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In an attempt to find another basis for arguments that men and women were mor
al beings, Thomas Burnett and Anthony Cooper, Lord Shaftesbury, founders of this
new school of moral philosophy, replaced innate ideas with emotional reactions,
thought with emotion. Extending Locke's own notion that the mind has an innate
power or principle that perceives differences in color, Burnett suggested that a
similar power perceives differences in moral value. Shaftesbury, the more influ
ential of the two, then argued that we have an internal moral sense much like th
e senses of sight, hearing, and taste.close = apropiat
closely = indeaproape
deep = adanc
deeply = profund
direct = direct
directly = imediat
due = spre (la busola)
duly = punctual

Ex: They went due South.

easy = usor
Ex: Take it easy!
easily = intr-o maniera lejera
free = gratis
freely = pe sleau, deschis
full = complet
fully = pe scara larga, intr-o maniera extinsa
hard = greu
hardly = de-abia, cu greu, aproape deloc
high = sus
highly = foarte
just = tocmai
justly = asa cum se cuvine
late = tarziu
lately = in ultima vreme
large = extins
largely = pe scara larga
most = majoritatea
mostly = cu precadere
near = langa
nearly = aproape ca
pretty = foarte
prettily = intr-o maniera draguta
right = exact
rightly = cu precizie, clar
sharp = fix
sharply = intr-o maniera taioasa
short = brusc
shortly = imediat

Adverbe si adjective cu aceeasi forma si inteles


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