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tottoto kokokara tachisarina

yumewo yumeni shiteoku yatsura
deguchiwa soko dayo
ekimade aruite sanpun sa

Leave here!
The person who is not going to realize a dream.
An exit is there.
It is three minutes on foot to the station.

soija hajimeyouka
atashino GIG wo
yumemiru yatsurano Paradise sa
tsuyoku tsuyoku
omoiga tsuyokereba
arifuretakoto nandayo kisekinantesa
kanjiruyo antano tsuyosa
tashikani uketotta antano honki

Then, I will begin it!

this is my GIG.
here is a paradise for people of realizing dream.
intensify! intensify!
by strong wish
The miracle would become common things.
I feel your strength.
I received your seriousness.

takaku kobushiwo furiage

chikaranokagiri sakebunosa
mierudaro naniwo subekika
mayowazu susumebaii
ippo fumidase mou wakatteiruhazu
atashino GIG e

Raise a fist highly

Shout as hard as possible.
Do you understand what you should do?
You do not need to be at a loss, go ahead
One step step forward, You have already understood it
Welcome to
my GIG.

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