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Cleansing Rituals

For this type of ritual, I would clean/clear the ritual space. Then I would take a bath in
epsom salts with rosemary and lemon (either as oils or herb/fruit) for purification.
Following the bath, I would proceed to cast a simple circle, and light blue and green
candles. Then I would smudge myself intensely with white sage while saying: with this
purifying smoke may all negativity be removed, and may I be cleansed in body, mind
and spirit (repeated three times). After the thorough smudging, I would anoint myself
with rosemary oil to further aid in the purification. After giving thanks to Spirit, I then
close the circle.
Friend Cleansing
Again I would begin with cleaning and clearing the ritual space, casting a circle, lighting
green candles. My friend would be in the center of the circle, and I would begin by
drumming on/over him/her (a sound vibration cleansing). I would also smudge him/her
with sage and have her/him visualize being bathed in white light and use a black
tourmaline to wave over her/him for further cleansing/purification. Finally I would
asperge her/him with blessed water, and close the circle.
House Cleansing
As a preparation, I would do a floor wash with rosemary, lavendar, and basil herbs. After
grounding myself, and inviting the elements for help, to begin with, I would ceremonially
sweep the house with a broom in every corner and then place sage herbs and salt
there, followed by thorough smudging of every room in the house. With this smoke, I
banish any negativity and unwelcome spirits from this dwelling (repeating three times).
I would then repeat the smudging on the outside of the house, along with sprinkling
blessed water around it. After the cleaning and smudging, I would light sandalwood
incense and play flute music to bring harmonious energy into the home. Ideally, I would
do this on the new moon.

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