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Si yo tuviera super poderes ,yo podria ayudar a la gente del mundo

y desearia cambiar el mundo donde no exista la maldad. tambien

yo podria soplar como superman yo podria destruir la ciudad. y si
yo volara yo podria viajar por todo el planeta y espacio para mirar
las estrellas de cerca.a mi me gustaria ganar la amistad y el
respeto de las personas,si yo f uera una persona buena yo podria
ser diferente. A mi gustaria que tu fueras una mejor persona y
cambiaras para ayudar al mundo.para que esto pase yo desearia
que yo soara para cumplir mis deseos.a mi me gustaria que tu
sintieras lo mismo que yo.

If I had super powers, I could help the people of the world and
would wish to change the world where there is not evilness also I
could blow like superman I could destroy the city and if I flew I
could travel by all of the planet and space to look at the stars of
cerca.a I would like me winning friendship and the respect of the
people, if I f uera a good person I could be different. He would be
desirable to me that your be a better person and change to help
the mundo.para that this passes I would wish that I dream my
deseos.a to do my job I would like me than your feel the same as I.

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