

Ends the War of the Polish Succession.


Treaty of El Pardo (1739)

Spain and the United Kingdom settle their respective claims to

American navigation and trade.

Treaty of Ni (1739)

Ends the war between Russia and the Ottoman Empire.

Treaty of Belgrade

Ends the war between Austria and the Ottoman Empire.

1740 Treaty of Friendship and Alliance Between the Miskito nation and Kingdom of Great Britain.
1742 Treaty of Berlin (1742)

Ends First Silesian War.

Treaty of Breslau

Ends First Silesian War.

Convention of Turin

Ends Austria and Sardinia promise to assist each other against


1743 Treaty of bo[76]

Treaty of Worms (1743)
1745 Treaty of Dresden

Ends the Hats' Russian War.

Establishes political alliance between the Kingdom of Great Britain,
Austria and Sardinia.
Austria confirms the loss of Silesia to Prussia after the Second
Silesian War.

Treaty of Fontainebleau (1745)

Establishes a military alliance between Louis XV of France and

Charles Edward Stuart against George II of Great Britain.

Treaty of Fssen

Ends Bavaria's support of the French in the War of the Austrian


1746 Treaty of Kerden

Ends hostalities between Ottoman Turkey and Afsharid Iran

1748 Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748) Ends the War of the Austrian Succession.

Treaty of Madrid (13 January


Defines the boundaries of the Spanish and the Portuguese colonies

in South America, replacing the Treaty of Tordesillas.

1752 Treaty of Aranjuez (1752)

Recognizes Spanish and Austrian interests in Italy.

1755 Treaty of Giyanti[77]

Divides the Sultanate of Mataram between Prince Mangkubumi and

Pakubuwono III.

1756 Treaty of Westminster (1756)

Treaty of neutrality between Prussia and the British Empire.

1757 Treaty of Alinagar

Between the British East India Company and the Nawab of Bengal.

1758 Treaty of Easton

Native Americans agree not to fight the British during the French
and Indian War.

1761 Treaty of El Pardo (1761)

Nullifies the Treaty of Madrid (13 January 1750).

Treaty of Fontainebleau (1762)

A secret agreement whereby France cedes Louisiana to Spain.




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Treaty of Saint Petersburg (1762) Ends the Seven Years' War between Russia and Prussia.
Treaty of Hamburg (1762)

1763 Treaty of Hubertusburg

First Treaty of Paris[78]

Between Prussia and Sweden after Russia breaks its alliance with
Ends the Seven Years' War.

1765 Treaty of Allahabad

Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II grants Diwani rights to the British

East India Company.

1766 Treaty of Batticaloa[79]

King Keerthisiri Rajasinghe of Kandy recognizes Dutch imperial

possessions in Sri Lanka.


Treaty of Fort Stanwix

In North America, the boundary established by the Proclamation of

1763 is moved west.

Treaty of Masulipatam

Confirms the conquest of the state of Hyderabad by the British.

1770 Treaty of Lochaber

The Cherokee relinquish territories to the British Empire.

1774 Treaty of Kk Kaynarca

Ends Russo-Turkish War (176874).


Treaty of Watertown

Alliance between the State of Massachusetts Bay and the Mi'kmaq

of Nova Scotia.

Treaty of Purandar (1776)[67]

Between the peshwa of the Maratha people and the British East
India Company.

First Treaty of San Ildefonso

Ends disputes between Portugal and Spain over the territories of

The Seven Missions and of Colonia del Sacramento.

Treaty of Aranjuez (1777)

Defines Spanish and French colonies on Santo Domingo.




Treaty of Amity and Commerce

(United StatesFrance)[80]
Treaty of Alliance (1778)[81]

Establishes a military alliance between the United States and France.

Treaty of El Pardo (1778)

Queen Maria I of Portugal cedes Annobn, Bioko, and territories

on the Guinea coast to King Charles III of Spain.

Treaty of Fort Pitt (1778)[82]

Gives the United States permission to travel through Delaware

territory, as well as to call upon the Delaware Indians to help
American troops fight against the British.

Treaty of Aranjuez (1779)

Spain joins the American Revolutionary War against the Kingdom of

Great Britain.

Treaty of Teschen

Ends the War of the Bavarian Succession between Austria and


Treaty of Aynalkavak

Ratifies the terms of the Treaty of Kk Kaynarca

1780 Treaty of Aranjuez (1780)


Establishes a commercial alliance between the United States and


Spain cedes territories to Morocco.

1782 Edict of Tolerance

Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II promotes religious tolerance

towards Jews.

Treaty of Salbai

Between the Maratha Empire and the British East India Company.



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1783 Treaty of Amity and Commerce

(United StatesSweden)



Second Treaty of Paris

Ends the American Revolutionary War.

Treaty of Georgievsk

Establishes the east Georgian Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti as a

protectorate under suzerainty of the Russian Empire.

Treaty of Fort Stanwix

The Iroquois Confederacy cedes all lands west of the Niagara River
to the United States.

Treaty of Mangalore

Ends the Second Anglo-Mysore War.

Treaty of Fontainebleau

Reinforces the Treaty of Mnster whereby the Scheldt Estuary is

under the sovereignty of the United Provinces.

Treaty of Amity and Commerce

(PrussiaUnited States)

Between the Kingdom of Prussia and the United States promoting

free trade and demanding the unconditionally humane custody for
war prisoner, a novelty at the time.

Treaty of Hopewell

Between the United States and the Cherokee Indians.

Treaty of Fort McIntosh

Native American tribes cede to the United States all claims to land
in the Ohio Country east of the Cuyahoga and Muskingum rivers;
tribes also cede the areas surrounding Fort Detroit and Fort

1786 Eden Agreement


Sweden becomes the first neutral nation to officially recognize the

young American republic.

Between the Kingdom of Great Britain and France.

MoroccanAmerican Treaty of

The oldest non-broken friendship treaty between Morocco and the

United States.

Treaty of Hartford

Resolves territorial and border disputes between the states of New

York and Massachusetts.

Treaty of Hopewell

Between the United States, the Choctaw Indians, and the

Chickasaw Indians.

Convention of London (1786)

Great Britain agrees to evacuate Mosquito Coast in exchange for

Spanish concessions in present-day Belize.

Treaty of Beaufort[83]

Officially sets the all-river boundary between the U.S. states of

Georgia and South Carolina.

US Constitution

States cede limited powers to create Federal Government.

1788 Third Triple Alliance

Alliance between Kingdom of Great Britain, the United Provinces

and Kingdom of Prussia.

1789 JayGardoqui Treaty

Trade treaty between United States and Spain.


Treaty of Fort Harmar

Between the United States government and several Native

American tribes with claims to the Ohio Country.

Treaty of Reichenbach (1790)

Between Frederick William II of Prussia and Holy Roman Emperor

Leopold II of Austria.

Treaty of Vrl

Ends Russo-Swedish War (178890).

Treaty of New York

Between Henry Knox and the Creek people.


Settles disputes between the United States and the Cherokee over


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Treaty of Holston

the territories south of the Ohio River; proclaimed and amended in


Treaty of Sistova

Ends the war between Ottoman Turkey and Austria (17871791)

1792 Treaty of Jassy


Treaty of Seringapatam

Ends the Third Anglo-Mysore War.

Jay Treaty[84]

Attempts to settle post-Revolution disputes between the United

States and the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Treaty of Canandaigua

Establishes peace and friendship between the United States and the
Six Nations of the Iroquois (Haudenosaunee).

1795 Pinckney's Treaty[85]

Defines boundaries of the United States and Spanish colonies.

Treaty of The Hague (1795)[86]

The Batavian Republic cedes Venlo, Flanders, and Maastricht to


Treaty of Greenville

Ends the war between the United States and a coalition of Native

Treaty of Basel

Three agreements whereby France made peace with Prussia, Spain

and Hessen-Kassel; concludes the early stage of the French
Revolutionary Wars against the First Coalition (17921795).

1796 Treaty with Tripoli (1796)[87]


Ends the Russo-Turkish War (17871792).

Ends the war between the United States and Tripoli.

Treaty of New York

Between the Seven Nations of Canada and a U.S. delegation led by

Abraham Ogden.

Treaty of Colerain

Affirms the binding of the Treaty of New York (1790) and

establishes the boundary line between the Creek Nation and the
United States.

Second Treaty of San Ildefonso

Treaty of alliance between Spain and France against Britain.

Treaty of Leoben[88]

Preliminary accord to the Treaty of Campo Formio; Austria loses

Belgium and Lombardy in exchange for Istria and Dalmatia.

Treaty of Campo Formio

Austria recognizes hegemony of French Republic over northern Italy

and Belgium. Effective end of the War of the First Coalition (1792

Treaty of Tolentino

Between France and the Papal States.

Treaty with Tunis (1797)

Peace treaty between the United States and the 'Barbary State' of
Tunis, nominally part of the Ottoman Empire.



1800 Third Treaty of San

Treaty of Mortefontaine[90]

Cedes Spanish holdings in America to France.
Ends the Quasi-War between the United States and



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Carnatic Treaty

The Nawab of Arcot cedes territories in India to the

British Empire in exchange for two-hundred rupees.

Treaty of Aranjuez

Confirms the Third Treaty of San Ildefonso.

Treaty of Badajoz[91]

Portugal cedes Olivenza to Spain and agrees to close its

harbors to the English.

Treaty of Madrid

Reinforces the Treaty of Badajoz; Portugal also agrees to

pay France an indemnity of 20 million francs and
surrender half of Guiana.

Treaty of Florence

The Kingdom of Naples cedes some central Italian

possessions, the island of Elba, and the Athena of Velletri
to France.

Treaty of Lunville

Ends the Second Coalition against France.

1802 Treaty of Amiens

Ends the war between France and the United Kingdom.

Treaty of Bassein

The Maratha peshwa of Pune cedes territories in western

India to the British Empire.

Treaty of Al Arish

Napoleon agrees to return Egypt to Ottoman Empire

1803 Louisiana Purchase

United States buys Louisiana from France.

Treaty of Surji-Anjangaon

Between the British and Daulat Rao Sindhia, chief of the

Maratha people; treaty was revised twice.

Treaty of Fort Wayne

Defines the boundaries of the Vincennes Tract in Indiana

1804 Treaty of St. Louis

Treaty of Fort Industry

1805 Treaty of Pressburg
Treaty of Peace and Amity
(U.S. and Tripoli)
1806 Treaty of Pozna

The Sac and Fox tribes ceded lands to the United States
from northeast Missouri through almost all of Illinois north
of the Illinois River as well as a large section of southern
Establishes the western boundary of the United States
through present-day Toledo, Ohio.
Ends the war between France and Austria.
Ends First Barbary War between the United States of
America and Tripoli
Ends the war between France and Saxony after the
latter's defeat during the War of the Fourth Coalition.

