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LOI NOL DAU Quy hoc vién thin mén, BG sach “Tw Iuyén TOEIC 900” a b6 sch duge Ngoai ngtt 24h bién soan Hin dau nam 2010. Trong hai nam qua, b6 sich da thu hit hon 10.000 hoe vién trén cd nurée va la niém ‘tr hao cia Ngogi ngit 24h trén phuong dign du tu vé chisong trinh va chét lugng, 4p img durgc yéu cu ca hoe vién. B6 séch duge bién soan béi cé Vi Mai Phwong ~ chuyén vién dao tgo:tryc tuyén_trén ce trang mang ndi tiéng. Séch gop phin dic lye gitp hoc vién tai Ngoai ngit 24H va hoc vign trén cA nude ty hoc va ty luygn TOEIC tai nha, dat diém sé cao. Mét khéo sét gn day cia ching t6i cho thay, b6 sch dat kha nang gidp hoe vién ty ting durge 100 - 200 diém TOEIC va cam thy hoan toan ty tin véi bai thi nay. Vi sao b6 sdch nay lai hip din dén vay? ‘Trai qua 3 ln chinh ly, b6 sich “Tw fuyén TOEIC 900” da dat chudn vé hink thire va ndi dung. Bé (B) bao gém: - BO d& Nghe — Doc (10 test tron b6 kém da nghe) kem ANSWER SHEET gitip hoc vién tu luyén tai nha. ~ Phin dp én gitp hoc vién ty chdm diém va danh gid. Dac biét, dap an cé giai thich ro rang, chi tiét ly do tai sao Iai Ilva chon dap &n nay chit khong phai dap én khéc. Dang thoi dich nghia va giai thich tir mei, - Tiéu mue: Tir vung can thiét cho ky thi TOEIC va Tém luge ehién thuat dinh cho ky thi ‘TOEIC. Tron b6 nay durge in r6 rang, kém dia MP3 c6 gié bén la: 375.000 (khi mua tai Ngoai ngit 24h, kh6ng ban Ie) va 475.000 (Khi ship vé céc dia phuong). Mite phi nay 1a rit ré so v6i vige in sao va cht Ivgng chdt xém ciia sin phdm, vi vay, cé Mai Phuong va Ngoai ngir 24h mong cée ben ting hd va mua trye tiép tai Ngoai ngir 24h, Nho sy ing hd eta cic ben, e8 Mai Phuong da hoan thign b9 séch “Ty Iuygn TOEIC 900 (B)” dé cém on va tiép tuc phuc vu nhu cau cia ban doc! Moi thic mic vé ndi dung cia séch xin lign hé: Cé Mai Phuong - email Chan thanh cdm on cdc ban, Ban bién tp Ngoai ngt 24h Dia chi: $6 64 ng6 49 Huynh Thic Khang, Déng Da, Ha ndi SDT: 04 6276 2596/ 0962 60 8831 1 LISTENING - Séch bao gdm 10 Test Nghe va 10 Test Doc. Hoc vién lam bai test nghe sau d6 lam test doc. Méi lan lam bai véi thoi gian nhu’ sau: Nghe (45’) Doc (75’). Lam trén answer sheet. Cut answer sheet theo dudng ké chi va str dung answersheet dé lam bai. - Theo quy dinh cua ky thi TOEIC, hoc vién khéng dug ghi chép, take notes vao dé thi. Trong qué trinh hoc, hoc vién cting khong nén lam trai theo quy dinh nay. Chuc cdc ban may man! Test T LISTENING TEST | In the listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book. Part 1 Directions: For cach question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statement will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Example | Statement (B), “The man is working at the desk.” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet, | Part 2 Direction: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter A, B or C on your answer sheet. Example You will hear: Where is the meeting room? You will also hear: (A) To meet the new director. (B) It’s the first room on the right. (C) Yes, at 2 o'clock. The best response to the question “Where is the meeting room?” is choice (B)“It’s the first room on the right.” so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet. LI. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26, Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 33, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 39, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Part 3 Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 41. Who most likely are they? (A) A job candidate and an interviewer. (B) A marketing manager and a personnel manager. (C) Co-workers who work in the same department of a company. (D) A client and a shop employee 42. Why is the man reluctant to transfer to another department? (A) He is happy with his current job. (B) He feels that he is not qualified for the open position, (C) He doesn’t like the people in the Marketing Department. (D) He would have to accept a pay cut if he got hired. 43. What will the man probably do? (A) Put in his application and face the outcome. (B) Talk to his boss about getting more details about the position. (C) Disregard the opportunity and wait for another time. (D) Work harder to be considered for the next promotion. 44, Who is the woman? (AYA visitor. (B) A building security guard. (C) A parking attendant. (D) An artist. 45. What suggestion does the woman receive from the man? (A) See the art exhibit (B) Park in the underground garage. (C) Turn back and drive down to the intersection, (D) Walk back to her house. 46. What will the woman most likely do? (A) Drive back home. (B) Buy a ticket to the exhibit. (©) Pay for the towing fee. (D) Park her car somewhere else 47. What is the man doing? (A) Arguing about the seat. (B) Searching for the right spot. (©) Try to cateh fish. (D) Moving to a different house. 48. How long has the man been here? (A) 15 minutes, (B) 30 minutes. (C) 60 minutes. (D) 120 minutes. 49. What does the woman suggest may be the reason for the man’s problem? (A) He is sitting in the wrong place. (B) He is using the wrong bait. (© He has been waiting too long. (D) He is not thinking properly. 50. What is the man doing? (A) He is trying to buy some clothing. (B) He is looking for a bank. (C) He is preparing to start a business. (D) He is serving a customer. 51. Where will the man most likely go next? (A) To another store. (B) To the back part of the store. (C) Toa fashion show. (D) To see a customer. 52. What is special about this place? (A) The items are reasonably priced. (B) It is located close to the man’s place. (C) It carries items that other stores don’t have. (D) It has been in business for many years. 53. What is the man asking the woman about? (A) An error made in his paycheck. (B) A warning he had received at work. (©) The lunch menu at a restaurant he wants to go to. (D) A notification of an unpaid bill. 54, What will the man do? (A) Drop by the bank. (B) Take care of a misunderstanding, (C) Call another electrician. (D) Go on an errand. 55. When was the bill taken care of? (A) Wednesday. (B) Thursday. (© Friday. (D) This morning. 56. When will the exhibition be held? (A) On the third of this month. (B) At the end of October. (C) Ina couple of weeks. (D) After three days. 57. How long does it take to send the items to the Detroit plant? (A) One day. (B) Two days. (C) Three days. (D) Five days. 58. According to the woman, why is the delivery being rushed? (A) To have plenty of time to deal with a problem if one occurs. (B) To prepare for the company’s move. (© To avoid running into the possibility of a stock shortage. (D) To oblige the demand of Mr. Johnson. 59, How far did the man’s team go in the tournament? (A) They reached the finals before getting defeated. (B) The got into the semifinals after beating the sales team. (C) They were defeated in the first round of the tournament. (D) They went all the way to the finals and won. 60. According to the woman, why did her team not compete in the tournament? (A) Many of her staff members were out of town on business. (B) Her boss does not like baseball very much, (C) She fell down the stairs and broke her ankle. (D) Her team members were too busy with work. 61. What does the man mention about some of the managers in the company? (A) They don’t consider company morale to be very important. (B) They stress winning the tournament too much. (C) They worked very hard preparing for the tournament. (D) They waste too much time talking about sports. 62. According to the woman, why has the company gone over its budget this quarter? (A) Many employees are making unnecessary trips. (B) The staff members are staying at very expensive hotels. (C) Their travel expenses have shot up. (D) The cost of insurance has more than doubled 63. What does the man suggest they do to solve the problem? (A) Have more people work from their homes (B) Discriminate against those planning to. travel. (C) Work out a better deal with the airline company. (D) Get the workers to pay for their own meals. 64, What does the woman say is the reason why the man’s suggestion won’t work? (A) People tend to get lazy working at home. (B) The management cannot judge which trips are absolutely necessary (C) They are already getting a special rate from the airline company they deal with. (D) The rest of the managers at the company don’t think it’s a good idea. 65. Where is the conversation most likely taking place? (A) At an auto repair shop. (B) Ata gas station. (C) Ina computer store. (D) Alongside a freeway. 66. What does the woman say is the problem? (A) Her computer is down. (B) The car ignition doesn’t work. (C) The car uses too much gas. (D) Her brother doesn’t give good advice. 67. What advice does the man give her? (A) Listen to her brother. (B) Get a new car. (C) Have the car towed. (D) Replace the battery. 68. For how many nights will the man stay at the hotel? 69. What did the man request? (A) Room service. (B) A wake-up call. (©) Valet parking. (D) Cleaning service. 70. What will the man most likely be (A) One. doing at 9 in the morning? (B) Two. (A) Giving a speech. (C) Three. (B) Having a meal. (D) Seven. (©) Swimming in the lake. (D) Taking a flight out. Part 4 Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 71. On which day does this message take place? (A) Saturday. (B) Monday. (©) Friday. (D) Tuesday. 72. Why is the caller getting this message? (A) All the lines are busy. (B) It is a national holiday. (C) Everyone is out to lunch. (D) It is after working hours. 73, What should those who wish to make a change in their service do? (A) Stay on the line. (B) Call back another time. (©) Press a button on the phone. (D) Talk to an operator. 74. Who would most likely be listening to this talk? (A) Teachers at local schools. (B) Community residents. (©) Students from out of town. (D) Entertainers 75. How often will the class mentioned be held? (A) Once a week. (B) Twice a week. (©) Three times a week. (D) Every day. 76. What are those interested in the class asked to do? (A) Sign up today at the community center. (B) Speak with the coordinators after the talk. (C) Deposit a check into the bank account. (D) Take an admissions test after the talk 77. What does the speaker mention is special about Mr. Rowe? (A) He is the youngest person to head a company. (B) He has followed in the footsteps of his great father. (C) He made a lot of money by investing in stocks. (D) He is related to the company president. 78. Who does Sam credit his success to? (A) Mr. Smith. (B) One of the investors. (C) The company CEO. (D) His father, 79. What will Mr. Rowe talk about? (A) How to get in on the good investments. (B) How to make good business contacts, (C) How to climb up the corporate ladder. (D) How to become optimistic about work, 80. What is the purpose of the speech? (A) To invite people to a charitable function. (B) To introduce the next speaker, (C) To give thanks for the donations. (D) To announce an upcoming event. 81. Who is Mr. Gieane? (A) A Barrie County resident. (B) The mayor of Barrie Country. (C)-A government worker. (D) The president of a paint company. 82. According to Gus’s report, what is considered to be most harmful to the environment? (A) Toxic sprays. (B) Secondhand smoke. (C) Gas fumes. (D) Toxic chemicals. 83. What is the purpose of the announcement? (A) To invite staff members to a company event. (B) To call for an emergency meeting. (C) To notify employees of future repair work on the elevator. (D) To guide the listeners to safety. 84. What does the speaker ask the listeners to do? (A) Immediately speak to their supervisors. (B) Take the elevator up to the tenth floor (C) Walk patiently out of the building. (D) Read through the safety manual. 85, When should a listener talk to the boss? (A) If someone is not present. (B) Right after the announcement, (C) Before the end of the day. (D) The first thing in the morning. I 86. What is the store celebrating? (A) The opening of a new store. (B) A record year for sales. (C) The retirement of a staff member. (D) An important anniversary. 87. When does the sale begin? (A) Today. (B) Friday. (©) Saturday. (D) Sunday. 88. When does the store open this Saturday? (A) 6am. (B) 7am. (8am. (D) 9am. 89. When will the construction start? (A) January 15. (B) January 25. (©) March 15. (D) March 25 90. According to the speaker, who will be mostly affected by the construction? (A) Sales staff. (B) Receptionists. (C) Customers. (D) Staff members without car. 91. Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the speaker? (A) All staff members should park in a specific place, (B) Some of the employees should commute by bus. (C) People who live close to the office should share a ride. (D) Sales reps should speak with the receptionist. 92, What is causing the flight delays at Heathrow Airport? (A) A flight accident. (B) The local weather. (©) A security alert. (D) The overbooking of flights. 93. When was the flight originally scheduled for take-off? (A) 12 o’clock. (B) 2 o'clock. (©) 5 o’elock. (D) 7 o’clock. 94, What is being offered to the passengers at the second floor lounge? (A) A meal. (B) Accommodations (© Snacks and drinks. (D) Flight tickets. 95. What is the speaker doing? (A) Giving out an award. (B) Introducing a guest. (C) Making a sales presentation. (D) Conducting an interview. 96. What does the speaker say is in plan for Codak in the early part of next year? (A) They will buy out a Japanese company. (B) They will shut down one of their (B) A getaway resort. factories (©)A fitness center. (C) They will embark on a business (D) A restaurant. partnership. (D) They will merge with another 99. What does the speaker say about the company. Adonis and Aphrodite Paradise? (A) It is visited by many travelers. 97. Which of the following is NOT true (B) There are over 500 rooms. about Codak Incorporated? (C) Famous people vacation there. (A) It has over 100,000 employees. (D) Its situated near an ocean. (B) The company started a decade ago. (C) Ithas a branch office in Japan. 100. Which of the following is NOT part (D) The company is planning to add more _of the amenities offered? plants. (A) An animal show. (B) Great cuisine. (C) A swimming pool. 98. What is being advertised? (D) Cycling. (A) A travel agency. Test 2 . : - LISTENING TEST In the listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book. Part 1 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statement will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Example Statement (B), “The man is working at the desk.” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet. Direction: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English They will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter A, B or C on your answer heet, Example You will hear: Where is the meeting room? You will also hear: (A) To meet the new director. (B) It’s the first room on the right. (C) Yes, at 2 o’clock. ‘The best response to the question “Where is the meeting room?” is choice (B)“It’s the first room on the right.” so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet. 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 14, Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 33, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 34, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 38, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 39. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet | Part 3 | | Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to | answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best | response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 41. What is the problem? (A) The man can’t access something on his computer. (B) The woman does not know how to use the program. (C) The man is frustrated with his computer. (D) The woman’s work is not going very efficiently. 42. Why does the woman recommend A & T store? (A) She has known the owner for years. (B) It provides great service. (©) The technician is her brother. (D) The store is having a sale now. 43. What are they talking about? (A) The man’s company. (B) The woman’s job. (©) The man’s computer. (D) The woman’s car. 44, What was the man supposed to have received from Mr. Jones? (A) Fax. (B) Email. (©) Phone call. (D) Mail. 45. What did Julie do yesterday? (A) Left a message. (B) Sent out an order. (©) Received fax. (D) Talked to Mr. Jones. 46. What is the man worried about? (A) He won’t have time to meet with the client. (B) He thinks he is not managing his staff well. (C) He might not have enough time to deliver the order. (D) He has not been able to respond to a client’s question: 47. How long has the flight been delayed? (A) | hour. (B) 2 hours. (C)3 hours. (D) 4 hours. 48. What is the reason for the delay? (A) The weather condition is bad. (B) There’s a security complication. (C) An engine problem has occurred (D) The airline staff made a booking mistake, 49. What will the mando? (A) Use another mode of transportation (B) Ask the client to come to the office. (C) Schedule the meeting for a later time. (D) Attend the seminar a little early. (B) Pay for her meal (©) Think of what to eat. (D) Eat her food. 50. What has Sylvie done this morning? (A) Placed an order. (B) Ordered lunch. (C) Met with a client, (D) Paid her phone bill. 51. Where is Sylvie? (A) At lunch. (B) At the factory. (©) Ina meeting. (D) In her office 52. When is Sylvie expected to return? (A) In an hour. (B) In two hours. (©) In three hours. (D) In four hours. 53. What does the woman want to know? (A) The price of the special menu. (B) Today’s selection of food. (©) The brand of coffee available. (D) The year of the wine served. 54, What is being offered at no cost? (A) Drinks, (B) Dessert. (©) Appetizer. (D) Soup. 55. What will the woman most likely do next? (A) Order food. 56. Where is the conversation taking place? A) Ina bank. B) Ata photo studio. C) In an accounting office. D) Ata store opening. 57. What does the man want to do? (A) Write out a check. (B) Make an ID card. (©) Open a bank account. (D) Take a picture. 58. What does the woman request from the man? (A) Some cash. (B) A discount coupon. (C) A picture ID. (D) Some forms. 59, What will the woman most likely do today? (A) Go for a job interview. (B) Visit the art gallery. (©) Ring up an old friend. (D) Meet with her brother. 60. On which part of the day is the conversation most likely taking place? (A) In the morning (B) During lunch (C) Inthe afternoon (D) In the evening. I 61. What can be inferred about the man? (A) He works at the company the woman is applying to. (B) He is an avid art lover. (C) He doesn’t get along with his supervisor. (D) He is looking for a better opportunity. 62. What does the man ask the woman to do? (A) Attend a meeting on his behalf. (B) Take care of an existing client. (C) Drive him to his client’s office. (D) Pick him up at 5 o’clock. 63. Why is the man asking for a favor? (A) He is tied up at his office. (B) He has to attend to something else. (C) He doesn’t like working alone. (D) He has a family emergency to take care of. 64, When will Susan meet with Mike? (A) Before she goes on her appointment. (B) After she meets with the new client. (C) At three o’clock in the afternoon. (D) After she finishes with the emergency meeting. 65. Who most likely is Mr. Jackson? (A) The proofreader, (B) The author. (C) A publisher. (D) The photographer. 66. When will the final draft be ready? (A) In May. (B) This weekend. (C) Next week. (D) At the end of this month. 67. How will they meet the deadline? (A) By receiving the pictures this month. (B) By hiring more writers. (C) By asking the staff to work overtime. (D) By getting an extension on the deadline. 68. What are they talking about? (A) An article the woman read in the local newspaper. (B) A plan for a surprise birthday party of a co-worker. (©) A place where the man can take his wife on a special day. (D) How the woman was proposed by her fiancé. 69. How does the man know of the place the woman has gone over the weekend? (A) He read it in the local paper. (B) His friend had mentioned it (C) He went there before. (D) He lives nearby. 70. Which of the following does the woman mention about the place? (A) The price is very affordable (B) The food is rather good (C) Ithas a relaxing atmosphere. (D) It is her favorite restaurant. I Part 4 Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 71. Who is Mike Lee? (A) A travel agent. (B) An airline employee. (©) A passenger. (D) A delivery person 72. Why is the caller leaving the message? (A) To notify of a found luggage. (B) To confirm a flight reservation. (©) To report a missing item. (D) To apologize for a mix-up. 73. What does the speaker request from the listener? (A) To call him back. (B) To pick up the bag. (©) To pay for the tickets. (D) To provide more information. 74, What is the main purpose of the announcement? (A) To tell the shoppers that the store will close soon. (B) To announce tomorrow's specials to the customers. (©) To thank the customers for shopping at the store. (D) To notify a change in the store hours to the customers. 75. Where should those interested in the special go? (A) To the vegetable section. (B) To the checkout counter. (C) To the manager’s office. (D) To the meat department. 76. How much is one kilogram of the European sausages? (A) Two dollars. (B) Four dollars. (©) Five dollars. (D) Ten dollars. 77. Who is Richard? (A) A chef. (B) A waitperson. (©) A customer. (D) A baker. 78. Which of following is NOT part of the set meals? (A) Wine. (B) Ice cream. (©) Coffee. (D) Cake. 79. How much does fish dinner cost? (A) Five dollars. (B) Twelve dollars. (© Fifteen dollars. 17 1 (D) Twenty dollars. 80. Who is speaking? (A) The company president. (B) The sales manager. (C) A satisfied customer. (D) An accountant. 81. According to the speaker, what did the sales manager say? (A) The sales have surpassed everyone’s expectation. (B) The sales reps are working hard to meet their quotas. (C) The customers are not very satisfied with their service. (D) They need to increase the price of their products. 82, What does the speaker say might happen at the end of the year? (A) The company will introduce a new produc (B) The sales manager will get a promotion. (C) They will get the result of the survey. (D) The workers will receive a big bonus. 83. Who is Ms. Boothby? (A) A folk singer. (B) The host. (C) An engineer. (D) A conductor. 84, Which of the following is mentioned about the young Asia Ensemble? (A) The musical group was put together only recently. (B) All the members do not share the same nationality. (C) The group is currently on a tour around Asia: (D) They specialize in natural acoustic sounds. 85. When will the mentioned groups perform at the festival? (A) Today. (B) This weekend. (C) Next week. (D) Next month. 86. How often is the event held? (A) Once a year. (B) Once every two years. (C) Once every five years. (D) Once every ten years. 87. Who is Nathan Davidson? (A)A shipbuilder. (B) A scientist. (©) The convener. (D) A publisher. 88. According to the speaker, what is expected to happen toward the end of the year? (A) Another seminar will take place. (B) The research project will be completed (C) A book will be published (D) The world’s largest ship will be built. 89. Who is Michael Sanderson? (A) An actor. I (B) The host. (C) Acritic. (D) The director. 90. What is “Dangerous Mission”? (A) A radio show. (B) A film. (©) A book, (D) A play. 91. What will be aired first? (A) An interview with the stars. (B) Commercial breaks. (© Behind the scene stories. (D) The critic’s opinion. 92. What is being advertised? (A) Electronics store. (B) Supermarket. (©) Record shop. (D) Painting store. 93, When will the event take place? (A) Today. (B) This weekend. (©) Next week. (D) Next month. 94, Which of the following will NOT be part of the day’s event? (A) Price discounts. (B) Face paintings. (©) Performances. (D) Free giveaways. 95. What is an appropriate topic of the report? (A) The government’s plan to eradicate pollution in our air. (B) The fishermen and their way of life in the sea. (C) The death of thousands of fish in our lakes. (D) The toxic waste in the states’ rivers. 96. What caused the problem mentioned? (A) The fumes from automobiles in the city. (B) The spilling of waste from local companies. (C) The lack of fund to clean up the city. (D). The mass exodus of city workers to other states. 97. According to the report, what is the government thinking of doing? (A) Banning fishing in the local lakes. (B) Hiking up fines for illegal dumping. (©) Building more waterways in the city. (D) Hiring more government officials. 98. Why is the woman calling? (A) To order new equipment. (B) To set up a date for the move. (C) To give details of a day’s event. (D) To make plans for the weekend 99. When will Michael’s staff be busy? (A) Thursday. (B) Friday (©) Saturday. (D) Monday. 100. What will Michael most likely doon _(C) Pack away personal items. Friday? (D) Set up the equipment. (A) Help with the move. (B) Stay home. Test 3 LISTENING TEST In the listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book Part 1 | | Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statement will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. | Example Statement (B), “The man is working at the desk.” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet, 20 Part 2 10 Direction: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter A, B or C on your answer sheet. Example You will hear: Where is the meeting room? You will also hear: (A) To meet the new director. (B) It’s the first room on the right. (C) Yes, at 2 o’clock. The best response to the question “Where is the meeting room?” is choice (B)“I’s the first room on the right.” so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet. 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 16, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21, Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 24, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 34, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 39, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet Part 3 Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 41. Who is the woman speaking to? (A) A mailman. (B) A job applicant. (©) A potential employer. (D) A phone operator 42. What is the purpose of the call? (A) To inquire about an open position. (B) To check to see if something he sent has arrived safely. (C) To seek information about a company product. (D) To further discuss a job offer. 43. What does the woman ask the man to do? (A) Call back again later. (B) Come to the office in person, (C) Try another phone number. (D) Mail his résumé to her office. 44, How did the man leam of this place? (A) He saw an ad in the paper. (B) He was told about it by a close friend (© He was referred there by someone. (D) He found it by luck. 45. What does the woman mention is special about this place? (A) They carry clothes for heavy people. (B) They are very conveniently located. (C) They sell the cheapest clothing in town. (D) They are very well known in the area 46. What will the man do next? (A) Pay for his purchase. (B) Go to another store. (©) Walk up to the next floor. (D) Try on some clothes. 