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1. What has Roger Hughes never seen?

- Roger Hughes has never seen emperor penguins in the wild, rocketing through
the sea with trails of bubbles in their wakes.

2. Who is Poul Larsen?

- Poul Larsen is a mechanical engineer at the Technical University of Denmark.

3. How does the penguin can double or even triple its speed?
- Penguin can double or even triple its speed by releasing air from its feathers in
the form of tiny bubbles.

4. When did the Mitsubishi announce that it had designed an air-lubrication system
for supertankers?
- Mitsubishi announced that it had designed an air-lubricating system for
supertankers in 2011.

5. What happened when an emperor penguin swams through the water?

- When an emperor penguin swams through the water, it is slowed by the friction
between its body and the water, keeping its maximum speed somewhere four
and nine feet a second.

6. Where does Roger Hughes bounce his hypothesis off his friend John Davenport?
- Roger Hughes bounced his hypothesis off his friend John Davenport at a pub.

7. Where does Roger Hughes see the emperor penguins in the wild?
- Roger Hughes see the emperor penguins in the wild in a BBC documentary.

8. What does the extra speeds help the penguins?

- The extra speeds help the penguins avoid predators such as leopard seals.

9. What were Poul Larsen, Roger Hughes, and John Davenport used as a lubricant
to cut drag and increase?
- Poul Larsen, Roger Hughes, and John Davenport were use air as a lubricant to
cut drag and increase.

10. When did a Dutch company started sell systems that lubricate the hulls of
container ships with bubbles?
- A Dutch company started selling systems that lubricate the hulls of container
ships with bubbles in 2010.

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