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For the preliminary data gathering done by the CMC group, we found out that

the College of Mass Communication have its own DRRM plan that is in the hands of
the admin office. But when we tried to request for a copy, the office said that the
one whos keeping it was out for that day. But having a DRRM plan, it makes sense
why the college have evacuation plans, fire exits and posts regarding instructions
for evacuation around its premises and inside the buildings. This is a good sign that
the college is mindful of its DRRM responsibilities. Also, the college have fire
extinguishers that are updated, visible and of easy access. The only problem is that
there is only a small number of students, faculty members and personnel that are
aware of such DRRM plan and only few of them are trained and oriented on what to
do during a disaster. Also according to a member of the CMC Student Council, the
initiative for a comprehensive DRRM plan between the admin and the student body
was just started last year and there is still no concrete plan for this as of the

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