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THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO (COUNCILMEMBER TODD GLORIA June 23, 2015 Gary Gallegos Executive Director SANDAG 401 B Street, Suite 800 San Diego, CA 92101 Dear Mr. Gallegos, Thank you for allowing your staff to present an update on the State Route 94 Express Lanes Project to the City of San Diego Environment Committee on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 My constituents have made it clear that they do not support the project as presented and believe it will negatively impact the neighborhoods of Golden Hill and Sherman Heights. The proposed project would result in increased Vehicle Miles Traveled through the 94 corridor, which would make it increasingly difficult to achieve the City of San Diego Climate Action Plan mode-share and greenhouse gas emission reduction goals. We need to build on the investments we have made in our Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines, including the Centerline stations and South Bay BRT. Moving forward with a project that does not serve the communities along the 94 with transit is a lost opportunity. Because of this, | am advocating that you analyze in the Draft EIR a BRT stop to serve the communities of Golden Hill and Sherman Heights. 1 also ask that SANDAG and Caltrans accelerate the environmental review of the SR-15 to SR-94 ‘connector. Waiting until 2035 for a northbound connection is too long. While this would be a substantial additional investment, analyzing this now as a separate project as it impacts the 94 is a crucial step to create a cohesive transportation network that prioritizes transit. A lot of hard work, resources, and community input have been dedicated to the environmental document for the 94 Expressway Project. | understand that the addition of a transit stop and environmental review of the SR-15 to SR-94 connector will require additional investment, but | am confident it will result in the robust transit system this community and this region should expect. While the additional study is being conducted, | understand that South Bay BRT will be moving forward. | would like to ask that during this time, SANDAG and Caltrans conduct a pilot program to study one of the community preferred alternatives and allow buses to use the shoulder. | continue to support making all impacted on/off ramps Complete Corridors by addressing bike and pedestrian infrastructure and would like to see a map identifying what is currently being proposed for pedestrian and bike improvements in the current 94 Expressway Project. Lastly, | would like to thank you for securing the funding for a Working Group to study the potential of a Cap Park along the 94. Regardless of the outcome of the Express Lanes project, this study will allow the community to envision and provide input on what a park would look like to reconnect the communities. Sincerely, GLORIA Councilmember, Third District City of San Diego

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