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The solitary reaper

Appeared in 1807.
The poem was inspired by a work of Thomas Wilkinsonwho wrote that he passed a
young girl who was reaping alone .It was the sweatest human voice I ever heard
;her strains were melancholical and I felt delicious long after they were heard no
more .
In the first staza the poet presents the reapers work.He sees one day a young girl
who cut the grain and she sings at the same time.
The poet addresses to a real or a fictional traveler.The poet asks that traveler to
look ,stop or walk slowly and listen to the girl song.
In the second staza,the girl sing in an unknown language.The poet presents the girl
and her beautiful song .Her song is more beautiful than a Nightingales .Her song is
breaking the silence of the seas among the furthest Hebrides.
In the third stanza the poet wonders what she sings.Maybe her song is sad and
reminds her of old unhappy things that are long gone.The song may be inspired by
a thought for her family or it may be a love song.
In the fourth stanza the poet presents the song again.whatever the theme of the
song may be the song seems not to finish.
The poet brings back the image from the first sanza:the girl cuts the grain and
sings.Then,the poet refers to himself.He goes on and after a while he doesnt hear
the girls song,but the song is in his heart.
The thme of the poem is a common fact:a young reaps the grain and she sings at
the same time,but nobody nows the girl and nobody knows her song.

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