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El Verbo

The verb is the part of speech or lexical category that expresses action or movement, life, achievement, status or condition of the subject; semantically expresses a complete preaching. In prayer, the conjugated verb
functions as the core syntactic predicate.
El verbo auxiliar
In traditional grammar, an auxiliary verb is a verb that provides grammatical information and additional semantics to a full meaning verb
el pronombre
Pronouns are words or morphemes whose referent is not fixed but is determined in relation to others that normally have already been named. Pragmatically frequently refer to people or extralinguistic real things rather
than substantive context.

Oraciones de pronombres
* you have to leave early to close * She did not expect that from you. * Is he your little brother or your cousin? * You do not know just because you're too
small. * You were never tell the truth because I was not interested.
* I watch television at night when the news ends.
* You will need to teach him
that girl over there.
* She did not expect that from you, very much.* You will accompany us to the park to not go alone.
Oraciones de verbo
* the dog runs in the park * the child plays with toys * My sister jump rope * in the shop selling sweets * children sing in church * my mother sweeps
the Street * the teacher explains the class * ana jumps the fence of the school * in the shop employees play cards * children swim in the pool ..
Oraciones de verbo auxiliar
*Do you like Mexican food?
*Does your mother speak English? *I do not want to see him again.
*Did you come to school yesterday? *I was having a
bath when you called. *Why are you so shy?
*Have you done your homework?
*My father has never visited Spain. *How long have you been living
in Guatemala?
*I have not seen him for ages.
Tercer punto
a: I do not run here
b: we speak english
c: you will be my gilfriend
d: My mother is beatifull
e: hey are my friends*
f: does not dance

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