Treaty of Detroit

Between the United States and the Native American

nations of Ottawa, Chippewa, Wyandot and

Treaties of Tilsit

Agreements between France, Russia and Prussia creating

the Duchy of Warsaw.

Treaty of Finckenstein

Between the French Empire and Persia.

Treaty of Fontainebleau

Agreement between Spain and France that proposed the

partition of Portugal.

1808 Treaty of Fort Clark[93]

The Osage Nation cedes to the United States large

portions of the Missouri Territory.


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Treaty of Amritsar, 1809

Agreenent between Ranjit Sikh and the East India

Company that prevent Singh from expanding his territories
south of the Sutley river but gave him carte blanche to
unify what became the Sikh empire to the north of it.

Treaty of the Dardanelles[94]

Agreement between the Ottoman Empire and the United


Treaty of Hamina[95]

Ends the Finnish War between Sweden and Russia.

Treaty of Schnbrunn[96]

Ends the Fifth Coalition during the Napoleonic Wars.

Obtains more than two million acres (8,000 km) of

Treaty of Fort Wayne (1809) American Indian land for the white settlers of Ohio and
1810 Treaty of Paris (1810)

Ends the war between France and Sweden.

1812 Treaty of Bucharest (1812)

Ends the Russo-Turkish War (180612).


Treaty of Gulistan

A peace treaty between Imperial Russia and Qajarid


Treaty of Fulda

Wrttemberg leaves the Confederation of the Rhine.

Treaty of Kalisz

Russia and Prussia establish the Kalisz Union against

Napoleon I.

Treaties of Reichenbach

Establishes a coalition between Great Britain, Prussia,

Russia, and Austria against Napoleon of France.

Treaty of Tplitz[97]

Augments the coalition between Great Britain, Prussia,

Russia, and Austria against Napoleon of France.

Treaty of Peterswaldau

Great Britain agrees to support a German legion of

10,000 men for the Russian service.

Treaty of Ried

Bavaria leaves the Confederation of the Rhine and agrees

to join the Sixth Coalition against Napoleon.

First Anglo-Dutch Treaty[98]

Between the United Kingdom and the United Provinces


Third Treaty of Paris

Ends war between France and the Sixth Coalition.

Treaty of Ghent

Ends the War of 1812.

Treaty of Kiel

The king of DenmarkNorway cedes Norway to Sweden

in exchange for territories in Pomerania.

Convention of Moss

Armistice agreement and de facto peace treaty between

Norway and Sweden.

Treaty of Fontainebleau

Exiles Napoleon Bonaparte as the Emperor of Elba.

Treaty of Fort Jackson[99]

The Creek cede territories to the United States after their

defeat at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend.

London Protocol

The Eight Articles of London amalgamates The

Netherlands and Belgium.




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1815 Fourth Treaty of Paris

Final Act of the Congress of

Many bilateral treaties were agreed at the Congress of

Vienna between plenipotentiaries from the major powers
in Europe, most of these were incorporated into the "Final

Sugauli Treaty[100]

Ends the Anglo-Nepalese War; goes into effect on March

4, 1816.

Treaty of Springwells

The United States waives all territorial rights over the

Genessee County and restores to the Indians all of their

1816 Treaty of St. Louis


The Council of Three Fires cedes a 20-mile (32 km) strip

of land, which connected Chicago and Lake Michigan
with the Illinois River.

RushBagot Treaty

Settles boundary disputes between the United States and

the United Kingdom.

Treaty of Fort Meigs[101]

Between the United States and the Wyandot, Seneca,

Delaware, Shawnee, Potawatomi, Ottawa and Ojibwa

Treaty of Titalia

Between the chogyal (monarch) of Sikkim and the British

East India Company.

Treaty of 1818[102]

Resolves boundary disputes between the United States

and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland;
both agree to abey pursuit of formal claims and to allow
unimpeded commerce by the other in the region known in
the USA as Oregon Country (the Pacific Northwest).

Treaty of St. Mary's

Between the United States and the Miami people.

Treaty of the Creek Agency


Between the United States and the Creek people.


Treaty of St.

Follows the defeat of Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo.


The Osage Nation cedes all territories to the United

States beginning at the Arkansas River and ending at the
Verdigris River.

AdamsOns Treaty[103]

Settles a border dispute between the United States and


Treaty of Saginaw

Native Americans cede land to the United States.

1820 Treaty of Doak's Stand[104]

The Choctaw agree to surrender one-third of their land to

the United States.

1821 Treaty of Crdoba

Mexico becomes independent from Spain.

Treaty of Chicago

Treaty of Indian Springs

The Ottawa, Ojibwe, and Potawatomi tribes cede to the

United States all lands in the Michigan Territory south of
the Grand River.
Creek Indians cede land to the state of Georgia in return
for cash payments totaling $200,000 over a period of 14


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1822 Capitulation of Quito.
1824 Second Anglo-Dutch



Set forth conditions for the withdrawal of the Spanish

royalist forces from the territories of the Real Audiencia
de Quito after the Battle of Pichincha.
Settles disputes between the United Kingdom and the
Netherlands, dividing the Malay World.

Russo-American Treaty of

Fixes border between Russian America and US claims at


AndersonGual Treaty

First bilateral U.S. treaty with another country of the


Osage Treaty (1825)[107]

The Osage Nation cedes territories to the United States

within and west of Missouri and the Arkansas Territory.

Treaty of St. Louis

The Shawnee cede Cape Geredeau to the United States.

Treaty of Hanover (1825)

Ends the War of German Dissolution.

Treaty of Indian Springs

Relocates the Creek Indians in Georgia (except the

Tokaubatchee) to a parcel of land along the Arkansas

Treaty of Prairie du Chien

Between the United States and representatives of the

Sioux, Sac and Fox, Menominee, Ioway, Winnebago and
the Anishinaabeg tribes.

Treaty of Saint Petersburg


Also known as the Anglo-Russian Treaty of 1825.

Parallel to but signed a year later to the Russo-American
Treaty of 1824, in this case fixing the boundary between
Russian America and British claims in the Pacific
Northwest at 5440' and roughly outlining the land
boundary between the two Powers northwards from

United StatesCentral
America Treaty

Between the United States and the Federal Republic of

Central America.

Akkerman Convention

Forces the Ottomans to retreat from Moldavia and

Wallachia; grants autonomy to the Principality of Serbia.

Treaty of Mississinwas[108]

Between the United States and the Miami tribe.

Treaty of Yandaboo

Ends the First Burmese War.

Burney Treaty

British acknowledge Siamese claim over the four northern

Malay states of Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis and Terengganu.

1827 Treaty of London (1827)

Treaty of Turkmenchay

Alliance between the United Kingdom, France and Russia

to end Turkish action in Greece.
The Persian Empire loses many of its northern territories
to Imperial Russia after its defeat at the end of the RussoPersian War, 18261828.
Brazil and Argentina recognize the independence of



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Treaty of Montevideo (1828) Uruguay.

Treaty of Limits (Mexico
United States)
1829 London Protocol (1829)

Mexico and the United States confirm their shared

border, which had previously been agreed to by Spain
and the U.S. in the 1819 AdamsOns Treaty.
Formulates the boundaries of modern Greece.

Treaty of Edirne

Between Russia and Ottoman Turkey. Russia secures the

right to protect Greece and control the mouths to the
Danube River.

Treaty of Prairie du Chien

Between the United States and representatives of the

Council of Three Fires.

1830 London Protocol (1830)

Treaty of Dancing Rabbit

Confirms sovereignty of Greece.

United States grants rights to the Choctaw.

1831 Treaty of the Eighteen Articles An attempt to establish Belgium's borders.



Pacto Federal

Establishes a military alliance between the Argentine

provinces of Buenos Aires, Entre Ros, and Santa Fe.

Treaty of Cusseta

Between the government of the United States and the

Creek people.

Treaty of Constantinople

Officially ends the Greek War of Independence and

establishes the borders of modern Greece.

London Protocol (1832)

Reiterates and ratifies the terms of the Treaty of

Constantinople (1832).

Treaty of Hnkr skelesi

Between Russia and Ottoman Turkey.Russia gains use of

the Bosporus.

Convention of Ktahya

Between Ottoman Turkey and its vassal Muhammad Ali

of Egypt. Muhammad Ali gains extra privileges.

Treaty of Chicago

Native American tribes cede lands west of Lake Michigan

to the United States in exchange for a reservation of equal
size further to the west on the Missouri River; proclaimed
in 1835.

Treaty of Zonhoven

Establishes special regulations over the use of the Meuse

River by Holland and Belgium.

1834 Treaty of Desmichels



France acknowledges Abd-el-Kader as bey of Mascara

and independent sovereign ruler of Oran in Algeria.

Treaty of New Echota

Between the United States and several members of a

faction within the Cherokee nation.

Batman's Treaty

Between John Batman and a group of Wurundjeri elders

for the sale of land around Port Phillip.

Treaties of Velasco

Between the republics of Mexico and Texas in the

aftermath of the Battle of San Jacinto.
Ottawa and Chippewa Indians cede to the United States



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Treaty of Washington (1836)

1837 Munich Coin Treaty


the northwest portion of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan

and the eastern portion of the Upper Peninsula of
Unification of currency by six south German states.

Treaty of Tafna

Ends conflict between French and Algerian forces; France

cedes territories to Abd-el-Kader.

Treaty of Balta Liman

Commercial treaty between the Ottoman Empire and the

United Kingdom.

Treaty of Buffalo Creek

Between the Seneca tribe of Western New York and

certain purchasers of rights to the Indians' land.

Dresden Coinage Convention Currency treaty between the states of the Zollverein.

Edict of Toleration (Hawaii)

King Kamehameha III establishes the Roman Catholic

Diocese of Honolulu.

Treaty of London (1839)[109] Guarantees the neutrality of Belgium.

1840 Treaty of Waitangi

New Zealand becomes a British colony.


Treaty of Nanjing

Ends the First Opium War; cedes Hong Kong Island to

the United Kingdom.

WebsterAshburton Treaty

Settles boundary disputes between the United States and


1843 Treaty of Maastricht (1843)

Establishes borders between Belgium and the


1844 Treaty of Tangiers

Ends First Franco-Moroccan War.


Treaty of Tehuacana

Establishes peace between the Republic of Texas and

various Native American tribes.

Treaty of Wanghia[111]

First diplomatic agreement between China and the United

States in history.

Treaty of Whampoa

China grants privileges to the French Empire.