47. When was the report submitted? (A) Today. (B) Yesterday. (©) Last week. (D) Two weeks ago. 48. Why does the man want to meet with the woman? (A) To ask her to clarify something he does not understand, (B) To ask for her help in preparing for the presentation (C) To discuss a personal problem with her. (D) To ask her to talk to his client. 49. When will the speakers most likely meet? (A) This afternoon. 23 (B) This evening, (C) Tomorrow morning (D) Tomorrow afternoon. 50. According to the woman, what will most likely cause the traffic to be congested? (A) Rush hour. (B) Bad weather. (C) Accidents. (D) Road construction. 51. What will the man do first? (A) Walk down to the lobby. (B) Drop by Mr. Kim’s office. (© Put on his coat. (D) Buy a train ticket. 52. How will they get to Mr. Rowe’s office? (A) They will drive there. (B) They will use public transportation. (©) They will get a lift from the woman. (D) They will walk there. 53, Where is the conversation taking place? (A) Ina copy store. (B) In a restaurant. (© Atan airport. (D) Ata post office. 54. What does the woman ask for? (A) Extra copies. (B) Some dessert. (C) The receipt. (D) A few stamps 55. What can be inferred about the place? (A) It can hold many people at one time. (B) [thas many regular customers. (©) It closes early during weekdays. (D) It is conveniently located in the center of town, 56. When will the speakers arrive at the airport? (A) 12:00 (B) 1:00 (©) 3:00 (D) 4:00 57. Why is the man tired? (A) He has been traveling a lot lately. (B) He worked until late yesterday (C) He still has jetlag. (D) He gave a long presentation, 58, What does the woman suggest the man do? (A) Speak more clearly. (B) Lie back on his chair. (C) Wake up a bit early in the morning (D) Prepare more for the presentation. 59, What does the man want to do? (A) Get his money back. (B) Take another product. (© Buy a cellular phone. (D) Try some cakes. 60. What is NOT mentioned about the X- 100 model? (A) Its applications 24 (B) Its price. (C) Its quality. (D) Its popularity. 61. Who is the man speaking with? (A) A co-worker. (B) A bank teller. (©) A baker. (D) A salesperson. 62. How did the man find this place? (A) He read about it in a newspaper ad. (B) He heard about it through a person he knows. (C) It was referred to him by a real estate agent. (D) He saw an ad posted on the window. 63. According to the woman, what is special about this place’? (A) It is conveniently located. (B) It has many rooms, (©) Itis very affordable. (D) It opens with a special key. 64. What will the woman do first? (A) Remove the for-rent sign. (B) Walk up to the fifth floor. (C) Bring out a lease agreement. (D) Retrieve the key. 65. Why is the woman being complimented? (A) She was promoted to the director’s position. (B) She convinced Mr. Shaw to sign a contract. (C) Her proposal was accepted by the directions. (D) Her co-workers have positive feelings for her, 66. What does the man say? (A) She gave a great talk. (B) She should work a bit harder. (©) She will have to give a speech (D) She won’t get the contract. 67. Who does the woman say is responsible for the outcome? (A) The keynote speaker. (B) Her team members. (C) The directors, (D) The man. 68. Where was the man born? (A) Toronto. (B) Detroit. (© Buffalo. (D) Los Angeles. 69. When did the man move to the city he is living now? (A) When he was a child. (B) Three years ago. (©) During his high school days. (D) He was born here. 70. Who is the man’s roommate? (A) Dave. (B) Steve. (C) Larry. (D) Jane. 25 Part 4 Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk, Select the best Tesponse to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 71. What is the purpose of the announcement? (A) To inform people of a policy change. (B) To publicize a new product. (C) To introduce the new sales manager. (D) To show appreciation for good work. 72. What has happened in the past six months? (A) There was a change in management. (B) Sales have steadily increased. (C) The company bought out a hotel. (D) The performance of the workers were evaluated 73. What is going to happen this weekend? (A) A new company sales goal will be set. (B) The staff members will go on a trip. (C) There will be a luncheon party. (D) A family get-together will take place. 74, What is Ms. Bartlett’s current position? (A) Chief Executive Officer. (B) Consultant. (©) News reporter. (D) Food critic 75, When wilt Susan leave her job? (A) At the end of this week. (B) Sometime next month. (©) Later this year. (D) Early next year, 76. What has the company started doing? (A) Importing food from Asia. (B) Seeking a new leader. (C) Hiring more consultants. (D) Reporting business news. 77. Who most likely is listening to this talk? (A) Journalists. (B) Golfers. (©) Security guards. (D) Referees. 78. How long is the event supposed to last? (A) One day. (B) Two days. (©) Seven days. (D) Twenty days. 79. What does speaker ask the listeners to do? (A) Prepare for the competition (B) Turn off their cell phones. (C) Take turns asking questions. (D) Talk to the security guard. 26 I 80. Who is the intended audience for this talk? (A) Grocery store clerks. (B) Health club instructors. (C) Restaurant employees. (D) Company workers. 81. Which of the following was NOT mentioned by the speaker when mentioning the menu? (A) Appetizers. (B) Desserts. (©) Beverages. (D) Entrées. 82. According to the speaker, where will the listeners be able to see the information? (A) Next to the snack stand. (B) In the lunchroom. (C) On the Internet (D) In the staff room. 83. What is the talk mainly about? (A) How to get a bargain during Christmas. (B) How to overcome stress at a workplace. (©) How to become closer to family members. (D) How to drive safely during the holiday season 84. Which of the following is NOT a tip mentioned by the speaker? (A) Don’t drive alone (B) Pull over when tired. (C) Drink a lot of coffee. (D) Do not drive too late. 85. How often is the show aired? (A) Every day. (B) Once a week. (C) Twice a week. (D) Only on weekdays. 86. What is the purpose of the talk? (A) To alert customers about a new dish. (B) To notify the staff about the new location of the restaurant. (C) To gather suggestions about a new menu for the place. (D) To announce a new chef for the restaurant. 87. What is going to happen at the end of the month? (A) They will move out to a new place. (B) The chef will renegotiate his contract. (C) A French restaurant will open next door. (D) The theater will hold its first Broadway play. 88. What is mentioned about the place? (A) Ithas recently opened. (B) Ithas a long history. (C) It has the best food in town. (D) It is very busy. 89. Who is the speaker most likely addressing? (A) A group of new employees. (B) A bunch of managers. (C) Some volunteer guides. (D) Cafeteria workers. 27 90. Who most likely is Mr. O’Brien? (A) The personnel manager. (B) The keynote speaker. (C)-The company policy maker. (D) The production manager. 91. When will the listeners tour the factory floor? (A) At 11:00 (B) At 12:30 (© At 1:30 (D) At 3:00 92. According to the speaker, what is the goal of the survey? (A) To see if they can collect more money. (B) To find collections of old art. (C) To find into the cause of the damages. (D) To find ways to fix the damages. 93. What does the result of the survey report? (A) The place is beyond repairs. (B) The building is need of repairs. (C) The structure is in good condition. (D) The gallery is due for paint job. 94, What does the consultant advise? (A) To move to another more suitable place. (B) To buy more art at the auction. (C) To recruit more volunteers to help out. (D) To respond right away to reduce future costs. 95. What is the talk mainly about? (A) The tour sites of the city. (B) The local businessmen (C) The makeup of the city. (D) The famous shopping centers. 96. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the underground structure? (A) It consists of many different types of shops. (B) It is connected to places throughout the city. (C) It protects people from bad weather. (D) It is fully air-conditioned. 97. What is mentioned about the weather in Toronto? (A) It goes up and down. (B) It is quite cold. (©) Itis stable (D) Itis very windy. 98. According to the speaker, who would most benefit from multitasking? (A) Those who are too busy to exercise (B) People who are health conscious. (C) Cyclists who are seeking challenges. (D) People who live close to their workplace. 99. Which of the following is NOT a benefit mentioned by the speaker in the example given? (A) One can get a good workout (B) One can learn to relax (C) One can save some money. (D) One can finish work faster. 28 100. What will those who participate in the (B) A bicycle. event receive at no cost? (C)A health club membership. (A) A meal. (D) A relaxation message. Test 4 LIST! In the listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book. Parti Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statement will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Example Statement (B), “The man is working at the desk.” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (B) and mark i n your answer sheet. 29 Part 2 Direction: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter A, B or C on your answer sheet. Example You will hear: Where is the meeting room? You will also hear: (A) To meet the new director. (B) It’s the first room on the right. (C) Yes, at 2 o’elock. ‘The best response to the question “Where is the meeting room?” is choice (B)“It’s the first room on the right.” so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet. 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 13, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 14, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 24, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 39. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 31 I Part 3 Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 41. What does the man’s boss want him to do? (A) Cancel his dental appointment. (B) Move closer to the workplace. (C) Rearrange the furniture in the office. (D) Pick up the president from the airport. 42. When will they get together to discuss the issue? (A) Monday. (B) Tuesday. (C) Thursday. (D) Friday. 43. What does the man say he will do Friday? (A) Attend a meeting with the boss. (B) Go on the business trip. (C) Visit his dentist’s office. (D) Work in his office. 44, Why is the woman thinking of taking a trip to Chicago? (A) To persuade someone. (B) To take a vacation (©) To visit a friend. (D) To accept an offer. 45. How will the woman travel? (A) By bus. (B) By subway. (© By car. (D) On foot. 46. What will the man do for the woman? (A) Buy her a ticket. (B) Give her a lift to the station. (C) Go with her on a trip. (D) Talk to her client. 47. Why did the man delay his trip? (A) He got a discount on a later night. (B) His meeting got postponed (C) His friend could not make it on time. (D) He couldn’t book a hotel room 48. According to the woman, why is it hard to reserve a room in New York this week? (A) The hotel workers have gone on a strike, (B) Many visitors have swarmed the city (C) Some of the hotel aren’t accepting bookings. (D) A large deposit is required for reservations. 49. What can be inferred about the man? (A) He is good business man (B) He has some good contacts. (©) He travels a lot. (D) He has alot of money. 32 50. What is the man looking for? (A) Anextra desk. (B) The meeting room. (© A report. (D) A pharmacy. 51. Who has what the man is looking for? (A) John. (B) Mr. Sato. (© His secretary (D) The director. 52, What does the woman advise the man to do? (A) Take it easy. (B) Work harder. (©) Give a speech. (D) Exercise more. 53. What will the man do this weekend? (A) Go to his brother’s place. (B) Watch a theatrical play. (C) Check outa film. (D) Attend a musical performance. 54. What does the woman offer the man? (A) Free tickets, (B) A videotape. (©) Some popcorn: (D) A classical book. 55. Where does the woman’s brother work? (A) At the theater. (B) Ata bookstore. (©) Ata travel agency (D) Ata hotel. 56. Who did the man hear the news from? (A) His boss. (B) Jack. (©) The director. (D) A sales rep. 57. Who is going to be the most affected by the news? (A) The directors. (B) The middle managers. (C) The sales staff. (D) The new employees. 58, Why is the sensor being installed? (A) To prevent the machines from overheating. (B) To stop accidents from occurring. (© To keep out intruders. (D) To cut down on overhead costs. 59, Why is Rick having a party? (A) To celebrate his birthday. (B) To welcome people to his new place. (C) To publicize his recent promotion. (D) To entertain an important client. 60. What will the woman be doing during lunch? (A) Meet with Eric (B) Shop for a gift. (© Attend a party, (D) Pick up her car. 61. Why did the man use public transportation today? (A) His car is in the auto repair shop. (B) He can’t afford the price of gas anymore. 33 (C) His usual ride was not available. (D) He got rid of his car. 62. What will the man do today? (A) Prepare for a presentation. (B) Make a speech. (C) Look for a job. (D) Compete in a race. 63. How does the man feel? (A) Self-assured. (B) Self-conscious. (© Fortunate. (D) Terrible. 64, What does the man say he will do if get caught in traffic? (A) Take another road. (B) Run to the meeting place. (©) Call and delay the meeting, (D) Have someone else attend the meeting. 65. What are they discussing? (A) A new account they won. (B) A person they both work with, (©) A newly recruited employee. (D) A college they both attended. 66. Who will the new employee work closet with? (A) Sean (B) John (©) Janice (D) Ron 67. How did Henry learn about the company? (A) He read an ad in the paper. (B) He was told about it by someone he knows. (C) He used to work for the company before. (D) He was approached by a job recruiting agency. 68. Where is the conversation taking place? (A) Ata movie theater. (B) Ata hotel front desk. (C) Ina computer store. (D) Ina restaurant. 69, What seems to be the problem? (A) A mistake has occurred in the bill. (B) The service at the restaurant was slow (©) The food was delivered to the wrong room, (D) The computer is not working properly. 70. What did the man do in morning? (A) He met a client (B) He watched a movie. (©) He stayed in his room (D) He was talking care of a problem. 34 Part 4 Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 71. Who is Mr. Paget? (A) A chef. (B) A hotel manager. (C)A teacher. (D) A grocery store clerk. 72. According to the speaker, what is his main job? (A) To greet the customers. (B) To think up new dishes. (C) To conduct cooking lessons. (D) To stock fresh ingredients. 73. What does the speaker ask those who have questions to do? (A) Jot them down and ask later. (B) Talk to Mr. Paget right away. (©) E-mail them to him after the talk. (D) Approach him before the talk. 74, Who most likely is giving the talk? (A) A tour guide. (B) A cafeteria worker (OA waiter. (D) A company employee. 75. What time does the place open? (A) Atten. (B) At nine, (©) Ateight. (D) At seven. 76. What is available throughout the day? (A) Sandwiches. (B) Hot meals. (C) Hot coffee, (D) Light snacks. 77. How often does the show air? (A) Every day. (B) Once a week. (C) On weekends. (D) Twice a week. 78. Who might be interested in listening to the show? (A) Those who want to borrow money without collateral. (B) People who wish to start their own business. (C) People who want to make wise investments. (D) Those who are seeking careers as consultants. 79. How can the listeners ask Mortis questions? (A) By coming to the show. (B) By sending e-mails. (© By calling the station. (D) By talking to him in person, 80. Why is the caller leaving a message? (A) He is returning a phone call (B) He wants to book tickets to the opera. 35 (C) He hopes to get a discount on future tickets. (D) He can’t attend the performance tomorrow. 81. According to the speaker, what should Mr. Duvall do by 5 p.m.? (A) Pay for the tickets. (B) Reserve seats, (©) Join a group. (D) Show up at the theater. 82. How can Mr. Duvall get the discount? (A) By showing up at the theater early. (B) By paying for the tickets in cash. (C) By making a phone call. (D) By becoming a member. 83. Where is the speech taking place? (A) Ata classroom, (B) Ata library, (C) Ata museum (D) Atan exhibition 84, According to the speaker, which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reflection of life of the Old Town? (A) Pictures, (B) Papers. (C) Artworks. (D) Books. 85. Who helped make this exhibition happen? (A) A local bookstore. (B) An art gallery. (©) A community library. (D) The town mayor 36 86. Why is the caller leaving the message? (A) To invite Mr. Jackson to make a presentation. (B) To respond back to a call made earlier, (C) To ask the receiver to send a quote. (D) To ask questions about a proposal. 87. When is the closing date? (A) In two weeks. (B) In three weeks, (©) In five weeks. (D) In six weeks 88, What should Mr. Jackson do if he has any questions? (A) Refer to the guide. (B) Look on the website. (©) Phone Ms. Erickson. (D) Call the head architect. 89. What is the purpose of the speech? (A) To congratulate his mother on achieving her goal (B) To thank those who helped him win the award, (C) To launch a new electronic gadget. (D) To reveal the secret to making money. 90. How did the speaker first become interested in his field of work? (A) He took a class in school. (B) His mother introduced him to it (C) His friend got him a job. (D) He read about it in a magazine. 91. Why does the speaker say he is a lucky man? (A) He makes a living doing what he likes. (B) He has a very wealthy mother. (© He travels all over America. (D) He has enough time for his hobbies. 92. Who most likely is giving the talk? (A) A tour guide. (B) Mr. Blackburn. (©) A history teacher. (D) A restaurant host. 93. What does the speaker say about historic Wetrerby Mansion? (A) It is haunted, (B) Itis very old. (C) It is traditional. (D) Itis in the city. 94. Which of the following best describes Blackburn Tower Park? (A) It is located on the outskirts of the city. (B) The place has become a landmark of the city. (C) There are hills near the place. (D) It is owned by the famous Lady Wetherby 95. What is the purpose of the speech? (A) To say goodbye to the leader of the company. (B) To congratulate a co-worker on his success (C) To give a toast to the graduating students. (D) To welcome the new president of the company. 96. When did Mr. Brown start working for the company? (A) In 1965. (B) For years ago. (©) After graduating from college. (D) Right after he finished serving in the Marines 97. What does the speaker say about Mr. Brown? (A) He will be a great president, (B) He is the most suecessfill leader to date. (©) He is going to join the army soon. (D) He goes to school at night. 98. Who is the intended audience of this 37 talk? (A) Family restaurant staff. (B) Retail storeowners, (© Electrician, (D) Mechanics. 99. What is the implied about the products. Active Tools sells? (A) A lot of care has been put into their making, (B) They are made of target the upper- class market. (C) They are only sold in specific stores. (D) They are tailor-made only by order. 100. Which of the following is NOT. (C) The plan to build tailor-made items to included in the company’s plan? suit each customer’s needs. (A) The plan to add another department. (D) The plan to mass produce better- (B) The plan to break into the selling products, international market. Test 5 LISTENING TEST In the listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book. Part 1 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statement will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Example Bae ae Ca: Statement (B), “The man is working at the desk.” is the best description of the picture, so | you should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet. 38 39 mn: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English-They will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter A, B or C on your answer sheet, Example You will hear: Where is the meeting room? You will also hear: (A) To meet the new director. (B) It’s the first room on the right. (©) Yes, at 2 o’clock. ‘The best response to the question “Where is the meeting room?” is choice (B)"It’s the first room on the right.” so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet. 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. 27. 28. ee 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35, 36. 37. 38. 39, 40. 40 Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet 41, What is the man waiting to hear? ‘A. The result of his promotion. B, The date of his next business trip. C. The announcement of his next job. D. The location of his new office. 42, How will the man hear about the news? A. From his boss. B. From a display board. C. From the company newsletter. D. From a phone call from his manager. 43. What does the woman think of the man? A. He should get along with his boss better. B, He has been slacking off lately. C. He is an excellent speaker. D. He is good at what he does. 44, Why did Ms. Sato postpone her trip? A. She was not satisfied with her presentation material. B. She suddenly had to attend to other business. C. She woke up late and missed her early flight. D. She could not get a plane ticket to Chicago. s: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. ‘The conversations will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 45. When will the speakers attend the meeting? A.10:00 B.11:00 C1130 D.12:00 46, What will the man most likely do before the meeting? A. Call his client. B, Make a plane reservation. C. Speak to Ms. Sato. D. Make copies of the proposal. 47. Where are they? A. Ata riverside B. Ata hotel. C. Ata restaurant. D. Ata park. 48, Why is the man apologizing to the woman? ‘A. He forgot to make a reservation. B. One of his staff members made a mistake. C. He does not know how to use the computer. D. The restaurant is closed for business today. 41 49. What does the man offer the woman? A.A free meal coupon. B. A discount on the room CA walk in the park. D, Internet access. 50. Why did the woman drop by George’s garage? A. To put on some new tires. B, To talk to George. C. To take care of a bill D, To get an oil change 51. Why did the man take his car somewhere else? ‘A. He was not happy with the service at George’s garage. B, He found a cheaper place closer to his apartment. C. The mechanic who took care of his car did a terrible job. D. The woman had recommended another place to him 52. According to the man, what happened to the mechanic he knows at George’s garage? A. He got fired B. He was promoted C. He started his own business. D. He went to work for another shop. 53. When does the meeting begin? A. 11:00 B. 12:00 C. 1:00 D. 2:00 42 54. Why do they have to take off early for the conference? A. To have lunch with some clients. B. To prepare for the presentation. C. To talk to the event organizer. D. To avoid getting stuck in traffic. 55. Where is the man going now? A. To a meeting. B. To see a client. C. To have lunch. D. To get some equipment. 56. When did the woman first make the call? A, Last week. B. A few days ago. C. Yesterday. D. Today. 57. Who most likely is the man? A. A doctor. B. A weather reporter, C. A photocopier technician. D. A newspaper employee. 58. What is the problem? A. The weather has suddenly gotten very cold. B. The man has come down with a cold. C. Some important papers are missing. D. The copier is not working properly. 59. Where does the man want to go? A. To City Hall B. To a park. C. To the post office. D, To the pharmacy. 6 3 How will the man get to his destination? A. By car. B. By bus C. By bicycle. D. On foot. 61. How long will it take for the man to get to his destination? A. Five minutes, B. Ten minutes. C. Thirty minutes. D. Sixty minutes. 62. How did the man get to work this morning? A. He drove his car. B, He took public transportation, C. He got a ride with a co-worker. D. He walked. 63.What has the woman been thinking of doing? A. Taking the bus to work. B. Getting rid of her car. C. Catch up on her reading. D. Changing her insurance company. 64, What does the man suggest the woman do? A. Sell her car. B. Take the subway C. Read more books. D. Buy more insurance. 65. What are they discussing? A. Problems at their factory. B. One of their loyal customers. C. The possibility of a big deal. D. Their upcoming business trip. 43 66. Why is Mr. Sanchez coming? ‘A. To check out the plant. B. To present a deal C. To make a sale. D. To give a speech. 67. Why does the man want to take off early? ‘A. To avoid heavy traffic. B. To catch an early flight. C. To meet a client at the factory. D. To close a deal. 68. Why did the man go to the mall? A. To buy some groceries. B. To get some medicine. ©. To rent a video. D. To buy a movie ticket. 69. What does the man mention about the supermarket? A. It is located in the mall. B. It sells over-the-counter drugs. C. It takes about half an hour to get there on foot. D. It opens early on Tuesdays. 70. What day is it today? ‘A. Monday. B. Tuesday. C. Wednesday, D. Thursday. | | Part 4 Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet, The talks will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 71. When will the move take place? A, Wednesday. B. Thursday. C. Friday, D. Monday. 72. What does the speaker recommend the listeners do? A. Show up an hour earlier than the movers. B. Pack away their personal goods. C. Help look for some lost items. D. Dress formally for the occasion 73. What will be provided to the listeners on the day of the move? A.A free meal. B. Extra pay. C. A ride home. D.A party, 74, Why is the speaker leaving the message? A. To postpone her appointment. B, To set up a job interview. C, To report an accident on the road. D. To get the number of a co-worker. 75. Where most likely is the caller now? A. At her office. B. On the subway. C. Ata hospital. D. In her car. 76. When does the caller say that she will be available? A. Right now B. This evening. C. Next week. D. This weekend. 77. What does Academic Enterprises provide? A. Educational books. B. Free consultations. C. Free delivery services D, Training classes. 78, What should a caller with a question about a delivery do? A. Press 1 B. Press 2. C. Press 3 D. Press 4. 79. Who should wait on the line? A. Those who are already customers. B. Those who do not want to deal with a machine. C. Those who don’t have touch-tone phones. D. Those who do not know the extension number. 80. Where is the talk most likely taking place? A. Ata hospital, B. Ata public school. C. Ata theater. D. Atan art gallery. 81. Who is Dr. Cummins? A. A dancer B. An artist. C. The headmaster. D. The producer. 82. Which of the following was mentioned by the speaker? A. The performers spent hours putting together the show. B. Ms, Wong is the leading dancer of tonight’s performance. C. The theater is a full house for the first time since its opening. D. All of the dancers are up-and-coming professionals 83. What is implied about today’s event? 84. What does the speaker mention about today’s guest speaker? ‘A. He is a university student. B. He is a history teacher. C. He is a very good talker. D. He is very famous worldwide 85. What will happen next? A. The audience members will take an intermission break. B. The guest speaker will take the stand. C. The speaker will give a brief introduction of the day’s event. D. The day’s event will come to an end. 86. According to the speaker, who is in need of their help? A. People without homes. B. Runaway teenagers. C. Local orphanages. D. Unemployed members of society 87. What is the speaker asking the listeners to do? A. Donate some money. B. Volunteer time at a charity function. C. Give unused blankets. D. Prepare a Christmas present. 