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ISSN(Online): 2395-xxxx

International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer

and Electronics Engineering
Vol. 1, Issue 5, May 2015

Extracting Data From An Stegno Image Using

Separable Reversible Approach

Selvananthi.G , Saravanan.V , Prof Srinivasan.R

M.Tech (IT) Student, Department of IT, PSV College of Engg & Tech, Krishnagiri, TN.India1
Assistant Professor, Department of IT, PSV College of Engg & Tech, Krishnagiri, TN,India 2
Head of Department , Department of IT, PSV College of Engg & Tech, Krishnagiri, TN, India 3

ABSTRACT: This work proposes a novel scheme for separable reversible data hiding in encrypted images. In the first
phase, a content owner encrypts the original uncompressed image using an encryption key. Then, a data-hider may
compress the least significant bits of the encrypted image using a data-hiding key to create a sparse space to
accommodate some additional data. With an encrypted image containing additional data, if a receiver has the datahiding key, he can extract the additional data though he does not know the image content. If the receiver has the
encryption key, he can decrypt the received data to obtain an image similar to the original one, but cannot extract the
additional data. If the receiver has both the data-hiding key and the encryption key, he can extract the additional data
and recover the original content without any error by exploiting the spatial correlation in natural image when the
amount of additional data is not too large.
KEYWORDS: Channel selection, JPEG, magnitude, perturbation error (PE), quantization step (QS).
Steganography: literally hidden writing. Nowadays steganography is most often associated with embedding
data in some form of electronic media. The difference between steganography and the more commonly used
cryptography is that while cryptography scrambles and obfuscates data that can then be accessed publicly (without
consequence), steganography conceals the data altogether. Data from a covert or source file is hidden by altering
insignificant bits of information in an overt, or host file. For example, an algorithm designed to embed an audio file
might replace information describing frequencies inaudible to the human ear.
The nodes in a peer-to-peer network will communicate with one another. The information exchanged by these
nodes can be easily hacked by using any one or more of the hacking tools such as IP Sniffer (Build around packet
sniffer), Nagios (The Open Source Network Monitoring Software), MRTG (The Open Source Traffic Monitoring
Software), REMSTATS (Network monitoring software), Sysmon (Network monitoring software), Cricket (Router
monitoring), MRTG (Traffic monitoring), Ntop (Traffic monitoring) and Kismet (Wireless scanning) which is available
in the market. These tools generally used to monitor the network status but the hackers can use to hack the data. The
information like bank account details, username, password, personal details and more will be hacked by the hackers
and they can misuse the same.
Steganography is a secret communication approach that can transmit information without arousing suspicion
of the existence of the secret communication. The carrier of steganography can be various kinds of digital media such
as image, audio, and video, etc. Due to the common use of jpeg images, jpeg steganography has attracted much
attention by the researchers in this area.
In [1] the problem of protecting the data we are using a digital watermarks is introduced. A watermark is a
secret key dependent signal added to digital which can later be extracted or detected to make an assertion about the
data. In general watermark could be visible or invisible. A visible watermark typically contains a conspicuously visible
message or a company logo indicating the ownership of the image. On the other hand, invisibly watermarked content
appears perceptually identical to the original. In [2] investigates compression of encrypted data. It has been previously
shown that data encrypted with vernams scheme, also known as one-time pad, can be compressed without knowledge
of the secret key, therefore this result can be applied to stream ciphers used in practice. However, it was not known
how to compress data encrypted with non-stream ciphers. We address the problem of compressing data encrypted with
Copyright to IJIRCEE

ISSN(Online): 2395-xxxx

International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer

and Electronics Engineering
Vol. 1, Issue 5, May 2015

block ciphers, such as the advanced encryption standard used in conjunction with one of the commonly employed
chaining modes. In[3] possibility of processing encrypted signals directly in the encrypted domain is receiving a
increasing attention as a way to satisfy the security requirements stemming from applications wherein valuable or
sensible signals have to processed by a non-trusted part. We consider the data expansion required to pass from the
plaintext to the encrypted representation of signals, due to the use of cryptosystems operating on very large algebraic
structures. A general composite signal representation allowing packing together a number of data samples, and
processing them as a unique sample. The representation permits to speed up linear operations on encrypted signals via
parallel processing and to reduce the size of the encrypted signal. A homomorphic cryptosystem allows carrying out
some basic algebraic operations on encrypted data by translating them into corresponding operations in the plain text
In [4] compression of encrypted grayscale image has paying attention in the recent years with enormous
research interest. To diminish redundancy initially compress the image then encryption is applied to the compressed
image is the traditional method of securely transmitting the image. The decryption operation as well as the
decompression procedure may be performed at the receiver side to attain the reconstructed image. In [5] Data hiding is
an important technique for authentication, identification, annotation, and copyright protection. In the past decades,
many types of data hiding algorithms have been developed, such as the least significant bit plane (LSB)-based
algorithm, the spread-spectrum-based data hiding algorithm, the singular value decomposition (SVD)-based algorithm,
and the vector quantization (VQ)-based scheme. Among these developed data hiding algorithms, the hiding data can be
embedded into images without causing visual degradation.
The system proposed by this paper takes the above said problem into account and it combines the art of
steganography with cryptology. It encodes a message and then, hides it in a file. This makes the message unreadable
even after it is disclosed. By this way we can conceal our information. This project hides text files inside bmp files and
creates a bmp file with secret message. A key should be given by the user to encode the message. The message is first
encoded with this key and then embedded inside the specified file. It is then stored as per the name specified.
Information about jpg as well as bmp files could be retrieved. An additional facility for sending these secret message
files over the net is offered. One could open the internet explorer and send the relevant files to the intended destination.
The working of the system is very simple but powerful. It uses bit shift method to encrypt. The encrypted message is
then embedded inside the specified bmp file bit by bit after hard manipulations. The key is used to do this crypting
To hide a message, open a bitmap file, then enter a password or select a key file. The key file can be any file,
another bitmap for example. This password or key will be treated as a stream of bytes specifying the space between two
changed pixels. I don't recommend text files, because they may result in a quite regular noise pattern. The longer youre
key files or password, the less regular the noise will appear. Next step, enter the secret message or choose a file, and
click the Hide button.
The application writes the length of the message in bytes into the first pixel. After that it reads a byte from the
message, reads another byte from the key, and calculates the coordinates of the pixel to use for the message-byte. It
increments or resets the colour component index, to switch between the R, G and B component. Then it replaces the R,
G or B component of the pixel (according to the colour component index) with the message-byte, and repeats the
procedure with the next byte of the message.
A: Load Image File
You always need to access images for some reason or the other. When you have the .NET framework SDK
with you, you needn't bother to buy other applications for that job - develop one for yourself! With the supremely rich
.NET framework, manipulating images is very simple. This article places emphasis only on how to display images. The
code on the other hand, involves a lot of other stuff including a setup, which were used to implement a number of
standard features seen in popular applications. They are quite straight forward; so you could understand them by
Copyright to IJIRCEE