Oregon Treaty[112]

Establishes the border between the British and American

sections of the Oregon Country.

Treaty of Lahore

Ends the First Sikh War.

Treaty of Amritsar

Settles dispute over territory in Kashmir.

MallarinoBidlack Treaty[113]

Agreement of mutual cooperation between New Granada

(today Colombia) and the United States.

1847 Treaty of Cahuenga

First treaty to end the MexicanAmerican War.

1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Second treaty ending the MexicanAmerican War.

AranaSouthern Treaty

Argentina and the United Kingdom agree to end of

existing differences & restoring perfect relations of

ClaytonBulwer Treaty

The United States and the United Kingdom agree not to

colonize Central America.




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Punctation of Olmtz

Treaty between Prussia and Austria.

Treaty of Mendota

Between the United States and the Sioux tribes of

Minnesota (Mdewakanton and Wahpekute).

Treaty of Fort Laramie (1851)

United States negotiates safe passage for Oregon Trail

settlers with Native Americans.

Treaty of Kulja[114]

A treaty that regulated trade between China and Russia.

Treaty of Traverse des Sioux

Between the United States government and the Sioux

Indians of Minnesota.

1852 London Protocol (1852)

Sand River Convention

Signed after the First War of Schleswig.

Regulated the relationship between British government of
the Cape Colony and the Boers north of the Orange River
in South Africa.

1854 Convention of Kanagawa[115] Japan is opened to American trade.

Anglo-Japanese Friendship

Japan is opened to British trade.

Treaty with the Umpqua and


Between the United States and the tribes of Umpqua and

Kalapuya in the Oregon Territory.

Treaty of Medicine Creek

The Nisqually, Puyallup, and Squaxin Island tribes, along

with six other smaller Native American tribes cede
territories to the United States government.

Bowring Treaty[116]

Between Britain and Siam; opened Bangkok to foreign

free trade, but guaranteed Siam's independent

Treaty of Hellgate

The Bitteroot Salish, Pend d'Oreille, and the Kootenai

tribes cede territories to the United States government.

Treaty of Shimoda

Defines the border between Japan and Russia; three

Japanese ports opened to international use.

Treaty of Neah Bay

Between the United States and the Makah people.

Treaty with the Kalapuya, etc.

Between the United States and the tribes of Kalapuya,

Molala, Clackamas and others in the Oregon Territory.

Reciprocity Treaty[117]

Trade treaty between the colonies of British North

America and the United States.

Point Elliott Treaty

United States government and various Native American

tribes of the Puget Sound region in the newly formed
Washington Territory.

Point No Point Treaty

Original inhabitants of the Kitsap Peninsula cede

ownership of their land in exchange for small reservations
in Hood Canal and a payment of 60,000 dollars from the
U.S. federal government.

Quinault Treaty

The Quinault and Quileute (including the Hoh) tribes cede

territories to the United States government.




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Treaty with the Nez Perce

Conducted at Walla Walla, Washington, wherein the

United States recognizes the sovereignty and lands of the
Nez Perce. Territory becomes part of United States.
Ratified 1859.

Treaty with the Confederated

Umatilla, Cayuse, and Walla
Walla Tribes

Conducted at Walla Walla, Washington, wherein the

United States recognizes the sovereignty and lands of the
Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla. Territory becomes
part of United States. Ratified 1859.

Treaty with the Yakama

Confederated Tribes and

Conducted at Walla Walla, Washington, wherein the

United States recognizes the sovereignty and lands of the
many and varied bands and tribes making up the Yakama
Confederated Tribes and Bands . Territory becomes part
of United States. Ratified 1859.

"Buffalo" Treaty

Conducted near Ft. Benton, Montana, at Blackfoot

Council wherein several tribal nations east and west of
continental divide agreed to peace terms and mutual use
of territories while hunting buffalo.

1856 Fifth Treaty of Paris[118]

Ends the Crimean War.

1858 Treaty of Tientsin

Ends the first phase of the Second Opium War.

Treaty of Aigun

Specifies border between Russia and China.

Treaty of Amity and

Commerce (United States

Japanese treaty ports opened to commerce.

1859 Treaty of Zurich

Franco-Austrian armistice formalizing the Peace of


1860 CobdenChevalier Treaty

Free trade between Britain and France.

1860 Convention of Peking[120]

Ends the Second Opium War; cedes Kowloon Peninsula

to the United Kingdom.

1861 Franco-Monegasque Treaty

Grants sovereignty to Monaco.

1862 Treaty of Commerce and


Established official trade agreements between the United

States and Ottoman Empire.[121]

Convention of Scutari

Montenegro acknowledges Ottoman suzerainty.

1862 First Treaty of Saigon

Emperor T c cedes Saigon, the island of Poulo

Condor, and three southern provinces (Bin Ha, Gia
nh, and Dinh Tuong) to the French Empire.

1863 Treaty of Hu (1863)

Confirms the First Treaty of Saigon.

Peace treaty giving certain rights to the United States in

the Nevada Territory. As late as December 1992,
Western Shoshone were still disputing the terms of this
treaty with President-Elect Clinton. The United States
Treaty of Ruby Valley (1863) Congress had attempted to settle the agreement in 1979,
appropriating $26 million to purchase title to 24 million



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acres (97,000 km) of tribal lands. By 1992, interest on

that appropriation had increased it to $75 million, and it
continues to grow.
1864 First Geneva Convention[122]

Establishes rules for the treatment of battlefield casualties.

Treaty of London (1864)

Britain cedes the Ionian Islands to Greece.

Treaty of Vienna (1864)

Ends the Second War of Schleswig between Denmark

and Austria/Prussia.


Hampton Roads Conference

This was not an actual peace treaty but a planned treaty

because in 1865, President Abraham Lincoln who meet
with a delegation of Confederate officials at Hampton
Roads, Virginia, to discuss a possible treaty but Abraham
Lincoln refused to grant the Confederate delegation
Southern independence so the treaty ending within hours.

Peace of Prague


Alaska Purchase

The United
States buys
Alaska from

Medicine Lodge Treaty

between the
States and


Treaty of London (1867)[20]

Burlingame Treaty

An international accord in the aftermath of the AustroPrussian War and the Luxembourg Crisis.
Establishes relations between the United States and

Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868) Ends Red Cloud's War.

Treaty on Naturalization

First recognition by a European power of the legal right of

(U.S./North German Confederation) its subjects to become American citizens.
1871 Treaty of Frankfurt (1871)

Ends the Franco-Prussian War.

Treaty of Washington (1871)

Conducted in Washington, D.C. to settle grievances

between the United States and Great Britain.

Treaty 1 (Stone Fort Treaty)

Conducted in Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba, Canada,

negotiating an agreement between Queen Victoria the
Canadian monarch and First Nations.[123]

Treaty 2 (Manitoba Post

Conducted in Manitoba Post, Manitoba, Canada,



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Treaty 3 (Northwest Angle


Conducted at North-West Angle of the Lake of the

Woods Manitoba, Canada, negotiating an agreement
between Queen Victoria the Canadian monarch and First

Pangkor Treaty of 1874

Perak becomes the first Malay state to accept British


Treaty of Berne

Universal Postal Union becomes the second oldest

international organization.

Second Treaty of Saigon

Reiterates the Treaty of Saigon (1862); the Red River

(Song Hong) opens for trade, as well as the ports of
Hanoi, Haiphong and Qui Nonh.

Treaty 4 (Qu'appelle Treaty)

Conducted at Fort Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan, Canada,

negotiating an agreement between Queen Victoria the
Canadian monarch and First Nations.[126]

1875 Treaty of Saint Petersburg


In exchange for the Kuril Islands, Japan relinquishes

claims on Sakhalin.

Convention du Mtre[127]

An international treaty that establishes three organizations

to oversee the keeping of metric standards.

Reciprocity Treaty of 1875

A free trade agreement between the United States and the

Hawaiian Kingdom.

Treaty 5

Conducted initially at Beren's River, Manitoba, Canada,

negotiating an agreement between Queen Victoria the
Canadian monarch and First Nations. The northern
portion signing was in 1908.[128]

1876 JapanKorea Treaty of



negotiating an agreement between Queen Victoria the

Canadian monarch and First Nations.[123]

First Unequal treaty of Korean Joseon dynasty.

Treaty 6

Conducted at Fort Carlton, and Duck Lake,

Saskatchewan, Canada, negotiating an agreement
between the Canadian monarch and First Nations.[130]

London Protocol (1877)

The British agree to remain neutral in any conflict between

the Ottoman Empire and Russia.

Treaty 7

Conducted at Blackfoot Crossing, Alberta, Canada,

negotiating an agreement between the Canadian monarch,
Queen Victoria, and First Nations.[131]

Cyprus Convention

The Ottoman Empire relinquishes Cyprus to the United

Kingdom in return for military support against the

Pact of Zanjn

Ends the Cuban Ten Years' War.

Treaty of San Stefano

Ends the war between Russia and the Ottoman Empire.

Treaty of Berlin (1878)

Amends the Treaty of San Stefano.




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1879 Treaty of Gandamak

Ends the first phase of the Second Anglo-Afghan War.

1881 Boundary treaty of 1881

between Chile and Argentina

Chile and Argentina define their boundary.

Treaty of Akhal

Iran officially recognizes the Russian Empire's annexation

of Khwarazm.

Treaty of Bardo[132]

Tunisia becomes a protectorate of the French Empire.

1882 Fourth Triple Alliance

Kilmainham Treaty
1883 Paris Convention for the
Protection of Industrial

Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.

Between the British government under William Ewart
Gladstone and the Irish nationalist leader Charles Stewart
Intellectual property systems (including patents) of any
contracting state become accessible to the nationals of
other states party to the Convention.

Treaty of Ancn

Settles territorial disputes between Peru and Chile.

Treaty of Hu (1883)[133]

Cedes Annam and Tonkin to the French Empire.

1884 Treaty of Hu (1884)

Confirms the 1883 Treaty of Hu.

1885 Treaty of Simulambuco

Between the Portuguese government and officials in the

N'Goyo Kingdom.

1886 Berne Convention[134]

International agreement about copyright.

Treaty of Bucharest
1887 Reinsurance Treaty


Ends war between Serbia and Bulgaria.

An attempt by Bismarck to continue to ally with Russia
after the League of the Three Emperors broke down.

Treaty of Berlin (1889)

The United States, Great Britain, and Germany establish

condominium and recognize the independence of Samoa.

Treaty of Wuchale

Peace treaty between Ethiopia and Italy, subsequently



Agreement between the United Kingdom and Imperial

Germany concerning mainly territorial interests in Africa.