88. When will they be contacted by the A. There are more people in the audience charitable organization? than anticipated. B. Today’s event is one of the best events ever put on. C. The audience members have waited a long time for it. D. It was very difficult to get tonight's guest speaker. A. Before the end of today. B. Toward the end of this week. . Early next week. D. On Christmas Day. 89, Where is the announcement most likely taking place? A. Ata mall. B. Ata coffee shop. C. At a sandwich store D. Ata doctor’s office. 90. When will the special offer end? A. At noon. B, This evening. C. Tomorrow. D. This weekend. 91. What is the original cost of a sandwich set? A. Two dollars. B. Three dollars. C. Four dollars. D. Six dollars. 92. Who is listening to the talk? A. Hotel employees. B. Guests. C. Fitness instructors. D. Restaurant staff. 93. Which of the following is offered for free? ‘A. Men’s and women’s spas. B.A stylish bathing suit C. A muscle rubdown. D. A workout training lesson. 94, What is available at the reception desk? A.A discount coupon. B.A day’s pass, C. Workout outfits. D, Squash rackets. 95. What is the main purpose of the report? A. To publicize the grand opening of a plant. 46 B. To report the unemployment rate of the city. C. To broadcast the signing of a big deal D. To announce the downsizing of a company. 96. Which country will be most affected? A. Malaysia. B. Canada. C. Australia. D. England. 97. What did the representative of the Triton Tire Company announce today? A. None of its employees will be fired. B. The company is planning to expand. C. All of its contracts will be renewed. D. A new branch office will open in Europe. 98. Who is the intended audience of this talk? A. The shoppers. B. The child’s custodian C. The office managers. D. The administrative staff. 99. Where is the manager’s office located? ‘A. On the ground floor. B. On the second floor. C. On the fifth floor. D. On the basement floor. 100. Which of the following best describes Damian’s condition now? A. He is distressed B. He is stimulated. C. He is impressed. D. He is grieved. Test 6 LISTENING TEST In the listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken | English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book, Part 1 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in | your test book, When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statement will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Example re a ae | Statement (B), “The man is working at the desk.” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet. Part 2 10 Direction: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter A, B or C on your answer sheet. Example You will hear: Where is the meeting room? You will also hear: (A) To meet the new director. (B) It’s the first room on the right. (© Yes, at 2 o’clock. The best response to the question “Where is the meeting room?” is choice (B)“It’s the first room on the right.” so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet. 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 14, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 19, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 24, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 39. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 49 Part3 Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 41. Where is the woman going today? A. To a trade exhibition, B. To meeta client. C. To the home office. D. To their factory. 42. What time is the flight? A. 10:00 B. 12:00 Cc. 1:00 D. 2:00 43. Where will they meet? A. At the trade exhibition. B. Ata coffee shop. C. At the home office. D. Ata restaurant. 44. When is the date of the conference? A. This Monday. B. Next week. C. In two weeks. D. Next month. 4: a What is the problem? A. Mr. Nolan cannot attend the conference. B. Paul mistakenly made two conflicting plans. C. Sally forgot to book the rooms. D. Mr. Singh has not returned from his trip. 46. Who most likely is going to make the presentation in New York? A. Mr. Nolan. B, Sally. C. Paul. D. Mr. Singh 47. Why is the man relieved? A. John has finally returned from his vacation, B.A replacement for a vacant position has been found C. The ads Henry took out are bringing in results. D.A high-paying job has been offered to him. 48. Where did Henry work before? A. At a newspaper company. B. Ata computer Internet company. C. Ata job recruiting agency D. At the company’s branch office. 49. What will happen next Monday? A. The company ad will be printed. BA branch office will open. C. A new employee will start a job. 50 D. There will be a retirement party for John. 50. Where is the conversation most likely taking place? A. Ata toy store. B. At an airport. C. Ata record store. D. Ata travel agency. 51. What does the man complain about? A. How heavy his bag is. B. How far the airport is. C. How expensive the tickets are. D. How difficult it is to get home. 52, What can be inferred about the woman? A. She does not like to travel. B, She only buys expensive things. . She has many children, D. She has been here many times. 53. What are they talking about? A. The college the woman had attended. B. A newspaper article the woman had read. C. The economic situation of the nation. D. The man’s new employment opportunity. 54, According to the man, what did his friend recently do? A. Graduate from school B, Land a new job. C. Start a business. D. Write a newspaper article. 51 55, When did the man graduate from college? A.A year ago. B, Two years ago. C. Three years ago. D. Four years ago. 56. Where most likely is the conversation taking place? A. Atan electronics store. B. Ina truck. C. Atacity port. D. Ina warehouse. 57. Why did Mr. Brown call? A. To place an order. B. To request a quick delivery. C. To change his order. D. To talk to the truck driver. 58. According to Dave, where will the truck driver first go? A. To the Bad Boys Electronics Store B. To the company warehouse. C. To the computer department. D. To his truck. 59. What is the man doing? A. Buying a computer. B. Showing off his new purchase. C. Typing up some work. D. Introducing his brother. 60. What happened to the man’s old computer? A. He lost it. B. He broke it. C. He sold it. D. He returned it. 61. What does the woman say about the laptops? A. They are very expensive. B, They don’t weigh very much. C. They have gotten smaller. D. They are well designed. 62. What led to the decision made by the boss? A. The experience of the candidates. B, The words of advice from Mr. Lee. C, The work ethics of Ms. Simpson D. The interest shown by the employees. 63. Who got the position? ‘A. Ms, Sanchez. B. Mr. Miller, C. Mr. Lee. D. Mr. Harris. 64. According to the woman, why did Ms. Simpson drop out of the race? A. She felt that she was not qualified B. She was not feeling well C. She is not interested in working harder. D. She has other things to do. 65. How will they get to the city? A. By train. B. By bus, C. By car. D. By ferry. 66. When will they meet MR. Johnson? A. At 3 o’clock. B. At 4 0’clock. C. At 5 o’clock. D. At 6 o’clock. 67. Why didn’t Mr. Johnson go on the trip? A. He couldn’t catch a flight. B. His client canceled the meeting. C. There was a reservation mix-up at the hotel. D. The train stopped running, 68. What are they discussing? A. A project they are currently working on. B, The possible leader of the next project. C. The material to be used in their project. D. Their co- workers in the company. 69. According to the man, who does he think is a good person to lead the project? A. Rick, B. Joe. C. Jan. D. Mr. Brown. 70. What can be inferred about Joe? A. He is young. B. He is smart. C. He is aggressive D. He is eager to lead the project. [Par 4 Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 71. According to the speaker, what is the current road condition of Highway 7? A. It is at a complete standstill. B. It is moving without much trouble. C. It is moving at a very slow pace. D, It is closed off due to the accident. 72. What does the speaker advise the motorists to do? A. Leave their cars at home today. B. Take alternative roads. C. Keep their ears open for any changes. D. Make sure to have their insurance cards with them, 73. When will the next update be aired? A. In ten minutes. B, At 7 o’clock. C. Inan hour. D. At 9:30. 74. Who is the intended audience of this announcement? A. The caretakers. B. The new workers. C. The advertisement staff. D. The cafeteria workers. 75. Where will the meeting take place? A. In the engineering building, B, At the Advertising Department. C. At Building 5. D. In the company eatery 76. What does the speaker say will be available at the meeting? ‘A. Engineering information. B, Some beverages. C. Advertising tips. D. Some snacks. 77. What will they most likely do at the Orchid Café? A. Have some coffee. B. Meet all the participants. C. Fill their stomachs. D. Take an hour break. 78. What does the speaker imply about the day? ‘A. It is going to be a physical day. B. There will be different types of food available. C. The day will be perfect for the walk. D. The hiking trip will be somewhat dangerous. 79. What will they do next? A. Visit Rotary Lookout. B. Walk up the natural trail. C. Enjoy the beautiful flowers. D. Enter the café. 80. Who most likely is the speaker? A. The coffee shop owner B. A member of the design team. 3 C.A photographer. D. The office receptionist. 81. Why did the speaker invite the listeners? A. To ask them to help design the prototype. B. To get their honest opinions about the workplace. C. To see their response in regards to the new product. D. To chat informally over a cup of coffee. 82. Why does the speaker NOT want the listeners to reveal themselves? A. He wants candid opinions. B. He doesn’t want to embarrass them. C. He is not interested in knowing them D, He doesn’t know any of their names. 83. What is the purpose of the talk? A. To introduce an investment opportunity. B. To educate the staff to work more efficiently. C. To notify people about the results of a meeting D. To announce the date of a future meeting. 84, What took place yesterday? A. The company’s annual sale. B. A distribution of the company’s stock shares. C. A shareholder’s meeting. D. A visit to the plant floor. 85. How will they change the course of action? A. By asking a team of consultant to. sorutinize their operations B. By distributing the company’s stock shares among the employees. C. By having a meeting to find solutions. D. By hiring more workers to run their operations more smoothly. 86. Who most likely is giving the talk? A. A chef. B. A waiter. C. A wine connoisseur. D. A grocery store clerk. 87. What is mentioned about the day’s special? A. It is offered at a discounted price. B. It is available only for a limited time. C. It has just been added to their menu. D. It comes with a choice of vegetables. 88. How is the chicken dish prepared? A. It is fried. B. It is baked. C. It is char grilled. D. It is steamed. 89, What is the listener being asked to do? A. Have a seat in the waiting area, B, Walk in to see Ms. Thompson. C. Take some papers home to fill them out. D, Provide some information in writing, 90. What should Mr. Anderson do if he has any queries? A. Call a special number. B. Talk to the speaker. C. Consult with Helen. D. Refer to-a guidebook. 54 9. Where is the conversation taking place? A. At Mr. Anderson’s office. B, Ata doctor’s office. C. Ata pharmacy counter. D. Ata hair treatment center. 92. Why is Mr. Reid being delayed? A. His plane is not able to take off. B. He could not book a flight ticket. C. He has to attend to something else. D. His secretary is not back from New York, 93. When is Mr. Reid expected to arrive in ‘New York? A. Atten. B. At noon. C, Atone. D. At two. 94, What does the caller request from Mr. Stokes? A. To provide a contact number. B. To greet her at the airport. C. To make a trip to New York. D. To attend the meeting. 95, When is Tracy expected to arrive? A. This morning. B. This afternoon. C. This evening D. Tomorrow. 55 96. What does the speaker advise those living along the shoreline to do? A. Evacuate immediately. B. Stay indoors. C. Store lots of food D. Prepare umbrellas. 97. When will the next update air? A, In ten minutes. B. In thirty minutes. C. In sixty minutes D. In ninety minutes. 98. According to the report, how many hours are some kids in India working in a day? A.9 hours. B. 10 hours. C. 11 hours. D. 12 hours 99. How are some poor families making a living? A. By recycling goods. B. By begging. C. By selling goods. D. By receiving welfare 100. What does the study reveal? A. The recycling must come to an end. B, The children of India are still very healthy. C. The current working situation has damaging effects. D. The poor people will soon receive help. Test7 . LISTENING TEST In the listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book. Part 1 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statement will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Example Statement (B), “The man is working at the desk.” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet. 56 J Part 2 Direction: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. ‘They will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter A, B or C on your answer sheet. Example You will hear: Where is the meeting room? You will also hear: (A) To meet the new director. (B) It’s the first room on the right. (C) Yes, at 2 o'clock. The best response to the question “Where is the meeting room?” is choice (B)*It’s the first room on the right.” so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet. I 12. 13, 14. 15, 16. 17. 18. 19, 20. 21. eee 23. 24, te Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 58 ne 28. 30. ete 33, 34, 35, 36. 37. 38. 39, 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Part 3 Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The | conversations will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 41, Why is the man asking the woman if he can take off early today? A. He wants to meet a client for lunch. B, He wants to go home and relax. C. He wants to look for a place to stay. D. He wants to get his tooth looked at. 42, What does the woman ask the man to do before he leaves? ‘A. Finish writing a report. B. Schedule an appointment with her dentist. C. Attend the meeting with the general manager. D. Read over the report to check the figures. 43. Who will the man see before he takes off? A. The general manager. B, Ted Bradley. C. The woman, D. His client. 44, Who is scheduled to drop by? A. Sarah. B. Mr. Rodriguez. C. Mr. Denver. 59 D. The sales manager. 45, When will the visitor come? Today. . This weekend. . Next week. . Next month, gOm> 46. Why do the speakers sound NOT happy to hear the news? ‘A. The person coming for a visit always brings bad news. B. The bonus they will receive is not as much as they had hoped. C. The budget has been reduced too much. D.Some of the salespeople will be let 20. 47. What does the woman want to know? A. Where her father is. B. How far the restaurant is. C. Where to get some good food. D. How to make a seafood dish. 48. What does the man suggest the woman do? Talk to Jeff. Look in the yellow pages. Take on a new hobby. Refer to a book pop> 49. According to the man, what will Jeff do? Open a restaurant. Move to another town. Write a book. See a doctor. por> 50. According to the man, what do they have to do soon? A. Respond to the demands of the consumers. B. Participate in the company contest. C. Come up with a name for their new product. D.Find ways to save money for the company. 51. Where do they most likely work? A. An electronics shop. B. A consulting firm. C. A photo store. D. A camera manufacturing company. 52. do? A. Use a professional company. B. Release a new product on the market. C. Get the customers involved. D. Provide discounts to the consumers. What does the woman suggest they 53. Where is the woman going? 60 A. To pick up her car from the garage. B. To move her car to another place. C. To buy something at the supermarket. D. To go fora stroll in the park. 54, What time is it now most likely? A. Around twelve o’clock. B. Just afier one o’clock. C. Just before two o’clock D. Exactly four o’clock. 55. What does the man mention about the supermarket? A. It is having a sale now. B. It is free to park there. C. Itis too far from the office. D. It is located on Jane Road. 56. What are they talking about? A. The woman’s business trip. B. A new computer software C. The lunch menu. D.A co-worker, What does the man want to know? A. Whether the woman tried out the computer. B, If John installed the program on her computer. C. How fast the new computer is. D. How different the command keys are. 58. What will the woman do at lunch? A. Drive to a nearly restaurant, B. Provide the man with an answer. Co Pick up some software for her computer. D. Leave for her business trip. 59. When did the man start working at this company? A. A year ago. B. Two year ago. C. Five year ago. D. Ten year ago. 60. Why is John leaving the company? He is setting up his own company. He is going back to college. He got a better offer from another firm. He is not getting along with the members of his staff. 5 OPP 61. What does the woman want the man to do? ‘A. Come to her graduation ceremony. B. Get his college degree. C. Make a lot of money. D. Wait for her a little longer. 62. How will the woman get to the party? ‘A. By getting a ride with someone. B, By driving her own car. C. By taking public transportation. D. By walking there. 63. Where is Ms. Wilson now? A. At the auto repair shop. B. At her house. C. Ata conference. D. At the cafeteria. 64, When will they meet? A. Before they go to the meeting. B. During lunch hour. CC. Barly tomorrow morning. 61 D> Right after work today- 65. What does the man want to do? A. Retire from his job. B. Work in another field. C. Go on a business trip. D. Save money for his future. 66. How will the woman help the man? ‘A. By referring him to someone she knows B. By getting him a job interview. C. By lending him some money. D. By working overtime. 67. When will the man most likely receive a phone call? A. Right away. B. This afternoon C. This evening. D. Tomorrow morning 68. How do some of the managers probably feel right now? A. Nervous, B. Excited C. Angry. D. Happy. 69. When do they expect the news to be announced? A. Today B. Later this week. C. Some time next week. D. Next month. 70. What does the man say about some of the managers? A. They are hardworking people. B. They deserve to be promoted. C. They deserve to get fired D. They make too much money. Part 4 Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 71. What is being advertised? A. An animal hospital B.A theater. C. A music store. D. A charity concert. 72. What does the speaker mention about the event? A. It will be televised live. B. They expect a full house. C. The event will be recorded on cp. D. The tickets will go on sale soon: 73. Who will benefit the most from this event? A. The animal shelter. B. The local artists. C. The musicians. D. The record stores. 74. Who is the intended audience of this announcement? A. The crew of the ocean liner. B, The passengers of the ship. C. The evening’s entertainers. D. Mr. John Sanders. 75. Why is the speaker mentioning a change in the schedule? A.A problem with the sound system has occurred. B, There were not enough participants. C. The host is not feeling well today. D. There was a bigger demand for the magic show. 76. Who is Mr. Sanders? A. The captain of the ship. B. This evening’s entertainer. C. The technician. D. The host of the quiz show. 77. What is being announced? A. The closing of the store. B. An emergency evacuation drill. C. The sale of the day. D. The upcoming company holidays. 78. What does the speaker ask the workers to do? A. Calmly exist the building, B, Pay for their purchase C. Put on the orange vests. D. Talk to the fire wardens. 79. What does the speaker advise those who are in the middle of the building to do? A. Take the elevators. B. Take the escalators. C. Run out of the building. D. Use the emergency stairs. 80. What did the representative of IZH announce? A. The growth of the company stocks. B. The resignation of its chief executive officer. C. The suspension of its senior members. D. The amount of money in taxes the ‘company pays. 81, How did they learn of several facts? A. From the company spokesperson. B, From an undisclosed informant. C. From the chief executive officer. D. From the local police. 82, According to the speaker, how long will the investigation last? A.A month, B. A few months. C. One year. D, It’s unknown. 83. Who is Nathan Boyce? A. A university professor. B. A writer. C. A physician. D. A history teacher. 84, What will Nathan discuss today? A. His time at his university. B, European history. C. His philosophical views of life. D. His latest book. 63 85, What did Nathan Tearn during his wip to Ireland? A. He will be leading a new research project. B, Some new findings about history. C. The university has named him an honorary professor. D. There will be a book written about him. 86, For how many years has the event been taking place? A. One year. B. Two years. C. Five years D. Ten years. 87. What would those arriving before 9 get achance to do? A. Meet with the drivers, B. Take the cars for a test drive. C. Get the autographs of the drivers. D. Receive a discount on the entry fee. 88. How much would a 65-year-old man have to play to get into the place? A. Two dollars. B. Three dollars. C. Five dollars. D. Twelve dollars. 89. Who most likely is giving the talk? A. The rafting instructor. B. A tour guide. C. A rock climber. D. A windsurfer. 90. Why has the plan been changed? _ A. Rain is coming down hard outside. B. The rafting instructor could not make it, C. The listeners voted to do something, else. D. The water level has risen beyond what is safe. 91. Which of the following activities is NOT a part of the day’s events? A. Hiking. B. Windsurfing. C. Swimming D, Jet skiing, 92. Who is the intended audience of this talk? A. Teachers B. Students. C. Yoga trainers. D. Chess players. 93. What will the participants do in the mornings after breakfast? A, Learn the art of handwriting, B. Listen to their colleagues talk. C, Go for a short walk. D. Read some journals. 94. What does the speaker mention about dinner? A. It will be served exactly at six o'clock. B. There is going to be a variety of dishes to choose from. C. The participants will prepare it themselves. D. It will be held after the informal activities. 95. What is the report mainly about? A. The shutting down of a restaurant. B. A historical view of the city landmark. 64 C. The story of a very famous, rich businessman D. The life of the struggling artists in the city. 96. How old is the business? A. Ten years old. B. Twenty-five years old. C. Fifly years oid D. One hundred years old. 97. What does the speaker mention about the business? A, It caters only to rich. B. It will have its grand opening soon. C. It is enjoyed by people from all walks of life. D. Its popularity has diminished recently. 98. What is being planned? A.A front-page newspaper story. B. A company’s anniversary celebration. C. The election of the city’s mayor. D. The release of a new blockbuster movie. 99. What is schedule to happen on Monday evening? A.A dinner function. B. A tour of the building C. A movie screening. D. A book sale. 100. Who is the intended audience of this announcement? A. Company employees. B. The governor. C. The librarians. D. The moviegoers. Test 8 LISTENING TEST In the listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book. Part 1 | Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in | your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statement will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Example pg i oe Statement (B), “The man is working at the desk.” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet. 65 Part 2 Direction: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter A, B or C on your answer sheet. Example You will hear: Where is the meeting room? You will also hear: (A) To meet the new director. (B) It’s the first room on the right. (C) Yes, at 2 o’clock. “The best response to the question “Where is the meeting room?” is choice (B)"It's the first room on the right.” so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet. 11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 14, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 21, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 38, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 24, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 39. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 25, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 67 Part 3 41, What does the man ask the woman to do? A. Pick up today’s newspaper at the store. B, Place an order with the supplier. C. Make duplicates of some documents. D. Get Peter to come into his office. 42, When will the man meet with the board members? A. Right way. B. This evening. C. Tomorrow morning. D. Later this week 43. What will the woman do first? A. Use the photocopier. B, Run down to the stationery store. C. Talk to a co-worker. D. Call their supplier. 44, Where do they most likely word? A. Ata photo studio. B. At a newspaper company. C. Ata bookstore. D. Ata school 45. Who is going to bring the pictures? A. Jack B, Dave C. Rick D. Sally. Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked-to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 46. What will the woman most likely do next? A. Talk to Rick. B. Look for something. C, Read something. D. Go into a meeting. 47. Who most likely is the man? A. A real estate agent. B. The owner of the house. C. A coffee shop attendant. D. A hotel worker. 48. What is the problem? A. The woman does not have an appointment. B. The man cannot get on the next flight. C. The owner of the house cannot be reached. D. Their woman’s appointment got canceled 49. What does the woman request? A. To go for a driver. B. To see the house. C. To travel by plane. D. To drink some coffee. 30. Who is Mr. Terran A. A computer technician. 68 B.A student, C. An instructor. D. A chef. 51. What does Mr. Terrance want to know? A. If enough students have enrolled, B. How fast the computers will be set up. C. How good the food is. D. When the registration ends. 52. What will happen this Friday? A. The man will buy a new computer. B. The registration period will come to an end C. The woman will receive her diploma. D. They will dine in a fine restaurant. 53. How does Mr. Williams know Mr. Harris? A. They work together. B. They went to school together. C. They are related, D. They live in the same building. 54. What does the man say he will do for the woman? ‘A. Make some copies. B. Find Mr. Williams. C. Talk to Dan about the seminar. D. Set up the equipment. 55. When is Mr. Williams scheduled to give a speech to the salespeople? A, In a few minutes. B. Before lune! C. This afternoon. D. This evening. 56. What is the purpose of the man’s call? A. To notify the woman of a test result. 