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<Carnufex, was the king of the north


<Carnufex, was the king of the north america.>!


The procedures about the book.!


About <Carnufex>!


History of discovery.!


What Type of the dinosaurs Is.!


The Conclusion.!


The procedures about the book.!


About <Carnufex> !
An enormous crocodile ancestor with blade-like teeth
walked on two legs and was at the very top of North
America's food chain 231 million years ago, according
to a new study. The name Carolina Butcher, horror
movie style named. This strange dinosaurs also called
in scientific name, <Carnufex>. the The strange look
meat eater in the Triassic. Lets talk about Carolina

History of discovery.!

The Carnufex were leaved from the Carnian age of the Late
Triassic, 231 million years ago. Carolina Butcher who ruled the
north before dinosaurs extinction end, Its Appearance are more
similar with crocodiles than dinosaurs, except walked with two legs,
not with four. Thats kind of interested. Some scientists said
Carolina Butcher is
the todays
crocodiles father.
They both looks
too Similar.!
Their heads are
flat, long, and their
teeths are too
similar with just
crocodiles. It
means looks very
similar with
crocodiles, and
has similar
function us
crocodiles, means
Carolina Butcher is crocodiless forefather.!


What Type of the dinosaurs Is.!


Carolina butcher are the carnivorous, so they has teeth like blade
that can break the borns, and it was the kind of Carolina Butcher is
one of the dinosaurs who eat meat of the early mammals. Its very
similar with dinosaurs called T-rex, but Its lot difference when we
looking for a bit more.!

Heres the reconstructed skull. The 3D surface models of skull bones are
shown in white, and the gray areas are missing elements reconstructed from
close relatives!


The Conclusion.!

You learned lot about the Carnufex. !

Carnufex are leaved in were leaved from the Carnian age of the
Late Triassic, 231 million years ago.Their appearance are similar
with crocdiles, or T-Rex. !
Sorry for I tell only little bit, because of the few information. !

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