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~—SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA ‘COUNTY OF TULARE. | Gillespie, Courtney, ‘Jud, Offeor Loyd LHleks PlaittPevtoner, Clerk” Suzanne Glenn Bait. Tim Saterfeld vs cor ‘Tarnmy Warren | | Hoffman, Nickas, | 7° DetendanuRespondent Interpreter. Language: inuies O8C Wearing ‘Case No. VOURSTERT Civil Harassment | Department 10 Date: May 27, 2010, | Related Cases: ‘Appearances: No appearances GD Pety Gaurney & Melondy Gitesnie C} Atorney) @ Paty NewesHotman CD attney. Gomer 1 atorney Clettoner ‘C1 Respondent ct present] No prootof senice DIN response fied Ci Respone to be fies no ater than 5 days porta hearing Comat placed ot calendar C)Resssuance granted] Temporary overs extended Pais refered to Fay Cout Services fr Mesation (CMa resotved / unresolved in mediation CiMmatiercontinedto —/ } at am. Dept for CiPetiones 3 Respondent swomn and testified, ClPetion rented os prayed for. C] Petition dene. Mutual Restraining Orders granted (1 Tre ower of custody ae Vistatn ed is date is deemed the order of he court (Room 201s rected o provide copy ofthe minute order and rd to Tulare County Probation Deparment FI OTHER ORDERS: Panes are to stay a far a reasonably posi from each eer on propery Oo Protibtes Persons Notice Form and Power of Atomey Declaration for Fkearms Transfer and Disposal — Section 12021(6)2) handed to restrained person

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