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English 10

M. Cadias

Teacher: Mr. Abel

Arisara Uttagosol

Class 10-05

31 May 2010
Dear Diary,
The sun is very bright today. It is very hot that you might want to take your
sunglass. Its really hot like my skin has already burned. Bella! The Summer
break is coming yeah I have been waiting for this day for all my life! Im thinking
about the beach! Ill take a trip and you will go with me. Oh god! but I dont
wanna think about the tons of classes if I were a billionaire. Can I just sleep until
the end of the break? Im so tired Bella. I wish you were living so I would have a
really super duper best friend. Anyway I cant do anything about it so its reading
time hmmm
Bella is a gift from her parents on her 10th birthday. It was handmade covered
with pink suide with the B on top of the cover. At first she found it a little odd to
be writing in a diary. Eventually Betty decided to think of her diary as a friend
since she was 10. She named it as Bella. It made writing easier. Besides, she did
not really have a real friend. Actually she had one and only friend at school,
Mandy. But they were not seriously friends since Mandy got into relationship.
Thats how the whole idea of keeping a diary started. Knock, Knock .Its lunch
time dear, food is ready, come down. It was Alisabeth, her mother. Alright
Mom, Im coming, she said
Her parents were sitting in the dining room. They were dining on a solid hard
wooden table with red lace given by their neighbors next door. The table was six
feet long all the way to the dining room. On the wall were glided mirrors but the
frames were dusty including the floor. The dusty floor was made of large
terracotta flagstones covered in years of grime. They were having dinner. Her 45
year old mother with long brown hair that had never dyed was wearing her
favorite blue dress with her belt on. She was grumpy about a lot of things like
she never talked for a month.
She was just a little 17 year old girl with her pink fluffy dress given by her mother
last year. She was actually one pretty girl with oval face shape. She has light
natural brown hair that everyone who see would appreciate it. Blue eyes that
reflecting the light as a sunshine on the ocean in the noon that was apparently
given from her father. Her gorgeous eyes were sitting below trimed eyebrows
that seemed to curve as a natural extension of her broad , rounded nose. She
was just sitting there listening to her mother like a little crazy kid listening to her
evil step-mother. Her mother started the same conversation that she had heard
it for a hundred time Why dont you do this ? Why dont you do that ? The
same questions flashed back in the past in the same room from same the person
with the same questions. All she could do was gave her mother a bitter smile like
she did every time. She was staring at her favorite dishes that her maid
specially cooked for today like she could swallow all of the foods by just gawking
at it.

And what about things we talked about last week ? finally her father with his
big voice got to play a role. Dont forget to prepare yourself for Harvard. The
exam wont take long time form now, Oh and we registered an English course for
you today. Its the best tutor for whom interested to go for Harvard, her parents
said with the same most boring smile for her on their faces. I think its a little bit
hard maybe, she whispered as low as the sea. What did you say? Too hard?
her mother suddenly said with a louder voice. Dont say it again okay? Nothing
is too hard. We supported you every single thing, your extra courses or your fees
you have any idea how much it took my money huh? her mother started to get
angry. But I never asked for that. You told me to do it all, she was completely
frightened like if she could disappear at that moment she would because it was
her first time disputing her mother. It was the first time she got to have any
voice. Why do you have a habit of opposing others? Have I taught you to do
that? her mother shouted at her like the evil step mother. We gave the best for
you all, Betty! Dont ask for anything more okay? at that moment Betty was as
scared as a grasshopper.

Whatever, You have to go to Harvard anyway. If not, Then you can no longer call
me your mother! Betty was absolutely shocked like she was going to faint
somewhere. At that moment, she felt as if she was paralyzed. She just had the
blank look on her face. It was at this time that she began to realize how fragile
and vulnerable her family were. She had no reaction at first and she wanted to
deny it, all of it. No it wasn't true, Her mother didnt mean it, she kept saying to
herself. To her complete horror she was wrong. One question popped up in Her
mind Why its so matter to you mother, Even more matter than me? but after
all 17 years with these maybe its time. Pung!!!!!! That was sound of a chair
that she kicked out while she was about to turn back and leave the room. Just
enough, she muttered. All the unsaid words run through her mind but whatever.
Where are you going? her mother yelled with completely angry face that could
tore her daughter apart. Say something! Stop making that completely silly
face! shouted her mother Shut Up!!! finally! She shouted at her mother like a
thunder and suddenly ran back to her room.
Oh my gosh what the hell has just happened, she took a deep breath and tried
to regain her composure after having the moment that scared her to death. She
put Bella out of her desk. Im going there, she mumbled.
Stepping into the most familiar library of the town felt this a second home. It was
one and only place that she usually went to whenever she had a problem it really
helped calming down and putting herself together. In the library, it was very
familiar start off with a friendly and courteous greet from the librarian. The
librarian was dressed formerly with a office shirt and a tie of as long as a metre.
Upon seeing visitors, the bony as if a bamboo pole librarian greeted you with a
warm welcome, enlightening your experience in the library. That was one of the
reasons why she liked library better than her home. There was absolute silence
that you could even hear your own breathing clearly and vividly. The library had
inspirational posters which try to inspire students to nurture different values such
as "Teamwork", "Passion", "Respect", "Integrity" and so on. One who desired
peace and quiet was definitely make the library their favorite place where he or
she is able to put their mind at rest from the chaotic world outside. Including her