69 B. To see if the woman would be interested in the job. C. To ask the woman some questions about work, D. To tell the woman that he might be leaving his job. 57. What does the woman say he she has to do? A. Notify her manager about her quitting her job. B. Inform the candidate about the results of his job interview. C. Ask the candidate how soon he can start his new position. D. Tell her boss about the interview set for the day. 58. When does Ms. Lee say she will be ayailable to start? A. Today B. This week. C. In two weeks. D. Next month. 59. According to the article, what is the company planning to do? A, Recruit more workers. B. Replace an existing company. C. Print a newsletter for the employees. D. Purchase group insurance for the new workers. 60. What is the man most concerned about? A. The increase in monthly payment. B. The decrease in the amount of insurance. C. The quality of the article in the newsletter. D. The employees’ health conditions 61. When will they most likely be notified about the change? ‘A. Today. B. Tomorrow. C. Next week. D. In two weeks. 62. What does the woman advise the man to do? A. Book airline tickets. B, Postpone the trip. C. Attend the film festival D. Skip the conference. 63. What did Sarah say to the woman? A. She finished booking the hotel rooms. B. The staff will attend the film festival. C. It might be hard to get a seat on the plane. D. They will make a speech at the conference, 64. What will happen in New York during the week the speakers are there? A. A big crowd from all over the world will gather. B. The closing ceremony of the film festival will be held C. Many hotels will be offering discounts. D. The company will hold its annual conference. 65. What has happened to the company’s sales since last year? A. They have slightly increased B. They took a big dive. C. They remain unchanged. D. They have broken all the sales record. 70 66. What does the woman think is the main reason for the problem mentioned? A. The loss of their best staff. B. The increased price of the products. C. The stress of working long hours. D. The lack of talented people. 67. According to the woman, how can the problem be solved? A. By offering more pay. B. By providing a better working environment. C. By reducing the employee’s work hours. D. By offering incentives 68, Where will Raphael go this morning? A. Toa client’s office. B. To the company plant C. To give a presentation D. To the airport, 69. Where will the speakers meet Raphael? A. At the airport. B. At the head office C. At the factory, D. At the client’s office. 70. Why does the man ask the woman to call Raphael? A. To delay the meeting a bit. B. To ask him to bring something. C. To pick them up at the airport. D. To see if he needs anything Part 4 Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 71. Who most likely is Steve? (A) An accountant. (B) The receptionist. (© The personnel manager. (D) Travel agent, 72. When does the speaker want to meet with Susan? (A) This afternoon. (B) Tomorrow. (©) This week. (D) Next week. 73. What does the speaker wish to address the listener about? (A) Some forms that were not filled out satisfactorily. (B) The money spent during the last business trip. (C) The traveling arrangements of an upcoming business trip. (D) The request of a larger expense budget. 74, What is the report mainly about? (A) The corporate decision to sponsor a sports team. 7 (B) The multi-million dollar trade of a star player. (C) The hiring of a new member of the coaching staff. (D) The team’s decision to recruit more players. 75. What happened on Friday? (A) The team hired a new coach. (B) They got a new sponsor. (©) The team won a cup. (D) They scouted new players. 76. What did the spokesperson announce? (A) The team has already signed a star player from Europe. (B) A few investors are interested in the club (C) A new head coach has joined the team. (D) The team has purchased new fitness equipment. 77. Who most likely put the evening’s event together? (A) The speaker. (B) Mr. Smith. (C) Mr. Walkley. (D) Mr. Franklin. 78. What did John Walkley achieve last year? (A) He published his first novel (B) He won a literary award. (C) He wrote a poem for his mother. (D) He developed a computer program. 79. What does the speaker say about John? (A) He is an imaginative person. (B) He is not a very sociable person. (C) He recently moved to a small country town. (D) He began writing right after college. 80. What is the main role of the speaker? (A) To make operations run smoother. (B) To think of ways to improve employee job satisfaction. (C) To help increase sales. (D) To upgrade the skills of the workers. 81. What does the speaker say could be improved? (A) The attitude of the employees. (B) The service they provide. (C) The flow of their operations. (D) The working conditions. 82. What will they do next? (A) Gather into small groups. (B) Talk about the upcoming sales. (C) Walk around the operations area. (D) Take a break for lunch. 83, What is the announcement mainly about? (A) The stoppage of the train service. (B) The opening of anew subway station. 72 (C) The weekend weather forecast. (D) The bus routes in the city 84, What does the speaker suggest the listeners do? (A) Stay home this weekend (B) The take alternative transportation. (C) Check out the new station. (D) Wait until the rain subsides. 85. According to the speaker, when will the situation be resolved? (A) In an hour. (B) In two hours. (C) In three hours. (D) In four hours. 86. Where is the parade now? (A) On Collins Street. (B) On George Street (C) On Pitt Street, (D) At Federation Square. 87. What is attracting people to the parade in record-breaking numbers? (A) The television exposure. (B) The beautiful weather. (©) The convenient location. (D) The size of the parade. 88. According to the police, what should those coming to the parade do? (A) Enter through George Street. (B) Head toward Federation Square. (©) Take the subway to Pitt Street. (D) Park their cars on Collins Street. 89. When is the dust storm expected to hit the city? (A) This afternoon, (B) This evening. (C) Tomorrow morning. (D) Tomorrow afternoon. 90. Why does the weather bureau ask the citizens NOT to take trip if necessary? (A) Many of the roads will be closed to traffic. (B) The drivers will have a hard time seeing the road. (©) There is the possibility of a tornado coming. (D) Some of the roads will be very slippery. 91. According to the speaker, who should stay indoors tomorrow? (A) People with respiratory problems. (B) School children under the age of 12 (©) Seniors with heart problems. (D) Those who live in the southern part of the city. 92. Who most likely is the speaker addressing? (A) Cafeteria workers (B) Staff members. (©) The cleaning staff. (D) The facility manager. 93. What is the talk mainly about? (A) To welcome people to the meeting. (B) To notify a new regulation at the company. (©) To ask the staff to deal with customers’ complaints. (D) To ask the employees to better take care of the eating area. B 94. What is implied about some of the workers at the company? (A) They are inconsiderate of others. (B) They seldom make any complaints. (C) They usually eat in the cafeteria. (D) They don’t talk to one another very much. 95. How long will the program last? (A) Three weeks. (B) Four weeks. (© Five weeks. (D) Six weeks. 96. How can one enroll in a class? (A) By paying the tuition well in advance. (B) By volunteering one’s time for a good cause. (C) By knowing someone in the program. (D) By contacting the Council Office today. 97. What should a listener do to get more information? (A) Make a phone call. (B) Check out the website. (C) Visit the Council Office. (D) Read the brochure. 98. Who most likely is giving the talk? (A) A tour guide. (B) A chef. (C) The captain of a ship. (D) The bus driver. 99. What is the speaker doing? (A) Recommending a nice restaurant. (B) Suggesting places to go today 100. Where is the talk taking place? (©) Explaining the menu choices. (A) In a restaurant. (D) Guiding the quests around the (B) Ina tour bus. garden. (C) Ina garden. (D) Ina shopping mall. Test 9 LISTENING TEST In the listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English, The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book. Part 1 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one. statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statement will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Example Statement (B), “The man is working at the desk.” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet. | Part 2 Direction: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English They will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter A, B or C on your answer sheet, Example You will hear: Where is the meeting room? You will also hear: (A) To meet the new director. (B) It’s the first room on the right. (C) Yes, at 2 o’clock. | The best response to the question “Where is the meeting room?” is. choice (B)"It’s the first room on the right.” so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet. i 12. aoe 14, 15. 16. Fete 18. Hise 20. 21 22. 23. 24, 25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer shect. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 77 Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Part 3 Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 41. What will the man do tomorrow? (A) Help his friend move into a new place. (B) Leave on an overseas business trip. (©) Take Mr. Wong to the factory site. (D) Prepare for his vacation to the Far East. 42. What does the woman want to know? (A) Whether the man will have enough time to attend to personal matters. (B) If the man is going to make the sale. (C) How much the new business is going to cost. (D) How long he has known Mr. Wong. 43. What does the woman suggest the man do? (A) Go on the trip another time. (B) Take his vacation early. (©) Talk to Mr. Wong right away. (D) Book his ticket early 44, Where do they most likely work? (A) The security office. (B) A clothing shop. (©) A cafeteria (D) The post office. 45. Where is Linda? (A) Out on an errand (B) Working on the display stand. (C) Shopping at the mall. (D) Having lunch. 46. Who will most likely work on the stand? (A) Linda, (B) Ms. Channings. (©) Mark. (D) Paula. 47. What does the man want to know? (A) When the exposition is going to start. (B) How long the construction will take. (C) Where the stores are located. (D) How soon the woman will close the deal. 48. According to the woman, what might happen by the end of this week? (A) The shop will have its grand opening. (B) All of the signatures will be collected. (C) Some of the workers will be let go. (D) The exposition will open to the general public. 49. According to the woman, when will the construction most likely begin? (A) This week, (B) Next week. (©) Before the winter (D) Next year. 50. What does the woman say to the man? (A) An error needs their immediate attention. (B) They have been working too hard lately (©) The design of their new company logo is bad. (D) An order they placed has not arrived yet. 51, How will they solve the problem? (A) By ordering extra boxes. (B) By returning the products. (C) By doing the work themselves. (D) By finding another company. 52. What will happen tomorrow morning? (A) A new shipment will arrive. (B) Some goods will be sent out. (C) The boxes will be sent back. (D) They will find a new printing company. 53, Why won’t Mr. Wong be give the speech? (A) He suddenly came down with an illness. (B) He does not have a way to get to the hotel, (© He has to attend to a family member. (D) He has to make an unexpected trip. 54, What will the man do? (A) Drive the woman to the conference. (B) Visit Mr. Wong at the hospital. (© Fill in for Mr. Wong. (D) Make breakfast for the guests. 79 55. How will the man get to the conference? (A) By car. (B) By train. (© By bus. (D) By airplane. 56. Where do they most likely work? (A) A newspaper company. (B) A restaurant. (©) A phone company. (D) A travel agency. 57. How did the woman learn about the news? (A) By reading it in a paper. (B) From a co-worker. (C) One of the customers told her. (D) She overhead the chef talking, 58. What have they done to improve their business? (A) They took out an ad in the local paper. (B) They contacted their existing customers. (C) They provided food samples to their guests. (D) They hired a new professional cook. 59, Why is the woman thinking of postponing her trip? (A) She is not feeling well. (B) Her car is in need of repairs. (C) She has something else to attend to (D) Her brother is coming to see her. 60. Why will the man take the trip? (A) To meet his brother. (B) To attend an important meeting. (C) To keep the woman company. (D) To meet his client. 61. What does the woman say she will let the man know about? (A) Ifshe can go away with the man or not. (B) When she will be able to get back from LA. (C) How many people she will be going on the trip with, (D) Who will be accompanying her on the trip. 62. What is the woman doing? (A) Putting gas into her car. (B) Paying the parking fee (C) Asking for directions. (D) Buying a movie ticket. 63. Where is the theater located? (A) On Central Street. (B) On Bayview road. (C) On Leslie Road. (D) On Spadina street. 64, Where most likely is the conversation taking place? (A) Ina theater. (B) Ata gas station. (©) On the road. (D) Ina car. 65. Who most likely is Jack? (A) A co-worker, 80 (B) A client. (C) The mechanic. (D) The department head. 66. Why will Jack come late? (A) He has many places to visit, (B) He has a long way to drive to get there, (©) He has to drop by a client’s office first. (D) He has a personal problem to take care of. 67. When will the man most likely leave for his appointment? (A) Atl. (B) At4. (ALS. (D) At9, 68. When will Ms. Austin leave for her trip? (A) Today. (B) Tomorrow. (©) Saturday. (D) Sunday. 69. Who most likely is the man? (A) A tour guide, (B) An airline employee (C)A traveler. (D) A computer programmer. 70. How many times will the woman’s flight stop? (A) Once. (B) Twice. (C) Three times. (D) Four times Part 4 Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 71, Who is the intended audience of this talk? (A) The architects. (B) The security staff. (C) The apartment tenants, (D) Would-be homebuyers. 72. Which of the following is NOT part the new apartment complex? (A) Round-the-clock security. (B) A breathtaking view of the sea. (C) A first-rate design. (D) A large balcony in each unit. 73. Where will they head next? (A) To the ground-floor lobby. (B) To the eighth-floor apartment, (C) To the basement garage (D) To the front yard. 74, How old is the speech contest? (A) One year old. (B) Five years old. (©) Ten years old. (D) Twenty-five years old. 75. What is mentioned about Brian McAdams? (A) His dream is to become a news anchor. (B) He will be one of the judges at the contest. (C) He competed in the first ever contest. 81 (D) He has been the host of the contest since the first show. 76. What should those who wish to participate in the contest do? (A) Come down to the station in person. (B) Fill out a document. (C) Call the television station. (D) Log on to the website. 77. How did the woman first try to get in contact with Mark? (A) By phone. (B) By e-mail. (©) By mail. (D) By fax. 78. What is the message mainly about? (A) The cancellation of their meeting tonight. (B) A new addition to their choral group. (©) The conductor’s wish to meet more regularly. (D) The last minute details before the performance. 79. What happened to the conductor? (A) No one knows his whereabouts. (B) He had to attend to some personal affairs. (C) He has been waiting in the hall fora long time. (D) He has not attended any of the rehearsals. 80. What was the original purpose in creating this club? (A) To preserve English custom, (B) To provide playtime for the rich (C) To encourage people to compete. (D) To introduce businessmen to each other, 81. How many members does the club now have? (A) 36. (B) 50. (©) 100. (D) 600. 82. Who sponsors the nation’s most prestigious awards? (A) Local businessmen. (B) The government. (© The club president. (D) The members. 83, When will they arrive at their destination? (A) In ten minutes. (B) In twenty minutes, (©) In thirty minutes. (D) In sixty minutes 84, What does the speaker mention about Daylesford? (A) It is at the bottom of a hill. (B) It still resembles the gold rush days. (C) Ithas become a large city. (D) It is secluded from other cities. 82 85, What does the speaker suggest the listeners do at their next destination? (A) Drop by the bakeries. (B) Check out the hills. (C) Buy some cheap gold. (D) Check out the historical building. 86. What is the purpose of the talk? (A) To present awards to the best journalists. (B) To thank the organizer for preparing the event, (C) To welcome the listeners to a company dinner function. (D) To reveal the truth about some war secrets. 87. Why does the speaker say that this year has been particularly tough? (A) Many of the journalists had to go to war. (B) He lost some of his closest colleagues. (C) The newspaper company had a hard time. (D) The writers could not write freely. 88. Who is going to make the first presentation? (A) The head editor. (B) The speaker. (C) The event organizer. (D) One of the journalists. 89. Who is leaving the message? (A) A customer. (B) A delivery staff member. (C) The food inspector. (D) A cleaning staff member. 90. What is the problem? (A) The speaker is running Tate with the delivery. (B) The price of the goods is a bit too steep. (C) The sales representative is not available now. (D) Some damaged goods have been delivered 91. What does the caller demand the listener do? (A) Return the product. (B) Bring replacements. (©) Send someone over. (D) Clean up the leakage. 92. For about how long has the company been in business? (A) 6 years. (B) 40 years. (©) 60 years. (D) 100 years. 93. Who does the speaker give credit for the company’s success? (A) The sales team, (B) The company founder. (C) The investors. (D) The operations manager. 94, Who most likely is listening to the talk? (A) War veterans. (B) Sales managers, (©) Factory workers. (D) New employees. 95, What kind of business is Dombey and Sons? (A) A restaurant. (B) A winery. 83 (CYA travel agency. (D) A food supplier. 96. Why is Dombey and Sons closed? (A) The store went out of business. (B) The owners are on holidays. (© Itis after their business hours. (D) It is the weekend. 97. What should a caller with an urgent request do? (A) Call back another time. (B) Try a different number. (©) Leave a message. (D) Stay on the line 98, What does the speaker say he will do if a cheaper price is found elsewhere? (A) He will give away the carpet for free. (B) He will give an additional discount. (© He will provide a full refund. (D) He will match the price. 99. Which of the following is NOT a country the store imports its goods from? (A) Italy. (B) Nepal. (©) India. (D) China, 100. How many stores are there in the city? (A) Seven. (B) Ten (C) Twenty. (D) Fifty, Test 10 LISTENING TEST In the listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken | English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book. Part 1 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best | describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statement will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time, Example Statement (B), “The man is working at the desk.” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet. 84 Part 2 Direction: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter A, B or C on your answer sheet. Example You will hear: Where is the meeting room? You will also hear: (A) To meet the new director. (B) It’s the first room on the right. (C) Yes, at 2 o’clock. The best response to the question “Where is the meeting room?” is choice (B)“It’s the first room on the right.” so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet. ee 12. 13. 14. 15, 16 Hee 18. 19, 20. rik cee Eee 24, 25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 32, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 35, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 36, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 39. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 86 Part 3 Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation, Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet ‘The conversations will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 41. What did Jack say? A. Everyone must attend the meeting. B. Be prompt in arriving at the restaurant. CC. Think about what they want to eat. D. Leave early to avoid terrible traffic. 42. What does the man have to do? A. Run an errand. B. Buy a gif C. Call the head office. D. Head over to the restaurant. 43. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Go to the head office another time. B, Call Jack in advance C. Attend the earlier meeting. D. Take public transportation. 44, How many nights will the man spend in France? A. One. B. Two C. Three. D. Four. 45, What does the man ask the woman to do? ‘A. Prepare all the necessary papers. B. Call Mr. Connery to make an appointment, C. Book a flight ticket to London. D. Reserve a room at the Hilton Hills. 46. Why is the man making the trip to London? A. To meet up an old friend. B, To close a deal. C. To find his parents’ land. D. To pick up some documents. 47. Why did the man most likely miss the meeting? A. He went to see a client about a special deal. B. He went to the dentist’s office for a toothache. CC. He went to the airport to pick up someone. D. He went out to have lunch with Joan. 48, Who will prepare the report for the man? A. Mr. Lee. B, Lisa. C. Joan. D. Ms. Tan. 87 49. Where most likely is Mr. Lee now? A. Hong Kong. B. The airport. C. A meeting. D. A dental office. 50. Who will most likely attend the meeting? A. Clients. B. Upper-level managers. C. New eiployees. D. Technicians. 51. When is the man scheduled to give his speech? A. In thirty minutes. B. Right away. C. Tomorrow morning D. Next week. 52, How will the woman assist the man? A. By setting up the projector. B. By gathering the sales figures C. By duplicating some documents. D. By helping to carry something to the conference room. 53. Who most likely are they? A. Movie critics. B. Clothes designers. C. Insurance agents. D. Travel agents. 54, What did they originally plan on doing together this evening? A. Visit a client. B, Watch a movie. C. Pick up some fabric. D. Get extra coverage. 88 55. Why is Mr. King coming to see the woman? A. To complain about service. B. To purchase more insurance. C. To discuss a problem. D. To buy some clothes 56. What does the man want to know? A. If the woman has made a reservation or not. B, Where Shirley has gone. C. How many people already had dinner. D. Who will turn up this evening. 57. According to the woman, how many people are expected to show up this evening? A. Six. B. Eight. C. Ten, D. Twelve. 58. What is Shirley most likely doing now? A. Having lunch at the company cafeteria. B. Booking seats at a nearby restaurant. C. Sending something at the post office. D. Talking to client in the meeting room. 59. Where is the conversation most likely taking place? A. Ata doctor’s office. B. Ata restaurant, C. Ata health club. D. Ata public school. 60. Why does the woman envy the man? A. He did very well in school. B. He does not have a weight problem C. He is going to eat something delicious. D. He gets coffee at a very good price . 61, What can be interred about the man? ‘A. He does not like to eat much. B, He metabolizes food quickly. C. He keeps himself in shape. D. He recently graduated from high school. 62. Why did the woman make a trip to Boston? A. To participate in a meeting. B. To meet with a client. C. To show the city to Mr. Jones. D. To spend some time with the man. 63. For how many days did the woman go away? ‘A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four, 64. Why did the woman come back early? A. She forgot to take some important documents. B. She was not happy with the conference. C. She needed to get ready for a meeting. D. She couldn’t convince Mr. Jones to stay longer. 65. How does the man suggest advertising? A. On the Internet. 89 B. Ina local paper. ©. On television, D. On the radio. 66. Which of the following suggestion is a positive point mentioned by the man? A. Itis very cost-effective. B. It will bring in more business. C. Itwill reach a bigger audience D. It caters to a special market. 67. Who will the man consult? A. A co-worker. B.A friend. C. A customer. D. A television producer. — 68. What is the man’s occupation? A. He is a physician. B. He is an X-ray technician, C. He is an accountant. D. He is an insurance agent. 69. What does the man ask the woman to do? A. Buy more insurance. B. Get some X-rays. C. Look over the medical chart. D. Speak with Ms. Jackson. 70. Who will man most likely see next? A. Mr. Chow. B. Ms. Jackson C. Mr. Peterson. D. Mr. Harris. Part 4 Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 71. Who is the audience of this talk? A. Volunteers who have just joined. B, Employees of the company. C. Special club members. D. Entertainers who will perform today. 72. Who is Ms. Workman? A. The company receptionist. B. A new employee. C. An author. D. A department head. 73. What does the speaker suggest the listeners do? A. Pick up their rewards. B. Photocopy some documents. C. Join one of the teams. D. Talk to the club leader. 74. What is the report mainly about? A. The closing down of a local sports club. B. The need for a fund-raising drive to keep a club in operation. C.The amount of money they have raised to date. D. The hiring of a new coach for the team. 75. What does the speaker say about the club? A. Itis on the brink of shutting down B. Itis only available to local residents. C. Ithas hired a new coaching staff. D. It encourages parents to join the team. 76. Who would most likely be considered for the position? ‘A. A person who had played for a professional team. B, Parents who have children of their own. C. Anyone who wishes to exercise on a regular basis. D. Those who have knowledge of first aid 77. What is the talk mainly about? A. The steps necessary in setting up the machine. B. How to send a fax overseas. C. Where to pick up the cheapest copier, D. How to make the best use of the video. 78. What is found in package “A? A. A videotape. B. A fax machine. C. The manual. D, Some printing paper. 79. What will the listeners do first? A. Find the right place to install the machine. B. Watch the video for instruction C. Read over the manual together. D. Start putting together the equipment. 90 80. What will the main topic of the talk? A. The introduction of a new company leader. B. The success of the company in recent years. C. The executive’s trip to the United Kingdom. D. The mining industry in South Africa. 81. Who is Mr. Benwick? A. A coalminer. B. The new president. C. One of the board members. D. A university professor. 82, What does the speaker mention about Michael? A. He is a graduate student at Oxford. B. He currently works in South Africa. C. He has become a very wealthy man. D. He is very knowledgeable in his field of work. 83, What is Earthbeat? A. A radio program. B, An environmental group C. A ratings system. D.A science research team. 84, What is going to happen in November? A. The show will receive more funding. B. An environmental seminar will be held C. The program will air its last show. D. A new host will take over the show. 85. Who is Ms. Melntyre? A.A reporter. B. The radio host. 91 CoA guest D. The show’s producer. 