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Batman and Robin Dodge Ball

Date: 5/26/15

Teacher: Terri Conway

School: MSU Elementary

Class: KIN 355

Equipment Used: dodge balls, two hula-hoops,
Grade Level: 3 Grade
open space.
Time: 10:20am
Targeted NASPE Standard(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Specific Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify the
importance of teamwork and working towards a common goal. Examples: Having
to protect batman, having to strategize to get the other persons batman.
Concomitant Objective: Students will remain consistently active be able to listen to
cues and directions.
Procedures Followed
Warm Up: None.





Transition: I need everyone to walk to and put their

toes on the green line
Set Induction:
-Toes on the green line
-Ask Who here likes batman? Hes pretty cool right?
What does batman do? He saves people right! What
about Robin? Who is he? He is Batmans sidekick, kinda
makes sure nothing happens to Batman right?
-Well we are going to play a game today where we are
going to have 1 Batman, and everyone is going to have
to be the Robins!
Learnable Piece:
-You will be learning about teamwork today.
-What makes a good team member?
-Examples: Following directions, being kind to your
teammates, remains focused, communicates, respectful.
-Great examples! Now your goal during the game is to
use at least two of these while you play.
Presentation of New Material/Directions:
-Explain that to start, the dodge balls are lined up in the
middle, and each team is lined up on their side.
-When the game starts, everyone tries to grab a ball and
throws it at the other team. You have to take it to the back
line, before you can start throwing.
-If you are hit, then you sit down right where you are hit.
-Each team picks a batman. The batman stands in the

-When the batman is in the hula-hoop, batman is safe

from being hit with a ball. If he or she leaves the hoop,
they are fair game.
-When someone is hit by a ball and sits down, they can
get back into the game by having batman come tag them.
-The goal of the game is to either hit the teams batman
with a ball, or have all the players on the team sitting
-If you catch a ball someone throws at you? They are out.
-Where to throw: Cannot hit person in head, if you hit
someone in the head you have to sit down.
-Be careful of the people sitting, cant run into them.
-Tagging: Safe tagging, a slight tap on the arm.
Check for Understanding:
-When is batman safe? In the hoop.
-How can a person get back into the game? Batman tags
-How does a team win? By hitting the batman or all the
team members are sitting down.
Number off the students by 2s and have them walk to
their side of the court, and line up with their toes on the
green line. As you walk, think about the ways your team
can work together to protect batman.
-When the kids are on the line (thank them for walking
and following directions).
-Pick a batman, the rest of the students are all Robins.
-Anyone know what the first batman movie is called?
Batman begins! So when I shout begin, thats when the
round will start!

-Students quietly return to the green line when the game

is over.

-2 Hulahoops
-Dodge balls

Possible Modifications:
-Depending on the length of each round depends on how
many are played.
-Changing up batman each round.
-Switch up teams if one team is constantly winning.
Lesson Review:
Seconds -Would you say that you guys had to use teamwork in
that game? How so?
-What were some strategies as teammates did you use
to help batman?
-Out of our examples, what kind of teamwork did you use


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