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Absolutely Irresistible! Bristol “170” Britain's Bristol 170, a. freight-and Besser Yerson of the Bristol bomb omber-transport, made its first fight 1945. ‘The 1954 ‘version shown her little altered from the earliest type, hs seen service all over the world, buildin up a record for relisbiliy and economy No glamour gi, the 170 js a fying ma chine par excellence, and our 40. ine version handles just like the big one. ‘The straightforward engineering 0 the prototype is reflected in the eas onstruction ofthe model, The Bed ea offers an opportunity to build true seal without the nevessity to fudge detail of a retracting gear, and the constant section elevator, low-slung circular na celles and small window area are simple Yo construct than most scale jobs, Pov: ered by two, .049's, the 170. perform: ‘smoothly on 40 foot lines; with a couple of 095 up front, youlll have to Keep your head or youil find yourself looping the dignified old lady. Construction of the 170 is all balsa with the exception of a Iie wire and plywood; no difficult teshaiques are et: ployed. "The secret of

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