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The world has been cursed since. Adam and Eve

sinned in the garden. Then there was the time of Noah the whole world was full of
violence. The world rejected God. So God decided to destroy it with a flood. This is
the first judgment by flood. Then after the flood the world did not change. So God
decided to try and change the world again. God let his son come to the world to try
to change the world thinking by sending his son and the world rejected his son and
rejected his message to repent. The world put Gods son to death on the cross. This
is the second judgment. Once again the world is rejecting God by turning our backs
on him by not listen to Gods message and the world just keeps on sinning and hate
and violence well bring on the third judgment. This last and final judgment well be
with fire of great purification the world well be purified with fire. Well you listen with
your heart what God is saying to your heart and repent of your sins? Before it is to
late the clock is ticking……………………………….

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