1891 Treaty of Madrid (1891)[136]

Gives France legal protection of the word champagne.

1895 Treaty of The Hague (1895)

Establishes boundaries of British New Guinea.

Treaty of Shimonoseki[137]

Ends the First Sino-Japanese War.

Treaty of Friendship,
Commerce and Navigation
Treaty between Brazil and Japan, signed in France.
between Brazil and Japan
1896 Treaty of Addis Ababa

Treaty of Constantinople

Abrogates the Treaty of Wuchale, formally ends the First

ItaloEthiopian War, and recognizes Ethiopia as an
independent state.
Ends hostilities between Ottoman Empire and Greece.
Greece pays reparations. Crete autonomous under


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Ottoman suzerainty (Cretan State).

Franco-Ethiopian treaty

Terms include defining the boundary between French

Somaliland and Ethiopia

1898 Sixth Treaty of Paris

Ends the SpanishAmerican War.

Convention for the Extension

of Hong Kong Territory[139]
1899 Hague Conventions of 1899
and 1907

Cedes the New Territories to the United Kingdom.

Attempts to formalize laws of war.

Tripartite Convention (1899)

Divides Samoa between the United States and Germany.

Treaty 8

Conducted at Lesser Slave Lake, Alberta, Canada,

negotiating an agreement between the Canadian monarch,
Queen Victoria, and First Nations. There were later
adhesions to the treaty.[140]



1900 Treaty of Paris

Ends all conflicting claims over Ro Muni (Equatorial Guinea).

Seeks to remove any ground of misunderstanding growing out of the

Treaty of Washington interpretation of Article III of the Treaty of Paris (1898) by clarifying specifics of
territories relinquished to the United States by Spain.[141]
Convention for the
Preservation of Wild
Animals, Birds and
Fish in Africa
1901 HayPauncefote
Boxer Protocol[142]
1902 Anglo-Japanese

First international agreement on wildlife conservation.

Replaces the ClaytonBulwer Treaty.

Peace agreement between the Eight-Nation Alliance and China.
Treaty of alliance between England and Japan; signed by Lord Lansdowne and
Hayashi Tadasu.

Treaty of Vereeniging Ends the Second Boer War.

1903 CubanAmerican

The Republic of Cuba leases to the United States the Guantnamo Bay area.

HayHerrn Treaty

The United States attempts to acquire a lease on Panama.

HayHerbert Treaty

Between the United Kingdom and the United States on the location of the
border between Alaska and Canada.


Establishes the Panama Canal Zone.

Treaty of Petrpolis

Ends tensions between Bolivia and Brazil over the territory of Acre.



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Southern African
Customs Union

Creates customs union between British colonies and protectorates in Southern


1905 Treaty of Portsmouth Ends the Russo-Japanese War.

Treaty of Bjrk

A secret mutual defense accord between the German Empire and Russia.

October Manifesto

Response to Russian Revolution of 1905. Created the Duma but Tsar Nicholas
II of Russia disregarded it after the country was stable again and continued his
absolute rule.


Japan and the United States agree on spheres of influence in Asia.

Convention of

This treaty dissolves of the union between Norway and Sweden established by
the Convention of Moss and Treaty of Kiel in 1814.

JapanKorea Treaty
of 1905

This treaty deprived Korean Empire of its diplomatic sovereignty, in effect

making Korea a protectorate of Empire of Japan; void in 1965.

Treaty 9 (James Bay


Conducted at Osnaburgh House trade post, on Lake St. Joseph (Albany River),
Ontario, Canada, negotiating an agreement between the Canadian monarch,
King Edward VII, and First Nations. There were later adhesions to the

1906 Second Geneva


Specifies the treatment of wounded, sick and shipwrecked members of armed

forces at sea.

Treaty 10

Conducted at le--la-Crosse and Lac du Brochet, Saskatchewan, Canada,

negotiating an agreement between the Canadian monarch, King Edward VII,
and First Nations. There were later adhesions to the treaty in 1907.[146]

Treaty of Limits

Defined international boundary between Brazil and Dutch colony of Surinam


Anglo-Siamese Treaty
Formally divides northern Malay states between Siam and the British Empire.
of 1909[147]

1910 JapanKorea Treaty

of 1910
Brussels Collision

Begins the period of Korea under Japanese rule; declared null and void in 1965.
Governs apportionment of legal liability in maritime collision cases.


North Pacific Fur Seal

First international treaty seeking the management and conservation of wildlife.
Convention of 1911


International Opium

1913 Treaty of London

Treaty of Bucharest
Treaty of friendship
and alliance between

The first international drug control treaty.

Ends the First Balkan War.
Ends the Second Balkan War.

Alliance between Mongolia and Tibet.



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the Government of
Mongolia and Tibet
Treaty of Athens

Peace treaty between Ottoman Empire and Greece. Ottoman Empire

acknowledges union of Crete with Greece.

Treaty of

Peace treaty between Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria. Bulgaria acknowledges

Ottoman control on Eastern Thrace.


The United States acquires the rights to any canal built in Nicaragua, to build a
naval base in the Gulf of Fonseca, and to lease the Great and Little Corn Islands
in the Caribbean; ratified in 1916.

1915 Treaty of London

Italy enters World War I.
(1915) (London Pact)
Treaty of Kyakhta
1916 SykesPicot
Treaty of Bucharest
1917 LansingIshii
Corfu Declaration
1918 Treaty of BrestLitovsk (Ukraine
Central Powers)

Status of Mongolia
France and the United Kingdom define spheres of influence in the Middle East.
Alliance between Romania and the Entente.
Trade treaty between the United States and Japan.
Statement of intention to form a Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
Between Ukrainian People's Republic and the Central Powers.

Treaty of BrestLitovsk

Between Russia and the Central Powers; Russia pulls out of World War I.

Treaty of Bucharest

Between Romania and the Central Powers; never ratified.

Treaty of Batum

Between the Democratic Republic of Armenia and the Ottoman Empire.

Armistice of Mudros

Ends the Middle-Eastern part of World War I and forces the Ottomans to
renounce most of their imperial holdings.

Armistice with

Between France, Britain, and Germany, ending World War I

1919 Treaty of SaintGermain-en-Laye

Treaty of Versailles

Dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Formally ends World War I.

Treaty of Neuilly-surBetween Allied Powers and Bulgaria.


Agreement for ArabJewish cooperation in the Middle East.



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Anglo-Afghan Treaty Between the United Kingdom and Afghanistan during the Third Anglo-Afghan
of 1919 (Treaty of
War; United Kingdom recognizes Afghanistan's independence; amended in
1920 Seventh Treaty of

Union of Bessarabia and Romania.

Treaty of Brno (1920)

Naturalizes all populaces within the respective language groups of Austria and

Treaty of Rapallo

Between Italy and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (subsequently
the Kingdom of Yugoslavia).

Treaty of Moscow

Mutual recognition of the Russian SFSR and the Democratic Republic of


Treaty of Tartu

Establishes border between Russia and Finland.

Treaty of Tartu

Establishes border between Russia and Estonia.

Treaty of Trianon

Regulates the newly independent Hungary.

Treaty of Svres

Peace between the Allies of World War I and the Ottoman Empire.

LatvianSoviet Peace
Brings peace between the Republic of Latvia and Russian SFSR.
Treaty of

Ends the war between Turkish nationalists and the Armenian Republic.

Svalbard Treaty[148]

The Arctic archipelago of Svalbard becomes part of the Kingdom of Norway.

1921 Franco-Polish alliance Military alliance between Poland and France that was active between 1921 and

Ends the Irish War of Independence and created the Irish Free State.

Peace of Riga[150]

Ends the PolishSoviet War.


Colombia recognizes Panama's independence in return for 25 million dollars.

Treaty of Berlin

Separate post-World War I peace agreement between the United States and

Treaty of Kars

Friendship treaty between Turkey and the Soviet governments of the

Transcaucasian Republics.

Treaty of Ankara

France agrees to evacuate Cilicia in return for economic concessions from

Turkey; Turkey acknowledges French imperial sovereignty over Syria.

Russo-Persian Treaty Grants both Iran and the Soviet Union full and equal shipping rights in the
of Friendship (1921) Caspian Sea.
Treaty of Moscow

A friendship treaty between the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM)

and the Bolshevik government of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist


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AngloAfghan Treaty Amendments to and expansion of the Anglo-Afghan Treaty of 1919 between the
of 1921
United Kingdom and Afghanistan
Treaty 11
1922 Washington Naval
Treaty of Rapallo

Conducted at Northwest Territories, Canada, negotiating an agreement between

the Canadian monarch, King George V, and First Nations. There were further
signings in 1921.[152]
Attempts to limit naval expansion.
Between the Weimar Republic and Bolshevist Russia.

Treaty on the
Legalized the creation of a union of several Republics of the Soviet Union in the
Creation of the USSR form of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
1923 Treaty of Lausanne

Sets the boundaries of modern Turkey.

Halibut Treaty

Canadian-American agreement concerning fishing rights in the northern Pacific


Convention and
Statute on the
International Rgime
of Maritime Ports

Mandated equal treatment of all ships in maritime ports, regardless of nationality.

1924 Brussels Agreement

Treaty of Rome
1925 Locarno Treaties

Multilateral treaty providing for medical treatment of seamen with venereal

Revokes parts of the Treaty of Rapallo (1920) that created the independent
Free State of Fiume; Fiume would be annexed to Italy while the town of Suak
would be assigned to Yugoslavia.
Seven treaties between the World War I Western European Allied powers and
the new states of central and Eastern Europe.


Treaty of Berlin

Germany and the Soviet Union pledge neutrality.


Treaty of Jeddah

Establishes the independence of present-day Saudi Arabia from the United


1928 KelloggBriand

Calls "for the renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy".

Italo-Ethiopian Treaty 20 year treaty of peace between the Kingdom of Italy and the Empire of
of 1928
1929 Lateran Treaty

The Kingdom of Italy and the Vatican City formally recognize each other.

Geneva Convention

Establishes rules for the treatment of prisoners of war; predecessor of the 1949
Third Geneva Convention.

Convention for the
Suppression of

Criminalises the counterfeiting of currency.



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1930 London Naval


Regulates submarine warfare and shipbuilding.

Convention Between
Definitely delimits the boundary between North Borneo (then a British
the United States and
protectorate) and the Philippine archipelago (then a U.S. Territory).
Great Britain (1930)

Treaty of Westminster
Creates the British Commonwealth.


SovietPolish NonAggression Pact

International treaty of non-aggression signed by representatives of Poland and

the USSR.

