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Fernando R. Castro, Ed. D., M.B.A.

607 Eaglewood Drive

Rexburg, Idaho 83440
Telephone: 208.356.3018

June 26, 2015

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter of recommendation at the request of Mr. Daniel S. Cushman. My initial contact
with Mr. Cushman occurred in the summer of 2011 while I presided over the California Ventura
Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. At the time, Mr. Cushman was one of
approximately 180 full-time missionaries in the mission. He completed honorably his two-year
missionary service in October 2012. He was well known and appreciated by fellow missionaries and
others at Church and the community for his service to friends and neighbors. As his ecclesiastical
leader, I appreciated his high work ethic and ability to work well and get along with others.
During my tenure as his mission president, Mr. Cushman was entrusted with assignments of leadership
and responsibility such as District Leader and Zone Leader. These assignments entailed assisting with
administrative and training responsibilities as well as looking after the welfare of about 20 other
missionaries. In this setting, I was impressed by his ability to understand his assignments quickly,
develop and implement solutions to problems, and work well as both a team member and leader.
Mr. Cushman is an excellent teacher and trainer. His communication skills, both written and verbal, are
exceptional. As a missionary leader he demonstrated to be organized, adaptable and competent. After
his missionary service he quickly turned attention to continuing his education and is currently on track
to complete his university studies and receive a Bachelor of Science degree in communication from
Brigham Young University-Idaho in April 2016. He is a person of future promise and with potential to
I recommend Mr. Cushman to you in the strongest terms. I am extremely pleased he has plans to further
his academic training in strategic communication and pursue a career in public relations. He is an avid
learner and passionate about finding innovative ways to communicate relevant information correctly, clearly,
precisely and persuasively. I am confident that he will use his experience and knowledge in practical ways
to assist others and in the long run make the world a much better place.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours very truly,

Fernando R. Castro

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