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January 28, 2010

Looting is when people break into

a store and steal things after a
disaster of some kind. It is illegal,
but should people be allowed to
take necessities if they have no
other way of getting them? If you
loot a grocery store, is it different
from looting a jewelry store?
Would you consider
joining the US
Would you have
joined the 54th
What reasons would
you give for your
The 54 Massachusetts

Was one of the first

“colored” regiments
employed by the
Unlike in the movie,
they were mostly free
born northerners
(more like Thomas
than Tripp)
Black troops were
paid less than whites
at first
Shaw organized a
boycott of the pay
until this was
Eventually it was
Threat Against Black Troops
The Confederacy
said any African
American troops
captured would be
returned to slavery
Any troops
captured in uniform
would be put to
Threat against the Officers
White officers in
command of
African American
troops would be
considered as
inciting rebellion
among slaves and
would also be put
to death
Lincoln’s Response?
Lincoln said that for
every African
American killed he
would have one
southern prisoner
This stopped much of
the threat against
African American
Fort Pillow massacre
April 12, 1864
Surrendering African
American troops were
The Confederate
commander, Nathan
Bedford Forrest, was
the first head of the
Ku Klux Klan
How did they fight?
Very well, when
well led and trained
Poorly when poorly
led and trained
Black Troops
remained a part of
the US Army from
then on
Class work
Work on worksheet
Answer questions and
complete story map
Answer all questions
You need to complete
the whole worksheet
today, and you need
to have it out and be
working on it
Mini Poster:
We are going to re
-make Glory
Create a promotional
poster for our re –
Make sure you
include who is in it
Who would play
Tripp, Thomas,

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