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Free Pattern

Free Pattern To Print

The following is a free pattern for you provided by us at Mary Maxim.

Baby Doll Outfit and Blanket

Fits 12 inch Baby Doll.
Materials: Of Mary Maxim Dk/Sportweight Yarn, 50 gm (133 yd) ball allow:
Main Color (White) 3 Balls
Contrast Color (Pink) 2 Balls
One pair needles size 4.00 mm (Canadian size 8, American size 6)
One pair needles size 6.50 mm (Canadian size 3, American size 10 1/2)
One crochet hook size 3.50 mm (Canadian size 9, American, size E-4)
Gauge or Tension: 22 sts and 28 rows to 4 in. [10 cm], measured over
Stocking stitch using suggested smaller needles or any size needles
which will give the correct stitch gauge or tension.

Free Pattern

Please follow washing and drying instructions printed on the yarn label.
Reproduction of this pattern in any form (including photostat) is protected by copyright.
Any infringement will lead to prosecution.

Abbreviations: MC, Main Color; CC, Contrast Color; k, knit; p, purl; st,
stitch; sts, stitches; beg, begin or beginning; dec, decrease or decreasing;
inc, increase or increasing; in., inches; yds, yards; gm, gram; cm,
centimeters; mm, millimeter; rem, remain or remaining; rep, repeat; tbl,
through back of loop; yo, yarn over needle; tog, together; sl, slip; psso,
pass slipped stitch over knit stitch; RS, right side; sc, single crochet; ch,
Lace pattern:
Row 1: (RS)K 1, *yo, k3, sl 1, k2tog, psso, k3, yo, k1; rep from * to end.
Row 2 and every alternate row: Purl.
Row 3: P1, *k1, yo, k2, sl 1, k2tog, psso, k2, yo, k1, p1; rep from * to end.
Row 5: P1, *k2, yo, k1, sl 1, k2tog, psso, k1, yo, k2, p1; rep from * to end.
Row 7: P1, *k3, yo, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yo, k3, p1; rep from * to end.
Row 8: Purl.
Repeat these 8 rows for pattern.
Afghan: Using larger needles and CC yarn, cast on 53 sts. Knit 4 rows.
Now rep Rows 1 through 8 of Lace pattern, keeping the first and last st in
Garter st-every row k, eight times. Work Row 1 once more. Knit 2 rows.
Cast off knitwise.
Optional: using 2 strands of MC tog, cut 10 in. [25.5 cm] lengths. Working
in the point of the V created by the yos, tie a length into a bow. Trim to
neaten. Place bows where desired.
Bonnet: Using smaller needles and MC yarn, cast on 47 sts. Knit 2 rows.
Repeat Rows 1 through 8 of Lace Pattern once and at the same time,
keep the first 3 sts and last 3 sts in Garter st - every row k. Place these sts
on a spare needle for the moment. Do not break yarn.
Trim: Using smaller needles and CC yarn, cast on 47 sts and k 2 rows.
Now holding trim to the front of Lace Pattern sts and using MC yarn, knit
the 2 pieces tog by *taking one st from trim needle and one st from Lace

Free Pattern

Pattern and k2tog; rep from * until all sts have been worked.
Next Row: Using MC yarn, knit.
Now continue in MC yarn and St st only - one row k, one row p, until 12
rows have been completed.
Next Row: (RS) Cast off first 15 sts, k 16, cast off rem 15 sts. Break yarn.
With wrong side facing, rejoin MC yarn to center 17 sts and continue as
Next Row: K2, p to last 2 sts, k2.
Next Row: Knit.
Repeat these last 2 rows nine times more - 20 rows.
Knit 3 rows. Cast off knitwise.
To Complete: Tack each corner of center sts to beg of cast off sts on each
side of bonnet.
Leave back seams open.
Ties: Using Cc yarn, measure off two 1 1/2 yd lengths.
Fold one length in half. Twist length until it begins to kink up, then fold in
half again. Release one end and allow the two halves to twist together.
Sew one end in place on one side of bonnet at base of trim. Knot the other
end at desired length and trim to neaten.
Repeat for rem tie.
Dress: Using smaller needles and MC yarn, cast on 91 sts. Knit 2 rows.
Repeat Rows 1 through 8 of Lace pattern once. Leave these sts on a spare
needle for the moment. Do Not Break Yarn.
Trim: Using smaller needles and Cc yarn, cast on 91 sts. Knit 2 rows.
Now holding trim to the front of Lace Pattern sts and using MC yarn, knit
the 2 pieces tog by *taking one st from trim needle and one st from Lace
pattern and k2tog; rep from * until all sts have been worked.
Next Row: Using MC yarn, knit.
Continue in MC yarn only in pattern as follows:
Row 1: (RS) K4, yo, sl 1, k2tog, psso, *yo, k3, p1, k3, yo, sl 1, k2tog, psso;
rep from * to last 4 sts, yo, k4.
Next Row: Purl.
Repeat these 2 rows 14 times more - 30 rows.
Next Row: (dec row) K4, sl 1, k2tog, psso, *k7, sl 1, k2tog, psso; rep from *
to last 4 sts, k 4 - 73 sts.
Next Row: Purl.
Next Row: K3, sl 1, k2tog, psso, *k5, sl 1, k2tog, psso; rep from * to last 3
sts, k3 - 55 sts.
Next Row: Purl.

