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Landmark/Bones/Suture Identification
Structure to be identified on teaching
Neurocranium (8)
1. Ethmoid
2. Frontal
3. Occipital
4. Sphenoid
5. Parietal (2)
6. Temporal (2)
Viscerocranium (14)
7. Mandible
8. Maxillae (2)
9. Vomer
10. Inferior nasal conchae (2)
11. Lacrimal (2)
12. Nasal (2)
13. Palatine (2)
14. Zygoma (2)
Landmarks (9)
15. Mental protuberance
16. Nasion
17. Glabella

Able to

Unable to

18. Foramen magnum

19. Styloid process
20. External auditory meatus
21. Supraorbital foramen
22. Infraorbital foramen
23. Mental foramen
Sutures (4)
24. Sagittal suture
25. Squamosal suture
26. Lambdoidal suture
27. Coronal

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