1934 GermanPolish Non- International treaty between Nazi Germany and the Second Polish Republic;
Aggression Pact
both countries pledged to settle disputes through bilateral negotiations.
Balkan Pact

Between Greece, Turkey, Romania, and Yugoslavia; signatories agree to

suspend all disputed territorial claims against each other.

1935 Franco-Soviet Treaty Bilateral pact between France and the USSR with the aim of containing German
of Mutual Assistance aggression.
Treaty of
Commerce and
1936 Anglo-Egyptian
Treaty of 1936

Reinforces the Russo-Persian Treaty of Friendship.

The United Kingdom withdraws its troops from Egypt except those necessary to
protect the Suez Canal and its surroundings.

Franco-Syrian Treaty
of Independence
France provides independence to Syria.
Montreux Convention
Regarding the Regime Approve Turkish control on Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits
of the Straits
Establishes limitations on whaling practices; protocols signed in 1938 and again
Convention for the
in 1945.
1937 Regulation of Whaling
Treaty of
A non-aggression pact signed by Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan.
1938 Munich Agreement

Surrenders the Sudetenland to Germany.

1939 MolotovRibbentrop
Soviet-German non-aggression pact.
Pact of Steel
1940 Moscow Peace

Pact of Friendship and Alliance between Germany and Italy.

Ends the Winter War.

Treaty of Commerce Reinforces the Treaty of Establishment, Commerce and Navigation between Iran
and Navigation
and the Soviet Union.
Treaty of Craiova

Romania cedes territories to Bulgaria.



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1941 Tokyu Convention

Ends the Franco-Thai War.

1942 Anglo-Soviet Treaty

of 1942

Twenty-year mutual assistance agreement between the United Kingdom and the
USSR that establishes both a military and political alliance.

1944 Bretton Woods


Establishes rules for commercial and financial relations among the major
industrial states.


Attempts to merge Yugoslavian governments.

Chicago Convention
on International Civil

Establishes the International Civil Aviation Organization; ratified in 1947.

London Protocol

Prepares for the division of Germany into three occupation zones.

1945 Treaty of Varkiza[161] Attempts to officially end the Greek Civil War.


United Nations

Establishes the United Nations.

Wanfried Agreement

Transfers three Hessian villages to the Soviet Union and two Eichsfeld villages to
the United States.

Bermuda Agreement

Bilateral agreement on civil aviation between the United States and United

GruberDe Gasperi

South Tyrol and Trentino remain part of Italy, but ensures their autonomy as
region of Trentino-Alto Adige/Sdtirol.

Replaces the International Agreement for the Regulation of Whaling; governs the
Convention for the
commercial, scientific, and aboriginal subsistence whaling practices of fifty-nine
Regulation of Whaling member nations.
1946 Lake Success

Shifts drug control functions previously assigned to the League of Nations to the
United Nations.

Treaty of Manila

The United States recognizes the independence of the Republic of the


Treaty of London

Great Britain recognizes the independence of Transjordan.

1947 General Agreement

on Tariffs and

Establishes international trade rules.

Paris Peace Treaties,

Formally ends World War II.
Inter-American Treaty
of Reciprocal
A "hemispheric defense" doctrine signed by many nations in the Americas.
1949 North Atlantic

Establishes NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.



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Fourth Geneva

Establishes rules for the protection of civilians during wartime.

Treaty of The Hague


The Netherlands grants independence to Indonesia except for the South

Molucca Islands and West Irian.

Treaty of London

Creates the Council of Europe.

LiaquatNehru Pact

Between Pakistani Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan and Indian Prime Minister
Jawaharlal Nehru.

Treaty of

Establishes borders between the Republic of Poland and the German

Democratic Republic.

1951 Mutual Defense

Treaty (U.S.

A mutual defense accord between the Philippines and the United States.

Genocide Convention Defines and outlaws genocide.

Treaty of San

Formally ends the war between the Allies of World War II and Japan.

Security Treaty
Between the United
States and Japan

A mutual defense agreement between the United States and Japan; goes into
effect on April 28, 1952.

U.S. and Japan

Permits U.S. armed forces to station troops in Japan while encouraging Japan to
Mutual Defense
rearm for defensive purposes only; goes into effect on May 1, 1954.
Assistance Agreement
1952 ANZUS Treaty[170]

Alliance between Australia, New Zealand and the United States.

Treaty of Taipei[171]

Peace treaty between Japan and the Republic of China.

General Treaty[172]

Treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Western Allies
(France, UK, USA) restoring (limited) German sovereignty.

Convention relating to
Arrest of Sea-going Standarises rules relating to arrest of ships in port.
1953 Korean War

Ended the fighting between the United Nations Command and the Korean
People's Army & PRC People's Liberation Army.

1954 Central Treaty


Alliance of Middle Eastern countries and the United Kingdom.

Southeast Asia
Collective Defense
1955 AsianAfrican

Established the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, (SEATO), a defensive

alliance between Australia, France, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, South
Korea, South Vietnam, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Conference stated to promote Afro-Asian economic and cultural cooperation
and to oppose colonialism or neocolonialism by the United States, the Soviet



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Union, or any other "imperialistic" nation.

Austrian State

Re-establishes a free, sovereign and democratic Austria.


The Royal Navy surrenders its naval base at Simonstown, South Africa and
transfers command of the South African Navy to the government of South

Warsaw Pact[178]

Alliance of Central and Eastern European communist states.

SovietJapanese Joint Reestablishes diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and Japan following
Declaration of 1956 World War II.

1957 Anglo-Malayan

Provides a security umbrella for the independent Malaya.

Treaty of Rome[180]

Establishes the European Economic Community.

International Atomic
Energy Treaty

Establishes the International Atomic Energy Agency.

1958 1958 USUK Mutual Bilateral treaty between the United States and the United Kingdom on nuclear
Defence Agreement weapons cooperation.
Convention on the
Provides new universal legal controls for the management of marine natural
Territorial Sea and the
resources and the control of pollution.
Contiguous Zone
Antarctic Treaty

Sets aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve, establishes freedom of scientific

investigation and bans military activity on the continent; comes into force in

1960 Treaty of Mutual

Cooperation and
between the United
States and Japan

Strengthens Japan's ties to the "West" during the Cold War era.

Indus Waters Treaty

Water-sharing treaty between India and Pakistan.

1960 Treaty of

Establishes the Latin American Free Trade Association.

London and Zurich


Between United Kingdom, Turkey and Greece about the independence and
Guarantee of Cyprus.

1961 Arms Control and

Strengthens U.S. national security by implementing effective policies of arms
Disarmament Agency control and disarmament.
International treaty drafted by the Hague Conference on Private International
Law. It specifies the modalities through which a document issued in one of the
Hague Convention of
signatory countries can be certified for legal purposes in all the other signatory
5 October 1961
states. Such a certification is called an apostille (French: certification). The
apostille is an international certification.
Columbia River

International agreement between Canada and the United States on the



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development and operation of the upper Columbia River basin.

Vienna Convention
on Diplomatic

International treaty on diplomatic intercourse and the privileges and immunities of

diplomatic missions; came into force in 1964.

Alliance for Progress

U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower attempts to establish economic

cooperation between North America and South America.

Single Convention on International treaty against the illicit manufacture and trafficking of narcotic drugs.
Narcotic Drugs


Convention on the
Reduction of

International treaty against statelessness; goes into effect on December 13,


Nassau Agreement

The United States provides the United Kingdom with nuclear-armed Polaris
missiles in return for a nuclear submarine base in the Holy Loch, near Glasgow.

New York

Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the Kingdom of the

Netherlands Concerning West New Guinea (West Irian). Transferred
responsibility for a territory to the United Nations and arranged for subsequent
administration by Indonesia pending an act of self-determination defined in

1963 Vienna Convention

Multilateral treaty that codifies consular practices.
on Consular Relations
Vienna Convention
on Civil Liability for
Nuclear Damage

Sets rules of liability for any and all forms of nuclear damage.

Partial Nuclear Test

Ban Treaty[182]

Prohibiting all test detonations of nuclear weapons except underground.

lyse Treaty[183]

Franco-German agreement for joint cooperation in foreign policy, economic and

military integration, and exchange of student education.


Harmonizes patent laws across European countries.

Merger Treaty

Organizes the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Economic
Community and Euratom; creates European Commission and the Council of the
European Communities; comes into force on July 1, 1967.

Treaty on Basic
Relations between
Japan and the
Republic of Korea

Established basic relationship between Japan and the Republic of Korea (South


1967 Treaty of

Keeps Latin American and the Caribbean regions free of nuclear weapons.


Founding document of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.


Established the World Intellectual Property Organization.



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Outer Space

Forbids the placing of nuclear weapons or any other weapons of mass

destruction on celestial bodies and into outer space in general.

Treaty on the NonProliferation of

1968 Nuclear

Limits the spread of nuclear weapons through non-proliferation, disarmament,

and the right to utilize nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

1969 Convention on the

Elimination of All
Forms of Racial

Commits signatories to the elimination of racial discrimination and the promotion

of understanding among all races.

Vienna Convention on
Codifies the pre-existing international customary law on treaties with some
the Law of
necessary gap-filling and clarifications.
Arusha Agreement
1970 Hague Hijacking

Establishes better economic relations between the European Community and the
nations of Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania; comes into force in 1971.
Criminalises the hijacking of civil aviation aircraft.

Patent Cooperation

Provides a unified procedure for filing patent applications to protect inventions

internationally; comes into force in 1978; amended in 1979; modified in 1984
and 2001.

Boundary Treaty of

Settles boundary disputes between the United States and Mexico.

Treaty of Warsaw

West Germany and the People's Republic of Poland pledge themselves to

nonviolence and accept the OderNeisse line; ratified in 1972.

1971 Convention on

Attempts to control psychoactive drugs such as amphetamines, barbiturates, and


Five Power Defence


Security agreement between Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore and

the United Kingdom.

Ramsar Convention

Focuses on the conservation and sustainable utilization of wetlands; goes into

effect in 1975.



Establishes a common classification for patents for invention, inventors'

certificates, utility models and utility certificates; goes into effect in 1975;
amended in 1979.

Seabed Arms Control Bans the placement of nuclear weapons on the ocean floor beyond a 12-mile
(19 km) coastal zone; comes into force in 1972.
Convention for the
Suppression of
Unlawful Acts against Criminalises sabotage of civil aircraft and dangerous acts on board aircraft
the Safety of Civil
Indo-Soviet Treaty of



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Friendship and
1972 Addis Ababa
Agreement (1972)

Specifies strategic cooperation between India and the Soviet Union.

A series of accords between the government of Sudan and insurgents in
Southern Sudan, which ended the First Sudanese Civil War

Anti-Ballistic Missile

Limits the use of anti-ballistic missile (ABM) systems in defending areas against
missile-delivered nuclear weapons (US PL 92-448).

