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The origins of yoga exercise are a matter of discussion.

[64] There is no agreement on its chronology or

specific source apart from that yoga developed in ancient India. Recommended origins are definitely the
Indus Valley Civilisation (3300-1900 BCE)[65] and pre-Vedic northern-eastern India (Bihar place),[66] the
Vedic civilisation (1500-500 BCE), as well as the sramana-movements (starting up ca. According to Gavin
Flood, continuities may exist between those various traditions, 500 BCE).[67]: [68] Power Yoga
[T]his dichotomization is too simplistic, for continuities can certainly be discovered between
renunciation and vedic Brahmanism, whilst aspects from no-Brahmanical, Sramana practices also
performed an important part within the creation in the renunciate best.[68][notice 5]
Pre-philosophical speculations of yoga exercise set out to emerge inside the messages of c. 500-200 BCE.
Between 200 BCE-500 CE philosophical colleges of Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism had been getting
develop along with a coherent philosophical program of yoga exercise started to emerge.[70] The
Center Age groups discovered the development of several satellite customs of yoga exercises. Yoga
exercise got to the interest of your educated western public within the the middle of 19th century along
with other subject areas of Native indian approach.

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