86, Why is the caller leaving the message? A. To request a return on an item. B, To see ifa new delivery of fresh fruit has arrived. C. To ask the listener to convey a message. D. To check an see if'a discount is available. 87. What does the staff from the Continental want? A. Faster delivery. B. Fresher products. C. A deduction in price. D. A return call. 88. What is asked of Jack? A. To send an apology letter right away. B. To replace the wrong items sent. C. To thank the chef for a great meal. D. To send someone to check on a product 89. What is the purpose of the talk? A. To welcome new employees to the company. B. To talk to the staff about the overseas branch. C. To greet interns from a local college. D. To reveal the latest finding in research 90. Who is most likely listening to the talk? A. Chefs. B. Students. I C. Scientists. D. Office workers. 91. What will the listeners most likely do first? ‘A. Cook some food. B. Check the notice board. C. Fill out an application form D. Gather into a group. 92. Where is the announcement taking place? A. Ina family restaurant. B, Ina gift store. C. Ina convenience store. D. ina department store. 93. When does the business normally close? A. At8. B. At9. C. At 10. D. At Il 94. What does the speaker recommend the listeners do? A. Shop early, and go home. B. Spend time with their families. C. Try out some food at the eatery. D. Take advantage of their special sale. 95. Who would be interested in the ad? A. People who are starting their own businesses. B. Anyone who has to file income taxes. C. Staff members who work for Devry. D. People who are looking for a good investment opportunity. 92 96. What service does Devry provide? A. It helps one to fill out income taxes. B. It invests money for its customers. C. It provides financial backing. D. It teaches people 97. What does the speaker say is an added bonus for using Devry? A. They charge the lowest rate in town. B. Their service is tailor-made. C. They provide a full refund to all customers. D. They don’t throw away the financial records. 98. Why is the fight being delayed? A. The weather conditions are bad. B. There is a problem with security. C. The engine is being looked at. D. There is a flight mix-up. 99. What is being offered to those passengers waiting? A. Some refreshments. B. Accommodations. C. A discount on their future flights. D. Alternative flights, 100. How can one receive the dinner coupon? A. By purchasing a flight ticket using a credit card. B. By proving that they are heading for Zurich, C. By checking into the hotel before 1 o'clock. D. By booking a ticket a week in advance. READING - Sach bao gdm 10 Test Nghe va 10 Test Doc. Hoc vién lam bai test nghe sau do lam test doc. Mi [an lam bai véi thoi gian nhu’ sau: Nghe (45’) Doc (75’). Lam trén answer sheet. Cut answer sheet theo dudng ké chi va st’ dung answersheet dé lam bai. - Theo quy dinh cla ky thi TOEIC, hoc vién khéng duge ghi chép, take notes vao dé thi. Trong qua trinh hoc, hoc vién ciing kh6ng nén lam trai theo quy dinh nay. Chtic céc ban may man! TEST 01 Reading Test In the reading test, you will read a variety of texts ‘and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions. The entire reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part, You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed. Part 5 Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence, Then, mark the fetter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. 101. ------ you want to receive additional information regarding the services we offer, please log onto our website at today. (ayit (B) For (C) Despite (D) Whether 102. Sandy Duncan was handpicked by the general manager to head the next project because of field. (A) her (B) hers (©) herself (D) she experience in th 103. The changes made in the working conditions at our company resulted in remarkable improvements in all aspects of our business and ------ more so in the morale of our employees. (A) all (B) any (even (D) although 104. All commuters --------- the main highway to get to the center of the city will face delays of up to an hour today because of on-going construction. (A) use (B) used (©) using (D) will use 105. In order to become a member of the country club, applicants have to meet the strict set by the club president. (A) require (B) requires (C) requiring (D) requirements 106. The outcome of our meeting today with the board of directors will he course of action we will take this year. (A) determine (B) determines (C) determining (D) determination 93 107. The announcement of John Stanton's retirement was not well received by most of the staff members, but Leslie, his long time friend and colleague, was extremely -- to hear that Mr. Stanton will now be able to enjoy some leisure time. (A) happiest B) happily (©) happier (@) happy 108. Because many of the warehouse workers were out sick today, Mr. Miller had to stock the goods on the shelves ~ (A) itself (B) himself (©) herself (D) themselves 109. Please accept our ---------- apology for | the inconvenience this delay is causing all the passengers here at Pearson International Airport. i (A) sincere | (B) original | (©) estimated (D) completed | 110. The majority of the contract - that took place during the year were handled by lawyers from a local law firm. (A) negotiate (B) negotiations (C) negotiable (D) negotiator 111. It will be next to impossible to ~ room at the Ashton Hotel this week because of the film festival. (A) reserve (B) respond (C) connect (D) appoint 112. The presentation of this evening's winners will commence ~ at seven following dinner at six. (A) precise (B) precision (©) precisely (D) preciseness 113. The new sports complex will accommodate an Olympic-sized swimming pool and other, including a fitness center and a spa, to name just a few. (A) facilities (B) categories (©) qualities (D) supplies 114. Our new product will be put through a number of --------- tests before being released to the public (A) dependent (B) founded (©) withhold (D) stringent 115. Mr. Chan's main role in the company for the next two weeks is to look the right person to take over Mr. Shaw's position when he leaves at the end of the month. (A) in (B) for (C) over 94 (D) fiom 116, People unanimously agreed that John would have performed a great deal better under more -- circumstances. (A) favorable (B) favorably (C) favorite (D) favor 117. Afier a long and difficult strike, the plant workers will show up to work Monday. (A) starting on (B) afterwards (C) instead (D) outside 118, Scarborough General Hospital has two -- _---for certified x-ray technicians to start immediately. (A) open (B) opener (C) openings (D) openness 119. Mark's Warehouse Clearance Store is having a sale with savings of up to 40 percent off on all clothing this weekend -- ----- celebration of its 25th anniversary, (A) in (B)at (C)on ) of 120. Probe Magazine conducted a survey asking one thousand employees who work in low-paying industries to express - - their biggest concerns are. (A) how (B) when (C) what (D) which 121, Should there be any requests for schedule changes, please notify us (A) prompt (B) prompted (©) promptly (D) prompting 122. For this weekend only, Bad Boys Electronics Store is celebrating its first year in business with up to thirty percent ~~ on all items in the store (A) retail (B) market (©) economy (D) discounts 123. The automobile parts we requested for our customer got here on (A) authority (B) condition (C) schedule (D) appointment 124. The advertisements printed in this magazine do not -~ imply endorsement by the management, (A) highly (B) barely (C) gradually (D) necessarily 125. The newly installed alarm. system, which is directly connected to the police, will go off 95 if the correct security code is not entered - ~----- 60 seconds of touching the keypad. {A) only, (B) under (© within (D) directly 126. The airline requested a ------- call to ensure a seat on my flight back home. (A) confirm (B) confirmed (©) confirming (D) confirmation 127. If the task is too complicated to figure out on -- own, please don't hesitate to ask one of our representatives, who are | here to help. (A) you (B) your | (©) yours (©) yourself 128. The hard work put in during his younger years made him become ---------- sound i in his later years. | (A) finance (B) finances | (©) financial (D) financially 129. Ms. Taylor has called the managers to -—- ~---her in the main conference room to discuss next year's budget. (A) met (B) meet (C) have met (D) will meet 130. announcing his retirement, Mr. Kinsley has been busy trying to train his replacement. (A) Because (B) Once (C) Since (D) While 131. Please fax us the information immediately because I need to ~ the client right away. (A) notify (B) speak (©) report (D) attend 132. One of the reasons why our sales team has become a leader today is that they are put through a number of vigorous training sessions to keep up with the - changes that occur in the market. (A) prosperous (B) continuous (C) straight (D) mature 133. John is a bit nervous because he will give a speech -------—- the board members this afternoon. (A) by (B) on (©)to (D) during 134, Of the many radio stations in the city, FM 109 is considered to play the ~- listening music; (A) easy (B) easiest (C) more easily (D) most easily 135. The new, expensive software was purchased to help keep better -~ of the clients we have here at our company. (A) records (B) states (©) points (D) marks 136. Only after requests by the tenants did the superintendent do something about the broken intercoms in some of the apartments, (A) repeat (B) repeated (©) repeating (D) repetition 137. A rain shower -----—-— by cold winds is, expected to reach our region by this evening. (A) accompany (B) accompanied (©) accompanying (D) will accompany 138. The special deal offered by our supplier will last only for a -------- time. (A) limited (B) minor (© partial (D) lower 139. something drastic happens before expected to reach our region by this evening midnight, the postal workers will most likely walk out on their jobs. (A) Also (B) Except (C) Unless (D) Therefore 140. The defense attorney contemplated a long time before finally making his decision to ----- ---- the accused in court. (A) attend (B) represent (©) express (D) perform 97 : word or phrase is missing in each of the sentencés below. Four answer ices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to cotnplete the sentence. | Then, mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet, Questions 141-143 refer to the following article. Bank Mortgage Rates Will Fall Several of Canada's largest banks -—- - to decrease their mortgage rates. Royal Bank 141. (A) decide (B) deciding (C) was decided (D) have decided revealed its plan to cut key mortgage rates by a tenth of a percentage point across the board, while TD Canada Trust will decrease its rates by the same - - except for 142. (A) margin (B) allowance (C) space (D) surplus its 10-year rate. The Bank of Montreal will also lower its fixed-rate mortgages on four-year terms and longer by a tenth of a percentage point. And lastly, Vancouver Trust has also jumped on the wagon by announcing that it is planning to its rates, but the exact numbers are still unknown. However, insiders are predicting 143. (A) turn down, (B) shorten (C) reduce (D) narrow that the reduction rates will be similar to those of other banks. 98 Questions 144-146 refer to the following advertisement. "A net worth of $2.5 million in just 4 years using London Life's simple wealth strategy” - Jane Booth and Glenda Jackson - Investment Advisers to financial freedom but aren't sure of what If you're looking to get on the ~~ steps 144, (A) path (B) access (©) line (D) track to take or if your existing investment portfolio is not doing its job and needs a major shake up, then we can help. Many middle-income earners have expressed their opinions on how difficult it is to get honest, straightforward, and unbiased advice that supports their financial goals. According to one couple, they were working hard as teachers and never thought that they could get ahead on their -------~ until they discovered 145. (A) costs @) prices © charges @) wages London Life's simple effective investing techniques. By following our simple strategy, 146. (A) once (B) still (C)yet (D) ever we were able to amass a small fortune for the couple! Now, we can show you how you can, too. London Life + FINANCIAL PLANNING + STOCKBROKING + PROPERTY + FINANCE, 99 Questions 147-149 refer to the following notice. Promoting Cycling in our City An essential element of the transportation system in many of the cities around the world is cycling. The eity of Buffalo recognizes this and has developed a 10-year plan to promote more eyeling in our city. The city’s development plan includes the addition of more cycling -~ streets. to our 147, (A) admission (B) entrance (©) access (D) pass This, of course, is with the intention of encouraging greater cycling ~ citizens in ~ by our 148. (A) participate (B) participation (C) participates (D) participated an effort to mimic the benefits other global cities have experienced, such as the reduction of pollution and traffic congestion as well as health and social advantages. Other plans include a coordinated network of bicycle lanes to be interconnected to the surrounding towns as well as the setting up of a number of social programs to provide information to the cyclists. The city wishes to hear your thoughts about its . Further information and submission 149. (A) effects (B) operations (C) remedies (D) proposals forms are available at our website at:, by v Neighborhood Service Center, or by calling 755-9333. 100 Questions 150-152 refer to the following email. From [Jonathan Wong [mailto;] Sent Monday, October 27 2007 11:07 AM To John Devereux; Steve Tracey; Brian Kibble Ce Alfredo Chen; Jenny Lee Subject _ | Visit to Global Logistics On behalf of Alfredo Chen and Hydetransport Taiwan, I would like to thank you for | your warm hospitality duting our visit to Global Logistics. It was a pleasure meeting all -| of you and seeing your operations and setup. We were very impressed with your ~ facility and your investment in technology. 150. (A) secure (B) secured (C) securely (D) to secure ‘As we discussed, we would like to extend our gratitude by inviting you to Taipei when you are available in the —~ future. Please let me know when you would like to schedule your ---------. 151. (A) prevalent 152. (A) tourism (B) surfacing (B) trip (C) foreseeable (©) talk (D) ongoing (D) request ‘As a second step, we would also like further to explore your business ventures with 101 Hydetransport. As part of your plan to expand globally, we see much synergy and advantage for both parties to pursue a business partnership in Taiwan. ‘Thank you once again and I'm looking forward to your response. -| Best regards, || Jonathan Wong Director / Planning Group 102 Part 7 Directions? In this part you will ead a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by Several questions: Select the test anawer foreach question and mark the letter (A), (B) (C), oF (D) on your answer sheet. | Questions 153-155 refer to the following letter. October 20, 2006 Mr. Joe Fernandez 1385 Midland Ave. Detroit, Michigan Dear Mr. Fernandez, [As the president, I am proud to announce that this Friday marks the 30th anniversary of uF Jong and successful running country club. ‘This, of course, calls for a night of celebration. ‘And for this reason, we have reserved the Grand Hall at the Falcon Hotel this Friday at 7 p.m. for a night of fine dining and dancing, On this special evening, the newest members of our club will get an opportunity to listen to the thoughts of our okder members and exchange ideas in an informal atmosphere. The newest members, who will be carrying, on our tradition, should hear what the older members have to say. Further, the food will be superb. I've had a chance to dine at the hotel several times in the past in other functions, and it was the food that convinced me to hold our event there, Tam quite certain that all of our members will share mY feeling. Anyhow, I am looking forward to this Friday when all of our members can let loose and have some fun. ‘Therefore, this is a letter officially to invite you and your spouse or significant other to join us on this memorable evening. Please let us know if you can't attend. ‘Yours sincerely, Jeff Connelly 103 153. What is the main purpose of this (A) Discussions letter? B) Entertainment (A) To provide information about the (©) Presentations club's history () Dinner () To notify the members of a yearly meeting 155. According to Mr. Connelly, what led (C) To welcome the newest member to the him to hold the event there? club (A) Ithas become a tradition at the club, (©) To invite the members to an upcoming (B) He has special ties with the hotel staff. event (C) The hotel is located close to the club, (D) He was impressed with its menu, 154. Which of the following will NOT be art of the event? Questions 156-159 refer to the following guidelines, “HOMESTAY NETWORK" STUDENT GUIDELINES On arrival at your new home: * Try to remember the names of your host family. If unsure about how to address them, it is okay to ask how they would like to be called, For example, if it is impolite in your Country t0 call someone elder by their first name, ask if its okay to add Mr. or Mrs. in font of their names. Some Americans do not like to be addressed this way because it makes them feel old. * Show your family that you are grateful for being your host. But do not give expensive Bifts. It is, however, considered appropriate to bring inexpensive handcrafts from your counlty oF a stall gift fr the children of the host family. Afr you get settled, your host family will help you make a call to your parents to assure them that you have arrived safely, After you've had dinner, you may ask the host family to be excused early. They will be 104 fully aware of the fact that you might be. jetlagged, so feel free to ask them. On your first day of school: + On your first day of school, your host family will take you to school and help you with the necessary registration paperwork, + Your host family will also make sure that you know your way to and from school. They will also teach you how to use public transportation. + When traveling alone, you should at all times carry a map and the phone number of your host family. + In case you are lost and cannot get in touch with your host family, you can contact the "Homestay Network". 156. For whom are the guidelines intended? (A) Host families (B) Foreign students (C) School staff (D) Airline worker 157. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the guidelines? (A) Find out how you should address the host family (B) Always be prepared for the unexpected (C) Be prompt during meal times (D) Establish a rapport with the host family 158. What might be an appropriate present for the host family? (A) A toy train (B) A bottle of whiskey (C)A camera (D) A cellular phone 159, What is implied by the guidelines? (A) Americans prefer to address each other formally. (B) Newly arrived students often get lost in the city (C) Host families come from educated backgrounds. (D) Students will depend on the host family to settle in. 105 Questions 160-161 refer to the following advertisement, Pump It special offer Look your best this summer with our state of the art equipment and a tailor-made training program made specially for you by one of our top-rated personal trainers. If you are having a difficult time getting motivated, Pump It is where you want to be. With a personal trainer assigned to you, you'll be placed in a tailor-made program that will make you look your best in just 12 weeks. With our program, you will get the full benefits of ... + Our one-on-one support and expert guidance by the top trainers in our industry i +The use of the most updated fitness equipment money can buy, including free weights, | treadmills, bikes, and even a his and hers sauna + Ongoing group classes, from aerobics to yoga to dancercise to ‘abs-butts-thighs’, just to name a few + For the time being, absolutely no joining fee and a very affordable monthly membership rate So come for a free consultation, and get started today! Don't miss out! Offer is good until this Friday 310 St. George Street, Suite 601, Chicago T: 155-3422 W: 106 160. Who does this advertisement mainly target? (A) Anyone who failed at dieting during the summer (B) People without much time on their hands (C) Athletes training for upcoming competitions (D) People who need a little nudge at getting into shape 161. What is NOT offered in the advertisement? (A) Continuation of organized lessons (B) Personalized coaching to suit individuals’ needs (©) Free signup (D) Annual membership discounts. Questions 162-164 refer to the following information. THE VICINITY | BANKS ‘There are two banks on the comer of Main and Welsley Street. It's walking distance from | | the hotel. The hours are Mon-Fri [10 am. -4 pm. HOSPITAL | St. George Hospital, 1000 | Bathurst Street. Emergency | ‘open 24 hours a day. POST OFFICE, | Nearest post office - 4 min. walk down Gerald Road. Hours 9 - 5 eckdays. _| HARMACY | Ground floor of the hotel. Open | 24 hours a day. POLICE STATION | Close to the hotel - On the | comer of University and College | Streets. Emergency 9L1_ | PHOTO DEVELOPING | | Service available from 9 until 6 | ta | | daily from your room. ft — MUSEUM 130 Main Road (Near Fairview | Mall), Bus #1 will take you directly to the museum. It runs | every 15 minutes. TAXI STAND Just outside the east wing door. Ask the front desk clerk for assistance with luggage. _ GYM Hy ‘ | 1st Basement floor of the hotel. at | SHUTTLE BUS | Shuttle service to the airport every 10 min, Free. At the front 4 | SHOPPING 250 | | Main Road. Hours are from 10 _ | |am.- 6 p.m. on weekdays. 12 - 5 | _|on xy. Closed Sunday. FOR MORE INFORMATION ASK AT FRONT DESK. 107 proce ceneacrennncnnscmen (D) Getting pictures developed 162. Where would this information most likely be posted? 164, What can be inferred from the (A) Ata bus stop information? (B) In a hotel lobby (A) A ride to the airport is available (C) Ata shopping center very infrequently. () Ata post office (B) Packages can be sent during business hours, (C) Guests can get their suits 163. According to the information, which can pressed right from their rooms. be performed at | o'clock in the morning? (D) Help with the bags is available (A) Withdrawing some cash with just a phone call, (B) Working out at the gym (C) Getting medicine for a cold Questions 165-169 refer to the following memorandum. MEMORANDUM TO: Marketing staff FROM: — Jonathan Blair DATE: — August 22 RE: New Advertising Campaign We are very excited about our new line of infant clothes this year. ‘The following will give you a general outline of the marketing strategies we have planned to help to promote our new clothes. As you all know, this is our first attempt in this market, and we are anticipating great results. And to add to this, we have put together our biggest and most expensive ad campaign in several of the country's largest media. A thirty-second commercial on 3 of the largest networl during primetime hours (7-9 p.m.) for three months. A total 4 showings on each station daily. Also 5 showings between 11 p.m. on Saturdays and 6 showings on Sundays. TELEVISION SPOTS 108 NEWSPAPER ADD Will feature a three-page advertisement complete with colorful illustrations and discount coupons. Will be inserted into the INS middle of all-_ major newspapers in-the-city on-weekend editions for two months. SUBWAY AND BUS Advertising posters on major routes around the city. A total of ADS 5,000 posters will be posted for | month. bore = os 165. What is the main purpose of the memorandum? (A) To recruit talented people to work on an advertising project (B) To announce the company's future plans (©) To inform the staff members about a television documentary (D) To find a model spokesperson for the posters 166. Who is the target audience for the new products being launched? (A) Babies (B) Children (C) Adults (D) Seniors 167. What can be inferred from the memorandum? (A) Local television is airing a special on the company. Everyone is encouraged to submit comments and ideas to the Market Department, (B) The company is breaking into a new market. (C) An article about the company has been printed in the local paper. (D) The subway and bus strikes will affect the company. 168. How many times will the ad be aired ‘on a weekday on one station? (A) 3 times (B) 4 times (©)5 times (D) 6 times 169. Which of the following is NOT true about the newspaper ad? (A) It will be printed in various colors. (B) It will be featured on the front page. (C) It will offer discount vouchers. (D) It will be included in the weekend editions. 109 Questions 170-172 refer to the following notice. ‘Are you suffering from RAGWEED ALLERGIES? Are you one of those people who suffer from: sneezing? runny, itchy noses? red, watery, itchy eyes? during the latter part of the summer months... The Research Institute of Ragweed Allergies is, currently conducting a study and is asking volunteers to participate in testing an experimental drug. Those who pass the qualification procedure will receive compensation for his/her part in contributing to the study. Call: 905-629-3333 (ext. 1) or Toll free: 1-800-RIRA-5544 ° E-mail: volunteer@researchinstitute-ragweed.corn Regular hours of operation: Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to I p.m. Research Institute of RA 4520 Dixie Rd in Missisauga 2 blocks south of Eglington Ave. 170. What is the primary reason for taking, (C) To recruit people who are willing out this notice? to come forward for a medical (A) To announce a medical cause breakthrough in curing ragweed (D) To provide the results of a test allergies conducted by the research institute (B) To inform the public about the 171, What can be implied about ragweed spread of a new type of an allergy allergies from the notice? (A) They're most prevalent during the late summer months. 