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Cut Nyak Dien STIKes Langsa

Keperawat Science Program

Thesis , April 2014

Effect of Environmental Against Pain and Sleep Quality In Patients Post Sectio
Caesarea In Space Rawat nipas General Hospital Langsa 2014
( Xiiv Home Page + 11 + 53 + 6 Appendix table )

Sleep is a basic necessity that is needed by everyone . To be able to function optimally
, then everyone needs adequate sleep . Every human being is no exception as well in people
who are suffering from pain , they also require adequate sleep , those patients with post
partum sectio Caesarea needs sleep problems are very important for not only the recovery of
the patient's body but for memaksimakan patient care and treatment in infants in hospital .
Hospital care activities such as early mobilization , breast care , breast feeding the baby .
Early mobilization is important in the postoperative period . This study aims to determine the
Environmental Effects of Pain and fulfillment terhdapa Rest ( Sleeping ) at the Outpatient
General Hospital nipas Langsa . This type of research is Analytical cross-sectional correlation
with desaign . The population in this study were all mothers who experience post sectio
Caesaria at District General Hospital with a sample Langsa ie 43 people . From the results of
this study showed that of 43 mothers experienced impaired sleep quality by 25 Mothers ( 58.2
% ) , based on the results of Chi - Square is done there is a relationship between the obtained
Pain with sleep quality in women with post sectio Caesaria ( P = 0.003 ) were berarati Ho is
rejected , and there is also a relationship between the environment and the quality of sleep ( P
= 0.016 ) Ho is rejected . So it can be concluded that there is a relationship between pain and
the patient's perceived environment sectio post Caesaria on the fulfillment of rest ( sleep ) in
the inpatient unit nipas Regional General Hospital Langsa 2014 .
Keywords : sleep quality
References : 9 books ( 2004-2012 ) 10 + Internet ( 2009-2014)

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