Basic Treaty

Establishes relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German
Democratic Republic; comes into effect in 1973.

Biological Weapons

First multilateral disarmament treaty banning the production of an entire category

of biological weapons (with exceptions for medical and defensive purposes in
small quantities).

Convention for the

Conservation of
Antarctic Seals

Provides protection for Antarctic seals; comes into effect in 1978.

London Convention
on the Prevention of
Marine Pollution by
Dumping of Wastes
and Other Matter

Attempts to control pollution of the sea via deliberate dumping by vessels,

aircraft, and platforms.

Sino-Japanese Joint

Established diplomatic relations between Japan and the People's Republic of


Simla Agreement[199]

Normalised relations between India and Pakistan following the Bangladesh

Liberation War.

1973 European Patent

Agreement on the
Transfer of Corpses

Multilateral treaty instituting the European Patent Organisation.

Establishes rules and standards for the transfer of human corpses across
international borders

Convention on
Also known as the Washington Convention; Regulates international trade of
International Trade in
endangered species of animals and plants (live specimens, as well as their parts
Endangered Species
and derivatives)
of Wild Fauna and
Paris Peace Accords Formalized American withdrawal from Vietnam.
Vientiane Treaty

A cease-fire agreement between the monarchial government of Laos and the

communist Pathet Lao.

Agreement on the
Transfer of Corpses

Establishes rules and standards for the transport of human corpses across
international borders. Intended to replace a similar 1937 treaty.

1974 JapanAustralia
Migratory Bird

Treaty between Australia and Japan to minimise harm to the major areas used
by birds that migrate between the two countries; comes into force in 1981.


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Threshold Test Ban

1975 Treaty of Osimo
Treaty of Lagos
1976 Environmental
Treaty of Amity and
Cooperation in
Southeast Asia

Establishes a nuclear "threshold" by prohibiting nuclear tests of devices having a

yield exceeding 150 kilotons.
Divides the Free Territory of Trieste between Italy and Yugoslavia.
Establishes the Economic Community of West African States.
Prohibits the military or other hostile use of environmental modification
techniques; comes into force in 1978.
Treaty signed among the founding members of ASEAN and acceded to by all
ASEAN members and 15 non-members.

Convention on
Limitation of Liability Admiralty law treaty regarding liability for maritime claims.
for Maritime Claims


Abrogates the HayBunau-Varilla Treaty and guarantees Panama its eventual

control of the Panama Canal after 1999.

1978 Camp David Accords Agreement between Egypt and Israel.


Treaty of Peace and

Friendship between
Japan and the
People's Republic of

Peace agreement between Japan and the People's Republic of China.

EgyptIsrael Peace

Israel and Egypt agree to mutually recognize each other; Israel agrees to
withdraw its troops from the Sinai Peninsula in return for Israeli ships to gain free
passage through the Suez Canal.

Moon Treaty[204]

Turns jurisdiction of all heavenly bodies to the international community; goes into
effect in 1984.

Treaty of Accession

New members for the European union

Both Argentina and Chile pledge to a peaceful solution to their border disputes
Treaty of Montevideo at the Beagle Channel.
Australia New
Zealand Closer
A free trade agreement between the governments of New Zealand and
Economic Relations Australia.
Trade Agreement[205]
1984 Sino-British Joint

The United Kingdom relinquishes Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China.

Nkomati Accord

Nonagression treaty between Mozambique and the Republic of South Africa.

Oujda Treaty

Morocco and Libya establish the ArabicAfrican Union.

Treaty of Peace and

Friendship of 1984
between Chile and

Resolves disputes between Argentina and Chile over the possession of the
Picton, Lennox and Nueva islands.




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Plaza Accord

The Group of Five agree to devalue the US dollar in relation to the Japanese yen
and German Deutsche Mark by intervening in currency markets.

Schengen Agreement

Establishes for the European Community a border system and a common policy
on the temporary entry of persons.

1985 Helsinki
Protocol on the
Provides for a 30% reduction in sulphur emissions and their transboundary fluxes
Reduction of Sulphur by 1993; comes into effect in 1987.
Treaty of
1986 ChinaAustralia
Migratory Bird
Convention on Early
Notification of a
Nuclear Accident
1987 Intermediate-Range
Nuclear Forces

Formalizes a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the South Pacific.

Treaty between Australia and China to minimise harm to major areas used by
birds that migrate between the two countries; comes into force in 1988.
In the wake of the Chernobyl disaster, states agree to promptly notify each other
and the IAEA of nuclear accidents that occur.
Eliminates nuclear and conventional ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles
with ranges of 500 to 5,500 kilometers (300 to 3,400 miles); ratified and comes
into force in 1988.

Joint Declaration on
the Question of

Portugal relinquishes Macau to the People's Republic of China.

Nitrogen Oxide

Provides for the control or reduction of nitrogen oxides and their transboundary
fluxes; comes into effect in 1991.

United Nations
Convention Against
Illicit Traffic in
Narcotic Drugs and

Enforcing the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs and the 1971
Convention on Psychotropic Substances.

Convention for the

1988 Suppression of
Unlawful Acts against
Criminalises hijacking and other dangerous acts on ships.
the Safety of Maritime
Convention for the
Suppression of
Unlawful Acts against Criminalises dangerous or violent acts in airports
the Safety of Civil
1989 Montreal

Attempts to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of a number
of substances believed to be responsible for ozone depletion.


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Treaty on
Establishes limits on key categories of conventional military equipment in Europe
Conventional Armed and mandates the destruction of excess weaponry.
Forces in Europe[212]
Timor Gap Treaty

Between the governments of Australia and Indonesia; rewritten in 2001.


Prohibits the use of fishing driftnets in the South Pacific that are longer than 2.5

1990 MalaysiaSingapore
Points of Agreement
of 1990

Treaty regarding the future of railway land owned by the Malaysian government
through Malayan Railways in Singapore.

1990 Chemical
Weapons Accord

On June 1, 1990 Presidents George H. W. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev sign

the bilateral U.S.-Soviet Chemical Weapons Accord.

Treaty on the Final

Settlement with
Respect to Germany

The Four Powers renounce all rights they formerly held in Germany and
Germany renounces all claims to territories east of the OderNeisse line.

1991 Brioni Agreement

Ends ten-day war in Slovenia.

Abuja Treaty

International agreement that creates the African Economic Community.

Treaty of Asuncin

International treaty signed between Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay,

served as the basis for the establishment of the Mercosur trading block.

Extradition treaty

Treaty on Extradition between Australia and the Republic of the Philippines.

Signed in Manila on 7 March 1988, entered into force on 18 January 1991.[213]

Belavezha Accords

Agreement which declared the Soviet Union effectively dissolved and

established the Commonwealth of Independent States in its place.

1992 Maastricht Treaty[214] Establishes the European Union.

United Nations
Convention on
Climate Change[215]

Attempts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gas in order to combat global


Treaty on Open Skies

Establishes an international program of unarmed aerial surveillance flights over all

participants' territories.

CIS Collective
Security Treaty

Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan establish

framework for the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Sochi agreement

Georgian and South Ossetian forces signed a ceasefire to halt the

contemperaneously recognized "civil war."

1993 Oslo I Accord[216]

Chemical Weapons
1994 IsraelJordan Treaty
of Peace[218]

Between the Israeli government and the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Outlaws the production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons.
Normalizes relations between Israel and Jordan and resolves territorial disputes
between them.

North American Free Free trade agreement between Canada, the United States of America, and
Trade Agreement



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Kremlin accords

Stops the preprogrammed aiming of nuclear missiles at targets in any nation and
provides for the dismantling of Russian nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

United Nations
Convention on the
Law of the Sea[219]

Provides universal legal controls for the management of marine natural resources
and the control of pollution.

United Nations
Convention to

Agreement to combat desertification and to mitigate the effects of drought;

comes into force in 1996.

Extradition treaty

Extradition treaty between the government of the republic of the Philippines and
the government of the United States of America. Signed at Manila on 13
November 1994.[221]

Convention on
Nuclear Safety

States agree to general safety rules regarding civilian nuclear power plants and

1995 Dayton
General Agreement
on Trade in
1996 Comprehensive

Ends Bosnian War.

Extends the multilateral trading system to provide services (i.e. tertiary sector of

Forbids all nuclear explosions in all environments for military or civilian purposes.

Khasavyurt Accord

Ceasefire agreement that ends the First Chechen War.

WIPO Copyright

Provides additional protections for copyright deemed necessary due to advances

in information technology.

WIPO Performances
Establishes rights and privileges for performers and producers of audio-visual
and Phonograms
1997 Amsterdam

Substantially revises the Maastricht Treaty; comes into effect on May 1, 1999.

Ottawa Treaty[228]

Bans all anti-personnel landmines (AP-mines).

Chemical Weapons

Outlaws the production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons.

Kyoto Protocol[230]

Mandates the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; negotiated in 1997, ratified

in 2004, and went into effect in 2005.

1998 Good Friday

POP Air Pollution

Major political development in the Northern Ireland peace process.

Agreement to provide for the control and reduction of emissions of persistent
organic pollutants; has not yet come into effect.

Rome Statute of the



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International Criminal Establishes the International Criminal Court.

1999 Adapted
Conventional Armed
Forces in Europe

Replaces ceilings given to NATO and the Warsaw Pact with territorial ones.

East African
Community Treaty

Establishes the East African Community between Uganda, Kenya and the
Republic of Tanzania; goes into effect on July 7, 2000.


Concluded the Kosovo War; went into effect on June 9, 1999.




Cotonou Agreement

Attempts to reduce poverty and integrate the ACP countries into the world
economy; came into force in 2002.

Patent Law

Harmonizes formal procedures such as the requirements to obtain a filing date

for a patent application, the form and content of a patent application, and

Treaty of Jeddah

Resolves a border dispute between Saudi Arabia and Yemen that dates backs
to Saudi boundary claims made in 1934.

2001 Agreement on the

Conservation of
Albatrosses and

Attempts to prevent the decline of seabird populations in the southern

hemisphere, particularly albatrosses and procellariidae.

Treaty of Nice

Amends two founding treaties of the European Union.

Ohrid Agreement

Ends the armed conflict between the Albanian National Liberation Army and

2001 Sino-Russian
Treaty of Friendship

Twenty-year strategic treaty between Russia and the People's Republic of


Convention on

Prohibits the use of computers or networks as tools for criminal activity.

2002 ASEAN Agreement

on Transboundary
Haze Pollution

Between ASEAN nations to bring haze pollution under control in Southeast


Gbadolite Agreement

Attempts to cease hostilities between the warring factions in the Second Congo
War; treaty has limited effect.