Free Pattern

Next Row: K3, sl 1, k1, psso, *k4, sl 1, k1, psso; rep from * to last 2 sts, k2 46 sts.
Next Row: Knit.
Left Back: Next Row: K9, k2tog (armhole edge), turn, leaving rem sts on
spare needle. Continue in St st, dec one st at armhole edge on every
alternate row following until 8 sts rem, ending after a p row.
To Shape Back Neck: Next Row: Cast off first 4 sts, k to end.
Next Row: K2tog, k2.
Next Row: Purl.
Cast off.
Front: Using MC yarn and with right side facing, rejoin yarn to rem sts and
work as follows: K2tog, k20, k2tog tbl, turn - 22 sts.
Leave rem 11 sts for Right Back.
Next Row: Purl, dec 4 sts evenly across - 18 sts.
Now continue in St st, dec one st at each end of next row, then every
alternate row following until 14 sts rem. Work 3 rows even in St st.
To Shape Neck: Next Row: K5, slip center 4 sts on st holder, join another
piece of MC yarn to rem 5 sts and k to end.
Now working both sides at the same time, purl one row. Dec one st at each
neck edge on next row, then following alternate row - 3 sts rem for each
shoulder. Work 2 rows even. Cast off each shoulder.
Right Back: Using MC yarn and with right side facing, rejoin yarn to rem
11 sts and work as follows: K2tog, k9. Now dec one st at armhole edge on
every alternate row following until 8 sts rem.
To Shape Neck: Next Row: Cast off first 4 sts, p to end.
Next Row: K2, k2tog - 3 sts rem.
Next Row: Purl. Cast off.
Sew both shoulder seams.
Sleeves: Using smaller needles and MC yarn, cast on 23 sts. Change to
CC yarn and knit 2 rows. Change to MC yarn and beg with a k row, work in
St st, inc one st at each end of the 3rd row, then every alternate row
following until there are 29 sts on the needle. Cast off loosely purlwise.
Neckband:Using smaller needles and MC yarn, with right side facing, pick
up and k 32 sts evenly around neck edge. Knit one row.
Change to CC yarn and knit one row, then cast off loosely knitwise.
Back Bands: Using smaller needles and MC yarn, with right side facing,
pick up and k 48 sts evenly along edge of Left Back. Knit 4 rows. Cast off

Free Pattern

Repeat on Right Back.
To fasten the dress, use either velcro, hook and eye or snaps, which ever
is desired, sew in place evenly spaced along Back Bands.
To Complete: Fold sleeves in half lengthwise and pin a fold to each
shoulder seam. Sew sleeves in place easing to fit armholes. Sew sleeve
seams. Sew desired closures in place along Back Bands.
Diaper: Front: Using smaller needles and MC yarn, cast on 22 sts. Knit 2
Now beg with a k row, work in St st for 4 rows.
Next Row: Knit, dec 8 sts evenly across - 14 sts.
Next Row: Purl.
Now dec one st at each end of needle on next and every alternate row
following until 4 sts rem. Work 4 rows even.
Back: Now inc one st at each end of needle on every row following until
there are 14 sts.
Purl one row.
Next Row: K1, inc one st in next st, k to last 2 sts, inc one st in next st, k 1 16 sts.
Purl one row.
Next Row: K1, inc one st in next st, k 4, inc one st in next st, k2, inc one st
in next st, k 4, inc one st in next st, k1 - 20 sts.
Purl one row.
Next Row: K1, inc one st in next st, k 6, inc one st in next st, k2, inc one st
in next st, k6, inc one st in next st, k1 - 24 sts.
Purl one row.
Next Row: K 1, inc one st in next st, k8, inc one st in next st, k2, inc one st
in next st, k8, inc one st in next st, k1 - 28 sts.
Purl one row.
Next Row: K1, inc one st in next st, k10, inc one st in next st, k2, inc one st
in next st, k10, inc one st in next st, k1 - 32 sts.
Work 4 rows even.
Knit 2 rows. Cast off knitwise.
Sew one half of velcro on wrong side at each corner on front of diaper and
sew rem half of velcro on right side at each corner on back of diaper.
If desired, using pink yarn, backstitch a small heart on one side of the back.
Crocheted Trim: (Illustrations are provided on how to work a sc and a sl
Worked along each side edge only.
Using crochet hook and MC yarn, with right side facing, join yarn in any

Free Pattern

corner with a sl st, ch 2, sl st in same st as join, *skip next st, sc in next st,
ch 2, sl st in same st as sc; rep from * across. Break yarn and fasten off.
Repeat on rem side edge.
Copyright by Mary Maxim.

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