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Technomics Research is a consulting service dedicated to the demonstration of the

value of healthcare technologies in support of coverage, reimbursement, and rapid

dissemination. Technomics' health economists use cutting-edge modeling and
analytic techniques to create a variety of media to make your case to healthcare
payers, purchasers, and providers.

Technomics Research is a consulting service dedicated to

the demonstration of the value of healthcare technologies
in support of coverage, reimbursement, and rapid
dissemination. Technomics' health economists use
cutting-edge modeling and analytic techniques to create a
variety of media to make your case to healthcare payers,
purchasers, and providers.

Melissa Martinson, MS PhD

Dr. Martinson is a health services researcher and biostatistician, and is Adjunct

Associate Professor in the Division of Health Policy and Management, School of Public
Health, University of Minnesota.
Dr. Martinson's commercial experience includes 20 years of clinical trials, health
economics and outcomes studies in both medical device and pharmaceutical companies.

Principal Statistician
Teresa Nelson, MS

eresa Nelson, MS is a biostatistician with over 15 years experience in the medical device
industry in the areas of statistics and health economics. She has extensive experience in
study design strategy, analysis of data, interpretation of results and writing of reports for
government regulatory bodies, commercial insurers and for publication in journals. She
has worked on projects in all phases of research from feasibility or pre-market to those
supporting market approval and post-market and outcomes studies.

Technomics Research Services

Technomics Research provides several types of
analyses and related services that are aimed at
demonstrating the value of your healthcare
product. Frequently, new technologies are
approved for market based on improved clinical
results, but are also more expensive. In these
cases, payers and purchasers often need to
understand how cost-effective your product is
compared to its competitors. Or you may have a
technology that reduces cost without sacrificing
the clinical benefit. In this case, you are likely to
need a cost-minimization analysis. If the product
is capital equipment, the purchaser may need an
ROI (return on investment) analysis. Technomics
Research can help you assess what kind of
analysis would be most effective.

The design or analysis is only the first phase of a

project. The second is delivering the results in a
way that is meaningful to the intended audience.
For example, do you need to make the case to a
regulatory body to approve your product for
market? Do you need to make a case for the
value of your product to insurers so that they
cover and pay for the technology? Do you need
to make the case to hospital purchasers and
physicians, so that they purchase your
technology instead of the competitor's? Do you
need to demonstrate improved outcomes to a
health plan's medical director so that the plan
uses your disease-management program or
changes the formulary tier to which your
pharmaceutical has been assigned? We offer a
variety of formats in which the case can be

Company Made Medical Device That Decreased The Rate Of

Infections in Traumatic Wounds
A company made a medical device that, in randomized
clinical trial, decreased the rate of infections in traumatic
wounds treated in the emergency department. The
hospital buyers objected to the cost of the device. Dr.
Martinson developed a pro forma which demonstrated
that in uninsured patients, the device was cost saving
because it prevented additional hospital losses that
would have occurred if infections had developed in these
patients. The company reported that it enjoyed good
adoption in hospitals serving populations with high
uninsurance rates.

A pharmaceutical start-up developed a new drug to treat infected diabetic wounds

and wanted to understand how the product could be rationally priced. Dr. Martinson
developed a value-based pricing model which demonstrated that the drug would be
valued at a relative high price because it would avert wound complications that
would have cost more money than the drug.

Main Office
Technomics Research
1815 Medina Road, Suite 101
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55356
For more information please visit

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