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Writing Assignment

Grupo: 900001_297
Tutor del curso: Leonardo Leguizamo

diana marcela pea cuy /


08 MAYO 2015.

Secnd Stage
Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4

Marcela Pea
26 years old
Health habits
5 days a week
Workout alone
Meat, fish, chicken
Good look
Two purposes
Healthy habits
Keep going

Third Stage
My name is Marcela Pea, I am 26 years old and I work as typesetter on structure
plans. I live in Acacias, I think everyone need to works on healthy habits, like
workout and healthy meals. Also you need to be care with no overextend these
things because it can become with illness.
I try to work out 5 days in a week but it is not possible every month, it could be for
work or other hobbies. I try to work out with freeletics since you dont need much
equipment and you can exercise by you own, I mostly workout at home and I
seldom do it with someone.
Lets talk about meals, in breakfast I dont really care about what I eat because it is
the first meal and it has to be a big and nice meal, it often is not full healthy but I
prefer that. To the lunch I begin to be careful I try to eat protein like fish, meat or
chicken and vegetables since our metabolism is going down during our day. For
dinner I try to eat light as possible like vegetables or protein but meat.
The good thing about get healthy habit is that you can use that for two purposes
because you want a healthy life or you are a vanity person and you care your
shape and good look, anyway your habits are not going to betray you, and you can
get one or both purposes, just keep trying to get them.

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