110 (B) Research about them has been (A) A number where interested people ongoing for the entire summer. could call (C) They have been the main public (B) The specific compensation each issue in recent months. participant will receive for () They affect a great number of volunteering people living in hot climates. (C) The subject of the study being 172. Which of the following conducted information is NOT found in the (D) The conditions required for those notice? who want to make a contribution Questions 173-174 refer to the following advertisement. CREDIT PROBLEM? CREDIT DENIED? WE CAN HELP! (COLLECTION AGENCIES) « LATE PAYMENTS * REPOSSESSIONS + BANKRUPTCIES + BIG DEBTS ICR'S Exclusive $15-million Computer Search Program The only one of its kind in the world How credit agencies may not in compliance with the Canadian Consumer Reporting Act and what you can do about it. “WE REPAIR CREDIT... LEGALLY" “All information is strictly confidential." Consolidate debts into lower monthly payments! Call for an appointment: 416-755-7898 i 173. Who is the intended audience of this 174, What type of service does the advertisement? company offer? (A) People who are in legal trouble (A) It helps those who are in debt. (B) Anyone who is having financial (B) It lends money at low interest. problems (©) It invests in potential companies. (C) Businesses that are in need of tax (D) It provides legal counseling to breaks people in trouble (D) Workers who must do their yearly income taxes Questions 175-178 refer to the following facsimile. HK ‘HanKyu Services Ltd. Services Ltd. Telephone: 206 755 8989 1* Floor. World Building Facsimile Fax: 206 775 8655 431 Bloor Street East Email: Seattle. Washington _ To: Room 1204 - Mr. Mark Newman, Island Pacific Hotel Fax: 555-8624 From: Maggie Wong " Fax: 775-8655 Date: November 3 i Pages: I page | Please pass this message on to your guest, Mr. Mark Newman, who is staying in ~ Room 1204. Thanks. ©" Dear Mr. Newman, ‘Mr. Ron Devereux has asked me to let you know that he would be very interested in meeting with you some time tomorrow on Saturday, November 4. Please give him a call on his mobile phone at (206) 755-1456 to arrange a time. Thanks. ‘Kind regards, Maggie Wong Maggie Wong PA to Ron Devereux 12 175. Why did Ms. Wong send the fax? (A) To reserve a room at the hotel (B) To convey a message on behalf of her boss, (C) To ask about the price of a room at the hotel (D) To cancel a meeting with a customer 176. Who is the intended recipient of this fax? (A) HanKyu Services Limited (B) Ron Devereux (C) Mark Newman (D) Island Pacific Hotel 177. What will the recipient of the fax do? (A) Check out of the hotel (B) Get his room key (C) Go to Mr. Devereux's office (D) Make a telephone call 178. Who is Maggie Wong? (A) The president of HanKyu Services Limited (B) A hotel front desk clerk (C) A guest who is staying at the hotel (D) The personal assistant of the person sending the fax Questions 179-180 refer to the following menu. CHINA, CHINA = 2 Free Dish Choose any one dish from the menu on the back (restricted to $8 or tess food items) with any order over $40 (before tax). Not valid in conjunction with any other offers. Free Chicken Wings With any order over $18 (before tax). One per order only. Not valid in conjunction with any other offers. S Pick Up 3 Special 20% OFF Not valid in conjunction with any other offers. Cash payment only. Daily Combo & Complete Dinners excluded. 2145 Jane Rd. (206) 755-1235 113 ? $ 2 ; 179. How can one receive a meal for free? (A) By paying for the meal in cash (B) By ordering over a certain amount 180. What can be inferred from the menu? (A) The restaurant accepts credit cards. (B) Delivery is not available during (©) By picking up the food weekends, () By coming to the restaurant at a (C) Only one coupon can be used at certain hour one time, (D) All the food that is picked up is 20% off the regular price. Questions 181-185 refer to the following letter and e-mail message. June 3, 2006 Suzanne Rogers Ultra-Ergonomic Furniture Sales and Shipping Department Suite 58, 107 Morris Circle Moorabbin, Victoria 3206 Dear Ms. Rogers, As I'm sure you are aware, our company has been organizing conventions, festivals, and other large corporate events for the last fifteen years, and in fact we are leaders in the field. We have relied on Ultra-Ergonomic Furniture for purchase and rental supplies of high-quality furniture for that entire period, and we've never had any cause for complaints with regard to your services. Tam writing to you personally to ask a special favor. We recently made an order with your company for the supply of rental furniture that includes chairs, tables, partitions, and lectems for an auto show (see order no. 11-35698A). Unfortunately, a serious error was made. In fact the exposition begins one week earlier than indicated on the order form, The starting date is actually July 7. I would appreciate it very much if you could try to do everything you can to ensure that our order be delivered to us on that date. Also, if Possible, I'd like to add 20 Pop-up displays on top of our original order. | realize that this is a big favor to ask, but on the basis of our long-term business relationship, L hope that you will be able to-find-a-way- 14 Tim really sorry for any inconvenience. Please contact me soon, ‘Yours sincerely, Micheal Robinson Micheal Robinson Properties Manager From: Sent: June 8, 2006 To: Subject: Your request Dear Mr. Robinson, Thank you for your letter. I was surprised, and of course concemed, that you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, And of course I will do my best to help you. Your company has been one of our best clients since we began operations in 1978. “Anyway, I personally took a trip down to our warehouse this morning to have & closer look at our stock to see if we have all the things you need for your convention — which I believe is from July 7 to July 14. I am happy to say that we will be able to provide you swith everything you originally requested. However; as for the additional request you made, it won't be possible because we have already rented them out to another client during that week. My suggestion is that you come down to my office to discuss other possibilities. I can take you down to out warehouse, and you can look at our inventory, So, please call me soon to arrange a time. Kind regards, Suzanne Rogers, Sales and Shipping Department M5 181. Why did Mr. Robinson write the letter? (D) It needs to expand into other (A) To make a complaint about a late areas of business. delivery 184. What will probably happen when (B) To ask for a change in the delivery date Ms. Rogers meet with Mr. (©) To invite Ms. Rogers to an auto show Robinson? (D) To cancel an order he had made (A) They will drive down to the 182. What service does Mr. Robinson's business auto show together. provide? (B) Ms. Rogers will apologize for (A) Selling and renting office furniture her mistakes, (B) Manufacturing automobiles (©) They will have a look around (C) Arranging large, organized affairs the warehouse. (D) Delivering heavy equipment (D) Mr. Robinson will hand over a 183. What does Suzanne say about Michael's check. company? 185. Which of the following does Ms. (A) It has been a loyal customer of her Rogers say she will NOT be able company for a number of years. to provide? (B) It will eventually get itself out of the (A) Chairs unfortunate situation it is facing at the (B) Tables moment, (C) Partitions (©) It should outsource some of the work to (D) Pop-up displays speed up the work process. Questions 186-190 refer to the following advertisement and e-mail message. l~ a Prestige Properties now Available For discerning customers seeking unique properties, The Hills Real Estate Agency is Pleased to announce the availability of the following residences in the most upscale parts of our city: Santa Rosa This beautiful Spanish-style mansion extends over a gently sloping half-acre block. Constructed during the boom period of die 1920s, it has retained many original architectural and historical features while the kitchen and bathrooms have been tastefully modernized. Stunning sandstone contrasts with green lawns and colorful flower gardens, with views of the ocean from the second floor. Call now, to arrange a viewing. | Warehouse Conversion If you are seeking an open-plan style apartment located in the heart of the vibrant inner city that is quiet and secufe with a tranquil courtyard in its-heart, this is the property for 116 you. Truly a unique opportunity, this 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom, architect-designed conversion can offer tranquility and space for your artistic endeavors or can open up to be the perfect party house. Inspect now. Victorian Terrace ‘They don't come much more sophisticated than this 3-story Victorian terrace built in 1885. Located on a wide semi-circular street opposite elegant Victoria Park, the front garden and wide upper-level balcony ate bathed in generous sunshine during the winter months while being protected from the wind. A rare opportunity for those who love combining comfortable living with elegant entertaining. A large living room adjoins @ magnificent dining area served by a modern kitchen with plenty of bench-space. Three upstairs bedrooms, two with en-suite bathrooms, plus a guest bathroom on the ground» floor, complete the picture For further information and to arrange inspections (appointment only) please call our * office at 965-2954 or 965-2255 or e-mail To: From: Subject: Interested buyer Dear Mr, Connor, I was very interested in your recent advertisement. I am seeking a residence that can accommodate an art studio and possibly hold private exhibitions for the work I do. One of the listed places sounds like it could be suitable for my needs. Therefore, I would like to meet with you soon to take a look at the place. Could you please let me know when a good time for you is? I am okay anytime this week except for Wednesday evening, Please get back to be as soon as possible. Thanks so much for your attention. Lisa Brown: 755-1207 117 3 3 186. For whom is this advertisement most. likely intended? (A) Newlyweds who are looking for a cozy place (B) People who have financially established themselves (C) Anyone who is looking for a bargain (D) Families with many children 187. Who is John Connor? (A) An architect (B) A real estate agent (C) An artist (D) A history professor 188. According to the e-mail, which of the following places will most likely suit Ms. Brown the most? (A) Santa Rosa (B) Warehouse Conversion (©) Victorian Terrace (D) None of them 189. What is the main purpose of the e- mail? (A) To receive information about an art exhibit (B) To set up an appointment (C) To put her apartment on the market (D) To reply to an inquiry she received from the man 190. What can be implied about Ms. Brown? (A) She is an artist. (B) She buys and sells properties. (C) She is interested in taking out an ad. (D) She coordinates seminars and conferences for a living. Questions 191-195 refer to the following policy and memo. New Vacation Policy All vacation days must be taken within the calendar year with written requests submitted and approved by your direct supervisors: 1.All new employees are entitled to three weeks' paid vacation per year. 2. Any employees on their probationary period will not be included under policy until his/her 3 months is up. 118 3.Alll vacation requests must be made in writing at least 2 weeks in advance of your requested dates. These will be approved at the discretion of your supervisor aceording to your departmental workload requirements. 4.All vacation days must be taken within the calendar year. Otherwise, you will lose them. 5.Only one person per individual department may be away on vacation for a period of a week or more (to ensure sufficient staffing is available in each department). 6.Employees will receive an extra week of vacation time for every 5 years of additional service. 7.A maximum of two weeks! vacation (at one time) may be taken. Certain requests for longer period of vacation may be considered for exceptional circumstances. Please see your supervisor if this is applicable. 8.We strongly encourage all our employees to spread out your vacation days and enjoy themselves. Vacation Request Memo To: Sally Benson, Supervisor, Human Resources From: Mary Black Date: January 5, 2007 Re: Vacation Request - for January 25 - February 8, 2007 Sally, ‘This is a memo to give you advance notice of my request for my upcoming vacation days of January 25-February 8. ‘As written in the vacation policy, I am providing ample notice of my requested days. So hopefully, these 2 weeks will be okay to be away from the office. We are planning a family reunion which had been planned for the last couple of years. I know that I have just recently joined the company and normally would need to wait until my probationary period is over before taking any vacation days. However, as you may recall, this request for some advance days was discussed and agreed to in our negotiation meetings in late November. ‘Thank you for your understanding, I will make sure that my work is covered to avoid any disruption in my projects. Mary 119 stated in the policy? (A) All regular employees are allowed at least three weeks off in a year. (B) Any request for time off can be rejected depending on the circumstances. (C) Any vacation time not taken will be compensated at the end of the year. (D) A three-week holiday can be granted if'a legitimate reason is provided, 192. According to the policy, how many vacation weeks would an employee who has worked at the company for 11 years receive? (A) Three (B) Four (C) Five (D) Six 193. Why did Mary write the memo? (A) To make a request well ahead of time (B) To inform the staff of the new policy (©) To point out a mistake in the policy (D) To ask for a day off next week 194. What can be inferred about Mary from the memo? (A) She has been with the company for less than three months. (B) She has not met her family for over two years, (©) She has close ties to some important people in the company. (D) She took her last vacation in November 2006. 195. Which of the following information is true? (A) Mary will most likely get exempted from rule number 2. (B) Mary is not abiding by rule number 3. (C) Mary is entitled to take advantage of rule number 1 (D) Mary only has a year left to go to be considered for rule number 6. Questions 196-200 refer to the following information and application. Preferred Customer Card Application Procedure Please complete the attached form at least two weeks prior to your next visit to Trinity Spa. A photocopy of some photo identification must be included as well as full payment for administrative fees in order to assure the full benefits of the Preferred Customer status as outlined in our information package. Please send the completed form by fax (416) 38-2099 to the attention of "The Preferred Customer Card Administrator" or to the following address: “The Preferred Customer Card Administrator" Trinity Spa, I Hazeltree Lane, Toronto, ON 120 Please allow two weeks for proper processing. If you have any questions or comments, please send an email to We are looking forward to welcoming you as a Preferred Customer. Trinity Spa Preferred Customer Card Appl PERSONAL INFORMATION FirstName: Sally Surname: Hancock Please chee! Mr. Mrs._¥ Miss __Dr. _Other Date of Birth: October 16, 1976 Mailing Address: 345 University Street, Suite 305 Toronto, On, Canada MSM- 3B9 Preferred Services: 1. Facial massage 2. Aroma therapy 3. dew Chi Home phone: 755-4900 Business phone: 243-2840 Fax. No. (area code): 416-243-0400 E-mail: CARD PICK UP METHOD [ ¥ ] Pick up at Customer Service Center [| By mail Sally Hancock Monday, September 25, 2006 Signature of applicant Date 196, What is asked to be sent with the 197. How can someone make further application form? inquiries? (A) The membership card (A) By fax (B) A passport-sized picture (B) By e-mail (C) The document processing fee (©) By phone (D) The annual membership fee (D) By mail 121 198. What information is NOT requested (B) By showing up in person in the form? (C) By sending her assistant (A) Last name (D) By a special delivery (B) Birthplace (C) Contact number 200. When will Sally Hancock's (D) Today's date application be approved? (A) September 25 199, How will Sally Hancock receive the (B) October 9 card? (C) October 16 (A) By regular mail (D) October 30 TEST 02 Reading Test In the reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading ‘comprehension questions. The entire reading test will last 75 minutes. Theré. are three parts, ‘and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as ossible within the time allowed. rections: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices given below each sentence: Select the best answer to. complete the sentence. Then, mark the ), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. 102. I extend my sincere 101. Due to popular demand by the staff members, the scheduled talk by Mr. Smith will take place ------- Room 15 instead of Room 20 as was first planned. (A) in (B) on (© of () as to the family and friends of John Miller, who has suddenly left us at the age of 54. (A) appreciation (B) description (C) condolences (D) charges 103. Hotel employees are reminded to be — ~ and courteous, especially to first- time guests. (A) friend (B) friends (C) friendly (D) friendship 104. The government issued a warning to local companies that all waste must be disposed of —----—- or they will face heavy fines. (A) corrects (B) correcting (C) correction (D) correctly 105. Golf Weekly is a newly published magazine that caters ~ to experienced 122 and inexperienced golfers who are just earning to play the game. (A) both (B) neither (©) either (D) so 106. We are seeking an to represent us in talks with our Japanese clients. (A) interpret (B) interpreter (C) interpreting, (D) interpretation 107, Following a widespread dispute over ‘wages, both parties involve came to an agreement to end the three- month walkout, as the company offered higher wages and job guarantees. (A) equally (B) finally (©) annually (D) increasingly 108. A new booklet explaining the process of course selection along with counseling services is to any student interested in receiving help (A) potential (B) available (©) expressed (D) approaching 109. The vast number of new businesses the city is attracting is good news for the local ‘economy; however the -- of vacant office space is something the mayor has to figure out soon. (A) level (B) training (C) shortage (D) exaggeration 110. We believe that-- recent changes in state laws, the majority vote standard is now in the best interests of the company and its shareholders. (A) due to (B) whereas (©) otherwise (D) instead of iL. in universities around the ‘nation has more than tripled compared to this time last year. (A) Enroll (B) Enrolls (C) Enrolling, (D) Enrollment 112. ~ Mr. Pennington retires, he ‘will receive an annual pension of more than fifty thousand dollars from Packard Incorporated. (A) Often (B) Once (©) Whoever (D) Sometimes 113. -- _- Mr. Bingham's promotion became official, many of his colleagues have approached him to congratulate him, (A) Despite (B) Still (©) Since (D) During 123 114. John Clarke, who is in the prime of his career, has been ranked ------------ the top 10 players in tennis history by Sports Daily. (A) at ©) into (C) among (D) from 115. Due to the heavy damage the storm has caused in some rural areas, it is predicted that the cost of fruits and vegetables will be ~ this summer. (A) increase (B) increases (C) to increase (D) increasing 116. Alll of our stores will be extending their business hours during the holiday season, but we will go back to our — hours after the new year. (A) regular (B) regulars (C) regularity (D) regularities for 117. Sarah Ewing received rave ~ her outstanding performance in her Portrayal of a single mother raising two children in the ghetto in the 70s in the new blockbuster movie Single Mom, (A) inspections (B) articles (C) reviews (D) surveys 118. Bad Boys Electronics Store found-~ under increased media attention after its manager was indicted fot embezzling an undisclosed amount of money. A) ours (B) theirs (C) himself (D) itself 119. Some of our clients have companied that the time it takes to get a ----------- from service representative is enough to make them not want to use our services again. (A) response (B) responding (C) responded (D) respond 120. After a long and gruesome season, Jeff Willis has been performing -—-——----- better since the playoffs started a week ago. (A) significance (B) significant (C) significancy (D) significantly 121. The new store, ly undergoing construction, will have its grand opening sometime next spring. (A) who (B) where (C) when () which 122. In a desperate move to increase their Tevenues to meet their sales goal, the company is planning to offer a special discount -~ ~ its customers. 124 123.= = in- computer technology ate allowing users to reach into any part of the world by just clicking a mouse (A) Advancement (B) Advances (©) Advancing (D) Advance 124. The company's profits are —-----—----- {© hit their peak in the next quarter mainly due to the release of its new line of clothing. (A) forecast (B) forecasting (C) to forecast (D) will forecast 125. Mr. Gonzales, who has been a ~ member of the country club for over 25 years, has recently been appointed president. (A) first (B) valued (©) strong (D) durable 126. The ~ of climbing to the top of the corporate ladder is best defined in the new book published by Scott Thompson, one of the most successfull businessmen in history. (A) challenge (B) dimension (C) introduction (D) compassion 127. The ~ - tough training given by ‘our company creates strong and able sales representatives who perform well above others in the same field. (A) indifferently (B) presumably (C) completely (D) unbearably 128. The new dome built in the center of town houses many new facilities, including a hotel with rooms that have a spectacular view of the stadium that is ~ (A) impress (B) impression (C) impressive () impressing 129, Our staff prefers to fly than to use other modes of transportation since it is much more ~ (A) optional (B) protective (C) excessive (D) convenient 130. - The job market is not stable, those who persist will be able to land jobs eventually. (A) Whether (B) Therefore (©) Even if (D) So that 131. Our team enjoyed a 10-game winning streak at the start of this season, ~ ---our position as the top team in baseball (A) reconfirms (B) reconfirmed (C) reconfirming 125 (D) be reconfirmed 132, Mr. Bonn reassured ‘everyone that a ==. copy of the report will be available by this afternoon’s meeting. (A) revise (B) revising (©) revision (D) revised 133. They had to stop the production line for nearly two hours after a problem was discovered and the workers had to wait until they -- -- instructions from their superiors. (A) raised (B) received (©) persuaded (D) contended 134. Any plant workers ---------- overtime work should immediately speak to their supervisor right after this announcement. (A) seek (B) seeks (C) seeking (D) will seek 135, how difficult the situation ‘may seem, it is very important to temember that there are others who are in worse situations, (A) Asif (B) Even so (©) As though (D) No matter 136. The detective the solving of this case to an anonymous phone call the police received a few hours before the arrest took place. (A) accused (B) presented (©) attributed (D) disapproved 137. It is easy to read Sam because he -- squints when he finds himself in an uncomfortable situation. (A) habitually (B) habitual (©) habits (D) habit 138. Many fans were shocked when the team captain, John Turner, signed a two-year contract with a — team for an undisclosed amount, (A) rival ©) partial (©) renewed (D) contrasting 139, The - ~ behind the yellow tape is prohibited to anyone without a press pass, (A) positing (B) scenery (©) exterior (@) area 140. One of the things that a good manager should do is to --------- the work in equal shares amongst the team members. (A) divide (B) dividea (C) divides (D) dividing 126 Part 6 i] Direetions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. ‘Then, mark the etter (A), (B), (©), or (D) on your answer sheet. Questions 141-143 refer to the following e-mail. From ; [Wayne Thomas [} To; | Ce: | Karen Russell [] Sent .; .) Tue, March 07, 2007 14:11 PM Terry, [believe you should by now have received the copy of our company profile that we ~~ - inour 141. (A) are discussing (B) had discussed (C) were in discussion (D) will be discussing last meeting. In it you will find the necessary information you requested. If you still haven't received it, please feel free to contact me. Anyway, to keep the ball rolling, our Chairman, Mr. Langley would like to have a meeting «uth Ms. Russell and/or you in Detroit on any date from March 20th to March 2Ath to have a further discussion on the ~ of our cooperation. 142. (A) most feasible (B) feasibly (©) feasibility (D) more feasible Those dates have been chosen since ‘Mr. Langley will be traveling extensively in -~ March 143. (A) neither @) either (C) each (D) both. and April. However, if our suggested dates do not suit Ms. Russell, then please let us know your preferred date for the meeting. Best regards, 127 [Wayne J Questions 144-146 refer to the following advertisement, WANTED DESIGNER FOR 3D SYMPHONY MAGAZINE London's premier classical music magazine, 3D Symphony, is seeking a designer to join our team, The ideal candidate is someone of qualifications must include a working knowledge 144. (A) who (B) whom (©) whose (D) which i Adobe Creative Suite 2 (Indesign, Adobe Acrobat, Photoshop and Illustrator) on a MAC OS | X platform. An understanding of magazine layout, press ad design, and pre-press will be highly ~ 145. (A) regard (B) regards (©) regarded (D) regarding | | The position is part-time from Wednesday to Friday, and the person must be able to work to © the pressure of strict deadlines. The candidate must also be reliable and possess a keen eye for detail. If selected, you'll have the advantage of working within a young and dynamic team - 146. (A) circumstances (B) environment i (C) background { (D) incident | Expressions of interest can be emailed to, 128 Questions 147-149 refer to the following news. ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' 1 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 1 Pet Dislikes of Urban Life ‘According to a survey conducted by the city of Boston, traffic, pollution and noise were found to be the least — _- aspects of living in the city. 1 147. (A) desirable i (B) erectable i (C) seasonable 1 1 ' (D) permissible -, administered as part of the city's local action plan, asked the citizens of The ~ Boston 148. (A) lecture : (B) conference (©) survey (D) discussion about their likes and dislikes of their surroundings. “The results of the survey communicated proximity (27.02 percent) and community character! village feel (11.54 percent) to be atthe top of the list of things most liked about city life ‘The respondents felt the protection or enhancement of heritage (16.1 percent) and open space (15.59 percent) were the two things they most desired the city to have. On the other hand, traffic (10.22 percent), general noise (9.98 percent), and parking (7.52 percent) within the main core of the city were the ~ attractive parts of living in the city. 149. (A) less (B) fewer (C)a few (D) least 129 Questions 150-152 refer to the following notice, Editor's Welcome Welcome to Street Life's live and intimate celebration of the 200th edition of - 150. (A) publish | ®) publishing (©) to publish (©) to be published In the next few pages, we have a special feature to let you meet the luminaries who have made Brea contributions to our magazine. These special people will also entertain you this Friday, October 27, at the Street Life 200th Edition Gala Celebration at Queen's Quay, Toronto. If you can't physically be there tonight, settle back, and enjoy our magazine, and try to - Some of these talented artists the next time they are in your area, j 151. (A) win (B) gain (©) earn (D) catch So as the curtains go up on the night of nights - Sireer Life's celebration of 200 fabulous editions - please raise your glass to Toronto's most popular magazine. Here's to ~ ~ 200 editions! | 152. (A) other (B) another (©) one another (D) each other Carl Stevens Carl Stevens 130 Part 7 Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. Questions 153-155 refer to the following advertisement. SAVE 20% It's only a phone call away MAYCOTT HOTELS ‘Over 30 five-star hotels all over the nation to suit your every need Reserve a room today, and you will save 20% on all rooms at Maycott "Room for the Day" (excluding tax) by using your American Express Corporate Card. Due to seasonal demands, the availability of rooms may be subject to each hotel's situation. An advanced reservation, to be made by calling our toll-free number 1-800-755-0090 at least 10 working days before your stay, is required to qualify for the discount. 