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Melecio L. Bernido Jr.


1. In making the IT Capstone Proposal or Manuscript, there is always a

time when we run out of ideas or maybe have not known anything
about the topic to write about. The best thing that comes to our mind
as means of a solution is to research about the topic. It is either from
books, from library journals, or maybe from the internet. As humans,
we tend to be tempted to choose the easiest thing to have something
to write and add to what we have been asked to accomplish, and it is
to copy and paste everything. It may be because of our excitement to
answer or maybe because we wanted to be the one credited to have
written what is in our output, we never put the name of the author and
the other things necessary for tracing the source. When we do this, we
do not only violate the intellectual property of the author to be
recognized of his work, but also because we pretended that it is our
own work.
2. We are not that perfect to make fault-free works so in making the

Capstone Proposal, there is a need for the Gunning Fog Index and the
Grammarly applications to check our work for mistakes we might have
not seen. The Gunning Fog Index is necessary for us to make an
approximation of our work and our target readers. It allows us to see
whether what we have written in our proposal can be easily read by
the audience we have made the proposal for. The Grammarly
applications serve as a good checker of our own grammar. It also
makes us be proved to be the one who wrote the words we have input
in our project.

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