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fight without truce


do not give your budge I'm asking

When things do not go as you thought


and when things are not going well

you fight

when it seems impossible to win the

battle fight
you know why?

the battle is within you

fight this war

and you are your own enemy

because the street is full of rendered

is knowing brave fight

fight without truce

I tell you

do not give your budge I'm asking

when things do not go well

and when things are not going well

It has Christ

you fight

The I face as you too

and up

when you say you're a basket case

that fight
in heaven for you a friend who gave a

fight this war

because the street is full of rendered

fight this war

because the street is full of rendered
fight without truce
do not give your budge I'm asking
and when things are not going well
you fight

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