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King of the Martyrs!

By: M.S. Tajar/ Muharram 2011

Hosain is my Imam
My Imam is Hosain
He is the master of the free!...
This is my Iman
This is my belief
Let it be! Let it be!...

If you follow Yazid

Or other oppressors
Thats your problem
I never wanted to be!...
We do have choice, you know
We can be a slave
Or we can also be free
Lets ask the wise men
That is the question:
To be or not to be!...
To some its a mystery
To others, reality
Depending on views
It could even be tragedy
To me, its true faith
Its deep inside my heart
No matter what they say:
Its just the sincerity!...
Hosain is my Imam
My Imam is Hosain!
He is the master of the free!
This is my Iman
This is my belief
Let it be! Let it be!...

"The Great Sacrifice"/ Dibhon Adhiim.../ H.Q. 37:107.

Also Dr. Mohammad Iqbal,(1877-1938) The National Poet of Pakistan"The Poet of the East Poem on Imam Al-Hosain ).

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