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LEVEL: 350


In the essay From student to employee: a difficult transition, author Mina Alonso says that many student
have difficult to the transition to a full-time employee. She compares the different situation that a student lives
in school and work. She says that many students have difficulty adjusting their life on the job. The most
students are unprepared to think analytically because spend a lot of time memorizing texts, and if they do their
homework and pass the tests is sure to pass to the next level. While in the job, the situation is very different
because you need to depend from to economy to be assigned to next level and adapt for all the changes that
might happen. Mina Alonso recommends participate in internships, be part of a company, hospital or
government to develop your experience and learn skills to be able to the real world. She thinks that these
advices could help you to the transition from student to employee and make it more easy.

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