Pretoria Accord

Rwandan troops withdraw from the Democratic Republic of the Congo in

exchange for international commitment towards the disarmament of the
interahamwe and the ex-FAR fighters.

Strategic Offensive

Limits the nuclear arsenals of Russia and the United States.



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2003 ASEAN Free Trade
Treaty of Accession

Agreement by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, of local

manufacturing in all ASEAN countries.
Integrates ten nations into the European Union; came into force on May 1,

Accra Comprehensive
Ended the Second Liberian Civil War on August 18, 2003.
Peace Agreement
First public health treaty of the world; came into force on February 27, 2005. Its
WHO Framework
purpose is to "protect present and future generations from the devastating health,
Convention on
social, environmental and economic consequences of tobacco consumption and
Tobacco Control[237]
exposure to tobacco smoke."
International Treaty
on Plant Genetic
Resources for Food
and Agriculture[238]

Assures farmers' facilitated access to seeds of the world's food security crops;
came into force on June 29, 2004.

Ended the Second Sudanese Civil War between the Government of Sudan and
Comprehensive Peace the Sudan People's Liberation Army; creates the Government of National Unity.
Signed on January 9, 2005 and scheduled for full implementation by July 9,
Energy Community

Establishes the Energy Community.

Treaty of Accession

Integrates two nations (Bulgaria and Romania) into the European Union; came
into force on January 1, 2007.

2006 Tripoli Agreement[240] Ends Chadian-Sudanese conflict.


Ends Waziristan War.

St Andrews

Resolves outstanding grievances in the Northern Ireland peace process, enabling

devolved power-sharing government to resume.

2007 Treaty of Lisbon

ASEAN Charter

Reforming the European Union.

New constitution making the Association of Southeast Asian Nations a legal

2008 Constitutive

Treaty establishing the Union of South American Nations.

2009 Extradition treaty

Extradition Treaty between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great

Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of the
Philippines. Bilateral treaty signed in London on 18 September 2009.[243]


Barents Sea border


Treaty signed 15 September in Murmansk between the Government of the

Russian Federation and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway. This treaty
ends decades of negotiations over the maritime border in the Barents Sea.[244]

Global Plan of Action



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to Combat Trafficking A human trafficking action plan adopted by the United Nations[245]
in Persons
Arctic Search and
Rescue Agreement

Treaty among the 8 member states of the Arctic Council signed 12 May 2011. It
coordinates international search and rescue (SAR) coverage and response in the

2012 Agreement on the

Treaty between the Philippine government and the Islamic militant group, Moro
Islamic Liberation Front. The treaty seeks to create a new autonomous political
entity named Bangsamoro to replace the Autonomous Region in Muslim

2013 Agreement on Dry

Treaty among the members of the member states of the United Nations
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific to facilitate
cooperation in the development of a network of dry ports in Asia.

2014 Convention on the

Manipulation of
Sports Competitions

Council of Europe treaty to combat match fixing in sports

Treaty on the
Treaty signed between self-declared independent Republic of Crimea and
Accession of Crimea
Russia which is only recognised by a small number of countries
to Russia
Minsk Protocol
2015 Minsk II

Between Ukraine, Russia, France, and Germany.

Central American Free Trade Agreement
Free Trade Area of the Americas
Substantive Patent Law Treaty (SPLT)
WIPO Protection of Broadcasting Organizations
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement

1. ^ Nussbaum, Arthur (1954). A concise history of the law of nations. pp. 12.
2. ^ Peace Treaty between Ramses II and Hattusili III (
3. ^ Ramses and the first Peace Treaty in History (
4. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Cassius.
5. ^ Also known as the Pact of Andelot.
6. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Tudmir.
7. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Tudejn.
8. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Winchester or the Treaty of Westminster.
9. ^ Also known as the First Treaty of Constance.
10. ^ Also known as the Peace of Venice.
11. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Cazola.



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12. ^ Also known as the Second Treaty of Constance.

13. ^ Also known as the Confoederatio cum principibus ecclesiasticis.
14. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Almira.
15. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Albeville.
16. ^ a b Also known as the Peace of Bratislava.
17. ^ Also known as a sentencia arbitral, "sentence by arbitration."
18. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Orekhovo.
19. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Rhense.
20. ^ a b Also known as the Second Treaty of London.
21. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Dubissa.
22. ^ Also known as the Krva Act.
23. ^ Also known as the Pact of Horodo.
24. ^ Also known as the Reconciliation of Delft.
25. ^ Also known as the Pact of Grodno.
26. ^ Also known as the Peace of Copenhagen.
27. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Edirne.
28. ^ Also known as the Peace of Lodi.
29. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Westminster-Ardtornish.
30. ^ Also known as the Peace of Conflans.
31. ^ Also known as the Second Treaty of Thorn or Toru.
32. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Alcovas-Toledo.
33. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Verger or the Treaty of Le Verger.
34. ^ Also known as the Capitulation of Granada.
35. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Vrad.
36. ^ Also known as the Treaties of Greenwich.
37. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Karlsburg.
38. ^ Also known as the Edict of January.
39. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Longjumeau or the Edict of Longjumeau.
40. ^ Also known as the Edict of Beaulieu-les-Loches or the Peace of Monsieur.
41. ^ Also known as the Edict of Poitiers.
42. ^ Also known as the Perpetual Edict.
43. ^ Also known as the Edict of Fleix and the Peace of Fleix.
44. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Tyavzino or the Eternal Peace with Sweden in Russia.
45. ^ Also known as the Peace of Zsitvatorok.
46. ^ Also known as the Peace of Vienna.
47. ^ Also known as the Twelve Years Truce.
48. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Bruzolo.
49. ^ Also known as Guswhenta or Kaswhenta.
50. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Dywilino.
51. ^ Also known as the Peace of Mikulov.
52. ^ Also known as the Peace of Montpellier.
53. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Stary Targ.
54. ^ Also known as the Edict of Als.
55. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Ratisbonne.



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56. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Polanw or the Treaty of Polyanov.

57. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Stuhmsdorf, the Armistice of Stuhmsdorf, the Peace of Stuhmsdorf, and the
Truce of Stuhmsdorf.
58. ^ Also known as the Peace of Berwick or the Pacification of Berwick.
59. ^ Also known as the Peace of Qasr-e-Shirin.
60. ^ Also known as the Peace of Brmsebro.
61. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Ulm.
62. ^ Also known as the Treaties of Mnster and Osnabrck.
63. ^ Also known as the Partition Treaty of 1648.
64. ^ Also known as the Hje Taastrup Peace.
65. ^ Also known as the Peace of Oliva.
66. ^ Also known as the Peace of Cardis.
67. ^ a b Also known as the Treaty of Purandhar.
68. ^ Also known as the Treaty Between Virginia And The Indians 1677
69. ^ Also known as the Treaty of The Hague or the First Partition Treaty.
70. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Karlovci.
71. ^ Also known as the Second Partition Treaty.
72. ^ Also known as the Peace of Szatmr.
73. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Poarevac.
74. ^ Also known as the Treaty of The Hague.
75. ^ Also known as the Treaty of the Three Black Eagles and as the Treaty of Berlin.
76. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Turku.
77. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Gianti Java or Gianti Agreement.
78. ^ Also known as the Peace of Paris and the Treaty of 1763.
79. ^ Also known as the Hanguranketha Treaty.
80. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between The United States and France.
81. ^ Also known as the Franco-American Alliance.
82. ^ Also known as the Treaty with the Delawares or the Fourth Treaty of Pittsburgh.
83. ^ Also known as the Beaufort Convention.
84. ^ Also known as the Jay's Treaty or the Treaty of London.
85. ^ Also known as the Treaty of San Lorenzo, the Treaty of Madrid, and the Treaty of Friendship, Limits, and
Navigation Between Spain and the United States.
86. ^ Also known as the Hedges Treaty.
87. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Peace and Friendship.
88. ^ Also known as the Peace of Leoben.
89. ^ Also known as the Preliminary and Secret Treaty between the French Republic and His Catholic Majesty the
King of Spain, Concerning the Aggrandizement of His Royal Highness the Infant Duke of Parma in Italy and
the Retrocession of Louisiana.
90. ^ Also known as the Convention of 1800.
91. ^ Also known as the Peace of Badajoz.
92. ^ "Treaty Between the Ottawa, Chippewa, Wyandot, and Potawatomi Indians"
( World Digital Library. 1807-11-17. Retrieved 2013-08-03.
93. ^ a b Also known as the Treaty with the Osage or the Osage Treaty.



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94. ^ Also known as the Dardanelles Treaty of Peace, Commerce, and Secret Alliance, the Treaty of anak, and
the Treaty of Chanak.
95. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Fredrikshamn.
96. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Vienna.
97. ^ Also known in other spellings as the Treaty of Toeplitz and the Treaty of Toplitz.
98. ^ Also known as the Convention of London.
99. ^ Also known as the Treaty with the Creeks, 1814.
100. ^ Also known as the Segowlee Treaty.
101. ^ Also known as the Treaty of the Foot of the Rapids.
102. ^ Also known as the Convention respecting fisheries, boundary, and the restoration of slaves, the London
Convention, the Convention of 1818, or the Anglo-American Convention of 1818.
103. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Amity, Settlement, and Limits Between the United States of America and His
Catholic Majesty, the Transcontinental Treaty of 1819, and the Florida Purchase Treaty.
104. ^ Also known as the Treaty with the Choctaw.
105. ^ Also known as the Treaty of London.
106. ^ Also known as the Convention Between the United States of America and His Majesty the Emperor of All the
Russias, Relative to Navigating, Fishing, Etc., in the Pacific Ocean.
107. ^ Also known as the Treaty with the Osage.
108. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Mississinewa.
109. ^ Also known as the Convention of 1839.
110. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Commerce
111. ^ Also known as the Sino-American Treaty of Wanghia.
112. ^ Also known as the Treaty with the United Kingdom, in Regard to Limits Westward of the Rocky Mountains,
and the Treaty of Washington.
113. ^ Also known as the Tratado de Paz, Amistad, Navegacin y Comercio (Treaty of Peace, Friendship,
Navigation and Trade).
114. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Kuldja.
115. ^ Also known as the Kanagawa Treaty.
116. ^ Officially known as a Treaty of Friendship and Commerce.
117. ^ Also known as the Elgin-Marcy Treaty.
118. ^ Also known as the Congress of Paris.
119. ^ Also known as the Harris Treaty.
120. ^ Also known as the First Convention of Peking.
121. ^ Written Proclamation <>
122. ^ Also known as the Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field,
123. ^ a b Tough, Frank (1997). As Their Natural Resources Fail: Native Peoples and the Economic History of
Northern Manitoba, 18701930 (
id=nEj1ehd3v30C&pg=PA347&dq=smallpox+1876+manitoba#PPA148,M1) (Digitized online by Google
books). UBC Press. p. 148. ISBN 0-7748-0571-4. Retrieved 2008-01-05.
124. ^ W.E. Daugherty, Treaty 3 Research Report (1873). Indian and Northern Affairs, Canada, 1985
125. ^ "Treaty 3 between Her Majesty the Queen and the Saulteaux Tribe of the Ojibbeway Indians at the Northwest
Angle on the Lake of the Woods with Adhesions" ( Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Government of Canada. 2008-11-03. Retrieved 2009-01-05.



