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6 Structure of DNA and RNA

Essential Idea: The structure of DNA allows efficient storage of genetic
(Nature of Science: Using models as representation of the real world Crick and Watson
used model making to discover the structure of DNA.)
Structure of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid)

nucleic acids are polymers composed of monomers known as nucleotides

main functions of nucleotides information storage (DNA), protein synthesis (RNA),
energy transfers (ATP & NAD)
nucleotides consist of:
- a sugar (ribose for RNA and deoxyribose for DNA)
- a nitrogenous base two types purines adenine & guanine
(double ring)
- pyrimidines cytosine, thymine & uracil (one
- a phosphate (PO4 3-)

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): - physical carrier of inheritance for 99% of living

- basic structure of nucleotide in DNA:
- 4 bases present in DNA:
- cytosine, guanine, adenine, thymine

- basic structure of DNA:

- polynucleotide (polymer) formed when many of these nucleotides joined together
- covalent bond formed between carbon on sugar of one nucleotide and phosphate
group of another
- phosphate group forms a bridge between C3 of one sugar and C5 of another
- bonding pattern forms sugar phosphate backbone for the polynucleotide chain
with bases facing
same direction (into centre)
- has direction unbonded sugar end is known as 5
- free sugar end available for bonding is 3
- in order to form double helix, hydrogen bonds form between complementary base

- adenine always bonds with thymine (& vice versa) forms 2 hydrogen
bonds (A=T)
- cytosine always bonds to guanine forms 3 hydrogen bonds (CG)

- diagram above is not helical in shape, but shows bonding between bases in centre of
- 2 strands (chains) of nucleotides run anti-parallel one strand goes in one direction
(3 to 5)
- other runs in opposite direction (5 to 3)
- helical structure of DNA discovered by Watson & Crick (1953) based their work on
findings of others
- won Nobel prize for their discovery
- helix held together by H bonding between bases in centre about 2 nm apart
form rungs of ladder

- basic structure of RNA:

- uses ribose sugar
- 4 bases cytosine, guanine, adenine and uracil
- single polypeptide chain

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