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Exam I Study Guide -- Hist 3030 HC -- Spring 2015

Chapter 12
1) Chinese Goods and Afro-Eurasian Trade
2) The Diverse Entrept of Melaka
3) The Fall of Constantinople
**4) Portuguese Maritime and Military Advances
5) Sugar and Slave Labor: the Beginnings
6) The Cartaz System and Trade in the Indian Ocean
7) Columbus Defining the Indians
8) Doa Marina: a Gift to Cortes
9) Incan Succession Problems
10) Spanish Conquests and Ecological Imperialism
11) The Spanish Armada
12) Luther & Salvation
13) Ignatius Loyola
14) The Edict of Nantes
15) Akbar, the Great Mughal, and Religious Pluralism
16) Ming Prosperity and Its Critics
**17) The Conquest of Manila
Chapter 13
1) The Cost of Europeans Sweet Tooth
2) Relations with Native Americans: the English vs. the
**3) Forms of Resistance to Caribbean Slavery
4) Capturing and Shipping Slaves
5) The Slave Trade and Power Shifts in Africa
6) The Dutch East India Co., or VOC
7) The Siege of Vienna, 1683
8) The Weakening Center of the Mughal Empire
9) Fall of the Ming Dynasty
10) Japanese Unification: The Shogun, the Daimyos, and the
**11) Russian Succession & Expansion: from Muscovy to the
Romanov Dynasty
12) The Treaty of Westphalia
**13) Louis XIV, Absolutism, and Versailles
14) Thomas Hobbes and John Locke -- government through a
social contract

Chapter 14
1) Ottoman Learning
2) Shiism: Religion of Opposition, becomes Establishment
Religion in the Safavid Empire
3) The Taj Mahal
**4) Chinese Book Publishing & Social Change
5) Chinese Maps
6) Japanese Elite and Urban Culture: No, geisha, Kabuki &
the Floating World
7) Dutch Learning
8) The Enlightenments Expanding Reach
**10) Bacon and the Scientific Method
11) Locke and Smith on merit, status, and gender
12) West African wealth and cultural patronage
13) Spanish Missionaries and Indian Converts
**14) Gender and Authority in Colonial Virginia
15) Categorizing Humans by Race
Chapter 15
1) America Declares Independence
2) Anti-Federalists & the Bill of Rights
3) Louis XIV and French Government Debt
4) The Reign of Terror, 1793-4
5) The Code Napoleon
**6) Latin American Elites Hesitate to Declare Independence
7) Coffee, Clear-cutting, and Soil Depletion in Brazil
8) Mexicos Delayed Independence
9) Simn Bolvar

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