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126. ^ Stonechild, Blair (2006). "Treaty 3 between Her Majesty the Queen and the Saulteaux Tribe of the Ojibbeway
Indians at the Northwest Angle on the Lake of the Woods with Adhesions4"
( The Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan. Canadian plains research
center, University of Regina. Retrieved 2009-01-05.
127. ^ Also known as the Meter Convention and the Treaty of the Meter.
128. ^ "Treaty Guide to Treaty No. 5 (1875)" ( Indian and
Northern Affairs Canada. Government of Canada. 2008-11-03. Retrieved 2009-01-05.
129. ^ Also known as the Nitch-shkjki or Treaty of Ganghwa.
130. ^ Beal, Bob (2006). "Treaty 6" ( The Encyclopedia of
Saskatchewan. Canadian plains research center, University of Regina. Retrieved 2009-01-05.
131. ^ "Alberta Online Encyclopedia Treaty 7 Treaty 7 Past and Present "
( Heritage Community Foundation. 2006. Retrieved
132. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Al-Qasr as-Sa'id and the Treaty of Kasser Said.
133. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Protectorate.
134. ^ Also known as the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.
135. ^ Also known as the Anglo-German Agreement of 1890.
136. ^ Also known as the Madrid Agreement concerning the International Registration of Marks
137. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Maguan.
138. ^ Ninomiya, Masato O centenrio do Tratado de Amizade, Comrcio e Navegao entre Brasil e Japo
( November 18, 2011
139. ^ Also known as the Second Convention of Peking.
140. ^ "The Making of Treaty 8 in Canada's Northwest" ( Heritage
Community Foundation. 2002. Retrieved 2009-01-05.
%20-012-%20Treaty%20between%20spain%20and%20the%20United%20States.pdf). University of the
Philippines. November 7, 1900.
142. ^ Also known as the Peace Agreement between the Great Powers and China.
143. ^ Also known as the Treaty No Panamanian Signed.
144. ^ Also known as the Taft-Katsura Memorandum.
145. ^ "James Bay Treaty Turns 100: "Peoples and Events Shaping Treaty No. 9""
( Archives of Ontario.
Government of Ontario. 2002. Retrieved 2009-01-05.
146. ^ "Treaty Guide to Treaty No. 10 (1906)" ( Indian and
Northern Affairs of Canada. Government of Canada. 2008-11-03. Retrieved 2009-01-05.
147. ^ Also known as the Bangkok Treaty of 1909.
148. ^ Also known as the Treaty concerning Spitsbergen.
149. ^ Also known as the Articles of Agreement for a Treaty Between Great Britain and Ireland.
150. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Riga.
151. ^ Also known as the Accord of Ankara, the Franklin-Bouillon Agreement and the Franco-Turkish Agreement
of Ankara.



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152. ^ "Treaty Guide to Treaty No. 11 (1921)" ( Indian and

Northern Affairs of Canada. Government of Canada. 2008-11-03. Retrieved 2009-01-05.
153. ^ Also known as the Five-Power Treaty.
154. ^ Also known as the Pact of Paris.
155. ^ Also known as the Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armament.
156. ^ Also known as the Statute of Westminster 1931.
157. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Establishment, Commerce and Navigation with Full Protocols and Annex.
158. ^ Also known as the Saadabad Pact.
159. ^ Also known as the HitlerStalin Pact, the GermanSoviet Nonaggression Pact, the or NaziSoviet Pact and
formally as the Treaty of Nonaggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
160. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Vis.
161. ^ Also known as the Varkiza Pact and the Varkiza Peace Agreement.
162. ^ Also known formally as the Protocol Amending the Agreements, Conventions and Protocols on Narcotic
Drugs concluded at The Hague on 23 January 1912, at Geneva on 11 February 1925 and 19 February 1925,
and 13 July 1931, at Bangkok on 27 November 1931 and at Geneva on 26 June 1936.
163. ^ Also known as the Treaty of General Relations Between The United States Of America And The Republic Of
The Philippines
( (archived
from the original ( on 2009-03-26).
164. ^ Also known, in abbreviated form, as GATT.
165. ^ Also known as the Rio Treaty and Rio Pact.
166. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Washington.
167. ^ Also known as GCIV.
168. ^ Also known formally as the Treaty between the Republic of Poland and the German Democratic Republic
concerning the demarcation of the established and existing Polish-German state border.
169. ^ Also known as San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Treaty of Peace with Japan.
170. ^ Also known as the Australia, New Zealand, United States Security Treaty.
171. ^ Also known as the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty.
172. ^ Also known as the Deutschlandvertrag.
173. ^ s:Korean Armistice Agreement
174. ^ Also known, in abbreviated form, as CENTO; original name was the Middle East Treaty Organization or
METO; also known as the Baghdad Pact.
175. ^ Also known as the Manila Pact.
176. ^ Also known as the Bandung Conference.
177. ^ Also known as the Austrian Independence Treaty.
178. ^ Also known as the Warsaw Treaty and the Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Mutual Assistance.
179. ^ Also known, in 1963, as the Anglo-Malaysian Defence Agreement.
180. ^ Also known as the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community.
181. ^ Also known, in abbreviated form, as ATS.
182. ^ Also known as the Limited Test Ban Treaty, the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and the Treaty Banning Nuclear
Weapon Tests In The Atmosphere, In Outer Space And Under Water.
183. ^ Also known as the Franco-German Partnership.
184. ^ Also known as the Strasbourg Patent Convention and the Convention on the Unification of Certain Points of
Substantive Law on Patents for Invention.



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185. ^ Also known as the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean.
186. ^ Also known as the Bangkok Declaration.
187. ^ Also known as the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization.
188. ^ Also known as the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of
Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies.
189. ^ Also known as the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
190. ^ Also known, in abbreviated form, as the VCLT.
191. ^ Also known, in abbreviated form, as the PCT.
192. ^ Also known, in abbreviated form, as the FPDA.
193. ^ Also known as the Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent Classification.
194. ^ Also known as the Seabed Treaty.
195. ^ Also known as the ABM Treaty or ABMT.
196. ^ Also known as the Treaty concerning the basis of relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and
the German Democratic Republic.
197. ^ Also known as the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of
Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction.
198. ^ Also known formally as the Joint Communiqu of the Government of Japan and the Government of the
People's Republic of China.
199. ^ Also known as the Simla Pact and the Simla Treaty.
200. ^ Also known as the Convention on the Grant of European Patents.
201. ^ Also known, in abbreviated form, as JAMBA.
202. ^ Also known as the Treaty on the Limitation of Underground Nuclear Weapon Tests.
203. ^ Also known as the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental
Modification Techniques.
204. ^ Also known as the Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies or
the Moon Agreement.
205. ^ Also known, in its abbreviated form, as ANZCERTA.
206. ^ Also known formally as the Joint Declaration of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland and the Government of the People's Republic of China on the Question of Hong Kong.
207. ^ Also known as the Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution on the
Reduction of Sulphur Emissions or Their Transboundary Fluxes by at Least 30%.
208. ^ Also known as the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty.
209. ^ Also known formally as the Joint Declaration of the Government of the People's Republic of China and the
Government of the Republic of Portugal on the question of Macao.
210. ^ Also known as the Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution
Concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or Their Transboundary Fluxes.
211. ^ Also known as the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.
212. ^ Also known, in its abbreviated form, as the CFE.
213. ^ Australian Treaty Series 1991 No 5 (, Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
214. ^ Also known formally as the Treaty on European Union.
215. ^ Also known, in its abbreviated forms, as the UNFCCC or the FCCC.
216. ^ Also known as the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements or the Declaration
of Principles (DOP).



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217. ^ Also known formally as the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and
Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction.
218. ^ Also known formally as the Treaty of Peace Between the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of
219. ^ Also known, in its abbreviated form, as the UNCLOS.
220. ^ Also known as the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing
Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa.
221. ^ Extradition treaty between the government of the republic of the Philippines and the government of the United
States of America (, signed at Manila on 13
November 1994, United Nations Treaty Collection (
222. ^ Also known as the Dayton Accords, the Dayton-Paris Agreement and the General Framework Agreement for
Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
223. ^ Also known, in its abbreviated form, as the GATS.
224. ^ Also known, in its abbreviated form, as the CTBT.
225. ^ Also known as the World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty.
226. ^ Also known, in its abbreviated form, as the WPPT.
227. ^ Also known as the Treaty of Amsterdam amending the Treaty of the European Union, the Treaties
establishing the European Communities and certain related acts.
228. ^ Also known as the Mine Ban Treaty and the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling,
Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction.
229. ^ Also known as the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of
Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction.
230. ^ Also known formally as the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
231. ^ Also known as the Belfast Agreement and rarely known as the Stormont Agreement.
232. ^ Also known as the Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution on
Persistent Organic Pollutants.
233. ^ Also known as the Rome Statute.
234. ^ Also known, in its abbreviated form, as the PLT.
235. ^ Also known as the Moscow Treaty and SORT.
236. ^ Also known, in its abbreviated form, as AFTA.
237. ^ Also known, in abbreviated form, as FCTC.
238. ^ Also known as the International Seed Treaty.
239. ^ Also known as the Naivasha Agreement.
240. ^ Also known as the Libya Accord or the Tripoli Declaration.
241. ^ Also known as the North Waziristan Accord.
242. ^ Constitutive Treaty of the Union of South American Nations
( Ministry of External
Relations. Accessed on May 25, 2008.
243. ^ Treaty (, U.K. Foreign and
Commonwealth Office.
244. ^ [1] ( The treaty
text in Norwegian



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245. ^ "UAE active in fight against human trafficking Gargash" (

xfile=data/theuae/2010/October/theuae_October456.xml&section=theuae). Khaleej Times. October 18, 2010.
Retrieved December 3, 2013.

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Categories: Political timelines Lists of treaties
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