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(iy School FAIRFAX COUNTY Beulah Road PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Vienna, Viginia 22182 From: ‘Teresa Khulul ‘Wolfirap Elementary School Subject: Letter of Reference for Adam Moning ‘Adam Mohning represents the finest in his profession of physical education teachers in the Fairfax County Public Schools system, He has taught at Wolftrap Elementary school for over five years and is currently in is eleventh year of teaching for the county. Mr. Mohning’s knowledge of the content and curriculum is extensive. He is responsible for teaching physical education curriculum to students in kindergarten through sixth grade. AS a result ofthis broad range of ages and abilities, Mr. Mohning develops instructional strategies that tare appropriate to meet the needs of his students. He finds ways fo engage students in learning the skis, knowledge and attitudes essential to live a healthy lifestyle and select healthy and sale behaviors, Mr. Mohning’s students include those with significant learning disabilities so he must also create a learning environment in which these students experience success. Mr, Mohning ‘does this with his vast knowledge of both physical education and child development. The direct impact of his passion and enthusiasm for what he does daily isa schoo! of $70 students that look forward to physical education elass each week. I have never met a child at Wolfirap that does not look forward to their ime in physical education One of the qualities that place Mr. Mohning above his peers is his ability to create a classroom setting that is challenging and exciting for his students. In the two years that I have observed this teacher, I have never seen the same lesson being taught. Each year, this creative teacher assesses his classes and researches ways to engage them according to frequently changed state standards for physical education. At the beginning ofa unit, Mr. Mobning will review each ofthe specific state standards that students are expected to learn. This enables students to seli'monitor their progress according to the specific standards in which Mr. Moning assesses them. ‘The physical education program at Wolftap is high quality because of Mr. Mohning’s dedication to mentoring novice parttime peers. Adam Mohning has mentored two new teachers at ‘Wolftrap so I have observed how he stretches other professionals to be the best they can be in thet field. Mr. Mohning co-teaches two days a week with this part-time teacher and they work together during this time often alternating who will give instruction and who will monitor the ‘students and work with small groups needing reteaching. Both teachers communicate and co- plan their lessons to ensure consistency in the program. He also collaborates with the Adaptive Physical Education teacher during the classes they team-teach and he works with her to make ‘sure these children are suocessful when she is notin the gym during ther class time, Mr. Mobning is « very well-liked member of our school community. He volunteers his time t0 ‘coordinate PTA-sponsored events like family fun nights. He can often be seen giving students high-fives in the hallway and discussing their progress on their quarterly fitness goals. One of Mr. Mohning’s other duties isto sponsor the safety patrol program. He coordinates this effort with the administration to ensure student safety at arival and dismissal, His duties include training all safety parols regarding policies and procedures in regards to posts, uniforms, and referrals for student safety concems. Mr. Mobning often informs parents of minor concerns reported to him by the bus driver to help administration in monitoring and addressing issues related to student safer. ‘Mr, Mohning is an exemplary professional and I recommend him for a teaching position in your ‘school disitiet with zero hesitation. Please contact me at 703-319-7300 or imkhuluki@feps.ed if ‘you have any further questions. Sincerely, Jon, alah ‘Teresa Khuluki Principal

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