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This program works as the server or auctioneer for the auction game.

To start the auction game, please follow the steps below:

1. Put all necessary files in the same directory, including the, setup
.txt, and all bidder programs to join.
2. Start the game using command python #N #ID1 #ID2 , where #N is the num
ber of rounds, followed by IDs of the target bidders.
3. Wait until the program exits.
Three Output files:
log.txt - This shows everything happened during the bidding process.
result.txt - This includes the winners and probably the others bidding information f
or every round.
All bidder programs are allowed to read this file to react correspondingly durin
g the game.
scores.txt - This shows the final scores for each bidder.
Some examples:
python 100 10032976 09632866 - start a game for 2 bidders(if no random b
idder indicated in the setup.txt): a bidder with ID 10032976 and a bidder with ID 0
9632866, for 100 rounds.
python 100 99 075 - you may want to try this command when the bidding op
tion is {0.3,0.6}.
python 0 tft - when the number of rounds is already specified in the set
up, also with the presence of a random bidder, so no need to include 00 in this

Note: On lab2 machines, the default version of python for command python does not
support the server, and its required to use python2.6 or above. To do so, please
first type whereis python, which shows all the installed version on that computer,
and then copy the path for 2.6 or above and replace the word python with it to in
dicate which version you want to use.
Bidder programs given (you can use these to play against your own program for te
00 - random bidder
99 - timeout bidder
05 - always bids 0.5
075 - always bids 0.75
tft - tit-for-tat

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