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Personal Blessing Ritual

Space Clearing:
(N): Lift crystal as you state: By the power of Earth that I bear, I hereby ground
this space.
(E): Lift athame as you state: By the power of Air that I wield, I hereby focus this
(S): Lift wand as you state: By the power of Fire that I wield, I hereby intention this
(W): Lift chalice as you state: By the power of Water that I bear, I hereby purify
this space.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Circle Casting: Four participants will call a circle using elemental energy.
(N): Lift the crystal as you state: I bring around the power of Earth to weave a
sacred circle. Sound a bell.
(E): Lift athame as you state. I bring around the power of Air to weave a sacred
circle. Sound a bell.
(S): Lift the wand as you state: I bring around the power of Fire to weave a sacred
circle. Sound a bell.
(W): Lift the chalice as you state: I bring around the power of Water to weave a
sacred circle.
Participants conducting the circle casting should use visualization to help move the
energy around in a complete circle, feeling the element they command as
interacting and combining with the other elements to form a solid circle.
Calling the Watchtowers: Calling the Watchtowers is done traditionally when you
would like a ritual to be recorded and observed on the astral plane, also when you
want to have extra protection and would like the circle to be removed from time
and space to ensure that it is not adversely affected by the current astrological

environment (i.e. full moon or solstice/equinox rituals that cannot practically be

observed on the date that they occur)
Face outward toward the direction you are addressing and state:
(N): Watchtowers of the North, Guardians of Earth, I as holder of this quarter,
hereby ask and request you to come and form your walls of Earth to create a circle
outside of space and time and protected by you. So mote it be.

(E): Watchtowers of the East, Guardians of Air, I as holder of this quarter, hereby
ask and request you to come and form your columns of Air to create a circle outside
of space and time and protected by you. So mote it be.

(S): Watchtowers of the South, Guardians of Fire, I as holder of this quarter, hereby
ask and request you to come and form your pillars of Fire to create a circle outside
of space and time and protected by you. So mote it be.

(W): Watchtowers of the West, Guardians of Water, I as holder of this quarter,

hereby ask and request you to come and bring your waves of Water to create a
circle outside of space and time and protected by you. So mote it be.
(Priestess): I invite you to lift up your hands and take a moment to connect with
the Gods of your path or the spirits of your ancestors. Draw strength and grace from
them. Begin to softly play the singing bowl.
Elemental Blessings:
(N): Takes charms out.
(E): Adds copal resin to a cup on the warmer.
(S): Lifts wand.
(W): Lifts chalice filled with Florida water.
ALL OFFICERS: We now invite all those who wish to receive a blessing from the
elements to come forward. We gain strength, prosperity, and joy by balancing each
of these elements within ourselves.
(N): Beckons participants to come close while stating: Earth gives us our
foundation in life. It holds the bones of the past and the blood of our ancestors. We
build anew, grow, and prosper with its blessing. Connect with Earth when you need

strength and stability in your life. Allows each participant to touch the tourmaline
for grounding, and gives each participant a charm.
(E): States: Air is swiftness of the mind, from keenest intellect to stray daydreams.
Air speaks wisdom to us in the voices of the wind and in moments of silence. It
sends us rich scents laden with memories and inspires new thoughts. Connect with
Air to focus your mind and bring clarity to your life. Hands each participant a bottle
of blessing oil.
(S): States: Fire is our passion and will! It is pure power and
illumination. Exciting and electric, Fire brings us the energy we
need to pursue our goals. Harness the essence of Fire to avoid
anger in your life and to accelerate your forward momentum.
Draws an invoking pentagram over the participants and their

(W): States: Water is a realm of emotion and beauty. In the depths of dreams and
our subconscious, mysteries are revealed to us. Water is the land of the dead, the
living mirror, and a portal to Spirit. Use the gifts of Water to release stagnant
emotions and to wash away the harmful and unneeded debris of your life. Uses a
flower head to anoint participants 3rd eye, palms, and back of the neck.
ALL OFFICERS: We ask you to now join us in a chant to charge these gifts for your
continued blessing:

"Air, Water, Fire, and Earth,

Holy Powers of death and birth."
Begin with a soft whisper and build to a loud stage whisper. Feel the energy rise as
the chant builds higher. When you feel that your energy contribution has reached
its apex begin to hum and hold your energy steady. When all participants are
humming, acting HP for the ritual will state aloud the chant one more in a final tone.
Let the energy that you have been building up release into the charm, now laden
with elemental energy.
(Priestess): Take a moment to connect with and thank the Gods and spirits of your
Watchtowers Closing Chant:

(W): Watchtowers of the West, Guardians of Water, we thank you for your
presence and protections this night and invite you to return to your realm with our
blessings and gratitude. So mote it be.
(S): Watchtowers of the South, Guardians of Fire, we thank you for your presence
and protections this night and invite you to return to your realm with our blessings
and gratitude. So mote it be.
(E): Watchtowers of the East, Guardians of Air, we thank you for your presence and
protections this night and invite you to return to your realm with our blessings and
gratitude. So mote it be.
(N): Watchtowers of the North, Guardians of Earth, we thank you for your presence
and protections this night and invite you to return to your realm with our blessings
and gratitude. So mote it be.
Circle Closing Chant:
(W): We are emotion and beauty in Water

Radiance and passion in Fire


Inspiration and grace in Air

(N): Formed and created in Earth

*End of Ritual*

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