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Deep veins that are situated in the center of the leg are encircled by muscles that contract and drive
deoxygenated blood back to the lungs and heart. Between these contractions, the blood is forced up the
legs against gravity and the one-way valves prevent it from flowing back to our feet. When the circulation
of blood becomes sluggish owing to illness, injury or immobility, blood can build up and form a clot. Deep
vein thrombosis materializes when blood thickens and accumulates generally in the large veins of the
legs and pelvis, but may occasionally develop in the arm. Typically, small blood clots do not engender any
symptoms as the body is capable of gradually breaking them down. Larger clots can partially or
completely obstruct the blood flow in the vein and cause symptoms. A blood clot in the deep vein
configuration of the leg is not hazardous in itself. It becomes life threatening when this clot disengages
and navigates through the blood stream. This unconfined clot is called an embolus, which can tour all the
way through the heart into the lungs causing Pulmonary Embolism. If DVT persists in the vein, it can
advance to various complications, including inflammation of the vein, leg ulcers, permanent damage to
the leg known as post-thrombotic syndrome or Pulmonary Embolism. Pulmonary embolism if not detected
and treated instantaneously can lead to death.
Causes of DVT:

Genetic tendency.
Slowing of blood flow due to Immobility from prolonged travel, sitting, hospitalization, post surgery,

prolonged bed rest, trauma to the lower leg, pregnancy, obesity, etc.
Inactive way of living.
Certain medications like birth control pills or hormone therapy.
Increased red blood cells (Polycythemia).
Enlarged and twisted veins also known as varicose veins.
Central venous catheters a long tube that is inserted through the skin into a large vein to give long

term medicine treatment.


Symptoms of DVT:

Pain, warmth and redness with inflammation.

Itching and scaling of skin around the thrombotic site.
Ulcer around the thrombotic site.
Chest pain.
Shortness of breath.
Pulmonary embolism.
Obliteration of veins.

Homeopathic approach to DVT:

Homeopathic approach is incredibly successful in the management of DVT without any painful
interventions. However, treatment should be started at the earliest to avoid complications like Pulmonary
embolism. Homeopathic remedies are known for its supportive function in promoting good cardiovascular
health and well being. Homeopathic remedies work at alleviating stagnation of blood and recirculation by
recuperating the elasticity of the vein walls. The remedies assist in relieving congestion in the peripheral
veins and ameliorating the pressure pain and inflammation in the enlarged veins. The remedies support in
salvaging valve tone and muscle contraction which facilitates blood flow towards the heart. In short, the
remedies help prevent as well as dissolve blood clots, and furthermore help prevent hardened arteries,
heart attack, stroke, angina, and senility. The remedies will encumber the growth of the clot, will preclude
the clot from disengaging in the vein and repositioning to the lungs along with dissolving the clot.
Homeopathic remedies not only offer symptomatic relief without any side effects but also treat the root
cause of the problem, thereby reducing the possibility of a recurrence. Homeopathic remedies are safe,
non-addictive and natural. The remedies can help uphold health and systemic balance of the
cardiovascular and circulatory system. The remedies can make a difference without risking serious side
effects or compromising health.
Self care measures for DVT:

Follow up with your Homeopath regularly.

Eat foods high in Vitamin K such as green leafy vegetables, soybean, etc.
If you have been sitting for a long time, then get up and walk around, do movements that can

exercise your calf muscles.

Lose weight.
Control your blood pressure if you are hypertensive.
Quit smoking.
Wear compressive stockings to prevent blood clots in the legs.
Stay well hydrated.
Lessen your intake of alcohol and caffeine, they are both diuretics and tend to dehydrate the body.
Garlic is a natural blood thinner and can reduce clotting.
Exercise regularly to improve circulation.

Hence, consider Homeopathy to enhance your circulation and vascular tone, prevent painful and
expensive complications of Deep Vein Thrombosis.

About the author:

Neepa Sevak (DHMS, DHom, DIHom, DHM, CCH, RSHom (NA), HMA) is experienced and registered
with the Arizona Homeopathic Board of Medical Examiners, and certified by the Council of Homeopathic
certification. She is currently practicing Classical Homeopathy, is a Supervisor, Clinical Faculty and is on
the Board of International Affairs at the American Medical College of Homeopathy. Neepa is also
serving as a specialist at ACA (Autism Community of Africa, an organization that is helping heal Autistic

children in Africa, with the help of Homeopathic remedies). Her mission is to Promote Health through
Homeopathy with a Holistic, Totalistic, and Individualistic approach.
Phone: (480) 363 0758

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