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What do you mean you cant tuna fish?

Just adjust its scales!

Some musicians can be sharp,

which is not natural.

The pianist led an upright life, but it wasnt grand.

No matter how I tried to spinet,
I couldnt console him!

If you cant find anyone to sing with you,

you have to duet yourself.

Cryptographers make terrible drummers.

They just sit there, fascinated
by all the cymbals.

I only listen to waltzes 3/4 of the time.

Whats Mozart doing right now?


Why couldnt Beethoven find his teacher?

He was Haydn.

An E-flat, a G-flat, and a B-flat walked

into a bar. The bartender said
Im sorry, we dont serve minors.

Did you hear about the orchestra

conductor that threw tempo tantrums?

Whats a I chords favorite beverage?


Dont date a piano technician,

he will just string you along.



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