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Afna Okta Sekar Rima (01)



Snow-In-Summer coffee shop is determined to become a
daily necessity for local coffee addicts, a place to dream of as
you try to escape the daily stresses of life and just a
comfortable place to meet your friends or to read a book or
both. With the growing demand for high-quality gourmet coffee
and great service, Snow-In-Summer will offer its customers the
best prepared coffee in the area that will be complemented
with cupcake and ice creams, as well as free books that its
patrons can read to enjoy their visit.
U.S. coffee consumption has shown steady growth, with
gourmet coffee having the strongest growth. They favor wellbrewed gourmet coffee drinks and demand great service.
Snow-In-Summer will strive to build a loyal customer base by
offering a great tasting coffee in a relaxing environment of its
coffee bar located close to the campus of University of
California, Berkeley.
Snow-In-Summer coffee shop, of course, has both
advantages and disadvantages for the people around. And the
disadvantages will make the people criticize the coffee shop.
So, Snow-In-Summer has to make them feel more comfortable
and satisfied.

Therefore, we will present the advantages of Snow-In

Summer coffee shop The Manager of Snow-In-Summer coffee
shop, environmental expert, marketing, and consumers point
of view.


Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, M.B.A.
Snow-In-Summer will offer its customers the best tasting
coffee beverages in the area. This will be achieved by using
high-quality ingredients. Along with the espresso drinks,
brewed coffee and teas, as well as some beverages, will be sold
in the coffee bar. Snow-In-Summer will also offer its clients
pastries, small salads, and sandwiches. For the costumers that
prefer to prepare its coffee at home, Snow-In-Summer will also
be selling the coffee beans. The menu offerings will be
supplemented by free books and magazines, so that the
customers can read inside the coffee bar.
Our goal is to create a unique place where customers can
socialize with each other in a comfortable and relaxing
environment while enjoying the best brewed coffee and
pastries in town. We will be in the business of helping our
customers to relieve their daily stresses by providing piece of
mind through a convenient location, friendly customer service,
and products of high quality.
Our menu will be built around espresso-based coffee
drinks such as lattes, mochas, cappuccinos, etc. Each of the
drinks will be offered with whole, skimmed, or soy milk. Each of
these coffee beverages is prepared in the espresso machine by
forcing heated water through ground coffee at high pressure.
Some of them are combined with steamed milk and/or other
additives, like cocoa, caramel, etc., to prepare the beverages.
Proper preparation techniques are of paramount importance for
such drinks. A minor deviation from the amount of coffee, the

size of the coffee particles, the temperature of milk, etc., can

negatively affect the quality of the prepared drink.

Ms. Catherine de Bourgh, M.Eng.

Snow-In-Summer produces some wastes. They come from

the used coffee cups made of styrofoam, leftovers, the soapy
water used to wash dishes, etc. And we, as a environmentally
conscious company, will always do our best to minimize, or
even avoid, the wastes.
One way to avoid or minimize the wastes is by using
recycled paper for the cups and cup holders. Besides, we
implement recycling in all our locations. It is a small cost to us,
but a large benefit for our suffering environment.
Snow-In-Summer also tries not to have excess stocks or
catered foods. This shop is looking out for drinks and foods item
that are rarely ordered and stop serving them. We also
regularly rotate the food in the display and the fridge, such as
set the food that should be used first in front of the food that is
stored newly. This will make our foods always fresh and it can
reduce the wastes.
To avoid the wastes from the water used to wash dishes,
Snow-In-Summer processes the water first before we let it flow
in the river. Therefore the water doesnt contaminate the river
by any dangerous liquids or materials.
And to reduce the waste from the cups, we give a ten-cent
refund to customers asking you to refill their own coffee mugs.
The customers will have a card they can stamp where after 10
refills, they can get a discount.

Ms. Elizabeth Bennet, M.Com.
Snow-In-Summer sells coffee, other beverages, and snacks
in its 3,000 square feet premium coffee bar located near the
University of California, Berkeley. Snow-In-Summer will focus
its marketing activities on reaching the University students and
faculty, people working in offices located close to the coffee
bar, and teenagers. Our market research shows that these are
the customer groups that are most likely to buy gourmet coffee
products. Since gourmet coffee consumption is universal across
different income categories and mostly depends on the level of
higher education, proximity to the University of California,
Berkeley campus will provide access to the targeted customer
This property is located in a commercial area within a
walking distance from the University of California, Berkeley
campus on the corner of a highway connected with the busy
downtown commercial area. The coffee bar's open and clean
interior design with modern wooden decor will convey the
quality of the served beverages and snacks. The clear window
displays, through which passerby will be able to see customers
enjoying their beverages, and outside electric signs will be
aimed to grab the attention of the customer traffic.
Snow-In-Summer's objectives for the first year
of operations are become selected as the "Best New Coffee Bar
in the area" by the local restaurant guide, turn in profits from
the first month of operations, and maintain a 65% gross
We will do our best to make a store design that will be
both visually attractive to customers, and designed for fast and
efficient operations. We also hold an employee training to
insure the best coffee preparation techniques. Our marketing

strategies aimed to build a solid base of loyal customers, as

well as maximizing the sales of high margin products, such as
espresso drinks.

Mr. Charles Bingley
A lot of college students will consider coffee bars to be a
convenient studying or meeting location, where they can read
or meet with peers without the necessity to pay cover charges.
This will provide a unique possibility for building a loyal client
But, Snow-In-Summer has competitors, of course. Snow-InSummer's direct competitors will be other coffee bars located
near the University of California, Berkeley campus. Take
Starbucks for an example. Starbucks will definitely be one of
the major competitors because of its strong financial position
and established marketing and operational practices. However,
despite of Starbuck's entrenched market position, many
customers, especially college students, favor smaller,
independent establishments that offer cozy atmosphere and
good coffee at affordable prices. So, Snow-In-Summer will
position itself as a unique coffee bar that not only offers the
best tasting coffee and pastries, but also provides home-like,
cozy and comfortable environment. It caters to customers'
bodies and minds, which can grow the shop share in this
competitive market.
The major reason for the customers to return to this coffee
bar is a great tasting coffee offered, quick service, and pleasant
atmosphere. Snow-In-Summer sells coffee with a great service
in a nice setting, so it has a possibility to build a strong base of
loyal customers.

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