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Roland Patzi
English 3
May 15, 2015
Safford UnIfied School District vs Redding (2009)

A 13 year old girl, Savana Redding, was strip searched because another student
said she had brought drugs or weapons to school. Another student, Jordan Romero,
told school officials that he, "was sick from a pill that he got from another student," and
that he got the pill from Marissa Glines. Marissa told school officials the pills were from
Savana Redding. The school officials were concerned because there was a rule against
bringing any kind of drug to school without a doctor's note and they didn't know if the
possible drugs were illegal or dangerous. Romero and the nurse,Peggy Schwallier,
asked Savana to remove her jacket,socks,and shoes, leaving her in stretch pants and a
T-shirt (both without pockets), which she was then asked to remove. Finally, savana was
told to pull her bra out and to the side and shake it,and pull out the elastic on her
underpant, thus exposing her breasts and pelvic area to some pills were
found. Did the school official's search of Savana Reddings person violate her 4th
amendment rights?

The rule in this case came from the New Jersey v T.L.O. case, which set up a
test for reasonableness for school searches. To have reasonableness two questions
must be answered: First ,one must consider whether the... action was justified at its
inception,(Terry v. Ohio); second, one must determine whether the search as actually
conducted was reasonably related in scope to the circumstances which justified the
interference in the first place? (Terry)

Did the school have reasonable suspicion to begin the search? The school
officials did have reasonable suspicion to begin a search.Other students were telling
stories that Savana had given them the pills. I guess it slipped in when she gave me
the IBU 400s, Marissa replied. When Principal Wilson asked who she meant, Marissa
replied, Savana Redding. Although classmates were saying Savana was giving drugs
to people, they did not know if she still had the drugs, even though Marissa had the blue
pill that she said Savana had given her.

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Did the school official's search of Savana Reddings person violate her 4th
amendment rights? Yes because they went too far in the search to see what she did or
did not have on her body or backpack.

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