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Issues / Problems

The Canadian aeronautics administration has a goal to create REACH, REACH

meant to do the mundane work of replacing the battery units on the exterior of the
space station, However, lack of testing the invention and speeding the construction,
didnt give much time for the constructor to have an sufficient time for the Quality
assurance which effect the accomplishment of the set goal.

Without quality assurance and right testing of the invention the constructors and the
developers put risk in developing REACH, they focused on the speed of it. Its like a
company whose speeding there product to meet their quota, although they meet there
quota it doesnt mean that the quality is still the same as the other quality product or a
construction that just want the establishment to be finish on the set date, without
realizing what will be the outcome of structure or a chef that rushing to cook because
there are a lot of costumer that needed to be serve. All this example just use speed
without Quality assurance, just like what happen to REACH, the reason why its failed.
On the other hand the contractors also have some kind a thing here like because they
dont have the same goal as the company, the contractors just want reach to be finish

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