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Aff arch barr

Aff arch barr dan suspensi maksila

Amputasi above knee
Amputasi below knee
Amputasi jari (phalangs - traumatik)
Amputation of digiti single
Anal fistulectomy
Anal fistulotomy
Aneurisma a brachialis
Aneurisma a femoralis
Arterial pungsi, kanulasi, sectie
Arteriovenous shunt (av shunt) brakiosefalika
Arteriovenous shunt (av shunt) radiosefalika
Av shunt (lokal anestesi)
Axillary dissection
Batu saluran kemih
Bilateral excision of ectopic breast tissue (mamma aberans)
Bilateral multipel excision of lesion of breast with narcose
Bilateral radical mastectomy
Bilateral repair of inguinal hernia with graft or prosthetis
Bilateral simple mastectomy
Biopsi pembuluh darah (perifer)
Biopsi perikardium
Biopsi terbuka bronkhus

Biopsi terbuka diafragma

Biopsi terbuka mediastinum
Biopsi terbuka paru
Biopsi terbuka pleura
Biopsi terbuka pleura dengan vats
Biopsi terbuka tumor dinding thoraks
Biopsy insisional dengan anastesi lokal
Biopsy of anus
Biopsy of perianal tissue
Closed reduction of temporomandibular dislocation
Closure of anal fistula
Closure of appendiceal fistula
Combustio (luka bakar)
Debridement-nekrotomi luka gangren
Deseksi submandibula
Disartikulasi sendi ekstremitas
Diseksi leher radikal / radikal neck dissection
Dislokasi bahu
Drainage of appediceal abscess
Eksisi biopsi tumor pembuluh darah
Eksisi gld submandibula
Eksisi higroma leher
Eksisi kista tiroglosus
Eksisi tumor dinding dada
Eksisi tumor jinak dengan anastesi lokal
Eksisi tumor pembuluh darah perifer

Eksisi tumor pembuluh darah perifer (hemangioma)

Ekskokleasi epulis
Ekskokleasi kista folikuler
Ekskokleasi kista radikuler
Eksplorasi vaskular (trauma/ non trauma)
Ekstirpasi / eksisi tumor jinak jaringan lunak ukuran <cm
Ekstirpasi kista dermoid
Ekstraksi corpus alienum di regio toraks
Evakuasi hematom (pasca pungsi)
Evakuasi hematom di ekstremitas (pasca pungsi hd/traumatik)
Excision of ectopic breast tissue
Excision of hemorrhoids
Excision of lesion of breast with narcose
Excision of perianal skin tags
Excision of thyroglossal duct or trac
Exploratory laparotomy
Incision of perianal abscess
Incisional hernia repair
Incisional hernia repair with prosthesis
Insisi abses dengan anastesi lokal
Insisi flegmon dasar mulut
Ligation of hemorrhoids
Local excision of lesion of breast
Local excision of rectal lesion or tissue
Multipel excision of lesion of breast with narcose

Open biopsi of breast

Appendectomy (elective)
Incidental appendectomy
Incision of anus
Incision of skin and subcutaneous tissue
Local excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of skin and subcutaneous tissue
Suture of abdominal wall
Umbilical herniorraphy
Unilateral femoral herniorraphy
Pasang thoraks drain/ wsd
Pemasangan peritoneal dialysis (pd) catheter
Pungsi hematom/ seroma
Radical excision of skin lesion
Reclosure of postoperative disruption of abdominal wall
Reduction of anal prolapse
Release kontraktur mandibula
Release tong tie
Release tortikolis
Repair of diaphragmatic hernia, abdominal approach
Repair of inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis
Repair of gastroschisis
Repair of hernia of anterior abdominal wall
Repair of hernia of anterior abdominal wall with prosthesis
Repair of umbilical hernia with prosthesis
Reposisi tertutup fraktur nasal
Reposisi dislokasi sendi rahang dengan pembiusan ( TMJ )

Reposisi dislokasi tmj tanpa pembiusan

Rupture tendon achiles
Skleroterapi vena (varises, hemangioma
Tumor jinak kulit&tumor non neoplastik kulit
Unilateral excision of ectopic breast tissue (mamma aberans)
Unilateral radical mastectomy
Unilateral simple mastectomy
Unilateral repair of femoral/inguinal hernia with/without graft or prosthesis
Vena punctie, kanulasi, sectie
Wide excision of soft tissue tumor

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