153. Which of the following is NOT a condition placed on receiving the discount? (A) A guest must use a specific type of credit card to pay for a room. (B) The booking must be done well in advance of checking into the hotel. (C) The reservations must be carried out by calling the toll-free number. (D) Guests must make their payments in cash. 154, What will the discount apply to? (A) Accommodations (B) Meals (C) Transportation (D) Sales tax 155. What can be implied from the advertisement? (A) Most travelers don't make a habit of making reservations prior to checking in. 131 (B) There is a business relationship (C) The hotel gets very busy during the between the credit card company and summer season, the hotel. (D) It usually takes a minimum of 10 days for a credit card to clear. Questions 156-158 refer to the following article. grormnnnanennnnnnnnnnannnrnnrn se Unmarried Women Becoming Homeowners An increasing number of single women are buying their own homes, according to industry ‘ experts. By contrast, the figures for unmarried men buying houses or apartments show no increase, What is behind this trend? I put the question to analysts at the Real Estate: Institute, who came up with the following observations: stable job or career instead, and this puts them in a position where they can own a home independently. 2 + Single men are no longer pressured to "settle down," which traditionally means getting a stable job with a career path and then getting married and buying a house. They tend, therefore, to be | less likely to have stable jobs + Women are increasingly better qualified and in many areas have surpassed men. This enables | them to obtain better and more highly paid jobs. * Women seem to be more capable of seeking good advice and completing the formalities of | * Women no longer seek marriage and a homemaking role as their first priority, but want a. 3 $ 3 ; 3 § obtaining a mortgage. Experts at the institute expect the trend to continue, as home ownership provides financial and emotional security for women who are not yet ready to seek a "partner for life. Jeanette Jones 156. What is the main purpose of the article? (D) To encourage people to work harder (A) To provide information about the to achieve their career goals steps required in owning a home (B) To inform the public about the types 157. Which of the following is NOT a trend of mortgages available today mentioned by the analysts? (C) To report the opinions of the experts (A) Women are placing less importance in the real estate market on their traditional roles as homemakers. 132 (B) Men are giving in to the pressure and (A) Men are beginning to show an settling down early. interest in the real estate market. (C) Women are taking over positions that (B) Men will reclaim the positions they were normally held by men lost to women. (D) Men are less likely to chase after (C) Women will continue to invest in sound investment advice. homes. (D) Women will resort to marriage for 158. What do the experts at the institute emotional security. predict? Questions 159-160 refer to the following contest. PLACE THIS COUPON IN THE BOX AND YOU COULD WIN! Name: Phone number: Address: With this Futora Blender and Juicer, you'll be on your way to a healthier body and a clearer mind but without the strain of diets and strict exercise regimes. Try some fresh fruit and ‘vegetable juice frst thing in the morning and you'll chase away those Monday morning blues! ‘The Futora Blender and Juicer is easy to use, It automatically peels apples, pears, kiwi fruit, carrots, and many other fruits and vegetables. You only need to rinse them. It's a breeze to clean, and the waste makes excellent compost for your garden. The Futora Blender and Juicer, valued at only $99, comes with a dietary guide and recipe book for 50 delicious and healthful fruit and vegetable drinks. 159, How can one become eligible to win the (B) By picking up a blender contest? (C) By looking inside the box (A) By sending the coupon to the (D) By filling out a contest entry form company 133 160. Which of the following is NOT true about the Futora Blender and Juicer? (A) Itis priced under $100. (B) It is not very difficult to clean. (C) It comes with various accessories, (D) It includes instructions on how to make drinks, Questions 161-163 refer to the following news article. ‘Health food bars really good for you? A recent analysis by Diet and Health ‘magazine failed to find any benefits in health fodd bars. Ih ct ‘many of the most bars proved to be positively unhealthy, with high levels’ of fae, sugar, salt, ives, and other chemicals plus an inordinate amount of packaging. Rather than ng health bar for your breakfast or lunch, consumers would be well-advised to skip pletely. A balanced diet of freshly-prepared food is still the best, apparently! 161. What is the main reason for writing this news? (A) To alert the public about a new health product (B) To report the finding of a study conducted by a magazine (©) To correct false information printed in an earlier article (D) To suggest some food for a healthy breakfast 162. What does the article advice the consumers to do? (A) Always eat breakfast (B) Consuie less food (C) Stay away from health bars (D) Read the labels carefully 163. What can be inferred from the article? (A) Health bars will be taken off the store shelves, (B) Many health bars are found to be excessively wrapped, (©) Many people are substituting at least ‘one meal with health bars. (D) Health bars have all the nutrients a body needs, 134 Questions 164-167 refer to tile following information. ADDICTED TO COMPUTER GAMES? WHY DON'T YOU TRY FISHING? HERE ARE FIVE REASONS WHY! ALAN SIMPSON Our special correspondent ‘According to health and exercise specialists, computers are becoming a serious threat to the health and general well-being of a large portion of our society. Dr. Alan Parsons, of the University of Technology, claims that a kind of “nerd syndrome” is sweeping through our society, and it's having serious effects on people's physical and psychological health plus carry- over effects on society itself. © Computer game fanatics easily become absorbed in games, lose track of their responsibilities, ® and suffer from aches and pains associated with long periods of sitting, not to mention eye- © strain. © And the solution? In a light-hearted weblog entry Dr. Parsons suggested that everything can be solved by ... fishing! As a countermeasure to computer games, fishing, apparently, has everything to recommend. Here's why: Computer sereens are two-dimensional and don't move. Staring at a computer screen is an ‘unnatural fixation that guarantees sore eyes. Fish, on the other hand, move in three dimensions. 1 ‘At best, computer games provide only a simulation of the real world. It is therefore impossible to get a genuine sense of accomplishment no matter how well you play or how many points you score. In fact, your need for accomplishment will be continually frustrated. Fish never suffer from bugs, glitches, or gremlins. When you go fishing, you can never be 4 e-bombed, stalked, or spammed. You'll never have to reset or reconfigure a fish. __ No matter how exciting a computer game is, you still know pretty much what's going to : 5 happen. But with fishing, you never can tell! No matter how complicated a game is, it is never as complex as reality. Computer games can be mastered, but you'll never be an absolute master in the real world. That's where the real ° challenges are! 135 164. What is the general view of the experts on computer usage? (A) It is causing serious health hazards to the public, (B) Ithas become necessary to survive in today's world. (C) Ithas made the lives of millions of people much easier. (D) Itis taking up most of our time in the workplace. 165, What is NOT mentioned about computer game addicts? (A) They often suffer from medical side effects. (B) They spend too much time on-line. (C) They neglect their everyday chores. (D) They suffer from mental breakdowns. 166, Where did Dr. Parsons first make his suggestive solution be known? (A) Ina magazine (B) Ina newspaper (C) Ona webpage (D) Ina television interview 167. Which of the following is NOT stated by Dr. Parsons in comparing computer games and fishing? (A) Fishing brings less strain to the eyes. (B) A real sense of achievement cannot be attained by computer games. (C) Fishing is unpredictable, (D) Computer games cannot be played outdoors Questions 168-172 refer to the following entry rules. Let's face it. Gardening fanatics like nothing better than to have their hands stuck in the soil or to be trimming, pruning, or harvesting the fruits of their labors. But for once, here is an obsession which benefits the whole community by beautifying the environment and producing cooler, more fragrant, and cleaner air. To recognize that fact, the Tampa City Council has decided to award generous prizes to the most beautiful displays this spring. RULES OF ENTRY 1.Sorry, but only residents of the City of Tampa are eligible, 2.Judges will be selected by the Tampa City Council on April 25, and no personal information about any judges will be provided by the council. Judges may not be contacted by any entrant. 3.The appointed judges have total discretion, and no correspondence will be entered into regarding judges' decisions. 4.As the main point of this contest is the beautification of Tampa, we require that all gardens entered in the competition be easily visible from the street. 5.Contestants are invited to enter one or more categories. First, second, and third place Prizes will be awarded in each category. (See the application form for categories.) Judges may, where they see fit, change entries from one category to another. 136 G Contestants should permit a council photographer to enter and take photographs for display atthe final awards ceremony and exhibition on August 3. These photographs will remain council property. 7 Judges will assess each garden according to the following criteria: (i) Overall design (ii) Plant health (iii) Color (iv) Contribution to the streetscape (v) Eco-friendliness (See the application form for details.) 8.No entries will be accepted after 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 12 9,AIl gardens entered should be ready for judging by June 1, Contestants will be given 24- hours’ notice of the judges’ intention to visit. 10.This competition is not open to council employees or their relatives, or employees of any agency contracted by the council, or judges or their relatives: 11.Please send your entries to: Tampa Garden Competition ‘Tampa City Council 1 Constitution Place ‘Tampa The Tampa 2006 Beautiful Gardens Competition 168. Who is the intended audience of this contest? (A) All residents of Tampa (B) The owners of gardening stores (C) The members of the Tampa City Council (D) The judges of the competition 169. What is the main purpose of this competition? (A) To promote gardening in the city (B) To create jobs in the city (C) To bring the community closer together (D) To spruce up the look of the city 4170, What condition is placed on those who ‘wish to enter the contest? (A) Their gardens must be out in the open. (B) They must be referred by a city council member. (© They must submit a photo of their gardens. (D) They can only enter one category of the contest. 171. Which of the following will NOT be evaluated by the judges? (A) The condition of the flowers (B) The arrangement of the garden (C) The appearance of the garden (D) The scent of the flowers 172. When will the judging begin? (A) February 12 (B) April 25 (C) June 1 (D) August 3 137 Questions 173-175 refer to the following invitation. SEACLOUD INVESTMENTS A member of the "life for living" group Planning for a creative retirement Plan now for a retirement which will allow you to live proactively and creatively! Dear Ms, Reid, What happens when you retire? Are you just going to let all that experience, all those qualifications, and all that creative energy slide into oblivion? Seacloud's Creative Retirement Advisory Services can design a package for you which includes but goes far beyond financial independence. Why don't you come to one of our free introductory sessions to find out what "creative retirement" can mean? Here's the basic idea: “creative retirement" planning has three essential dimensions. The first is financial independence. The second is health and balance. And the last, equally important dimension is creativity. Take this opportunity to hear the inspirational founder of Seacloud Investments, Brenton McLeod, at a special free seminar. Your life may never be the same again! Tuesday, March 21, 2006 REGISTRATION: 11:00 a.m. LUNCH: 12:00 a.m. SEMINAR TIME: 1:00 p.m. LOCATION: Imperial Six Theater 101 Lawrence Avenue East, Chicago SPEAKER: Brenton McLeod - CEO RSVP: seminars@seacloud.corn by Monday, March 2, 2006 Please contact our sales representative for further details SEACLOUD INVESTMENTS 3" floor, 56 Albert Rd. Chicago, Iinois Tel: 755-3265 Fax: 755-2222 Toll-free. 1-800-874-5330 138 173. How is Ms. Reid asked to respond to the (C) Actient invitation? a (D) A health care specialist _ (A) By e-mail (B) By fax 175. Which of the following information is (©) By phone NOT included in the invitation? (D) By letter (A) The seminar date (B) The lunch menu 174. Who is Brenton McLeod? (C) The place of the seminar (A) A sales representative (D) The main speaker (B) The company president uestions 176-178 refer to the following letter. fovember 27 Dear Tammy, How are things with you? I've now established Karen Jones & Associates (KIA), an independent consulting practice that leverages my proven strengths in strategic planning, people | development, creating and improving processes, and brand marketing. I work extensively with © consumer product companies and also now with industries that are regrouping due to a merger or major change in their competitive situation. I help them manage the pressure to achieve more in their marketplace by realizing, more out of the people and resources they have. What they say is of unique value to them is my expertise at creating new links between marketing, culture, and | talent. This makes a company more efficient and successful. I'm really excited about how I can help companies address their business problems with what I do. I would love to get your input. I'm interested in your thoughts as to who in your circle could benefit from learning about what I do. You don't need to find out if they are hiring or have a definite need. I'm just interested in having a conversation with them to learn more about their marketing challenges and HR concerns and to share with them some innovative ways I've helped other companies achieve the most in those areas. If this sounds interesting, I'd appreciate your linking me to people you know. I will call you in a few days for a quick catch-up conversation. In the meantime, I've attached an information sheet | about KJA and its practice areas. Please freely forward it now and any time to business contacts you think could be interested in knowing about this. Thanks, and I'm looking forward to catching up with you. . + Regards, Karen Jones Karen Jones 139 176. What has Ms. Jones done lately? (C) Corporations that have recently (A) She began her own business. joined together (B) She was promoted to HR manager. (D) Industries that have gone through an (C) She merged her company with organizational change another. 178. What kind of work does Karen do? (D) She developed a new product. (A) She merges two companies to make 177. According to Karen, which of the one stronger company. following companies does she NOT (B) She helps companies hire the best deal with? people for the jobs required. (A) Companies that are just beginning (C) She consults companies to recognize (B) Firms that retail items to the general and rectify their problems. public (D) She brings together business contacts to help one another. Questions 179-180 refer to the following e-mail. From: Thomas Chiu Sent: Wednesday, November 15 To: Margaret Sommers Subject: My trip to the US and Canada Margaret, Twill be making a business trip to the US and Canada, and I was wondering if you could get in contact with your counterpart at EMA Canada regarding a tour of their plant site, I will be arriving in Chicago in the moming of Nov. 20 to see you and the operations of your plant site and will then be off to Toronto on Nov. 22. If they are available on that day, I would like to get a chance to meet with them to see their operation first hand as well. Furthermore, our president, Barry Mandez, will be making a trip early next year and would also like to visit the plant site in Toronto with the Singapore president. Tapologize for the sudden notice. Best regards, Thomas Chiu, Director / Planning Group & Business Development E-Solutions, Hong Kong, Limited 140 179, What does Mr. Chiu ask Margaret to do (D) Get in touch with the Singapore for him? president (A) Take a trip to Toronto to check out the factory operation 180. Where does Margaret work? (B) Arrange a meeting with her Canadian (A) The United States counterpart (B) Canada (©) Show his president around the plant site (©) Singapore (D) Hong Kon Questions 181-185 refer to the following letter and ils response. eee ce eee eo ee use eee reas oe ee estimates etme March 26, 2006 Mr, Samuel Brown Truestar Corporation Finance Department Manager Re: Account # 2958A. ' ' ' ' ' 1 Dear Mr. Brown, 7 1 { want to thank you for the conversation that we had earlier today and for agreeing to a reduction 1 1 in payment for my outstanding account. As discussed, T will implement a bi-weekly payment of! 1 $250, effective Friday, March 31. I will ensure that payment is in my bank account for your ! 1 automatic withdrawal by 10:00 a.m. every Friday payment period until my account is paid in! 1 full. ' \ I very much appreciate your understanding my current financial situation, and will contact you 1, should things improve ' ' 1 ' Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Best regards, Jason Chalmers 141 ‘September 3, 2006 Jason Chalmers 21 Reelster Boulevard Vancouver, BC Dear Jason, result of our consolidated efforts to restructure with great satisfaction that I let you know that full, contact us with your request. Samuel Brown ‘Truestar Corporation Finance Department Manager Tam writing to update you on your account status (#2958A) with Truestar Corporation. As a your repayment plan in March of this year, it is ‘your account has now been cleared and paid in With diligence and cooperation, we have successfully worked through this financial situation. We would be pleased to offer your services should you need them again in the future, Please Best wishes, and we look forward to working with you again soon. 181. The word "outstanding" in the first letter, line 2 is closest in meaning to (A) superior (B) noticeable (C) unpaid (D) essential 182. How will Mr. Chalmers remit the payment? (A) He will send a check every month, (B) It will be taken out of his bank account, (C) It will automatically be deleted from his paycheck. (D) He will bring cash to the company. 183. Why did Mr. Brown write the letter? (A) To request an overdue payment (B) To ask for an extension on payment due (© To notify the client that the account has been settled (D) To offer a special type of a service 184. According to the second letter, when should Jason contact Mr. Brown again? (A) Ifhe runs into further problems with payments (B) As soon as he is ready to make the payment (C) Ifhe is in need of using the service again (D) Once he finishes paying off all the money 185. How long did it take for the account to be cleared? (A) Two months (B) Six months (C) One year (D) Two years 142 Questions 186-190 refer to the following announcement and notice. Downtown Artisan 's Club Art Exhibit Please mark Saturday, October 21, on your calendars so that you can attend the inaugural Downtown Artisan’s Club Art Exhibit! ‘There will be beautiful works of art and poetry, erafted by the Downtown Artisan's Club, available for showing as well as for sale, The remarkably talented young artists have worked all summer to prepare for this event, which promises to impress and astound. Visitors will have an opportunity to meet these talented artists. All proceeds from this event will be contributed to the continued operations of the Downtown Artisan’s Club, which provides amazing classes and support for young artists. Tickets are on sale now and are available for $10 (adults) and $5 (students and seniors). Children under the age of 12 will be admitted for free. ‘The Downtown Artisan's Club looks forward to seeing you there! Please contact Jim at (905) 412-8980 for more information. Downtown Artisan 's CRECAD Art Exhibit Deadline for your art submission! ‘To all our talented young artists - get ready for our upcoming Art Exhibit! As you all know - our Downtown Artisan's Club Art Exhibit is eoming up exactly one month from today. Paintings, drawings, sculptures and writing will be needed for both the show and for salet Don't forget to have them completed and handed in by next Friday to secure your spot in our show. : Remember, there will also be cash awards, judged by our panel of art critics, and the winning, pieces will be featured in our Art Book. The artists of the winning piéces will also be invited to attend the 2-week summer art camp in Paris - next summer Have fun-~ and please submit your artwork on time! 143 186. For whom is the announcement intended? (A) Artists (B) Residents ©Jim (D) Judges 187, How much would an elderly couple in their mid-sixties have to pay to enter the exhibit? (A) $5.00 (B) $10.00 (©) $15.00 (D) $20.00 188. What is NOT mentioned about the awards? (A) They will be judged by more than one person. (B) Money will be given away to the winners. - (©) Winners will get a chance to go away next summer. (D) The winning pieces will be presented in an art museum. 189. In the notice, what are the participants asked to do by next Friday? (A) Submit their artwork B) Pay the entry fee (C) Speak to the coordinator (D) Send in their checks 190. On which day was the notice posted? (A) September 21 (B) October 21 (C) November 1 ©) November 21 Questions 191-195 refer to the following advertisement and e-mail We're Hiring Date: September 3, 2006 Position: National Operations Manager (Food Services Industry) Pay & Benefits: $65,000 - $75,000 + car allowance and bonus potential Qualifications: Undergraduate degree in business, Minimum 5 years of related work experience. Comfortable with supervision of staff and strong multi-tasking skills. Good with People and a strong leader. Excellent budget management abilities. Must ke willing to travel (25% — 50%) and work occasionally on weekends, How to Apply: Please send us by email only your resume, subject "HR Manager - National Operations Manager," to by September 30. No phone calls please. We will contact only those candidates selected for interviews on October 3, Thank you for your interest! General Foods Company 1 Main Street ‘Toronto, ON M3P 2K8 144 To: From: Date: September 24, 2006 Re: "HIR Manager - National Operations Manager" Hello, Tam writing in response to your job opening ad for “National Operations Manager.” Please find attached my detailed resume, outlining my relevant employment history and skill sets, for your consideration. [have spent the last 8 years developing my talents and experience within the food services industry and currently am the Regional Operations Manager for the Bread Company. My work history, strengths and interests are perfectly suited to the position advertised, as I'm ready to take the challenge of managing on a national level. T would be very pleased to have the opportunity to discuss my qualifications in person. Please review my information and call me at (416) 332-1902 to set up @ meeting. ‘Thank you in advance for your consideration. [ hope that it will be okay for me to follow up witha phone call to ensure that you have received this submission. Best regards, Jack White 191. What is NOT a requirement for this job? (A) Strong computer programming skills (B) A bachelor's degree in business (©) The ability to take on many things at once (D) The flexibility to move around 192. When is the last day to apply for the position with the General Foods Company? (A) September 3 (B) September 24 (C) September 30 (D) October 3 193, What can be inferred about Jack White? (A) He is between jobs at the moment. (B) He is not happy with where he is now. (©) He hopes to enter the food industry. (D) He is eager to take on more responsibilities. 194. What does Mr. White say he will do in the next few days? (A) Mail his resume (B) Call to double check on something he sent, (C) Meet with the General Foods Company staff. (D) Come by the company to drop off some documents 145 195. Which of the following actions (B) Jack sending his resume by e-mail contradict what is stated in the ad? (©) Jack requesting to meet in person (A) Jack asking i (D) Jack revealing sensitive information follow-up call about the food industry ; Business Negotiations $ ; Business Weekly by Dr. Rod Steiner November 2006 ; The importance of effective cross-cultural communication during business conferences or’ +} negotiations is often unappreciated. And yet it is not just the immediate outcome of the: negotiation which is at stake but also the possibility of a Positive, ongoing business relationship. Here's a simple example: "don't mix business and Pleasure," we say, thinking ourselves to be” 3 ; efficient and "virtuous." But trying to negotiate with that attitude in some other cultures may well 3 put future relationships under a cloud. So, the first rule should be to study the culture of the j People with whom you are going to negotiate, 3 $ Dr. Rod Steiner; assistant lecturer: Department of Business Studies, South Australian Institute of fechnology. fe of Technology Department of Business Studies 44 Berwick St. Adelaide, Australia 5066 November 24, 2006 | Dear Dr. Steiner, J {tead your article "Cross-cultural Communication in Business Negotiations" with a great deal of interest. I am a postgraduate language/business student at the University of Adelaide, and I have also had some experience living and studying in Japan, You are absolutely right when you highlight possible "cross-cultural iitation", In our culture, we | J “ould never associate business transactions of any type with drinking alcohol and going to | nightclubs. However, that's more or less the normal way of doing things in Japan. J 1 hope to specialize in this area of study - I mean, in cross-cultural communication - and that's | why Thave chosen also to study some foreign languagés, Ifyou have any suggestions for further } | reading, could you please let me know? | Thanks for your attention. Julie Luddon 196. What does the article suggest? (A) To take a course in international pusiness relationships at the institute (B) Always to be alert of hints that can damage an ongoing business relationship (©) Not to mix business and pleasure when dealing with any culture (D) To know the culture of your business counterpart 197. In the article, the word "consternation" in paragraph 2, line 3 is closest in meaning to (A) alarm (B) admiration (©) fear (D) assurance 198. What does Ms. Luddon want to do? (A) Inquire about the source of information mentioned in the article (B) Contradict what Dr. Steiner had said in his article (C) Lear as many languages as possible (D) Pursue a career in cross-cultural communication 199, What can be inferred about Julie Luddon? (A) She is writing a book about cultural negotiations. (B) She has already received a bachelor's degree. (C) She is studying to become a university professor. (D) She wants to work in a foreign country. 