ISSN(Online): 2395-xxxx

International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer

and Electronics Engineering
Vol. 1, Issue 5, May 2015

B: Edit and Store Regions

One of the most frustrating things you run into when working with image files, Images objects, and
PictureBoxes is that once you release your application, some users will get file locked errors when trying to
manipulate files that you have displayed onto the screen via a picturebox. Finding a workaround can be downright
maddening: It is sometimes hard to replicate the problem, and it is difficult to open an image and display it without
displaying the image you have just opened from a file. It does not help that on some machines the problem manifests
itself as an unknown GDI+ error, so you might spend many hours chasing this unknown error only to realize its the
same as the file in use by another process error you get from other machines. Microsoft makes the problem worse,
giving misinformation in Knowledge Base articles. This article gives a work around that does not fix the problem
everywhere and it goes on to state this behavior is by design. Putting aside the issue of how someone could put in
bugs such as these by design, the fact that the behavior is not consistent makes this a bug anyway.

Image 1:Edit and Store Regions

C: Hide Data
To hide a message, open a bitmap file, then enter a password or select a key file. The key file can be any file,
another bitmap for example. This password or key will be treated as a stream of bytes specifying the space between two
changed pixels. I don't recommend text files, because they may result in a quite regular noise pattern. The longer your
key files or password is the less regular the noise will appear. Next step, enter the secret message or choose a file, and
click the Hide button. The application writes the length of the message in bytes into the first pixel. After that it reads a
byte from the message, reads another byte from the key, and calculates the coordinates of the pixel to use for the
message-byte. It increments or resets the color component index, to switch between the R, G and B component. Then it
replaces the R, G or B component of the pixel (according to the color component index) with the message-byte, and
repeats the procedure with the next byte of the message. At last, the new bitmap is displayed. Save the bitmap by
clicking the Save button. If the grayscale flag is set, all components of the color are changed. Grayscale noise is less
visible in most images
D: Extract Data
Maybe things have changed now, but back when I wrote the original article, I was shocked to find no decent
C# code examples that reliably, efficiently and quickly extracted images from pdf files. All the samples I found were
copies of the same horrendous code that iterated all the objects in a pdf file and then used some uneducated guesswork
to determine the formats of the image streams it had found. If you take just a moment to think about such a technique,
ask yourself where the collection of all embedded objects in the pdf came from. Most probably, itextsharp used a
private method to parse the entire document and build up this collection of all objects. There are plenty of different
Copyright to IJIRCEE

ISSN(Online): 2395-xxxx

International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer

and Electronics Engineering
Vol. 1, Issue 5, May 2015

kinds of objects that can be embedded, so this collection could potentially contain thousands of irrelevant objects. Now
you iterate this entire collection again? There isnt a right and a wrong way to extract images from a pdf file
programmatically, but clearly, this way does more wrong than it does right.
Steganography has its place in security. It is not intended to replace cryptography but supplement it. Hiding a
message with steganography methods reduces the chance of a message being detected. However, if that message is also
encrypted, if discovered, it must also be cracked (yet another layer of protection). Steganography combined with
cryptography becomes a powerful tool for security. In the near future, the most important use of stenographic
techniques will probably be lying in the field of digital watermarking. Content providers are eager to protect their
copyrighted works against illegal distribution and digital watermarks provide a way of tracking the owners of these
materials. Although it will not prevent the distribution itself, it will enable the content provider to start legal actions
against the violators of the copyrights, as they can now be tracked down.
The methods used in the science of steganography have advanced a lot over the past centuries, especially with
the rise of the computer area. Although the techniques are still not used very often, the possibilities are endless. Many
different techniques exist and continue to be developed, while the ways of detecting hidden messages also advance

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Copyright to IJIRCEE

ISSN(Online): 2395-xxxx

International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer

and Electronics Engineering
Vol. 1, Issue 5, May 2015
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