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Book Review

Unintended Consequences by Peter W. Galbraith

The impact of the war in Iraq is reviewed in detail from a different perspective. The
author maintains; that in attempting to increase the security of the United States, win the
war on terrorism and bring democracy to the Middle East, the US has actually
accomplished none of those goals, but actually opened the doors for Iran and North
Korea to become stronger nuclear advocates, creating an unstable political situation in
Iraq and incurred the ire of Turkey while further damaging the already tarnished prestige
of the United States.

The author with a wide experience in the Middle East sees it as a turbulent and difficult
area and is opposed to the creation of the Sunni militia and the direction being taken to
resolve the impending civil war that may result when we and NATO withdraw form the

The war toppled eighty years of Baathist/ Sunni rule and encouraged the Kurds and
Shiites to seek greater power and control. The three major groups are involved in a
power struggle for their country. In addition, the Shiites are the preponderant group
running Iran and the strong Kurds position creates disturbing rumbles in Turkey, once our
strong ally. Pakistan is claimed to be solely responsible for the proliferation of nuclear
capabilities but no sanctions have been instigated against them.

We have an area contested by Al Qaeda rebels and Talban guerrillas, which in addition,
is fractionated by multiple religious, tribal and political forces. The author describes in
detail what he perceives is going on and emphasizes the fact that the United States and its
leaders are poorly informed or just not paying attention to the complex major issues in
the Middle Eastern countries. We are not untangling ourselves so much as kicking up
additional resentments thus deepening our involvement.

Galbraith, Peter W. Unintended Consequences Simon & Schuster: New York, 2008.
203 pages.

Rating: 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Type: Political History

February 16, 2010

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