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Love: The Key to Helping Lost Sheep

When your friend or family member strays from the gospel, love is what will help them most.
Has someone close to you become less-active or decided to leave the Church? Its hard to watch
someone you love walk away from something you know to be true. As their close friend or
family member, how can you help them, encourage them, and remind them of the truths of the
In the April 2015 general conference, Elder Brent H. Nielson explains in his talk Waiting for
the Prodigal the best way to help those who are lost.
Elder Nielson struggled to help his own sister, Susan, who left the Church. He explains that his
and his brothers persistent efforts to rescue her and to invite her back only pushed her further
and further away. It is easy to feel this way as you struggle to invite your loved ones to return to
the gospel but dont see positive results.
After many years, Susan did return to the gospel. But it was not because the family bombarded
her with invitations to go to church. Rather, it was simply because they loved Susan. They
invited her to family functions and supported her in her personal achievements. They included
Susans children in family activities, and they showed that they could depend on her. They let
her know that they loved her. Their efforts were simple actsand yet because they always loved
Susan, she eventually returned to the Church.
Elder Nielsons example of patience and love is the perfect solution to how we can help our
loved ones return to the gospel.
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About her return to the gospel, Elder Nielson says, Susan describes this experience just as Lehi
described it in the Book of Mormon. She let go of the iron rod and found herself in a mist of
darkness (see 1 Nephi 8:23). She states that she did not know she was lost until her faith was
reawakened by the Light of Christ, which brightly magnified the stark contrast between what she
was experiencing in the world and what the Lord and her family were offering.
Watch or read Elder Nielsons talk, Waiting for the Prodigal.
Find More Insights
Watch or read President Dieter F. Uchtdorfs invitation to Come, Join with Us.
Watch these videos on the Mormon Channel about other ways to help our less-active family
members and friends: Part 1 and Part 2.
Shelisa Baldwin, Mormon Insights

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