200. What do Julie and Dr. Steiner have in ‘common? (A) Both are interested in the same subject. (B) Both have lived overseas in the past. (C) Both are writing books. (D) Both work in the same university. 147 TEST 03 READING TEST Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer Ghoices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sealers, ‘Then, mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet, 101. Our new social organizer's personal favorites do not include jazz or classical music, but she loves listening to techno, world music, ----- rock. (A) so (B) but (C) yet (D) and 102. It is strongly advised that you check that you have all your essential documents in a briefcase ~-you set out on an international trip. (A) upon (B) before (C) beside (D) next to 103. The most piece in the collection was acquired by our founder and principal patron during an archaeological expedition he undertook in 1935, (A) value (B) valuing (C) values (D) valuable 104. At this year's orientation session, the general manager----------- took the time to Personally welcome all new recruits in her usual, affable manner. (A) she (B) her (C)hers (D) herself 105, Our latest customer survey reveals some problems in the after-sales service area, especially the lack of a telephone hotline. (A) satisfying (B) satisfied (C) satisfaction (D) satisfactory 106. Our ongoing, —--------- development seminars allow staff members to develop their skills in various directions. (A) profession (B) professionally (©) professional (D) professionalism 107. If you wish to register for State University's new Academic News Update , please log in, click on the "register" box, and then list your preferences, (A) service (B) servicing (C) serviced (D) serviceable 108. The music faculty offers free weekly seminars designed to encourage young musicians to begin -- their own masterpieces. (A) composer 148 (B) composes (C) composed (D) composing 109. At the latest meeting of the Br ‘Advisory Council, the newly eleoted president that the council extend its activities to the field of social justice. (A) propose {B) proposal (C) proposing (D) proposed 110, To celebrate our tenth year in the stationery supply business, we'd like to offer a special bonus discount -—--——-- our most loyal customers. (A)to (B) by (as (D)at iW. recent adjustments in income tax rates, workers will find themselves pleasantly surprised by an increase in the size of their paychecks. (A) Due to (B) While (C)In fact (D) Whether 112. Much of investors’ long-held esteem in the company —----- during the share-market boom when executives were involved in accounting irregularities. (A) losing, {B) loses (C) was lost (D) is lost 113. The Springborg Hotel chain's attention to detail and business-friendly pricing structure make our hotels ~ to any others in the mid-priced hotel bracket. (A) better (B) improved (©) superior (D) advanced 114. Professor Barkley is not - fan expert in classical economics but also a world-renowned specialist in intemational banking laws. (A) over (B) only (©) less (D) alone 115. Under the new law, consumers are entitled to ~ if products malfunction or fail to perform as promised, (A) compensate (B) compensated (C) compensating, (D) compensation 116. During the one-month trial period, customers are under no -- ~ to sign any contracts, (A) pledge (B) promise (C) obligation (D) engagement 117, Educational expenses are tax- deductible --- the taxpayer can show that these expenses enhanced his or her professional skills or expertise. (A) only if (B) as if (C) as many as (D) as much as 118. If you cannot make up your mind 7 destination to choose for your summer holidays, why not talk with ‘our experienced travel consultants? (A) whom (B) which (C) on (D) about 149 119. The Public Transport Commission's commitment to. running our city's trains-and buses as ----------- as possible has reduced costs to the taxpayer by 5%, (A) efficient (B) efficiency (C) efficiently (D) efficiencies 120. Unfortunately, any benefits gained by lowering prices never ~ if they are achieved by a reduction in quality. (A) last (B) pass (C) spend (D) retain 121. | ----------- serious disadvantage of the existing plant is the lack of adequate ventilation; workers frequently complain of nausea and headaches. (A) Any (B) Other (C) Another (D) One another 122. Encounter Environmental Touts offers trips to some of the most beautiful and isolated wildernesses in the world all the comforts of five-star accommodations, (A) both, (B) plus (©) though (D) together 123. A recent survey showed that the increase in the number of random tax audits on businesses has been ----------- unpopular. (A) predict (B) prediction (C) to predict (D) predictably 124. The company is pleased to announce that we have invited several members of our experienced ~ and casual staff to become permanent employees. (A) minor : (B) lengthy (C) temporary (©) duplicate 125. The company admitted that it had been entirely at fault and announced that all professional fees that it had collected were to be fully : (A) refunds (B) refunding (C) refunded (D) is refunded 126. Media organizations can be called before a tribunal if they fail to operate - the guidelines laid out by federal legislation. (A) within (B) among (C) between (D) from 127. These days managers and designers are expected to work ~ to a greater extent than in the past. (A) collaboratively (B) collaborative (C) collaboration (D) collaborate 128. The unemployment figures — ~~ last June, no doubt due to the surprise closure of several leading Australian manufacturers. (A) enlarged (B) reached (C) peaked (D) magnified 129. The business council stated its evasion are out of with the seriousness of the crime. 150 (A) size (B) proportion (C) equivalence (D) combination 130. In the interests of consumer safety, the senior management unanimously 0 recall all versions of the Alphington and Executive sedans. (A) settled (B) picked (©) decided (D) established 131. We will be welcoming our keynote ~ __- at a reception to be given in the Emerald Room, which is located on the mezzanine, at 8:00 p.m. (A) speak (B) spoken (©) speaker (D) speaking 432. Any new staff member who has not already submitted a recent photo should go --~ ~- to the Personnel Office, where a staff photographer is in attendance. (A) unexpectedly (B) immediately (©) especially (D) recently 133. Other - grammatical errors include failure to use appropriate punctuation, especially apostrophes, colons, and semi- colons. : (A) common (B) genuine (©) level (D) even 134. In addition to improvements to the company cafeteria, the company sports facility will -------- be upgraded. (A) besides. (B) either (C) also (D) too 135. It remains --—----- that a merger will" increase profitability in the medium term because of the high cost of redundancy packages. (A) doubt (B) doubted (C) doubtful (D) doubtfally 136. The Hytex Hotel, in --—----- with the organizers of the annual film festival, is offering a package which includes travel, accommodations, and movie tickets. (A) agreement (B) alignment (©) relation (D) conjunction 137. The judge's directed to the freely utilized investors’ funds for his own benefit. (A) harsher (B) harshly (C) harshest (D) more harshly 138. A new health report today warned of the tendency for newly qualified doctors to refuse practices in the country. (A) worry (B) worried (©) worries (D) worrying 139. - unnamed sources, the central bank is company's head of financial accounting, who unlikely to raise interest rates over the next 6 months. (A) According to 151 (B) In case of (C) On behalf of (D) In common with 140. A senior management committee (A) spend believes that we should immediately — (B) waste the new government guidelines on sexual (C) achieve harassment. (D) implement Part 6 Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet, Questions 141-143 refer to the following notice. The High Park Harvest Festival A trio of colorful fall events gets underway in October with a horse and wagon ride ~--~- High Park from Grenadier Café to Colborne Lodge. 141. (A) after (B) before (C) during () through All ages. Oct, 1. $2. Storytelling, face painting, nature-themed crafts, and a marketplace full of autumn treats take -- 142. (A) off (B)on (C)up (D) care ~~ residence at the Children's Garden. Ages three and up. Oct. 1. Free. When the sun sets, brave the Haunted High Park tour, a moonlit stroll set to the eerie tales of old Chicago. Pre-registration is required. Ages eight and up. Oct. 27 and 28. Adults $10, ages ht and up $5. The playground in the northwest comer of the park becomes pumpkin carving central, when creations are set adrift on the water the annual 143. (A) until (B) while (C) during (D) between -- High Park 152 [Pumpkin Float. Warm up ‘afterward with some hot cider ‘and storytelling. ‘Ages two to ten Oct. 29-82 per pumpkin. Questions 144-146 refer to the Following letter Mr, Sean Ronald 1385 Midland Ave sydney Australia Dear Mr. Ronald, On September 3, you asked me to make hotel reservations for your guests. As per Your cnatrustion, 2 roams (double-bed requested) have ‘been booked at the Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel ~ details as shown: 144. (A) with, ®) by (©) for (D) along Guest Names: Mr. John Simpson & Mr: Mark Fritzler ‘Check-in Date: Sept. 22, 2006 ‘Check-out Date: Sept. 25, 2006 Hotel Address: 3 Canton Road, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Hotel Telephone: (852) 2113 0088 Room Rate: HK$1,250 net per room Per night Total Room Rate: HKSI,250 x 3 nights x 2 rooms = HK$7,500 ‘There is a hotel shuttle bus that can take the guests to the hotel. Simply proceed to counters AT6 or BIG (Parklane Counter) at the ‘arrival Hall and pay HK$130 per person for the shuttle bus fare. The shuttle bus will take yo" to the hotel. ‘ApenHKG will —----~- the room rate for the guests first. Thus, the guests are not required to pay 145. (A) decide (B) select (C) settle {D) detour the room rate when checking out. Ape HKG will room service 146. (A) accuse _- them later. However, if (B) loan (©) credit (D) charge sual as the minibar is used, the guests will need 10 settle them when checking out. Sincerely, - 153 Cory White L Cory White Questions 147-149 refer to the following advertisement Overview The Grand Hotel, which is situated at Fort Worth International Airport in Dallas, has a Covered, climate-controlled skywalk that connects the hotel directly to Terminal 3 and to an Automated People Mover going to Terminal 1. Our check-in kiosks, recently installed in the lobby, allow our guests to check in for flights ~ from the hotel. Guests can also check their and receive their boarding passes -~ baggage here 147. (A) right (B) rightly (©) rightful (D) rightfully and not have to worry about lining up atthe airport. The monitors set up next to the kiosks splay flight departure and arrival times to ensure that you're 148. (A) often @) © complete with a 149. (A) visit ®) tour (©) travel (D) arrival each room. jacu: So the next time you'te in Dallas, experience how comfortable and convenient travel can be. When you check into the Grand Hotel, you don't just cee ~ on time. finally always stay, you belong. 154 “Questions 150-152 refer tothe following email. From | Cindy Williams [mailto:cind “williams] Sent ~~ | Tuesday, October 25, 2007 5:38 PM To seanhartis( Ce Peter Channin; = Subject | Another Sales Lead { Dear Sean, Thave another sales lead for you today. The ~ cargo mode 150. (A) job (B) chance (©) limit (D) pursuit from FRA to NY. The shipments’ content is printed matter weighing approximately 200 kegs, and it will be sent every other day (3 ignes a week). We are looking for an arrival cn the day after shipment. I would like to know ~ you are able to handle this and if you can meet this service requirement. 151. (A) how (B) that (©) what (D) whether If so, can you please quote us the delivery rates and all ~ profit sharing, 152. (A) defended (B) refused (©) incurred (D) conveyed 1 would like to say 50/50 as we discussed earlier 1 am hoping that this will be okay with you. _ charges in NY? As for Took forward to your reply soon. Thanks? Best regards, Cindy Williams Costworth Ltd. 155 articles, letters, and. advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the leter (A), (3), (©), or (D) on your answer sheet. Questions 153-154 refer to the following menu. DAILY COMBO SPECIALS +B.B.Q Ribs + Sweet & Sour Chicken Balls { ; * Honey Garlic Ribs + Deep Fried Chicken Wings” 3 + Sweet & Sour Ribs + Diced Beef with Vegetables ‘ i + B.B.Q. Pork Slices * Sweet & Sour Breaded Shrimp * Beef with Broccoli + Lemon Chicken $+ Chicken Chop Suey * Pan-Fried Mixed Vegetables 3+ Kung Pao Chicken + Curry Beef Ste Beef & Green Peppers in Black Bean Sauce * Chicken Fried Rice Choose any I dish from the menu $4" Choose any 2 dishes from the menu $55 All above orders include Egg Roll & Fried Rice. Cash payment only « For Lemon Chicken or Chicken Fried Rice, add $1.00 et FREE Delivery with min. order over $10 (before tax) Mon - Thurs 11 a.m.-11 p.m.+Fri ll am.-1am Sat 4 p.m. - 1 a.m.+Sun3 p.m,- 11 pm Our food is freshly prepared and individually cooked to your order and delivered to you piping hot in our special heat retaining containers, Sere 1925 WESTON ROAD 7 (Weston Road & Church Street) 156 153. How much would a combo special with Lemon Chicken and Curry Beef cost before tax? (A) $4.25 (B) $5.25 (C) $6.25 (D) $7.25 Questions 155-158 refer to the following notice. 154, What can NOT be inferred from the menu? (A) A cash payment must be made to get a discount on the daily eombo specials. (B) A choice of any one dish ‘menu will cost $4.25 plus tax. (C) A delivery charge will be added for orders that add up to a total of less than ten dollars. ‘on the (D) Several kinds of credit cards are accepted by the restaurant. ‘Christmas and Boxing Day Arrangements ‘As Christmas and Boxing Day fall on a Thursday and Friday this year, all periodical payments falling on those two processing authorizations and Standard Time) on the days will be paid early on transferring. funds pith of December. Regular banking services will resume of the ‘Wednesday. Staff will be until midnight (Australian Western following Monday, the 29th of December. There, ‘will be no change in the operations of our ‘Automatic Teller Machines ot Electronic Funds centers will, however, be closed on Christmas be scheduled but will not be processed until banking services will not be available on any inconvenience. ‘Transfers. ‘and Boxing Day. Intemet transactions may the 25th, 26th, 27th, or Our financial advisory services ‘Monday, the 29th of December. Phone ‘28th. We apologize for We wish all of our customers a very happy and safe Christmas! 155, Who is the intended audience of this notice? (A) Bank employees (B) Customers (©) Drivers (D) Security guards 156. What is the purpose of the notice? (A) To announce the holiday schedule (B) To notify customers of a holiday sale (C) To apologize for a mistake (D) To advertise a new type of service 157- Which of the following services can be performed on the 25th? (A) Paying utility bills at the tellers window (B) Receiving financial advice from the institution (©) Transferring money by telephone (D) Taking money out of a cash dispenser 158. What will happen to regular payments that fall on the 26th this year? (A) The payments will have to be mailed out. (B) They wor't be taken care of until the 2ath. (© The transactions will occur on that day. 157 L Sophie’s Palace (D) They will go out a few days early. Question 159-160 refer to the following form. Questionnaire Name: John Williams Telephone: 755-2563 Date of Visit: Nov, 28, 2006 Time of Visit: 6:30 p.m, Quality of Food Good Fair [| Poor | Very Poor Taste ~ O O O Variety O QO ) O Price M4 O O O Quality of Service | Good | Fair] Poor Very Poor Taste O O. (%) O Variety O (7) O. O Price O a ) O Further Comments: We had to wait over an hour for our food to arrive. The food was very tasty, but I think the place needs more peoples to wait on customers 159. Which of the following is NOT true about the results of the questionnaire? (A) Mr. Williams felt that the restaurant was understaffed. (B) Mr. Williams liked the food he had today. (©) Mr. Williams felt that the price was very unreasonable. (D) Mr. Williams thought the menu selection needs were limited, 160. What can be implied about Mr. Williams? (A) He had dinner at the restaurant, (B) He came with several guests, (C) He is a regular customer. (D) He is a very picky person. 158 Question 161-164 refer to the following notice. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re: the estate of Michael Gordon, Circus, Victoria, British Columbia, November, 2006. Notice is hereby given that any further creditors and othet Neitmants against the said estate should contact the offices of, Seukin and Sankin, Solicitors, Suite 9, 432 Wilberforce Road, Victoria, V8W 3R3, the executors of the will of Michael Gordon, no later than December 22, 2006. After that date, we, will distribute the estate Atle to it, taking into consideration only claims received by the executors, the due date. 161. What is the main purpose of this notice? (A) To announce the passing away of Mr. Michael Gordon {B) To find a missing person (© To remember a person who did good deeds (D) To inform people of a due date to make claims against a person 162. In which part of the newspaper would this notice be printed? (A) In the editorial section (B) In the obituary section (C) Inthe business section (D) In the want ad section formerly of 7 Golden deceased on the 19th of among the parties 163, Who most likely took out this notice? (A) Mr. Gordon's family (B) Michael (©) Alaw firm (D) A bank 164. According to the notice, what is going to occur after December 22? (A) A funeral will be held in honor of Mr. Gordon. (B) Creditors will get a their claims to the debtor. (C) Michael's estate will be distributed among those who made a claim. (D) The appointment of the executors of the will is going to take place chance to submit 159 Questions 165-167 refer to the following policy. Joy-Market Returns Policy With a few exceptions, anything purchased from a Joy-Market store may be exchanged or | returned for a full refund of the purchase price within 30 days provided 1) that the goods are unused, 2) that the goods are placed in their original package, and j 3) that proof of purchase is provided. IMPORTANT: please note Food purchased from our fresh food counters must be returned no later than 24 hours after the time of purchase. Some items must be returned unopened. These items are toys, music CDs and DVDs, computer software and hardware, videos, glassware, kitchenware, undergarments, and packaged hardware items Customers, or those retuming Joy-Market items received as gifts, should provide photo identification at the time of application, Customers returning goods valued at less than $100 will be issued an exchange certificate | For returns of goods valued at $100 or more, within 3 working days of the return, a check will be mailed to the purchaser The amount of refunds or exchange certificates will be the same as the price paid for the item returned, Joy-Market aims to satisfy its customers with high-quality items said in good | | | | | 165. What is NOT stated in the policy? (A) Goods must be brought back in their original form. (B) The original receipt must accompany the retumed item. (©) A time limit is placed on items being returned. () A full refund will be provided for all items if returned within 241 hours. 166. In which of the following. situations would a person have to show photo identification? (A) When returning items that are valued over $100 before tax condition (B) If the merchandise was originally bought by someone other than the person returning it (C) In situations where the boxes have been opened and used (D) If a credit card was used when making the purchase 167. According to the policy, how long will it take to get a refund for a purchase made under $100? (A) It depends on the product purchased. (B) A refund will be provided right away. (C) At least 3-business days (D) 24 hours if receipt is provided 160 Questions 168-170 refer to the following e-mail, From: Rudi Kok Kee Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006 To: Linda Chong Ce: Samantha Long Subject: Long Holiday in Indonesia Dear colleagues, stil] run as normal. return to normal on the 6th of November. ‘Thank you for your Kind attention. Regards. Rudi DSL/ JKT Customer Service Department Kindly be informed that Indonesia will be celebrating a long holiday from October 23-28, 2006, for Hari Raya ledul Fitri. There will be no pick-ups ‘and deliveries, but clearance will In addition, for inbound shipments that are directed to cities outside Jakarta, the last transshipment by local agents will be on October 20. Any shipment we receive after that day will be on hold in our office and he sent out after the long holiday on October 30. Furthermore, for shipments headed to smaller towns, there will be @ further delay because the holiday festivities will be ongoing until the 4th in many rural areas, This situation will 168. Why was this e-mail written? (A) To request a shipment (B) To notify someone of an upcoming schedule (©) To send an invitation for a celebration {D) To inquire about a shipment 169. What will happen to an incoming shipment heading to a small town on October 21? (A) It will be returned to the sender. (B) It will be held until the 30th. (C) It will reach its destination after the 6th of November. (D) It will be delivered the next day. 170. When was this e-mail sent? (A) October 4th (B) October 20th (C) October 30th (D) November 4th 161 Questions 171-175 refer to the following article, ei Gaz International Sells Its Siberian Oil Operations to Local ‘Company ZURICH - Yevgeni Stai, a mid-sized Russian oil company, has bought the Siberian oil and gas operations of Zurich-based Gaz International. While no official figures have been released by either firm, the deal is believed to worth in the vic ity of $145 million, Until recently, Gaz. International had been seeking to expand its exploration and refining Pherations, but it has reportedly been frustrated by local regulatory bodies, Ge International shares rose by 1% as news of the sale filtered into the media, Yevgeni Star, which has some cross-share holdings with large industrial corporations in ‘elated and unrelated fields, notably in the energy and shipbuilding sectors, will become one of Russian’s leading players in the vital strategic area of energy supplies, Explaining the reasons for the sale, Gaz International CEO Fritz Faschier told Teporters yesterday, "Our board of directors believes that this is the ideal time to consolidate our operations by concentrating on less-risky investments while at the same time boosting our interests in research and development. I mean, in particular, research into alternative fuels and energy sources. I have no doubt that this deal is in the interests of both parties." Jt is known that the deal includes significant technology transfers. A team of Gaz International engineers and administrators will train Yevgeni engineers in the operation of exploration and extraction technology developed by the international giant. ‘Yevgeni Star operators were also keen to acquire Gaz. Intemational’s license to explore and develop northem oil fields until 2015. The current production of 10,000 barrels © day is expected to at least double over the next 5 years. Due to the complex nature of legal arrangements surrounding the transfer of licenses and technological information, the deal is not expected to be sewn up before January of next year. Approval for the license transfer must be negotiated with Russian authorities while several major Swiss banks will vet the financial arrangements and the details. of |__ technology transfer. ae 171. What is true about Gaz International? (A) Gaz International will become the (A) It is a Russian-owned company, leading company in its field. (B) It took control of another company. (B) Yevgeni Star seems to have gotten the (C) Its stock price has slipped due to a _better end of the deal. false rumor. (C) Gaz International will now focus on (©) It was involved in a multi-million establishing its business in new areas. dollar transaction recently. (D) Yevgeni Star will distribute shares to its top management staff. 172. Which of the following will be the result of a deal mentioned in the: article? 162 173. Who is Mr. Fritz Faschier? (A) A reporter for a local newspaper (B) The president of Gaz-International (C) A spokesperson for Yevgeni Star (D) A Russian authority 174. According to the article, when will the deal be finalized? (A) In 2015 (B) In five years (C) Within the following weeks (D) By early next year Questions 176-178 refer to the following letter. Fly-by-night Travel Agency Suite 9 Chicago Life Building Lake Shore Square Chicago Hl, 60637 ‘April 3, 2006 Lightning Computer Supplies 152 Whacker Road Chicago 60401 Re: faulty print cartridges | Dear Madam or Si On a recent visit to your store, I purchased > printers. As you are well aware, fast and high big or small, these days. You can imagine our found that the cartridges were faulty, either i When we examined the packages, we dis use-by date. However, when I returned them to your store, | the receipt had unfortunately somehow been misp to me, as Lam a long-term customer of your store. iscovered that all three cartri 175. What is the main cause of the delay in closing the deal? (A) Both companies want to take it slow: (B) Some complications have surfaced regarding legal issues. (©) The Russian authorities usually take a Tong time to process a new license. (D) There are many details to be w’ out. orked a box of Onyx Print Cartridges for our 3 quality printing is essential in any business, disappointment when, after installation, we n the feed mechanism or in the ink itself. idges had passed their I was refused free replacement cartridges as laced. This was extremely disappointing ‘Am [ not to be trusted? The cartridges were clearly expired. Thave since bought cartridges elsewhere, and I have no intention of returning to your store, But 1 wanted to express my dissatisfaction to you, and T hope that you will examine your | policy on returns. | Thank you, Julie Nixon | Senior Travel Consultant 163

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