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Of dreams and reality

We are often told.

Think Positive! For a better life!
You can do it!
Be Yourself!
Our society pushes us to be motivated, inspiring and ultimately interesting people. While the
truth is that we are just little figures on statistics to be toyed with. Motivation is a deception for
increased productivity in industrys as those who glide about the corporate ladder start down at
the bottom and shake their heads in disgust as the little men and women told themselves to
work harder and to push themselves harder and harder!
Not realizing the direction their heading towards neither where theyre going or what theyre
We are people in a blind society. Our lifes defined by the society and the past, with wars fought
for the sake of ideology and not for humanity. A world that strives for unachievable perfection
that does not exist on this imperfect world we roam upon. Nobody looks upwards but forwards
as the world defines their life and what role they would fit in this society.
We are the 1%, not the top 1% but the bottom of the one percent. The 1% who work exceeding
humane hours and getting a small amount of pay even with the efforts that we have put into.
Our lifes kept in cages and defined, as a child goes to school then to High School then to
college as he later slowly moves onto his live as he realized that he never truly understood
himself in all the years he had lived. Subjects are being forced to be studied by us with
education treated as a cure to some incurable cancer that lives among us. Depression caused
by those who see the morbid reality of the world and life while others who never bat and eye
and are fools to their own existence.

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