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The Dream

The knock on the door began as distant dream and grew louder, waking me with a start. I
rushed to the door to find Kamal outside.
What is he doing here, now?
Kamal, are you fine?!
No, he said, I need help
Are you drunk? I asked, sensing instinctively.
I am not. Please listen he said with a palpable panic in voice. A week ago, I was at a fair
with my girlfriend where we met a Sadhu. She revered him, but I felt he was a cheat and
showed it in my behavior with him.
That night, I dreamt she broke up with me it happened very next day.
I sensed something was happening to me., he continued. I dreamt that she apologized
and patched up next day but it did not happen. I was injured in an accident in my dream
and that happened.
Then I dreamt of this guy who stole my girl from me and I was warning him to leave my girl
or die.
What I find now is that the fellow is missing and police are after me. He took a breather and
emptied my bottle of water.
Why dont you check with that Sadhu? I asked, trying to be helpful.
I went. His ashram has been locked and he has not been seen for months. Now do you get
my problems? He got up, went to my study board, picked up a marker and wrote:

Did I see the Sadhu the first time or was it a dream?

If my dreams come true, then why only some of them?
Did I really hurt my girls new boyfriend and if I did, why I didnt dream that?

He sat in the chair with a thud, his knees knocking the contents of my study table. As I sat
down and picked the books and papers, he came to help, with apologies.
Hey, he yelled at me suddenly. How do YOU have this Sadhus photo?. I saw that it was
my mothers spiritual gurus photograph. And this.? He screamed showing my friend
Manishs photo, which I kept on the table.
Before I could explain the facts, I could see his face change into a dark villainous one
something I have never seen before. You are the conspirator, you villain, you demon. You
killed my life. As I got up to soothe him down, I felt a swish and a knock on my head,
instantly feeling the pain, the salt of my blood and went blank.
I woke up with the pain in the mind, felt my head in an involuntary action, feeling nothing.
Was that a dream? I felt relieved. I picked my water bottle by the side of the study table,
drank some water and went back to sleep.

The knock on the door began as distant dream and grew louder, waking me with a start.

(Story including the title 500 words)

Written by Adhiti Krishnan, Class XII, National Public School, Chennai - 600086

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