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Level 1

Mara Luz Lpez

Student: Donis Gapar Ceto Prez


1. vocabulary. Point and name the occupations of the people.

She's a pilot.
She's a doctor.
She's a lawyer.

They're flight attendants.

They're musician.

He's a architect.
He's a lawyer.
He's a manager.

2. Grammar. Ask and answer questions about the people

A: Is she a nurse?
B: No, she is not .
B: she is a doctor.
A: Is he a engineer?
B: No, he is not.
B: he is architect.
A: Is he a lawyer?
B: yes, he is.
A: Is she a fliggt attendant?
B: No, she is a pilot.
A: Are they flight attendants.
B: Yes, they are.
A: Are they singers?
B: No, they are not
B: They are musicians

3. Social Language. Create conversations for the people.

A: Hello, I'm Marge.
B: Hello, Marge. I'm Mike.
A: Nice to meet you, Mike.
B: Nice to meet you, too.
B: you are doctor?
A: yes, i'm
A:No problema.

A: Hello, Maria.
B: Hello, Donis.
A: How are you.
B: I'm fine, thanks. And you?
A: I'm Fine.
A: Good bye, Maria.
B: Good bye, Donis.
A: See you tomorrow.
B: Ok. see you.

A: Hello, I'm Vanesa.
B: Hello, Vanesa. I'm Mike.
A: Nice to meet you, Mike.
B: Nice to meet you, too.
B: you are pilot?
A: yes, i'm
B: Are they flight attendants?
A:Yes, Are they.
B: See you tomorow
A: See you.

Hello, Sandra.
Hello, Gaspar.
How are you.
fine, thanks. And you?
I'm fine .
What do you do?
I'm a lawyer. And you
I'm a banker.
very good
see you tomorrow.
Ok. see you.

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