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Living Against the System

Its about me against the system.

What systemwhat is the system?
The system that kills the human spirit (The matrix)
I stand for something to those dead souls living routine lives, living the 9 to 5 rat
race lifestyle.
Simply through my life, through my experiences, through my honest self-expression
of myself, I show those dead souls that the human spirit is still alive.
January 15, 2012

What is the System???

The system is all the BULLSHIT that has been created by man which includes,
ideologies, religions, philosophies, social morals/values, borders, labels, categories
etc., - 01/16/2012

Doing My Own THing

I live my own way
I train my own way (physically, mentally, spiritually)
I behave my own way
I act my own way
I think my own way
I express myself my own way
I simply and honestly am free in all the ways that other people arent (physically,
mentally, spiritually, emotionally and expressively).
January 15, 2012

I respect peoples self-limitation. Actually, I take that backI dont respect people
that limit themselves!
e. rios -1/17/2012

Forcing oneself or something through evolution. Simply testing something through

trial and error. For example, does combining two or more exercises provide good
results. Another example, can this business idea work? e. rios 01/24/2012

I must work harder on developing myself as a whole than on anything else in the
world. E. rios 01/24/2012

Great quoate become a man of value instead a man of success.

To HELL with AIDS! erios 01/29/2012

Simply, when I am at a different place at a different time, I am simply a different

person. e. rios 01/29/2012

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