for sure. Entering the library was like entering our comfortable home from the
unsafe world outside while having the library doors to be the buffer between two
completely different world. She went straight to the familiar corner of her. It was
the tons of the books lay on the shelter.
Bella, we ended up here ultimately, she told Bella while looking for somewhere
to sit. Betty always carried Bella everywhere she went especially time like this.
She found some seat to sit and opened her Bella to write it but suddenly she saw
something already written on the latest page

31 may 2010
Bella, what should I do I cant deal with it anymore. After shouting to my
mothers face like that I have no gut to see her face again ever. Everything was
so under pressure , you know. Its like keeping my feelings bottled up inside. But
anyway if that is the one that what my parents want then I have to do it right,
right? Everything will just end after all 17 and all the burden I had so long
What, Im going to write these, Betty thought after finishing reading this. Why
its already here? I dont understand, she thought But anyway Betty wasnt
really gave a shit about this perhaps she was totally in shocked with all of the
thing that happened to her. She had no time to think of other thing someone is
trying to play the joke on me for sure, she thought. She actually get used to this
kind of thing that the girls in her school always play on her, they were plenty of
times with these thing. It was the end of the day. Its time to go home.
Oh its already 9pm and I have entrance exam tomorrow, Betty just reminded
Knock, knock That was her mom Sleep early dear. Its your entrance exam
tomorrow, Alright Mom, she said. I wont let these silly things bothering me
any longer. Lets just focus on this. You can do it Betty. She thought while going
to bed
On the exam announcement day.
La la laa la that was Betty humming the song while playing with her doll. She
glanced at the calendar and noticed that today is the exam announcement right
away. Her parents dont know it yet and she will not going to tell them until the
result come out in the positive way. She suddenly got out of the room as fast as
lightning and sneaked out of her home like a robber to the library again because
its where the announcement was held.
She ran up to second floor where announcement was put on to the wall as soon
as she arrived. God bless me please, she thought while searching for her name
through all of the papers. She took about 5 minutes but still couldnt find her
name. She started to get upset that she could destroy all of the things in the
library God, please just this please help me otherwise my parents would kill
me, she was absolutely freaking out but she still put herself back and kept on
searching for her name. Eventually she couldnt make it. She was completely
freaked out that if she could scream the sounds of her voice would break the
glasses into a thousand of pieces. She walked like an exhausted zombie from the
crowded area to the little small couch where connected to the shelter and let her
body sat down on the couch without the soul. She was sitting down there like

people that passed around couldnt told the differences between Betty and a
stiff. All of things in her life were running through her mind in the room that as
silent as a grave drove her over thinking mind to be more muddle. After 5 hours
of sitting there thinking in the messing mind. She finally stood up.
When she was conscious again what she could see was overclouded sky around
her. Looking Further she saw a tons of building all around. It felt like standing on
somewhere really high from the ground. Im too ashamed to go back home,
she repeated with herself while the tears were falling down. She felt all the liquid
in her body started to drain away as Fear took over the body making her knees
locked into place as if she could not move. Every breath of air that she took was
getting harder and harder. As she began to loose her mind. Suddenly she
reminded of her Bella. She thought she was going to write some admonish for
her family before she would not exist anymore. Then again she turned to the
latest page and found something was already written there. Jesus Christ .. It
was written by the handwriting of horrifying I was stepping out of the roof deck,
slowly falling down from the 15th floor of the building. I felt like I was flying
through the sky gently when I was falling down to the highway that full of cars. I
saw people crowded around me and my brain was scattering everywhere. All I
could hear was the sound of screaming along the roads.

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